
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Daily Recap 3/3/13: Divide and Conquer: President Obama Born In Topeka KS

Daily Recap 3/3/13: Divide and Conquer: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks:
  Beautiful, warmer Sunny Day and got out and sat in the garden and planted radishes, turnips and a sprinkle of lettuce over all, with some celery. Sat  plants outside that had not been getting enough sun in some windows, and then heard the weather report that after being near 80 tomorrow its going to get back to freezing again for a couple of days. So tomorrow will have to bring them back in side. But at least they'll get a couple of days of Sun . The next week  suppose to get warm again. Last Frost here is usually mid to late March.
 My astrologer friends say its Mercury Retrograde and al kinds of communication errors can occur. One might think smiting is going on the last few day with me and some of my loved ones with  payments getitng counted double and none deducted from bank, for one party and then got notice that probiotic shipment was canceled yet Fed Ex tracking has it in Atlanta Ga fed ex site. and the money was deducted from account to pay for it. One can just say , that in this modern world, with almost everything being tracked and paid online any more sometimes things are going to go awry. Usually Fed Ex    has arrived via US Mail here  o in more recent times, ye once in a while its by truck. Makes little sense to me why one way sometimes and the other  at times. This could be the last govt contract to contract out our mail service, I hope not, Or one thing its in the  Constitution, but with an almost coup d'etat  international cabal, one has no idea what is going on with no internal audit controls any more of them and immunity from prosecutions granted by Congress.
 The only thing wrong with a hard working civil service, is the entrenched upper level officers who have become unaccountable due to a joke of a profesisinal conducts office in the US Justice dept over the last few decades in the US Justice Dept. If they abuse power or take bribes or become  political due to being hired permanently by the political appointees then the civil service being a non political entity gets abridged. and we we suffer that precious equality before the law and the laws and Judges being obeyed which I and my family have gone through and diocumented and are still fighting for life and livelihood over it. Judges defied and laws ignored and those in autority think its OK as they have deided they are gods over ther own feifdoms.
                                        PROPHETIC SCRIPTURES
[For  those of faith may the spirit guide you , for others read and ponder]
[This the new section. For several years, I open the Bible and whatever Chapter is on the page inthe AM, that is the one I read for guidance during the Day. I will  not copy the entire Chapter but copy those phrases that had special meaning for me. I don't presume to be the best Bible scholar, so I just raise some questions for each to ponder for themselves.}
                                    3/3/13: Daniel Chapter 11

Traditionally this chapter is interpreted as a prophetic vision of the future given to Daniel  during the time of the Babylonian Captivity and refers to who will conquer who in more ancient times and then jumps to a prohecy of end times.
 One might entitle this chapter for a secular standpoint as History Repeats Itself, We Never learn!
The first part refers to   who will conquer Ancient Israel from Babylon, to Mede-Person Empire , then Greece and Rome.
What spoke to me, today, was that when Alexandria had conquered most of the known world at the time, he died and the lands were divided up among his four generals. And there was not Peace and finally one called Anitichous Vi rose up and a  horrible person and many refer to him as a prototype of the end time Anti Christ. A man who no respect for ones religous  faith and  desicrated the temple by offering a pig on the alter . An animal considered unclean to the Hebrew peoples. A worse horrible to another's faith. The tenth commandment speaks to this kind of coveting of power of a leader making  themselves a god  who can say   what is right and wrong with no accountability to any other entity or to humanity.
 ancient  maps show that natural boundaries of ge ography and ethnic and religion groups got ignored in too many cases; Rome did not do much better when they conquesred Greece and finally ruled even more known world. Thee was a semblance of religon freedom in Israel, but the  inherited and designated   pristshood  that  faith and tradition said should be such had been replaced by some who would do the bidding of the Romans and the corruption and money changing and cheating of the people, gradually got very bad. Abuse of power is evil. and natural borders were ignored. The ancient  maps of  division of Israel in 12+1 areas for the tribes of Jacob  have been ignored and the turmoil that has caused continues today.
The end time prophecy begins in verse35..."until the time of the end..."
verse 36:" THEN THE KING SHALL DO ACCORDING TO HIS OWN WILL; he shall exalt  and magnify hisself above every god, shall speak blasphmines against God (Yahuah, Yahusha) of gods and shall prosper til the wrath has been accompanied......
verse 37 "He shall regard neither the God of his fathers nor the desire  of women, nor regard any god  for he shall exalt himself above them all"
verse 38 "But in their place he shall honor afgod of fortressses. and a god which his fathers did not know
verse 39" then he shall act against strongest fortresses with a foreign god....he shall cause them to rule over many and divide the land for gain"
verse 41 "e shall also enter the Glorious land and many countries shall be overthrown : But these will escape his hand, Edom, Moab and the prominent people of Ammon. He shall stretch out his hand against the countries of Egypt shall not escape
erse 43 He shall have power over the treasures of gold and silver, and all other precious things of Egypt, also the Libyans and Ethiopians shall follow at his heels."
verse 44"  But news form the east and the northe shall trouble him, therefore he shall go out with great fury to destroy and annihilate many."
Verse 45 "And he shall plant his tents of his palace  between the seas and the glorious  holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and no one will help him."
I will leave it up to those who read this to study and read the many interpretation out there. But what is clear is that through the courruption that has been concentrated into one unaccountable interlocked financial entity it it rip for a very evil person to take the power of all. Without the check and balances of all the peoples of the world , it will be so strong that it becomes nearly impossible for any human or humans to regain the freedom form it. And inherent in all this is the divide and conquer principle. Any nation , any group of people that has a cohesive tradiiton or faith that makes them stand together, as Israel has, gets divided and has already been divided as then the cohesiveness of power they can muster is diminished.
 In the 20th centre two major wars were fought and after each the spoils of the war ended with conquered lands being divided among the winners  In war there is no winner, but humanity has yet to learn that. More recently we are pretending to let nations have some self  govt of the local people, but even that seem ones beholden to the money from the Internationale cabal with the US military giving offering up our soldiers as sacrifice.
 In 1939? one can read this online in many places , etc. It was decided that Israel would be divided and was with Between Jordan and Isreal with Jerusalem to be an international city. Some sources indicate that some kind of secret deal was made that two royals would marry fomr Jordan and Israel to create another one nation through blood. I read nothing that God said to do this.and it did not happen.Maybe it was wishful thinking. It would seem improbable that a Muslim and a Jew marry and each be faithful to each's faith. But humans do play such games with the lives others. Other boundaries in the Middle east were divided up with various tribes and Muslim sects split, mixed up and utter chaotic tension and wars among them have been caused. And how could there be an Isreal with out the capitol city of Jerusalem under Muslim control when its been in tradition,Jewish and the the Glory of Isreal for thousands of religious history though conquered by other many times over. A scenario was set up to fail. Why? Divide and conquer? Who was or is to conquer who? The State of Isreal , itself was yet to be birthed by the UN which wasn't even formed until 1945 was in place to make it happen. I'm just repeating things that I have read and known about.
 So if Isreal  doesn't do what the powers of the world, want than the whole world turns on them to destroy what the 'powers of the world' rebirth in the first place. But the land of Isreal has the oldest recorded deed in history with millions of copies in the Torah part of our Bibles.
If we, the people of this world can't respect  one group of humans to have a few acres of land on planet Earth of theri own, then how can any one have the right to property of home and land if no respect of each;s rights for our home to be a 'castle' no matter how humble it might be. Its why the Constitution of the USA is a document for government taken from the pages of history as reflected by the teachings of the Bible which three major religions this world consider it part of ther faith book the Christian, Jews and Muslims..
                                  PRESIDENT OBAMA  BORN IN TOPEKA KS
spent little time online today to know what;s new about  the bio of the presdient.But there are many who have called him this person or that person in the end times. If thie is turly the end time then we're all in the Bible and prayerfuly all of us counted with the good guys. In many places it says that the evil one will not be revealed til it happens. According to the verses above , there is no place for a king, yet? and other places  says there will be a Temple rebuilt and that has not occured, either. Indications do seem its near but I believe we are created with free will and there is always hope that humanity will come to its senses and stop what it occurring.  That starts in our own nations to not let any internatioal financial intity completely take us over along with their self owne monitoring devices to track our every move. Our presidents are no longer in charge  so how could one of them  be THE bad guy? But any one that goes along with this is worshipping; evil manifested for its the antitheses of FREEDOM, Our constitution is still the best document for governing since the ten commandments and we must not forget that and uphold it. Every one to elected office that promise to do so. We have let the big money of this cabal reduce us to name calling and running after non issues like a birth certificated, when the truth is evil caused it to happen. Why was the entire extended female of Rosa Parks made targets and society allowed it to happen and get by with it? She has been honored and rightly so, but the members of the Parks family suffered for it and they ave been denied Justice too often including  the Dad of the President and why the fear of  KKK and racial hategroups were doubly  a matter of fear to create, what now appears to be two sets of documents by family  who may have committed some illegal filings to protect the life of a mother and son.But to not tell the baby of his origins so he could get his real record out of Topeka ks, is beyond my understanding and they need to be gotten  into the public view along with the newspaper annoucmenests  and  justice needs to occur in some kind of way for the three dead in the Knossos river 50+ ears ago.
(phrase by phrase analysis)
" He shall have the Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties,"
Dealing with other naitons, does have a slanted power with the president. First as commander in chief of the military.  then to make treaties with other naitons, but not without approval of the US Senate who represents the small and the  larger states with two Senators each. The minority gets special recognition and could  be the basic  rights of the minority to be protected from a majority that can usurp the equal rights of the 'leaast among us'  another principle that comes from the Biblical understanding our founders did have  on how abuse of power is against anything good  and desirable. Freedom is to be for all and that took some doing to attain, but now that it exists, may b=we never lose it for we are not whole as a people unless all have those rights of FREEDOM!
Tomorrow Back to the Garden: Linda Joy Adams 3/3/13

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