
Monday, October 8, 2012

Daily Recap 10/8/12: The Gold Mine: President Obama Born In Topeka KS

Daily Recap 10/8/12: The Gold Mine: President Obama Born In Topeka KS: No mail today as Federal Holiday. Doyle and I went to one of regular doctors in Dallas. Doyle is being on a trial of different medicine. And I;m about the same and got one renewal. yesterday I published my medications and missed two of them Nitro glycerin which is taken rarely as it expands blood vessels and causes lung spasms, but on occasion chest pains get too severe and take one and est. If do not subside then would need to get medical attention. That has not happened in years since I have home oxygen. Its what one doctor called reversible Islamic heart attack. The blood doesn't get out of lungs as it should, which is chronic on me any way; but more than usually so for me and a pill and bed rest usually allows it to flow enough to revers it. most people have heart attacks caused by blockages in  heart area, etc. and intervention is needed. In my case, just get some flow going again and the oxygen allows for there to be enough oxygen in the blood from the lungs. is is my patient understanding of what is occurring. And the current 'deth panels' that have been resurrected since 2005 by ignoring oxygen guidelines at medicare and all the other health plans that follow Medicare;'s lead are causing extreme harm to patients as often they don't get qualified for oxygen until they have suffered such severe attack and lack of blood flow that O2 levels are down to 88%. The 2005 guidelines that are medically specific say O2 saturation rate OR and list many medial conditions that is known if one does not have home oxygen patient can be really harmed or die and some have over this. Before 2005, it was  O2 sat rate OR medical records and was such a cumbersome process that ins and health plans were ignoring this and causing harm and deaths. That;s the real death panels when what is supposed to happen is not and people suffer and die from it. No one is ever made accoub\ntable except in rare circumstances. Over a decade Cigna got sued for 13 million for one death in North TX, but currently they are refusing to go by the guidelines as one pulmonary doctars staff and even another have told me. I told them patients need to start filing appeals. Problem  is these are being ignored and then doctors can be subjected to retaliations  for not going along with the ' death panels" doctors need  whistle blower protections and we need real criminal penalties for causing someone to die and  for witness retalaliations and intimidations. Just the same is if one causes another to die through their illegal actions. When one does not follow the law, that's illegal? Why are these govt contractors permitted to get by with this? Because past Congresses said so!Pay attention to those Congressional and Senate races and vote! Vote for someone that would allow you to live! Anyone can get sick or injured! And all life has worth according to the faith book I read, The Bible.  I believe we are all created Good, but we can be tempted to do evil by evil entities and those who have already fallen into evil deeds.. Some do fall into the temptation. And many have suffered do to their actions. we pass human laws to try and stop these evil deeds. But we have come to a time where the laws to stop it have been removed by human govts.  In the comment seciton yesterday, I added in the cortisone preservative free solution that is used in the huidiefer cup attached to my liquid oxygen. there is no safe inhaled stoerd for me on the market as the FDA ignores those who are chemicallyly sensitive or have chemically  induced asthmas and injuries.  They sneaklily exclude about 3 milion of us from all cliincal trials as if one has a heart condition one is excluded from trials of asthma drugs. and if one suffers a lung injury there is a given of a heart condition as the heart has to over work and eventually dammage from it, some have damagee immediately as I did in one valve., etc. Now have a diagnosi of left ventricle dysfunciton and diastolic heart failaure and some other valve damage. Fortunaltely , I had an excellent heart, lungs, etc.  and social security used to provide complete physicals every few years and I had lots of evidence to show I had none of the medical conditions that happen in a horrible    exposure to  severe toxic fumes. 1/10/89 in Jersey City at 2 Journal Suare 9Th Floor of the ADP building ownd by Hartz Mountain industries leased to HHS Social security by GSA and did not meet basic inspectiosn for human haitation by city, state or federal inspections. So why were we there? Why were the gas detectors truined off to stop the fire dept from showing up all the time and issuing cittions and no one was told that the fire dept was citing the buiding owenes for unsafe conditions until one day, an horrendous event occurred?
PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS: I grew up told one basic family history on my dad's side/ Like reading a book. The story of how they got to near Haxtun , Colorado. was that Grandpa Hardy owned the largest Gold mine at Breckenridge Colorado and got lead poisoning and could not mine any more and they first moved to Ks , then back out to Haxtun , Colorado. to a homestead, whether they took the homestead or assumed one abandoned was never clear. This is what I was always told. I don't know what all my cousins that lived in Colorado were told, but at age 8 began to find out there was some variance in the story. At age 8, Mom and I went to Denver to visit my sister Carol and her Husband Jerry who was stationed in the Air Force there.  We went up to Breckenridge an saw the nice house that supposedly was the original family home and was now owned by Great Aunt Mary who was living in Denver in a retirement community apt. She had lived in the home at the last. No one was living in the MT home at the time. It had stained glass windows and panes in the doors and locked to be a very elegant but not a palace or  anything. Obviously had been one of the nicest houses in town if not the nicest.  While my sister was working as program manager of a local radio station, my Mom and I went sight seeing. My mother had grown up in eastern Colorado but had never been to Denver to see all the sights. We went to the various museums etc. We went to the Historical museum where gold nuggets from all the old mines were in a display . We went to the Breickenridge one expecting to see Delbert Hardy on that label. That is not the name that was on there. I now know it was the name of great grandfather who was assassinated in the late 1800's. My mother and I were pretty shook by allt his and both of us began to realize that the truth had not been told of origins. After we fniisnhed our visit and Mom was on vacation from her job at Kreseges's in Topeka ks. we stopped to visit Aunt Helen Pope and husband family. But, first we stopped at the Hackett;s  on the old home place ,18 miles form Haxtun Colorado. We drove by the home nearby that my Dad had built himself soon after my parents were married and I know now the place of my birth ( I remembered it) but not the one on my birth record. More of that later. we stayed at Uncle Bill and Grace Hackett, Dad's sister. They had bought out the sisters and Dad when Grandpa Hardy had died back in 1933., before I was born and Grandma had died before that.One of her son's is Roland Hackett where President Obama spent much of his earliest years near Mercer Island Washington after birth in Topeka Ks. I have twin cousins a year older than me and also home, yet,  was another little older cousin. Now I realize that on the way Mom had begun to put together what she knew all along. A family that had moved in when she was a teenager in the community that didn't know how to garden and farm andi didn't even now to plant tomatoes for citrus in a time citrus fruits were expensive in the store when they were available. I don;t know if Dad ever told his wife.  Before I left home , I now she tried in different ways to get him to talk. I know, I wasn't; but I was told events and stories at times, that didn't fit the ' official' family history nor conversations I would walk in on and abruptly stopped and one soon learned in this extended family there were some real family historical secrets that were not gong to be shared  and don't bother asking.  I share this as many do not seem to understand how we could have a president that doesn't know his origins ,let alone family history. Tomorrow; what my cousins told me! Linda Joy Adams 10/8/12

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