Daily Recap 3/2/13: Warmth Coming: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks:
Still too cool to get out and sit on the ground and garden. Spent most of the sunny day propped up on pillows and blogging.
Mail came and answered some of the notices re bills to bill collectors on medial bills where claims haven't even been filed yet over the corruption ongoing inside Medicare coordination of Benefits, unaccountable govt contractor and subsidiary of Emblem Health, formerly Group Health deleting Federal Blues off the system. HR 1063 Smart law means they keep on getitng fine d a $1000 a day if HHS is going to allow enforcement of the law, if not; then someone needs replaced over there.
Suppose to be warm tomorrow and ten almost 80 Monday so can get back outside as garden is growing but there is more to plant. We have a short time to grow things here before the heat of mid and late summer hit. Tomato plants are grown under an Oak tree where the AM Sun hits , but then in the PM heat some shade.Its gotten so that gardening is becoming a necessity for good food, and not just a hobby. One can take some lawn space and grow a garden without it being an eye sore if one uses a plan and design and some shrubs that may hide the garden from the street if one is liv s in an area where zoning laws have interfered with property owners rights a little too much. We are outside the boundaries of the city, so we don't have that
For years, I have devised a method of reading a a Bible chapter each day. Its been my replacement for the Daily Horoscope for guidance. I just open the Bible and where it opens that's the chapter. I then enter the date by the chapter heading. When I complete the entire one, then I get another Bible.So if one comes for Bible study and borrows one, that's why the dates above the chapter.
Throughout the day, many times things in the chapter have bearing on the day.
If one is not of the Christian faith , one might do this with your faith book. Today's has prompted me to start a new section on prophetic scriptures. I don't presume to have all the answers of what the scriptures mean for the future. I do believe that we all have free will and warning prophecies are just that. Due to the fall of Adam and Eve some things may have been set in motion that will occur at some time? Do we have the ability to alter if humanity ddecides to do so? Lots of questions that philosophers and theologians have been pondering over for thousands of years. Like the scout motto says Be Prepared. ITs always the better answer and prayer doesn't hurt, either.
The Book and chapter will be listed than a repeat of some phrases and a little bit of discussion. But one should read and ponder for ones self and read about what others have said.The search for truth is a process.
3/2/13 Ezekiel Chapter 7
My Bible, the New King James, ( other versions are out there too but this is the one I;m currently using)
has a title heading saying" Judgment On Israel Is Near"
I have many Christians and persons of Faith in my face book Friends and receive many newsletters online from phophetic preachers and many are feeling led to speak to current events as signs of something is very near or here of the end times. when Christ will return but the horrible times will happen just before. Many believe in a rapture and I do to but have no idea when or exactly what it might be like. One shouldn't;t watch a movie and assume that its going to be just like that for none of us are to know for sure, etc. until it occurs. Somehow our belief is going to get us through this in some way.
"Verse 12 The time has come the day draws near."
"verse 14 They have blown the trumpet and made everyone ready but no one goes to battle"
It does seem like every Nation is sending ships and planes and armaments into the middle east and its like a powder keg ready to erupt if one party or another makes a wrong move. And in our times, add in nuclear weapons which its not clear if Iran does or does not have one, but with the corruption this world, someone may sell them one even if they don't make one. And although religious differences seems to be fueling the hate, there seems to , as always, money behind it all of what someone can gain from conquering Iran. some say oil, but apparently they have other banking resources, too. The Israel has doscovered al the natural gas.
Why does someone always want to control the wealth and power of the world and not share?
"verse ...19 Their silver and their gold will not be able to deliver them,,"
I don;t have to read this to know that if times get bad garden seed and land and a water supply are what ones needs to survive.
"verse.25... they will seek peace but there shall be none". THE WHOLE WORLD IS WAITING FOR THE MEETING IN Jersusalem on Passover this year hoping that a peace will stop war.
and it will not be . How can there be peace when hearts have not changed to love for one another yet, One can't force a peace nor buy it. Its a 'heart' thing. We have to choose to want it in this world and that means everyone of us wants it and all to be equal and have the dignity of the individual, etc. The last verse sums it up pretty well The leaders of this world need to humble themselves to the understandng of accountabliltiy and set aside their arrogance and love of power. And that means all of them who hold wealth and power, not just the ones elected to serve the people.
A posting late today, says that the meeting may be psotponed if Israel has not been able to form a new government after the elections Something we don't have to deal with in the USA with a constituton that never leaves us with out a govt in place. The wisdom of our founders should not be overlooked and many newer govts of the world didn't plan aha ed for a smooth transition as ours did.
"Verse 27 The King will mourn, the prince shall be clothed with desolation, and the hands of the common people will tremble, I will do to them according to their way, And according to what they deserve I will judge the; then they shall know that I am the. Lord. " ( Yahuah < Yahusha)
Each of us should reflect on what is our way? Do we "reap what we sow?"
AMEN! Read and reflect as you will!
PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS: Lots of postings on various newsletters today and some on the Huffingon Post really dug into me. I responded back and referred them to my postings which I re post some each day. Some of the earlier ones seems to be difficult to find on Facebook and it better after I switched to blogger first then just linked back.
In a comment on another person's article one can;' share all the details and its not considered good manners on line to just go on and promote your own sites. either. I make no money from my sites and one person said where's; the poof ? I said I am the witness. I was there and need help from others to search for the records in Ks and the witnesses. Digging snide remarks does't help other eye witnesses who know something from feeling free to share.A president born Ks he is eligible to be president even if one does't care for him personally or for his politics. Its never been an issue and its a tragedy no one around him has been told the truth if that be so.
Personally I want justice for his dad murdered and no justice for 50+ years. There are many like me that should have done more than we did to stop the gossip frenzy that ended up turning deadly. by parties unknown. Only Ann was there as a victim to tell and I never knew what she knew and don't know if the police ever took a full report from her either as they didn'; want to know. Some changes did get made over who was in the sheriff's a office.
But in 1966 Topeka suffered her own wrath with a Tornado that wiped out almost all of Washburn University and much of a wide swathe through the city when they didn't listen to the prophecy of chief Burnett of legend who said not to destroy the mounds overlooking the Kaw valley as they protected the area.. When the city decided to go up on Burnett's mound and cut into it to put up a huge water reservoir, it soon followd with a Tornado. What were the mounds for?. And are they some of the man made ones of long ago and really are for some kind of protecting from tornadoes.? We don;' listen to the wisdom of the ancients when we should sometimes. Others scoffed and refused to make any connection, calling it a coincidence.
The only campus building s intact? The Alpha sorority house where Ann was helped to prepare for the wedding to Obama sr and they came and decorated the chapel and several were present to support the arranged marriage which was for convenience of both. But it gave the president of the USA his name and there is an ancient honor in 'covering' a young woman who is pregnant with a child that is not the one of the husband. One can chastise him for marr ing her to get access to stay in the USA, but he also helped both mother and child to avoid the soical stigma of the times. . Since there could be no marriage to the real Dad.
So I replied back and forth to several and I appreciate Brett Golightly who came on and gave some uplifting comments in the mix of some of this. TRUTH will set us all free if we just want it and strive for it. Wherever it leads. I want to know the whole, also.and that's going to surely expose some real corruption going on in high places behind the scenes that has put us all on the brink of annihilation. iIs up to all of us to get through this and on to a better and more peaceful world and if one has faith asking for Divine help is even better.
No new eyewitnesees came forward today in all of this.that I read about.
But it raises more questions about Sec of Sttae of Ks Kris Kobach as to what the cover up may be with the records if such is going on? Mystreries!
"and he shall have Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States , except in Cases of Impeachment."
This is an ultimate form of checks and balances. If the system fails, then the President has the power to make it right. If too many reprieves or pardons are granted in an abuse of power, then of course The President can be impeached and he can't pardon himself and this says; nor any one else congresss might impeach.
Sometmes the system fails and justice is truly not served. Some are convicted of crimes that their sentences or charges are way over what actually occurred and its unfair. and unjust This allow the president to grant a reprieve and send one home. The three strikes law is going to have this for three offenses of any kind can land one in jail for life and it may be for crimes, but the penalty is way more than one would receive with out that law being on the books. It leaves no room for mercy and judgement or the circumstances of what is going on. It doesnnt mean we condone criminal activity, but Judges are called that because some judgement is to be allowed.
TOMORROW Warmth Come? Linda Joy Adams 3/2/13
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