
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Daily Recap 10/6/12: Spiritual Speculations: President Obama Born In Topeka KS

Daily Recap 10/6/12: Spiritual Speculations: President Obama Born In Topeka KS.
Fall is missing? Going to be 42 tonight and its been cold today. But forecast is for 80's mid week  in Day time and 60's at night.  So we decided not to take out the Air conditioners. This week will probably be the last chance to get a Fall garden planted to over winter for Spring crops. Feeling a little better. Antibiotics are helping but must be so careful about food when labeling isn't trustworthy. Why do the elite of the world think they can feed us harmful chemicals and toxins and mess with genetics and think they are god that has all knowledge to know what they are doing. And they don't! Have any real idea about how this world is put together. Then they scream about health care costs when good, nutritious food is one of the best ways to keep people healthy. The other is not let building inspectors and others be bribed to place workers in unsafe buildings and work sites. One has to have respect for life, all life; and accept  responsibility to see what we do know about safety is followed.  Spent much of day resting. Nothing much got done with regard to working on owcp or other matters that have some deadlines coming up all because those in govt and their contractors have no respect for the law, judges orders, and security  of files and whatever illegal motivations\may be at play.
PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS: When I began writing my eye witness account of circumstances and events surrounding the president's birth in Topeka KS, I explained I was going to separate what was fact as known and what was gleaned form other eye witness accounts which are are in the media and what is more speculations form historical facts and what seems to be fairly reliable info out there. Speculation its where some have take a few pieces of info and then decided what the missing pieces are. Most of what is out there is just that. Millions have been made form 1/2 truths and misinformation. sometimes the speculations is horrible and demeaning to the parties involved and obviously untrue as its so far from the facts of the events. I;m not endorsing any one for president as wish to remain neutral in the situation. what I do want to happen is for the main media to start dealing with truth where ever it leads and be the ' fourth estate' we all used to rely on. When it comes to spiritual matters, there is also a lot of speculation. But its usually called Biblical interpretation and sincere scholars try to be conscientious in basing what is not clearly spelled out by what has been said elsewhere in the Bible and scholars of the past who sincerely tried to be faithful to truth and all other sources of informations such as archaeological finds. Unfortunately here, there has sometimes been intentional misleading as powers that be in the human faith groups decide to manipulate the truth to their owns ends. Fortunately  the truth of meaning is usually found out. But not before some horrible things have been done in the name of religion.
One has to understand the bias of the writer, to some extent to understand what is being written. I am a Christian. I do believe the Bible.I beleive it is inspired. I do believe it is all true but I ask the question HOW? is it true. In a few pages we have the history of the universe, a long time, no matter what ones personal view of what that may be. The more humanity learns, the more we can answer the How? But there seems no doubt to me there is a supreme power who is outside of time and space that is all knowing and all powerful and who has created something very special in  humans and we are created with FREE WILL. Free to decide if we wish to remain part of creation and love  for one another as He loves us. We also can choose to separate from Him and face no eternity beyond this physical realm we are in at the moment.  I do believe that humanity has got itself in a horrible mess and may be facing some horrific times as the only hope is a great awakening of the most of us and this does not seems to be happening. we seem to be getting further disunited from each other and more subjected to a few bullies gaining great power and wealth and only seem to want to take more from us and subdue us more, taking away our free will given us by our Creator. I do believe in a Rapture. whether it will be near or far, I do not know. But I don't believe an end of the world\ as my Bible promises there will be an intervention. We cannot earn this gift. It is a gift that only requires belief in Him.Can that be put into some kind of scientific concept? Possibly?. But its a matter of faith an its often our faith that can get us through he most terrible of times.  Today I wrote a comment on Rapture Way. They had done a piece on all the satanic symbolism used around the first inaugurations and nomination of President Obama. Many began saying he is the Anti Christ. or Satan. According to my Bible he can't be.  The whole world is being turned to the side of evil and I am not privy to his personal beliefs. I don't know there are those who profess to be devout Christions  and attend services faithfully and even tithe their monies and go and do evil , evil things to others in humanity.  We are influenced by our up bringing and what those believe who raise us. But I do believe that the Truth can set one free of any binding force whether spiritual or human made.  and of everyone that has been affected. and if this happens to be a leader of the world, maybe the whole world will have some release from powers and principalities that are controlling us from being free to be what our Creator intended  .
 This is why I have been writing my eye witness account of circumstances surrounding Pres. Obama;s birth in Topeka, KS. The main media had the basics and chose not to investigate and use it. The Truth needs to come out! Even the staff of the sec of State of Ks made the remark: we don't think he knows (he was born there or name of his real Dad) Three unsolved and covered up murders on the bankks of the Kansas River. One of which, the real dad, whose name has never been in the Media. I have grave concerns regarding both candidates this year and pray folks will pray over their congress choices to restore a balance of powers back to Congress so whomever is in the white House, they will not fall to human temptation to use the unlimited powers past and current congresses have allowed to be put in the hands of current and future presidents. TRUTH WILL SET ONE FREE!  TRYING TO DO WHAT I SHOULD HAVE DONE IN 1/71, let the president know the truth f his origins. But message may not be getting to him from my e-mails to white house and campaign and hove not published name of real dad as only know it from my mother from Ann, his mother. But the whole Topeka HS and community was in  gossip frenzy over the interracial couple that turned deadly. Linda Joy, face book, @twitter starts 7/26/12 and included in posts labeled Daily recaps since. Most know nothing about this as the media  has lied big time and the whole world has been deceived! I was there! My Dad, his great great uncle from his grandad's side, who assumed the name Stanley Dunham, causing difficulty for Kansas authorities fining paternal relatives to step in and take charge, but did. Both pres and his mother had little contact with that side of family over socialist views?, and his maternal grandmother running from her own past? I enjoy your site and wish for the Rapture now to take us out of here before things get worse, but must "fight the good fight" and save all we can until he comes for us! By going public and sharing Truth has caused flak form both sides. but, have found most believers very helpful in finding other eye witnesses to piece together the true bio. As salvation is open to all, even one sitting in sets of great power. many are seeing a movie now, that does not tell the Truth as to origins. Unfortunately , if one is told a lie, then one is manipulated by those telling. he needs to know the Truth of a Father that laid down his life to save the life of his unborn child ,  and mother in the same attack 50+ years ago. A Young man who could sing a Christian Hymn that could win souls through his great gift. Instead he gets the story of a man who entered an arranged marriage, in Topeka, so he could  stay in USA and pregnant young girl so she could have a marriage certificate  in an era  where it was a social necessity and they never lived together and he never assumed any connection?. Yet, a lie is started and grows. he never knows about his real FATHER'S;s love. See a parallel to your article.! I don't know what the will of our Father in Heaven is in the political matter! I will be praying over what I should do but I was one of the "good people that did nothing 50 years ago." It was not until after the deaths that I learned the President's mother was my second cousin and she had no idea of her Dad's real name or that she had relatives other than her mother;s family in the area when she had to flee some some real abuse in the home where her mother had left her to go to school while parents were away on 'govt business.?"  Linda Joy Adams 10/6/12

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