
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Daily Recap 10/7/12: Colorado Connections: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

Daily recap 10/7/12: Colorado Connections: President OObama Born In Topeka KS
Rather chilly.  used a little heat last night. Got some dust out of one as didn't realize it had settled in and that's the last thing I needed dust in my nose. Still taking some antibiotics and have some bleeding somewhere passing through. Am guessing its from the sinuses and possible had too much Ginger tea( blood thinner) as nauseous from the drainage which is not an allergic reaction, just the opposite. Am now wondering if those cough lozenges are using some kind pf petroleum product for the menthol rather than the eucalyptus oil that is listed as inactive ingredient on the label. Doe the FDA know what they are doing to too many us us by there ignoring those with chemical sensitivities? If doesn't get better will have to contact doctor, but have no money for co pays, etc. as no one will address issues in govt files and the corruption is horrific as I've shared on line for the last 4 years and any formal complaints are disregarded as the coup d'etat by the govt contractors owned by the elite of the world  which seem to care little of human rights or constitutional rights of each of us.   Been some snide remarks about me personally . had no idea when I began publishing the eye witness account that there would be such interest in one eye witness. Some want to know more and seem to want to help search for trurth and missing bio pieces . Others seem to deny  without reading any thing I have written. Justt don't want to know.  some ask if i have taken my meds and the implication is not nice!
Since I do have to up date My medicine list  for all my doctors and to have with me in case of emergency here goes!
Liquid oxygen 2  liters 24/7 . In case of exacerbation sof sypmtoms, 2.5 liters approved by three health plans for life over concentrator as they give off ozone that causes inflammation of tissues.
Theophylline 300 mg twice daily
Maxair Inhaler 2 puffs 4 to 6 times a day as needed (use auto inhaler and take out canister and put in an old inhaler case as can;t suck in - breathing tests confirm this)
Intal Inhaler 2 puffs 4 to 6 times a day as needed
Dyrenium 50 mg every other day diuretic taken with
Furosemide 40 mg every other day with Dyrenium
Probiotic extra strength including the saliva ones each morning
Real lemon cut up  in purified water  for thirst and to combat bacterial infections
Vitamin C 500 mg with calcium  75 mg. in AM ( was taking one with magnesium)
Bactroban generic ointment in nostrils twice daily for bacterial infections.
Co Q 10, 200 mg in PM
Glucosamine Chondrotin 350 mg  in pm
Cinnamon 650 mg in pm, if sugar spikes then 1000 mg.
B  50 complex  in  PM
Potassium Gluconate 99 mg in PM
Cednifer 300 mg  2 X's daily for 10 days as needed for bacterial infection. taking now for this recent exacerbation
Cayenne pepper in hot steamy water for pain and inflammation as needed (do not use OTC painkillers)
Ginger in hot water for nausea
Generic Metamucil as needed
Baking soda for upset stomach as needed
Glucose lozenzes for drop in sugar levels ( was using a candy but Walmart stopped selling them and these cough drops caused severe reaction and have no idea what is in them as label misleading?)
All above either prescribed or approved by a doctor. And use organic and have to be very careful with inactive ingredients. as FDA excludes the chemically sensitive from guide lines for clinical trials.
Accepted conditions for Federal workers compensation.: Inhalation of toxic fumes with bronchiospasms
Occupational asthma, chemically induced pnemonitis. in upper and lower respiratory, ABG needle sticks, pending are several other conditions that are secondary and tertiary but due to  US dept of labor contractor defying judges orders to process and pay, not reviewed . These are all  usual outcomes of original injuries which was a full body burning of mucous membranes and filings done as diagnosed by doctors  Other agencies, such as VA have accepted these issues for similar injuries on other patients.  Cardiac problems as one of these and cardiac care has been paid in past until  more recent problems since moving to the Dallas region and file was rifled to make it look as if I'd not returned to work in 1990 A felony has put my life at risk and livelihood and yet the internal corruption is so bad no investigations and cover up of crimes continue as I've written here in Violations of civil rights pages 1-41 and posted periodically. . permanent medical benefits have been ignored since affiliated computer services, now a xerox company has usurped full control.and CEO LYnn Blodgett blatantly lied  to new reigional manager that everything had been done. This has put me in a legal limbo as cannot legally retire until OWCP gets me on permament disability and I filed for that in 1996 and volumes of medicals in file  all disppeared and no investigations allowed by those in charge. No decison to date. 2/09 appellate  judges said I did return to work and use my records process, etc. . 15 judges and two hearing offiicers remand orders. never followed and repeated requests from medicare's contractor  for  recovery of what they have paid, disappeared inside  ACS, too? Fed Bles contractor won't recognize OWCP and keeps altering official computer files in violation of laws, judges orders and contract terms and seems to know too much of what is going on internally on this illgally. No Part B Medicare as altering computer files has disappeared the Part B premiums and files have disappeared out of judges chambers, too. Securtiy seems to be no ones concerns.  Orders from one convicted in Jack Abramoff bribery scandal still being followed that since I am old : let her die and witnessed by more than one. even though h';s been gone for 7 years along with the million dollars that is on records as going through agencies and disappeared before being put in set aside for my care st OPM. and OIG for OPM says this is a suspected embezzlemet ring and not allowed to investigate since before 1/06 when my medical providers and oxygen supplier were told I had the milion AVC call center from their  own computer files.  and  I don't and certiifed letter for info never answered. Now its  suspected that ACS got the money to put in their bank in Dallas and isseud ATM cards or each of us to use and they wouere to monotor our use that it was for medical care and these were cased in and used to\for the bribery money and still may be going on. as no real investigation internally of any of these on going feloenies in any agency. Although its said officially there is.
PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS:  My Dad's family settled in the Sand Hills of Colorado in the early part of the last century. By 1920. They assumed the name of Delbert Eugene and Elizabeth Hardy. They are buried in the Haxtun Colorado cemetary.  There were 4 daughters and 1 son, my Dad.  The family bio that I grew up with was that Helen was the second oldest. She married the local banker's son and they moved to a ranch in Holyoke Colorado. His name was Millard Dell Pope. President Obama's youngest daughter reminds me of her.I have never met her in person as their duaghters were born after last time I saw him in person and then did not realize who he was until afterwards. Another missed chance to share what I am now sharing publically if he was never told. If he has known the truth and was convinced to not use it, that saddens me greatly and  really don't understand why. Its a human, American, biography. The five children seemed to accept the Christian denominations of the ones they married. The Popes were Methodists as far as I am aware and was told. I was only in their home once  when I was 8 years old back in summer of 1953. One summer, Dan went to work in a furniture store in Liberal KS and as a teenager to yougg to go to WWII stole the wallot of Stanley Dunham and the rest is now history, but its not the Main media's history and that's a question as to why not? My source for this is my Aunt Helen in Fall of 1963 when my mother wanted to know why the name Dunham got on all the records. More tomorrow of Colorado. Linda Joy Adams


Linda Joy Adams said...

Additional medications: very important since there is no safe inhaled steroid on the market any more for me. The doctors have me using Demexatosne #15 of cortisone steroid solution preservative free in the distilled water in the humidifier cup attached to the oxygen tank, It give an even minute flow to reduce inflammation.I understand its what is often used for cancer patients recieiving chmotheraphy and thnks to james stocks MD for fidning something for me to use when Azmacort was discontinued. Been on cortisone steroid for almost 25 years, was using azmacort but discontinued to save the environment leaving humans like me with no safe substitutes. some stuideis say there are @ 3 million like me in USA.

Linda Joy Adams said...

When I wrote this originally it was on my old XP system and there was no spell check that worked. But I do not wish to go back and alter the original now..
When I got my lap top 8.1, I had them keep some of the 7 so still have the google tool bar with sharing app for all sites. I got that in 4/14 and with the spell check things work much better. Its not that I am a bad speller, but do have some eye sight issues at times, and some issues with one hand. But I am still alive and many of my co workers are not. so life is good to even have and life is a blessing and no matter what is wrong in the world that I and other have to struggle against for life itself do to the OOUP OF 2002 when Congress voted to run the nation over to an international cabal and let them do as they please its been a struggle for life itself. But there is a heavenly deity that loves each one unconditionally and guides us through the terrible times to some day when all evil will bound up, Nothing can replace the love of Yahusha whom we Christians call Christ Jesus and family whose love is constant no matter what is a blessing when one has that ... When we moved out east 30 years ago we lost track of much of our extended family as we did not visit our parents in Kansas as often as we once did and most of them have moved elsewhere also of their descendants. I had relatives on both my parents sides that I had never met before they passed on to heaven and will have to wait to meet them there some day. I can only blame myself for not being a letter writer over the years to keep in touch. Compound that with a family of descendants that most seem not to know the history before the last 100 year on either side of the family makes it more difficult to have all behind a contact. Pictures on Flkr Linda Joy Adams//\\ Linda Joy Adams