
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Daily Recap 1/30/13: Playing In The Mud: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

Daily Recap 1/30/13: Playing In The Mud: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks: Little chilly but when Sun came out this afternoon went out and planted-IN THE MUD; With Sr Cat looking at me as if if Humans had no sense and teenager later decided to go roll around and then came in and jumped on the bed, mud and all.  Which ended him up in the bathtub and some extra laundry to do.
But in the time I was out, did get some turnips, beets radishes and carrots planted and a sprinkle of lettuce. since this is the waning of the moon , its considered best t=for the root crops. The pouring rain had washed out some row and I recovered some snow pea seeds that sprouted and the first planting is now growing. These are all cool season crops that can take some light freezing. But what its says online for our weather always seems to be a litlle warmer and according to our porch thermometer that we have rechecked and its accurate  as those run of the mill outdoors thermometers are. It was getting a bit chilly when I came in and then rested. Of course I garden sitting in the mud and that meant a shower and change of clothes for me. Yes our animals must really think we humans don't make much sense. But, its supplementation of our food supply.

This noon a bird perched on a branch near the window where  Tomato and aloe Vera are growing inside I think its a bird like I've never seen since living in Kansas. A yellow brsested bird like a  sparrow, I think we used to call them a bunting, but have never seen one here. Too small for a meadow lark and they are  usually  a little lighter colored.
Mail came and had a pre collection letter from a doctor, whom I thought I'd paid last summer , so I have to check to see if that's true. Doyle went to pick up his medications that a doctor had sent through by e- mail proscription and they hadn't gotten the e-mail. so here  we go again with the system not working as its supposed. to. Prayerfully , the right mix of meds has been found, but its been trial and error and that's why they call it practicing medicine? and w th the newer systems and management of care, even though the policies say it isn't they forget that our doctors are the leading research scientists in the field of medicine as they are out there finding out what works for what patients and in the meantime some profit cutting bureaucrat is saying a list of meds are all the same, and they certainly are not. And all the while their insurance person is 'on edge' and tugging at their coat tail, trying to control the whole scenario. It comes down to patient and doctor having to have trust for each other. Over this last 24 years, as soon as my doctors understand that I understand its a lot of experimentation and to let them know if its not working, etc. then we get along. But its horrendous situation and patients with complex medical issues, the doctor's insurance companies and the hospitals, etc seem to want us not to be present at all due to all the variables.
There is a study out, implying that almost all deadly medical errors are he doctor's fault and I blogged back that my research and congresses shows its not, most is the fault of the govt. One , an FDA that is in the 'pocet' of the comical and toxin industry) and all those making things that can adversely affect health.And often there is no warnings on the medicine that this or thta patient should not be taking them due to their subtle ways of excluding types of patients from clinical trials.
Then there is that fraudulent h national health insurance data base that's a govt contract which means its not under HIPPAA and errors cant get corrected on. An too many of those are not the error form the doctor or hospital, its from ins and health plans , especially govt ones, altering the diagnosis to enable the insurance industry to illegally have the govt health ins pay, which happened to me and its almost become a deadly mess twice. in recent years.Family is a blessing to watch out for each other.
 Don;t think this can't affect everyone, because all our claims are in it and it may soon determine if you can drive, have certain jobs, buy a gun, and whatever else the international cabal that runs this world decides to use it for. Don't expect much privacy on anything. any more. This has to get corrected and retroactively.
Its all going to be used to process Social Security disability claims and you bet the pressure is great to alter diagnosis codes. I saw one doctor, not my current ones. pressured  to put down a symptom of COPD as my diagnosis when that is only one syptom of occupational asthma and chemically induce pneumonitis, which medial reserch has well established is a full body injury and  can include every organ of the body in one way or another  as the disesse progresses.  Tired of being asked if I ever smoked, which is why most with that did, but its simply a term for chernically obstructed lungs and that can be from scarring as well as some doctors have said I still have fine photocopy toner in my lnng since OSHA offical said that got into the mix of other chemicals in my area of the office from a copy machine that hadn't been functioning well, but when we had no ventilation and the chemical pool already building up for 24 hours in the other areas, finally got into the final mix in our area. No! Federal employees don't have the protections other workers do, if you are wondering why were we still there and not even told.. Office was not closed until the stock market closed as there was wall street investing going on below us at ADP. I don't know as much as my attorney knows, but any action there has been sabotaged by highest govt officials and now Affiliated computer services and CEO Lynn Blodgett from figureing uf the damages so that the taxpayer can get refunded. As my attorney says, he's waiting and filed the right papers waiting for the federal govt to get their act together.
The new Bill H 1063, is designed for this. And I see nothing in it that Lynn Blodgett and some past directors of OPM and individuals still following ther illegal orders involved right now, can be fined a $1000 a day for obstruction and dumping the bills onto Medicare to pay. No wonder ACS disappears my social security claims file from the Hearing office so I can't get Part B Medicare back, not even currently. They should allow me to have it currently and then they can ask for a recovery as in the past a while we wait to have a hearing and settle this. I think some of the highest officials in the got are scared that what I know from the beginning could result in refunds of duplicate premiums paid to a lot of govt and military  personnel who also have Part B Medicare.A vague law was passed in the 1980's on 'double dippng' and I have written this in the  violations of civil  rights and in the request for hearing, etc. This was published at washington but thy took down the whole website  posted on at first, I have copies, but should get these scanned in on line, Just too much to do.
I read that Justice of the US Supreme Court Scalia, is saying the consttiuion is dead, and it almost is, as now  when one can't get through the low level appeals to get up the line and out of the agencis into the higher courts, then unconstitutional laws and procedures and interpretations can't be dealt with. I've had appeals I took and wrote up the legal theory and things overturned by the Administrative law judge in a social security hearing and  then the agency adopted than and changed the national policy and procedures, without any further appeal. I
f we do not have this in the  new health law, then we are in real trouble and with no govt officials in control of the lower appeals as they are in many agencies ; don't expect to have any policy adhered to.We feds aren't now in too many cases and those on duty seem scared to death for their jobs and its not god any where right now.
PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS: Found my posting on Kansas City Star about Kris Kobach, in the Town Hall chat room . That's whereSec of State of Ks has the key to ending the birther movement as he has all the records. Death of real dad, marriage to Obama Sr and birth at Forbes air force base hospital.
Someone posted on line that  Lyndon Larouche? was saying the Pres Obama had been indicted and I responded  that if true then what happens next  since a president can't be arrested?\And what for.?
This whole thing about his documents and the documents of his grandparents really does need to be clarified and questions answered. And if there is nothing to currently charge any one with, then we need to understand that the media didn't tell us everything and people voted based on what they knew and the president is eligible being born in USA even though he thought it was Hawaii and not Kansas, both are in the USA.  The indictment I would like to see happen, is a full investigation and indictments for the death of his real dad back in Kansas  and the other two that died, also. An event that has bound the spirit of Topeka Ks for 50+ years. Many may not understand that any one that knew at the time of any part of this or was involved in the gossip, will not forget. After all Westboro Baptiest and Fred Phelps is still in the news when they show up at funerals, and this is where the president's mother was sent to live and attend Capper Jr HS and none of my side of the famaily had any idea she was in town, nor did I know she was my second cousin since she was using the name Dunham and not Pope, her Dad's real name.
Many of those elected to high office in this nation at federal and state levels have had things occur in their past and the statute of limitations to formerly charge them is past. And many  acts most never knew about. Now wahat we need to do is focus on congress doing their jobs as we the people want them to do it. And make sure 95% get registered and vote in 2014 for those who refect our opinions; so Congress will know we are involved and we are the ones they have to listen to and not the big money backers. We want to know how they vote, and care less about fancy ads and flim flam and name calling. Big money would'tt influence if we didn't let it.
THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES ARTICLE I SECTION 10: (phrase by phrase analysis){I don;t pretend to be a mighty constitutional scholar, but my Dad studied and talked much about it growing up and I did study it in school and university and emphasived faith and public policy in Seminary. My motivation is to get others debating and discussing it. In the Old Testament book of Nehemiah, there was a rebirth in ancient Isreal when the Torah was dusted off after being  found and read and the people realized that they had not been following it.)
When one gets into this masterful document by our founders, I've realized that certain parta and bits of info have been forgotten too as we discuss one thing or another in the main media, yet  the full sentence and the section is not mentioned. As any one, from any religion knows all things can be thought of as the best way to do things when one pulls a phrase her or there and tries to put them together and sometimes its correct for good, but  sometimes it can; make some justify some horrible things.So I've been taking sentence by sentence or phrase by phrase when its a long one from the beginning.
 I started with the Ten Commandments as a secular document and showed my opinion that its more about us not making a god of or leader and how absolute power can corrupt which the 10th commandment refers to in the ancient language and not just being greedy.) Ancient people understood exactly what the Hebrews meant and it upset every Nation in the ancient world that worshiped their leaders as gods. who could do as they please and not be accountable to any human and certainly not to any deity as they were considered one.
Then I discussed the Bill of rights and some of this is getting re posted each day just before this blog. So promotion of thought and discussion and a renewal of the American dream of ow the most diverse peoples could come together and coexist and form a nation.
                                                           TODAY'S PHRASE
"coin money; simple only the federal govt can coin money and Congress has to approve it. Over the last hundred years, Congress has turned that over to the Federal reserve for paper and notes of credit. But, Congress has the power to take back that authority or demand a full accounting of what has been done with OUR money/ TOMORROW: COLD COMING; Linda Joy Adams 1/30/13

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