
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Daily Recap 10/9/12: Family Secrets: President Obama Born In Topeka KS

Daily Recap 10/9/12: Family Secrets: President Obama Born In Topekaa KS Very pleasant day. Didn't get out to do anything as still recovering form the severe inflammation attack and infections, etc. But much better. Mail came later, and it included some Blues letters where again Govt contractor illegally had official laws and judges orders and terms of govt contracts violated by those secret illegal propriety agreements between all those interlocked corporations that run the world so that they pay the least amount possible and continue the cover up of their thefts of pubic monies by themselves or their interlocked partners. Then got the Blues newsletter on line telling about those prevenetative care mammiograms which have not been paid for at 100% as our contact says for several years. when no cancer was found, but decided to steal? and who is stealing? who is skimming the 50% that is paid directly by OPM?. Something that few even know about. So in 2014 no one will know what their coverage is for health care. Its whatever these unaccountable contractors want it to be. That's the problem with this new health care law. No accountability by those running it. More bureaucratic layers than one can imagine. This has to be fixed befoer 2014. And we need criminal penalties that can be prosecuted when illegal and intentional acts cost people their lives and livelihoods and physical harm. Murder and assault as a result of felony actions.
PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS: Yesterday, I began telling about the trip to Colorado when I was 8 years old with my mother and I saw where my parents lived and the homestead where grandparetns moved to  and some of my relatives my Dad's side. All this is the real family back ground of the president and accoriding to what I was told, he had little contact with any of them. In those years before the Internet, and phone  charges were pretty high compared to now, one either wrote letters or they visited and that did not happen often when one was not wealthy and worked most of the time. From what I gleaned this is this was the first time my mother had been to Colorado since they had moved in 1944 to McPherson, Ks.  While we were visiting my sister and brother in law in Denver, we had a picnic and I met my Dad's oldest sister's ( depends on which bio one is following) But Dad always said she was oldest but that is not what is in history. She had taken the name Hazel Dell Hardy and was now one of 4 in family with the 6/18 birth date. This was my mother's birth date before she met the family and Dad according to her.  If one wants to hide their ID, one doen';t just change names. but birth dates. My Dad ended up being the oldest when he really wasn't. And photo shopping's not new. Used to be called dubbing and dad had given another relative some money to start a photo studio and he had taken a picture of my Dad when older and dubbed it into a photo of the four sisters when the youngest was just a baby. My Aunt  Pearl in Iowa, another siste,r had said it was done and one can look closely and see it somewhat. So when the main media gets fooled over a false bio, they were/are up against some real experts in the matter. But they did have the leads for the real story ad chose not to follow them. An ninteresting study would be for the psychological and sociological effects on babies and children raised in the witness protection program where much of this is done all the time, but with official sanction. Babies and smal lchildren have memories and things just don't always add  up through the years. If one is loved and nurtured, then one may turn out OK,in spite of it. But it\f bad things occur and lots of disruptions, then what is the effect on the child? What is wrong in this world when the govt has to hide witnesses and victims because the govt is not strong enough to protect society from really bad people?  So in Denver, I meet the oldest, accoridng to my Dad. She had married a part native American in Haxtun Colorado when younger and he had been a prisoner of war in WWI and had been gassed and had some disability. Ellsworth Lewman. They had one son who became a professor at whittier College in Whittier California. and had a daughter. I met hem once in the mid 60's.. .  Hazel's husband had a money belt on him and was murdered in an alley for the money and no one was ever prosecuted for it. Lots of people get murdered in this country all the time and they are never solved. She was left with a small son and   a widow's stipend from the miltary. She decided to go to Denver and went to school to become  what is now considered an LPN (nurse)_ She had the $10000 life insurance money to go. This is all told to me as of course I was not there. she worked as a nurse until her retiirement in Denver. While there she met the love of her life. who was from Spain and had family there  . I met him. They never married and that was a family consternation. When a niece was goingg to go stay with them for a summe, as a teenager and the were not married. The story was she didn't want to lose her widow's pension. His name was Clarence Trujillo. When my sister Carol was in HS and studying Spanish they corresponded to practice her Spanish. Perodically I can get a few free days on and  access some other sites at times They were buried in the same cemetary. They had no children. He seemed like a very nice man. And no one ever questioned there devotion to each other. I understood he was Catholic and she was not, so one can speculate of the whys and wherefores. I do know that for awhile he did return to Spain and was told my Sister Carol had written to him while he was there. I don't know why he went there but understood there was still some of his family there.  I have many cards from Aunt Hazel over the years and she was very faithful in remembering everyone's birthdays, Christmas and even Easter and  sent them with words of spiritual encouragement.We had a lot of fun at the picnic. There were some other's there too.
While in Denver we visited Great Aunt Mary Halloran. She was living in a small apt in some kind of retirement type community. She had been a former commissioner of education from Colorado and painted oil paintings. She had one hung in her apt that took up much of one wall. This was the woman that signed for each of the family to get delayed birth records filed  when they needed proof of age for social security. In those years, one could go through most of life and never need a birth record until Social Security. at the time, I had no idea that she was lying. she may have been aournd at time of births, but not in Colorado.  I learned when I went to work for SSA,that this would not be necessary as other early records could be used, But if one doesn't have early school records and other records when you're  in the USA, then one could get a delayed biirth record more than five years bofre filing  and it would go on through without much question. In Colorado, just having a relative sign that they were present at birth was sufficient. and she did this.  Other states got a little smarter about this earlier on.  and asked for additionalreocrds much like we would ask for if one didn't have a delayed record. My Dad had her sign before she died. she was almost 100 when I met her. dad called her his great aunt. She had been married when younger and the husband died? and then later married when about 40 and had some children. But the husband's name was not Halloran' that was a shortened version of it. I have it in family records I have not gotten into recently. . I have so many tubs of files and records  around and wish I could get the judges orders and owcp settled so iIwouldntt have to keep reconstructing files and then affiliated computer services throwing them away as they cover up there own bad deeds over this. An established case and me caught in the cross hairs of knowing too much? Life sustaiiang medcial care is why I'm doing this and am in legal limbo as can;t offiically retire unitl OWCP gets me on permemnt disability. Many like me caught in the same corrupt mess and the govt cann't do anything against an entity that has taken control of this nation and its elected leaders. And few seem to have the courage to stand up to it.   Why else would I have so much trouble on an established clear cut case with no official controversion, but when felonies are committed and people are dead because of it and my medical records prove what happened to cause it,then one is again knowing too much. I can say why me? Why do I have to be witness to so much.? For what purpose? But we have an Almighty Deity who is all knowing and what purpose is this all for? What is the end plan? Why am I being tested so much? Is it to teach me to stand up to the evil and not walk away from it as I have done in the past? But others do that  and they don't seem to be tested so severely? One has to have faith that there is a divine plan that we are asked to choose to follow and one has to do the best one can to follow the path of life and love.
While at Great Aunt Mary's, her daughter-in law? showed up and she had her niece and nephew from Ottawa Kansas in the car. I wanted to go out and meet them both. My mother wouldn't let me. Later I found out there were of the Nazarene faith and she did n't want me associated with them? Made no sense to me what all was going on? and again , one just wasn't permitted to ask questions why things didn't make sense. These would be some distant relatives and I might never get to meet them. Of course from Ottawa ks we may have gotten to see each other more being Topeka Ks is not far away. There is a genealogy printed up of the Hardy family done by a pseudo distant relative years ago. All  of my generation and older  are in there even though we don't really belong in the books. My Dad refused to fill out the forms when they came. My mtoher did that. from what she was told.  Dad seemed noticeably upset but said nothing. Now one can see how misinformation gets passed on from one generation to another. and then none wants to believe when they are faced with the truth of the matter . Dear loved ones, one admired and they lied? One has to forgive them as Chirst fograve even though who crucified Him. Our histories got crucified, but we are here.  DNA may be the only way to ever know who is really related to whom in this world. But when one adopts themselves into the history of another, one does assume it .
 we then traveled to near Haxtun, Colorado to Aunt Bill and Grace hacktt, my Dad's youngest sister. Sorry , I got sidestracked, but they did tell me a lot, my cousins there.  The old family trunk was in the barn and the children out of curiosity from so much secretivity? had gotten into it. Put a group of young children and teenagers together, they are gong to compare notes and piece together a lot of things. I did not have the advantage of this living in Kansas. and never getting to see them except for rare visits.more of the secrets tomorrow! Linda Joy Adams 10/9/12

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