
Friday, July 15, 2016

DAILY RECAP 7/16/16 STUDENT LOAN DEBT INCLUDES SCAMS? President Obama Born In Topeka KS, son of Jim T Parks

Two Plead Guilty to Student Loan Fraud Scheme Targeting NVCC | USAO-EDVA | Department of Justice    This is a link to just one kind of scam that is more blatant than some I have witnessed.

          Years ago   became aware of a kind of Student Loan scam that is much more difficult to prove and in some ways much more insidious to those who were giving up a chance for education and training for a quick buck.  

        I spoke to a witness more recently that had seem the same thing occur in more recent years.

And how much of that figure of total debt owed is due to these scams that have gone on for decades now and perfected in ways by those doing 'community organizing' in low  income areas is really unknown to the total .

                The Student loan program is one of the greatest opportunities for the poor  to have a chance to get education and training and raise themselves from generations of poverty in this nation. It was also passed at a time that minorities especially blacks and others  were now being given equal access to higher education at greater numbers than ever before due to civil rights laws, And the average student of any race or group is not always going to be able to get scholarships. and a full pay ride through college or an even higher professional career. Even thought with the education , they may do better than one who got a scholarship, as the future is often our free will to do with as we choose,,, Grades in high school or a test score does not always indicate what one will do with the opportunity of education...  we are complex and our choices are also complex in a very complex world.

      I just wish that Congress who originally passed  the law had ha the foresight to allow some way for those who got student loans to be able to work them off in more ways than ever was permitted. Like teachers teaching those with extra help needs during summer time or Saturdays, or medical professionals helping out at a VA hospital a couple of week ends a month etc.

         Even with saddled debt and years of making payments, etc. it still has been a great opportunity for many in this nation. Even thought Lynn Blodgett et al the hired hand of the international cabal running this nation with no accountability since the COUP OF 2002 means we may not be getting real data and facts and many have complained and even tried to sue for rules and regulations not being followed . and loans being sold and resold and another murky maze of what is really going on and in this maze the scheme I started out to share about is never really detected and stopped is what is being shared with me even after years of a certain abuse occurring that is apparently still going on .

    But with no real government running another program the 'official government nor congress may not really know the whole facts. ' and more laws and regulations passed that seem good but based on flawed data.   and some that are 'organizing this scheme ' should be subject to some kind of arrests for putting this together, especially if they are ones inside educational institutions  approving paperwork that they knowingly know is part of the scheme.  that is a little different than the one in the charges linked in the press release from the United States Department of Justice which is pure identity theft used to gain some kind of taxpayer funded programs .

         Nearly thirty years ago, I had decided to gain new computer skills to build on what I already had sitting at one at work, etc. .  A new generation of systems was  coming and a new era and Social Security was already beginning to offer early out if one had 25 years of employment with the US government at any age, so I was looking to be prepared to start a new career of some sort in my mid 40's and go out if my career did not lead me to higher promotions.  SSA had begun to contract out systems as had the whole government so the A I had received on an aptitude test to apply to be trained in house at SSA and be one for the agency I had worked for since 6/68 out of college was not longer and option.

       I had no idea when I began , I would be injured for life and  such a career was not ever going to be an option. But I did find out something my first day at school.   I did the cheapest thing and just as good for the skills I was trying to gain and applied to the local community college.

My first course was a beginning writing course on the computer.  The older more less user friendly Word processing being just one part of the course, etc. one part of  A step up from the old word processor  of the former era that were cumbersome in themselves. and electronic typewriters which one now considers some kind of near antique.  There were some other things taught also , as to running a disk program  to know the grade level of a piece of writing, etc. It was more than just  a word processing course and a course very crucial to any one to catch up or learn what all the new generation of computers , which is now the old one, could do  and help. us. A good course , that the impoverished would have benefited by to get a hand up and not a hand out and they were allowing themselves to be exploited to permanent impoverishment if they were who they said they were? 
     I have had suspicions but no proof but common sense and years of government work inside and knowing how to detect fraud and stop it and do investigations, but not in the US Department of Education says any weakness in a system , means someone tempted to steal or do wrong may try to do so if they think they can get away with it.   Schools had an incentive to 'look the other way' even if no one was knowingly colluding with stolen ids, etc. and getting a kick back also. Especially public colleges  begging for budgets from state governments to keep in operation and pay salaries, etc.  
      In no way  am I implying your local community college or state college or university is engaged in this at all.  But as this press release indicates, some are still working the system illegally, but  can get caught and face charges.of innocent until proven guilty.

       But not something we did at work yet as our online computer skills were just looking up records, etc.  and we still used paper and pen and had those who typed things for us when a letter needed to be sent, etc. The automated letters came form the program centers where inputs we did ended with changes to real official records and they had the computer systems centralized that made the changes from our inputs to them .

           My first day of class, I came early and sat down at one of the computers and there were about 15 or 20 in the room and soon the whole room was filled with students standing in a room that soon was packed. I wondered if all of us would have to share these few computers and did not think that would be a great learning experience and asked our teacher.

       An aside to this is that our teacher was also teaching this very course at seminaries as a few week course to aid them. little did I know that my future was going to be in a seminary and not some computer lab somewhere. and when I did apply to seminary a few years later, this teacher wrote one of the letters of recommendation required.  


     We have free will, but there is also a purpose for each one of us and somehow we are eventually asked to go somewhere and we then must do whatever the situation faces us that needs to be done for the better or for the worse. At the time, I was already walking through bad choices made by others to do evil that were around me and eventually would affect me and others in close proximity.

   This is when our FREE WILL  does not allow us to make choices as evil choices are made by others and we get  caught in their evil doings and THAT IS NOT THE WILL OF A LOVING AND MERCIFUL DEITY  is my firm opinion.  and Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus must weep over the evils that still surround us in this earthly existence over a few that do such evil since they also have free will as its how we were created to be.


                          WHAT WAS THE SCHEME ORGANIZED?

     Poor would apply to go to the local community colleges where tuition was cheap and those student loans that could be gotten were large in comparison so thousands of dollars could be available for living costs , etc., that did not reduce ones other welfare, etc. as they are excluded from counting and should be for those who are legitimately going to school and getting training for a better job and way of life. etc.  
        So I asked my new teacher,  what was going on  and he said , they will not be here next class and soon after he began the class, took roll,  many 'disappeared.' 
      In many diverse places then and I am told even now, some would go through communities and help the poor sign up, and as long as they went to school one day and be counted as present, they got to keep the money and were their kick backs going on or a fee or helping with the paper work? I have heard rumors but it take professional law enforcers to know what is a scheme and what is just I signed up and I got sick or some other excuse and never attended another class not finished the course.    But the debts were never going to be paid ? whether just forgotten about or being in poverty already there are ways to ask  payments be put off to later.    
        And were  and all those signing up getting loans, really who they say they are? More stolen identities and maybe a few colluders in side a few school offices, WE HAVE NO WAY OF KNOWING SINCE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT HAS BEEN GIVEN NO BUDGET TO INVESTIGATE . 
       The ones charges in this case seem to be a pure identity theft case otherwise... And the access to some free money if its never intended to be repaid, means the total debt of the student loan programs and how many are in arrears my be skewed to some extent. We cannot not know and neither can Congress as they have given no budget to do any kind of real internal audit of Lynn Blodgett et al's companies since the COUP OF 2002. when Congress defunded any internal audits of, any criminal investigations of government contractors and then defunded the SEC from unraveling a maze of shell companies and illegal secret deal partnerships and then contracting our became whole mass exodus from more work of government being done by real government employee who are bound by strict laws and audit control and can and are arrested for criminal wrong doing.
    Most are decent honest hardworking neighbors of ours and the only issue is that over the years of increased contracting out, training to know their full job duties is not provided  in anticipation of he end of civil service and just let the international cabal run the world as they see fit,.
     Loss of freedoms, individual tights and sovereign right of nation states to do things as each wishes.  A system that goes against the very nature we were created with and creates THOUGHT ZOMBIES  AND SLAVES TO THE MASTER OF EVIL PERSONIFIED. A n entity which already holds that contract to gather our e mails and phone calls and do as they please with the info gathered as THE REAL GOVERNMENT IS NOT SNOOPING AND IF THEY DID AND MISUSED THE INFO THEY COULD BE ARRESTED AND PROSECUTED.  unlike those allowed to gather it all up now and put in one cyber cloud of the world OF OUR INFO AND OUR NATION STATES' INFO AND OFFICIAL DATA. NONE CAN ACCESS WITHOUT GOING THROUGH THE MAZE OF A BEAST SYSTEM THAT ONLY HAS TO GIVE BACK THE INFO THEY WISH OUR NAITON AND AND US OT KNOW and being unverifiable , may or may not be truth or factual and that is all congress can get to make laws, do over sight and keep this nation is increasing debt as huge amounts have been documented as being stolen and misused as in this scenarios ,even if not completely illegal to be prosecuted for if the students used their real names and ID and paid a few to help them with 'paper work".
     If an option to work off the student loan debt had been in the law to begin with , then even this packed room of students of one day , would have been asked to show up to do something and pick up trash or mop a floor if they had not learned the skills in that class  to sit at a computer and do some inputs and write a letter for some level of government entity that was short handed. .  Foresight can prevent burdensome debt, but another benefit could be reduced fraud, waste and abuse as it would mean no free pot of money to go get without some work , being done to repay it else wise.
                                           PERSONAL UPDATE.
ANTIBIOTICS HELPING AND FEELING BETTER.  but this is the kind of pain where one just has to not exert kick up the liquid oxygen level until it subsides. Only if it does not, is a hospital needed.
Its why home liquid oxygen is cheaper in the long run than constant emergency room visits which solves nothing on a 24/7 basis. 
Its been six months since I had to use antibiotics  as the cayenne pepper  and ginger tea I breathe and then drink  can head infection off, but this time it was just too severe as I had two medical appointments and less rest and fumes on the road, etc.  All relative the longer the exposure, etc.
  I call it an chemically induced asthma attack in the sinuses and that is not far off, I've been told of what occurs similar to what occurs in the lungs and does at the same time, but the pain is not as severe and although the attack is there , its does not show as such excruciating pain with rest.
    I share this as there are a conservative 11 million of us and some medical professionals think the numbers are larger of people like me in this nation, and ITS AN INVISIBLE DISABILITY . and when one has to avoid a lot of the common household chemicals  also used in cosmetics, and soaps, its not easy to go anywhere and not get exposed to some .. Some that most who have a intact mucous membrane  to protect them are not aware of .... or are them over time on a minute level....?  What is really safe for anyone in this world of chemicals we all live in and  have no control over much but ones own private home as to what is used and one is exposed to.? You have a right to live in your chemically stinky world, but I reserve the right to not always join you, and keep as well  as possible. and am grateful to my family who has to accommodate my disability and alter their own lifestyles due to it  
                               LOSS OF LIFE AND HEALTH
My prayers and condolences for those who lost loved ones in the attack in France yesterday.,  and the two from our neighboring state of Texas, How one can be brainwashed or possessed by evil to do such evil is incomprehensible to nearly every other human in this world. But THEY DO EXIST AMONG US AND WE HAVE TO BE ALERT, and have national policies that make common sense balanced with individual rights. and that is not easy to have those checks and balances when we have no 'real government ' in charge since the COUP OF 2002.
    We all have the right to religious freedom as long as it does not  do harm to society and murder is the ultimate harm and that faith perspective is not allowed to have the freedom to practice.  
Have a great week end and be happy and safe!
     Linda  Joy Adams 7/16/16



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