Linda Joy Adams: violations of civil rights page 29: Standing request to Lincare for services click the link for an update of events and no service to date from my being medicially abandoned by Lincare. I ask the question is i CNA Insurance doing this as one of their companies is a major one for medical supply companies. and insirer for Hartz Mountain where I was injrued and of the pendng law suit as well as another never settled. on a broken ankle at another place.
It appears the New Director of Medicare is easing some of the oxygen regulations, but the damage to the heart is still not included and the 2005 guidelines which were the best I had ever seen also seem to have disappeared as soon as HHS Sec Tommy Tompkins resigend in 2005 and and Direcctor McClellan resigned in 2006 with my file on his desk accordingnto his staff. Both of whom, I tjought were doing their job the best they could. .
Guess someone wanted the Death Panels to NOT cease already well under way in ths nation with many of the estimated 2 million left die in New York City post 9/11/01 from the toxic fires Who ;have injuries similar to mine for the toxic air that permeated all of Southern Manhattan Island. Not just the 9/11 first responsders got medicially abandoned with increasing obstructons of medical care but all of in the USA have gotten the brunt of this as rules get put in place and meds taken away and ozone is now good to breathe and all I've referredt o has occurred since then in a very real manner for the rest of us.
Many high level have said I was one of the legal precedent caes inthe nation on toxic and chemical exposrue. when my Federal workers compenastion clam was accepted. Not controverted and no appeals had to be made for acceptance.
So if I don't get care, they can't get it either? If I do, they all do?.And ACS now ACS-Xerox carries out the orders. to let all of us die? Some estimates are that there are as mony as 10 million or more suffering from these kinds of injures in the USA as one toxic disaster after another occurs and all the media does is report, Treated ad released from the hospital. They never follow up and find out if they are suferring from long term and progreggessive diseases?
Those who do not like Pes Obama and wnat to blame him for all the ills of the world, need to recogoize, much of this was well under way long before he ever even was in the US Senate. Now, what can he do for justice and life? What can we do to see it happens?
Unless Congress finds some real reason to kick him out of office; Emphasis needs to be on doing what is needed to make tihgs right and better for all. Even if one doesn't agree with all thinngs about the President he does hold the office.. Weneed to respict that to function as a nation, but criticize with suggestions.
Had a nice phone chat with Barbara this evening and lots of e maiils to and for from Carmen. So Facebook is a place one can find like minded folk,. Sorry, Geir for offering my opinion so bluntly. If we can still work together, for truth , than maybe World Peace can be achieved.
While wars and world peace hand in the balance all one hears about today is the New York Bridge. Thanks to former Mayor Guilniiaai whom I have disapproved of some of his actions or non actions over the years; for coming out adnd syaing this is common political strategy in the Tri-State area. I got caught i n truaffic shut down on I 05 in Philly going to church for a meeting to plna a service and got there an hour late and the fumes o the road exacerbated my asthma somehtng horrific. and was told it goes on all the time, No reason ever known. to do that. Those who do not understand thes iinds oinjureis need ot udnerstand its progressive and early on one can functon better if they have medical care. Its why what hapeens to often is really murder after the initial injury.ITS THAT EVIL!
That was 20 years ago. on I 95 in Philly. so its bipartison politics at its worse?
So while we are at it, maybe all the 'dirty lauudry of politics' can get aired. Maybe Geir has a point, those at the top do play CHILDISH PRANKS and unlike Geir who just posts a few pictures in jest ; what they do put lives in real jeapordy! .I stopepd to try and call at a pay phen which was the longest line ever and heard about children being left at home as baby sitters had to levae and all lotherk inds of family interruptions and who knows how seroius such disruptions can be or were?. An accident on a higheway of several lines wide would only shut down a few lanes with the njured are gotten out quicky and road cleared and the traffic is slowed but not totally.
Linda Joy Adams 1/10/14 25 years ago I was laying in an emergency room at Chrsit Hospital, Jersey City N J wating on the diagnosis from the tests which came back Toxic fumee inhallation esuriong my acceptance at Federal workers comp.nand being prepared for admission to get me as well as possible and then the report for the State Health Dept got filled out and they learned I was not a Port Authorty empleyee as had gotten put on my chart somehow, but SSA -HHS and was sent home oto die as the orders for our medical abandonement of all 90 of us had been given for life. DEATH PANELS ARE NOT NEW, ARE THEY?
Of course an ambulance came and took me in again and again. until it was going to be either wrongful death malpractice or carry out the contract murder hit on all of us go to jail for that being repeated at mulitple medical faciliities in ithe areas and doctors' offices. OSHA said I was the only one who even got the tests done on 1/10/89 to prove how seoriusly we were injrued. And the severity seemed to be based on where one sat on the 9Th floor and which pool of toxic gases one got a direct hit from?
Later I learned .Its not always easy to determine at the beginning how bad one is injueed and the liablity insurance industry is full aware of this. Its why 'teted and resleased' is really misleading and contributes to the DEATH PANEL getitng away with 'murder.'..
If you get over come, do not take oxygen unitl the Blood gases are taken from your artery. Its paifnul but your future ability to get medical care may well l depend on it. . Somthing I learned the first night from the ER doctors.You get a false report of what has happpened. if one is given oxygen before the blood is taken. Because of the mix up as to whom I worked for, I was told, I became the legal precedent case for my office and makes my medical reocrds proof of what happeened to the rest who got abandoned at the very start. While it took several hours, before my right to life and health got ended. Its why many have said, there has been a 25 year battle of criminal activity trying to make me; my files, paper and digital ,disappear. Someting that got perfectd by hiring ACS where even udges orders can not be seen by my claims examiner nor my file to even know the facts as she has to accept what CEO Lynn Blodgett says they are and he has not told the truth . She has no way of knowing officially of the deliberate order to hide the oxygen cliams for years as the regs and law etc., are clear and the official system will pay them and th e'gig ; will be up as they admit and some will go to JAIL as they should have a long time ago since our deaths may all be considered a homicide past ones and future;and there is no statutues of limitations on murder I am aware of. If he saves his soul and does what is right, will the Evil replace him which has been at work in all of this for 25 years or more back to 3/61 or moreback to 6000 years or more that got us kicked out of the Garden of Eden for allwowing the Evil one to tempt us to do wrong.?
Linda Joy Adams 1/10/14 ( spell check not working )
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