
Monday, March 4, 2013

Daily Recap 3/4/13: Hillary Clinton , Birther Queen? President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

Daily Recap 3/13/13: Hillary Clinton, Birther Queen?: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks.
 Beautiful warm day ad got out and planted some more turnip and cabbage and then watered the garden and plants I'd sat out side. They weather man was saying it would get into freezing tonight, but that has changed to just in the 40's/ It was 80 today.while I was seated on the ground. Wind has been very strong almost like its Kansas when I was growing up there when it nervier seemed to calm down. Two counties over there is a wild fire still burning although its said to be 'under control.'  It had been going much of the weekend.
A neighbor came by looking for her small blond shiatsu dog, but I've never seen her around her. Hope she finds her.
Maybe that's why I've always liked cats a little better. They never seam to forget where they live.
Mail came and there was explanation of benefits from Fed Blues on a loved one where they actually only paid $10 for an x-ray. That's not enough to pay for the time of the technician let alone the film and machine, etc.  And they said Medicare was primary when it isn't but then the govt contractors interlocked with international cabal that no Nation can control any more, decides what can be paid and had decided long time ago that judges ruling, govt contract terms and the laws do not have to be obeyed and Medicare ill pay for anything they decide it should and the illegal proprietary agreements between Medicare coordination of benefits a subsidiary of group health , now International Emblem health is the only authority. So Blues paid $5 for the test and Office of Personnel Management the other $5?Few know that federal employer health benefits are no longer paid for just from the premiums which the taxpayer pays 75% for. No a deal was made that congress passed that the taxpayer would pay  1/2 of the claim itself which means there is no semblance of privacy from ones employer at OPM is the civil service office. and there is still the million dollars per head for seriously injured federal workers missing which could be as much as a billion dollars since 1988 when the law was passed to stop abuse of power and deaths of federal workers as they were obstructed from getting medical care and the opposite has occurred. The money for the care is missing and so is any semblance of  the care as files and data routinely go missing, a felony according to 7 US atty's offices that have told  me it was and a second  felony when the office manager (custodian of the records) does not report the disappearance. 24 years+ now there has been no HOMELAND security in any Federal work site or govt contractor of any that has a file of mine. So where's our money? Ron Paul scared the thieves ? didn't he. For even asking as only the Fed Reserve knows where  they sent it.
 Also in the mail was a letter about a claim of Doyle from Blues saying they had written the doctor for more info about pre existing conditions.What? This is an employer group health plan and the term does;'t even apply and never did to the federal employees health plan. I think this is the doctor that took care of Doyle in the Er when hi blood pressure was out of control and he still doesn't have the medication the doctors finally decided was the best one, as  the computers are so messed up by Blues  having  MCOB alter the Medicare computer privately owned by MCOB that Walmart can't get it through the system so he can pay about $20 for it. rather than $158. which we just don't have right now and there is no way to get a partial box of patches.
I was very angered at all of this illegal harmful corruption to my family and had just  got a newsletter on line of an audit done on Medicaid which one bill of a loved on on my plan even got dumped onto them and Trailblazers has ignored the appeal for two years which is now with Novatis and no word back from them for almost three months since we sent them a packet and they were to code everything conditional payments and get all  over to MSPRC ( Medicare secondary payer recovery, another subsidiary of theirs) to recover the money. Yes the one that causes the money to have to be recovered is now supposed to recover it, thus exposing their own companies internal corruption.  One couldn't begin to make up such chaos this govt health plans are in.Its so pervasive , its intentional and layers of contractors get paid and mess it up more and the patients suffer and some die of it and its all illegal and no one is even allowed to be investigated any more for the last decade or so. since Hillary and Donna Shalala created  ( or was told to do so by the cabal) this system of the insurance industry being trusted to obey the law and suspended the enforcment of the conditional payment law in 1994 and collapsed the health care system in this country. Sec HHS Tommy Tompkins began to take  some administrative  control and correct problems and then he resigned mid way with some things set in motion but never implemented. More chaos and harm and loss of life and livelihood.
And what was done has been  ignored harming even more.
So I left  few message with some contacts at OIG for HHS and asked them when are you giong to obey HR 1063 the smart law? as the fines already would be close to a million dollars against MCOB, HCS Ill Blues, and Affiliated computer Services  CEO Lynn Blodgett for  not complying with it. just on claims on our family. Its now almost 2 months since signed by the President and no one cares that Medicare is being robbed daily as the 500 named witnesses say its pervasive. We have Medicare for all!?. You get a Medicare card, its your primary ,n o matte if the law says some other health ins or health plans or accident ins is the primary and money approved for the care.
                              PROPHETIC SCRIPTURES.
For those of Faith may it guide you, for others read and ponder for the basic wisdom of history.
 Today the Bible opened to : I Samuel Chapter 3  Please read the whole as you wish. I will high light those verses that had some special meaning to me. Others may be led by something else.
Verse 1 " ...and the word of the Lord ( Yahuah, Yahusha) was rare in those days; ther was no widespread revelation."
 This is in ancient times before Israel even had kings. Its hard to imagine an era when no one had any receipt of divine guidance. We seem to have plenty today,  And sorting out who is actually receiving  something from the good guy and not the bad one, is something each of us has to pray and discern.
I will summarize what had meaning for me for this day. Samuel, sent to be raised for the priesthood hears a voice calling several times and he thinks it Eli the chief preset and goes to him several times. before its realized that he is receiving some special divine utterance.
I can't speak to such a thing for I've never had it happen to me, but I did have someone in Philadelphia who got on a tram because he had prayed all night for guidance for a matter and he was told by a voice "Take the train  to Trenton now" and he jumped up and obeyed. He had no idea why he was on that train. But along the way, I got on the train and walked back and sat near him as the seat was available. We began to talk and he said what ha occurred and I had had personal experience setting up program in another state that he was praying about.  He then introduce himself as Mayor Wilson Goode., whom I had only seen on TV a few times, as newly arrived in the area, and on the train to Trenton where he was going for a conference, we discussed the issues and I told him that I had prayed that I could somehow go to the conference but no way I could get  out of work. He took the message with him and later on, I found that the mission statement for the non profit Id written was quoted  as the focal point of the paper. for the conference.
The principal ( this  was about family values, etc) as I had expressed my opinion to him was that if the state has to intervene under the 14th amendment of the Constitution for equal protection, then  the state has an obligation since they are violating the 4th amendment to  as soon as possible see if the privacy or home  invaded can be restored within a reasonable time with progress made . or children need to be placed permanently elsewhere rather than become pawns in an impersonal  money making situation.  Its the second mile. You don't do things half way.
 So although I have never heard the Lord, my self speak to me, I have had the proof that it can and does happen.  I was on my way to attend Law school and  work in Jersey City at the time and I got injured badly  on 1/10/89. The next time I saw him he was teaching a class at Eastern Baptist seminary and I was a student there. a few years later.
verse 14. " And therefore  I have sworn to the house of Eli, that  the iniquity of Eli;s house shall not be atoned  for by sacrifice or offering forever." The problem with n inherited anything that some may forget that its a humble duty to have a position of authority whether inherited or if one is elected to it by the people.
 To Christians, one would say that at the Cross the final atonement was made and that all are now the royal priesthood. The overriding principle from a secular point of view is there has to be a humbleness and a change of heart before one can be the kind of leader whether for religious or govt purposes where good and mercy and righteousness is the prime directive and not arrogance and abuse of power and asserting themselves as gods to be worshipped.
And if those in power do not do as they should, somehow thorugh the Divine Providence or the 'butterflyl effect of the world... another will arise that will do what is right and good. Goodness does triumph for its what we all internally and sincerely want, that is my belief, as the Bile says in Genesis that the creator made us Good. If we who believe in a Divine entity,  worship that entity, then why would a creator make anything that wasn't good as  special beings.
verse 19...."  and all Israel.. knew that Samuel  had been established as a prophet..."  we , the people can do have the ability to know who is real and h=who is not. when we look past the glitter and smoke and mirrors of those who would  deceive us.
verse 21 " the word of the Lord' Christians usually interpret this phrase as the incarnate word as John 1:1 says or Yahusha whom Christians call Christ Jesus. Others might say Samuel whose mother bore him late in life after giving up on having children had dedicated him to the pristhood and he became the one that was followd and respected as having the special wisdom that believers say comes from the Divine revelation. And Samuel became part of the history of humanity. We do need to open our souls so that we can know those motivated by good vs evil which is so imperative in a society where each of us is responsible for electing our leaders to represent us.
PRESIDENT  OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS.  I had reported here a few days ago after a phone call to Sheriff Joe;s staff that he was no loner pursing the investigation of the president's birth certificate. He never got to Topeka ks or if he did, did not reveal what he found and there is a lot there of volumes of documents in many places. His investigator is going to the CPAC conference this weekend ( conservatives) and going to speak to members of congress about the various alleged forged documents that the president created earlier in his life . plus the info on the birth records.The birth is and always has been a no issue if the president had been told the Truth of his birth in Topeka ks and the retaliation against his real Dad who said he was a relative of  Rosa Parks. Her extended family on both her and her husband's ;side suffered retaliation by those against integration and equal rights. and as I've written here ended with an attack on all three,  with the president unborn at the time.  Its why its such a sacrilege, to me, when all the horrible things were said about the mother and who ls the daddy. and they should have been ashamed of themselves and gone after the truth. I was not on the Internet in 2008 and had no idea this had gotten so widespread and out of control.
Today: its was reported with more info I found on line that it was Hillary Clinton as presidential candidate that first stated the 'birther movement;' to win the nomination by revealing the Kenya birth records.
As I've stated many time, there was a false bio put in place for a family created witness protection program since none existed at the time. My Dads' family has been masters of this for a hundred years. so a few more documents placed in various  govt files, was just more of the same, Apparently the grandmother did the Hawaii filing and  Obama Sr , who married Ann for convenience of  both took care of the Kenya one?., I have no first hand knowledge of this except for the false cover story I learned of in Fall of 1963 about Hawaii, etc. and for the social necessity reasons. I didn't have to be told of the security concerns, as I lived though and era in Kans with personal experiences to see hate first had and its ugly nd I wish I'd never had to see it. At a young age, one often doesn't know how to face up to it. ad often I just walked away rather than be a part of it, Too many of the people of this world, have done just the same thing, Ignored it, but its there and it harms all of us as it grows and becomes pervasive and evil hates those that love good. even if one is tying to escape the  whole thing.
                                  HOW DID HILLARY KNOW?
Its very possible she learned through our family way back in the 1970's. or even earlier. Through my sister Theora. Therora and Dan were cousins and similar ages out in Colorado before they moved to Kansas before I was born. That's Daniel Wayne Pope the real name of President Obama's grandfather  as Stanley  Dunham was a stolen id of the real one and verified by the Ks authorities in trying to find paternal relatives to take charge and shut up Ann who wanted to find the body of her boyfriend and the authorities didn't want to believe her. If the bodies had not washed up later a relative  of Rosa Parks would have joined the rumored disappeared; of the Kansas river.A change in law enforcement did occur as my Dad asked Boehner to run and the conscience of the city, did lead to some changes, but there has never been any justice for the three dead and it's a  'spiritual cloud 'that hangs over the honored Statue of Rosa Parks in DC.
I don't know how much Hillary knew, but its possible she only knew of the Obama Marriage and followd through on that. The marriage and birth announcements I recall reading were under Obama. The real Dad has been written out of history and no one should have that occur as he was a special person and its a tragedy he was not part of the president's life. He might still have been president, but without the cloud of all the chaotic and manufactured hatreds spewed around, for what ? To win an election? We do need to have more discernment and not be so gullible and seek the truth for ourselves. I'm still waiting for someone to get the old newspaper records and post them online for all of us to have access and end this and concentrate on solving our  problems. There are 436 elected officials in DC and surely answers can be found if big money is ignored and the constitutional principles of general welfare of the people and the security of the nation are the rime directives for all to follow. 
 I wish to make it clear, that I know him as the Dad because Ann told mother and the gossip frenzy over the interracial couple made it pretty clear who the boyfriend was. He was a more traditional Christian.  A tragedy that a young couple and their families should have been left alone to work out the best outcome for all.
" provided two-thirds of the Senate concur;" The constitution reflects that some decisions are  more pervasive and need more unity in passing. This refers to treaties with other nations. Once a treaty is signed by both, not an easy accomplishment in any era of history, then its not easy to undue one. So 2/3 of the Senate have to agree to the passing and the terms. And there isn't suppose to be these secret deal as in the ones in recent times where the international cabal can walk in and take over another nations files and data and control. We do need to stand up to evil and corral it when human institutions start following a path for destruction and hatred and war vs peaceful coexistence with those inalienable human right of ilfe, liberty and prursuit of happiness. While our leaders are caught under theei current control, there more more children and Americans going to bed hungry tonight and even those with health insurance can't get their prescriptions  filled due to the on going criminal  activity of the cabal  that our elected leaders will not take back our costitutional rights and power to stop them.
TOMORROW Cold Wind COMING: Linda Joy Adams 3/4/13

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