
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Daily Recap 1/03/12: States In Charge: President Obama Born in Topeka KS:

Daily Recap 10/03/12: States In Charge: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks:  Pleasant day. son got another oxygen tank filled. will soon be five years that the only supplier in the area is continuing to refuse service even though approved for life by three health plans for payment Their illegal propriety agreement with Afflicted computer services overrides the law, regulations, judges orders and human decency As the order that been in effect now for over a decade that  they're to : Let Her die is still in effect.That's documented witnessed order and has been proven true many times over by their actions. Why? All I did one day is go to work as had for almost 20 years at Social security and a toxic cloud enveloped me as the new building we had been in did  not and could not have met city, state of federal inspections. When GSA takes bribes,Federal workers  die. no where for Federal employee to turn. everything is done as 'genrtlemen's agreement' unlike if OSHA or any one else is sent into Private company and can wield great and full powers of the govt. The leased space is govt property Even though the rest of the ADP bldg in Jersey city NJ was owned by Hertz Mountain Industries. When a federal employee works in a building owned by a billionaire , the rank and file worker loses and some have already lost life.
These illegal proprietary agreements are all over country inside and between govt contractors.No one has authority to do anything to stop theft and murder attempted murder or any other things that would be prosecutable crimes if a private entity did them. I personally believe we need some kind of national health care safety net but,in 2014 everyone will be under these federal contractors and they will find they could be in the same situation as many Federal employees are.  most have a health plan that has preventative services such as mammegrams, bone denisity tests at certian ages & times. Men have PSA tests, etc usually a yearly chest x-ray may be included.l Most figure no issue in having these paid 100%. Not for our family,the insurance contract we recieve each years form federal Blue Cross blue shield is a lie. even if one has not cancer or other disease found Fed Blues refuses to pay 100% as it says.I found out within the last few months that federal Bues is only paying 50% of each claim out of our paid premiums and the subsidized premiums part the taxpayers chip in. The other 50% is paid by Office of Personnel management and I have been unable to find out what contractor is doing this. Most agencies are using Affiliated compujter services or thier subsidiearies or conencted cos. None of our literature says that.Is it that Fed Bleus pays and then OPM refuses to pay their half, but says they do on some offline system and someone is skimming money? one has to have worked around these older systems to understand how easily this can occur when Congress has prohibited andy real internal audits any more nor cirminal prosecutions. been this way over decade.
mid day,  get a call from a bill collector from hospital where my family doctor sends me each year for my mamegorsm I'e wrtten before of the horrible situation that occurred this year as they couldn'tlocate Bleus on the medicare system and Part B preieumens are gong misising into cyber space for the last 3 years, no part B either. I do get them to check fed blues separately.they find it eventually. S.J l has been calling to have the mediicare coordiantion of benenfits contractor, emblem health that owns the medciare computer to delete fed blues off entire famialies reocrds bi weekly as posts form US Dept of Labor says owcp and fed Bleus is primary for me and fed blues primary for family. Their illegal proprietary agreements override laws,judges orders and terms of govt contract and we have no abioity to now what they say. so don;t know what our coverage is. we and taxpayer pasy for for us. Been going on over a decade since HCA Blues form ILL took over in three southern states. Patient islsible for overpayment to  medicare and Social aecurity agreed in 2005 to do the wiaverss for patients and has refused to implement this Its agianst equity and good s\conscience kind and no income or reosurce info has to be given by the patients. Much like one gets when a creidt card'sstolen and it is theft and patient can't arrest anyone, but in this case the govt can't either.Most have no idea there is a bill owed against the patient by te govt.
So bill collector calls and wants $33, my co pay for a 100% covered service. I have filed an appeal and its never answered to the issue as these contractors seem oblivious to the constitutional rights for over a decade.. One can;t blame one polticial party or another. When I saaid you haven;t answered my letter not reqeusts and to look at the stement I enter abovemy signature on the reigistration forms they are rarely give to the billing service, they hug up I calldback and this went on a few times obviously no one is going to obey law on this. Then the manager gets on the phone and i tell hims an he seems to not want to understand either. I want a copy of your propetary agreement as i only have my health inruance contract that says 100% paid. where is the one that says its not 100%? I said send it or code the bill the proper way. its all in the coding . So don't expect to get all those promised preventative care packages, no one is going to make them do it in won't even have the states to help.if one has an effective insurance commissioner.
PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS: i have noticed so much over the last few years of people and media saying Obama and not President Obama. we do need to show respect for the office.Even ifone doesn;t agree with the man;s politics. Its more disregard for law and constitution. Did  blogging on Huffington Post on a birther issue article. Many don't wseem to understnad the position the sec of State of KS is in. The secretary of state acdcepts the signe form to be on ballot.. there ae rules as to what candidates can be on it. Through a primary elction,  conventions picking a party candidate or some others. Basic for presidnet is that one's age 35 and a natural born citizen of USA   most understand that to mean one is born in USA somewhere.Then the statel can ask for some proof. In Ks and others the hawaii record was submitted. some got just the reigistration form. i and other know that this is not the real birth record as its not from Topeka Ks.But no one has rarely ever questioned the process unitl now. In Ks a complaint was filed aying, that's not real. But Mr montgomery that filed the first complaint produced no evidence to rebut his allegation. I then file an affidavit withf KS saying he is eligible to be on the ballot as he was born in the USA and info indicates he was born in 1961, he's old enough, but you've the worng eye witness evidence is still legal in this country and  used in civil and criminal courts. The sec of state's staff then does their job and I heard one verbally call others in .  The  State then  conduct  own investigation which  is authorized to do and does not have to wait further. Stafff spends over an hour  1/2 more checking data bases as I provide name of hospital, Forbes Air force base , real name of Ann's dad, Daniel wayne Pope, not stanley Dunham and name of real father of baby that died before birth in a racial hate cirme in KS River.and may be listed as father or even s Jr. I told about arranged marriage to obama sr in Topeka and they never lived together.  even checked the death reocrds. I could not be told what they found and di not akk as i knew that. The Secretary of State of KS can;t tell anyone but the President without a court order, then only whom the judge says can be told and have the records. They olnteerd a surprising statement. "We dont think he knows." Indonesia may have used the Ks record for the adoption and name may be Barry Soetoro. a he was very young her may not have known was used. I read that Joe Montgomery got threatening calls. I never called him and this is unconsciounable and more of what is going on in this country of disrepect for law.  i did leave a message on his facebook ad referred him to my web sites for more info about birh in Toepka Ks.m to my web sites for more info. he had the weekend to read and on Monday he withdrew his compliant.. I did mention this is an opem murder investigation of three dead. I no way was implying he was a suspect as he may not have even been born yet. But informally I did what is legally required, I notified the opposing parties to the complaint and had no idea who his atty  was, if any.  Then Orly Taitz atty who keeps trying to prove a Kenyan birth , which the president may well have believed at one point.and one reason I have written in detail of the circumstances and of my extended family and real fear of the KKK  50 years ago. I found web site of her name  and phone number and called and left messages about the birth and my filing affidavit and what the sate had done and probably found." again this is a notification of opposing parties in the complaint filed. and I am infomally trying to negotiate a settllement by having her amend her lawsuit to ask for the court order.I'm not a lawyer but been around gvt and lawssince 1968 and made a lot of deterinations of age and citizenship over the eyars when many had no original birth records at all.. She? did answer ad didn;t seem to want to know. My personal opion is shi is not allowed  to follow the truth to Kansas it can only go to Kenya. Sec of State went to court yesterday and says he is satisfiided that President obama is legally eleigible but he can't say he is basing it on a Ks birth record his staff found. every one else thinks he is accepting the hawaii record..He asks for dismissal but the judge suspends it indefinitely, I understand why this could be , no one else seems to. Even if the President forged a birth record himself or knew about it or did any other crime that doesn't keep him off the ballot for votrers to decide  to vote for him.Any issie of fraud in the process can and should be heard later and referral for prosecutions and/ or cirminal investigations could happen some time in the future against whomever may have done this. But the perosn needs to be alive and , most importantly it has to be provend the president knew the truth. For ome reaosn, the STATE OF KS ALREADY HAS AN OPINION THAT HE IS INNOCENT OF THE FRAUD HIMSELF.  This is a matter for the state and maybe Hawaii.
This is a blalnce of powers in our constittuion and we go back and forth. The federal govt has gotten overly powerful and so has the powers of the presidency as the Congresses have allowed it to haappen and passed laws to do it. States need to balance when things get out of control and too powerful. Years ago, we needed the federal govt to step in as real terror and murder and other horrible things were being done and too often the cirminals were inside the state and local govts and law enforcment.Is there a pure balance? As long as imperfect humans can be tempted to sin and do evil things in some cases the power needs to swing back and forth to bring the powers into balance in order to serve the people the best way possible The State of Ks needs to inveesitigate some old cirmes and if the need federa hlle thsy should ask for it. If they don't, then the feds should step in  so justice for all prevails. Linda Joy Adams 10/3/12

1 comment:

Linda Joy Adams said...

Sorry about the typos. for some reasosn ABC spell check stopped working and then when I would correct it erased the letters wrttien ahead of the correction. Then it seemed a f smecorrections done at first didn;t take. I need a better table to ut ke board on, I;m using the topof a platic tub on my lap while propped up on pillows lying down. Linda Joy Adams