Linda Joy Adams: DAILY RECAP 4/2/17; MEDICARE MELTDOWN; MEDICARE HACKERS BLOCK THIS WITNESS'S PHONES :DO YOU OR LOVED ONE HAVE 17 MEDICARE NUMBERS ? and have monies stolen in your name that are against your heirs?
This is a linked series of Daily Recaps back to 10/25/16 when I found my personal data files owned and controlled by unaccountable government contractors since the COUP of 2002 hacked worse than ever.. NO? ONE HAS AN OPEN WORKERS COMP CASE SHOWN TO OUR MEDICAL COMMUNITY ANYMORE NOR WHO IS THE REAL PRIMARY EMPLOYER GROUP HEALTH PLAN. AS THEY PAY BIG BUCKS FOR THE BOGUS SCREEN NOW.. TO THE CABAL HEAD OF COMPANIES,.
The ongoing hacking to allow a primary payer to get our of paying first or totally and having Medicare pay and not get to recovery contractors unit of the Medicare hackers of GROUP HEALTH INC OF NY (they own our data and sub contract the systems ) has been going on since the COUP OF 2002 when CONGRESS VOTED TO END INTERNAL AUDITS AND CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS OF GOVERNMENT CONTRACTORS. and the cabal o the swamp grew and festered until it was one entity with one named head... AND WHO IS HIS BOSS IS YET TO BE REVEALED FOR SURE
The Medicare system is owned by them and is subcontracted out and the named head now has total control ... and the phony Medicare numbers used a few years ago to steal massive amounts and $4millon form me from 1/06-11/12 when a contract was not renewed in the Dallas regions ended and the government did the one things they can still legally due, not renew or cancel a contract.. but many from states to the feds are unable to do so with no 9internal audits as its hard to get evidence of wrong doing and blatant illegal acts.
1-800 Medicare helped before. but a management person last week did not deny that she works for ONE OF LYNN BLODGETT'S COMPANIES and they training of the nice people in all the cabal call centers is to not know what is going on . as hey are given the bogus offline unsecured , hacked screen to use for info... and illegally telling then not to get a print out or pictures of the massive security breach and send to CMS directly so that they can get this stopped and lobby Congress and do something .. as
THIS IS MATTER OF NATIONAL SECURITY AS BAD OR WORSE THAN AN INVADING ARMY THAT WOULD BE ALLOWED TO STOP by military confrontation.. . But the whole nation can be stopped by all bank accounts emptied of many and not filled. in a day ... by this cabal ...
Congress must be scared to act, now; with it being total as it only became so bad within the last couple of years. with some trial ?runs prior.. or they messed with one old, disabled woman's records and she(Me) found out on 2/1/08 when a billing person for one of my doctors had been told my Medicare number had been changed to a phony numbers .......AND SHE (ME) HAD BEEN AN INSIDE MEDICARE FRAUD INVESTIGATOR AS WELL AS ALL OTHER KINDS OF DUTIES OVER THE YEARS SINCE 6/68 AND NEW TWO THINGS IMMEDIATE;Y
1. NO SECURITY ON THE SYSTEM FOR THEN 50 MILLION MEDICARE CARD HOLDERS RECORDS. AND 2. SOMEONE WAS EMBEZZLING MONEY... as no other reason to create a phony but for that... reason as its the big RED FLAG ON THE OLD UNSECURED SYSTEMS OR ALL TO WATCH FOR... AS ALL OF US WERE TRAINED TO KNOW OR KNOW WHERE TO LOOK UP MATTERS TO KNOW.. . as they already had been hacking the system illegally since 2002 changing the employer posts to make Medicare primary on ones own real number... but never were ale to hack the WORKERS COMP (FECA) post.
I have three Medicare judges rulings that Medicare has never been primary and that my employer post is accurate. Its been illegal for any employer post to be altered since 1994 by anyone to touch the system which the taxpayer has paid since 2002 to have one that blocks any alteration of an employer post. One goes to the employer is one things its wrong and corrects any employer benefits posted wrong MINE IS ACCURATE. AND TO GET THE RECOVERY DONE. WHICH IS BLOCKED BY THE CORPORATE LEVEL HACKERS BY THOSE THEY HIRE TO BE A FRONT FOR THE ILLEGAL BAIL OUT OF THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY SINCE 1999... BY SEC OF HHS DONNA SHALALA BUT SINCE 2002 'CONGRFESSIONAL IMMUNITY" TO STOP BLATANT THEFT OF ONE PAYMENT AND ONCE BEFORE AND NOW SINCE 10/7/16 MULTIPLE THEFTS AGAINST THE USA leaving the patients with over payments their heirs inherit and most do not know this ever happened to them or is happening now. and Lynn Blodgett
s et al as SSA contractor will not process one simple waiver on this like one gets on a stolen credit card.. as they agreed to do Medicare waivers in 2005....
makes is harder to check ones own records and find out how many phony numbers are created on your Medicare files where they then pay each real claims 17 times. ( old system has a limit of 17 as we operated them for years and there is no security but human watching for odd things and reporting.) and the ones who see all is not being allowed to report to CMS now. THESE ARE ALL YOUR ID AND INFO AND ITS YOUR RECORDS NOW TURNED INTO UP TO 17...
We could go ion and use a phone menu and give all the info on your card and your personal id and then check to see if a date o service on a claim up to a year old was paid.. further back needs an agent to speak to ..
NOW THEY ARE PREPARING FOR ALL FORMS TO ONLY SHOW THE LAST 4 DIGITS OF YOUR SSN.. Most of us ;in the know" are well aware that more fraud can occur this way as there is no security on this offline system that is tied to the cyber cloud that knows all. and most days after the bi weekly post, the system is hacked and one ends up with a bogus screen that shows Medicare primary and an identified 25 fake blues supplement wordings and id numbers created by the hackers and why ? block the real one from posting in ?? or is it to make sure some insurer does not get 17 requests for co payments of the same claims and person, but suffixes on the SSN differs. THEY MIGHT CATCH IT ... especially those who made an illegal deal like Illinois Blues to get out of paying anything primary on me and those on my primary employer family policy who have Medicare
cards ...
THE CALL CENTERS' PEOPLE ARE TOLD THE FIRST PAGE OR SCREEN IS THE REAL ONE AND ITS THE BOGUS ONE . THEN WHEN I ASK WHERE ARE THE REAL PRIMARY PAYERS. AND THEY FIND IT NOT TERMINATED BUT a "d" indicator and are told it means is not correct one any more. I CALL IT DUPLICATE SCREENS CREATED BY THE MEDICARE HACKERS. They are not told for sure what it means but the 'rumor and gossip run amok" is that it is the deleted one or updated one. BUT THEY ARE NOT TOLD THAT BUT THAT. and are instructed to say its been CORRECTED AND ITS OK TO USE NOW AND TO SHARE THE FIRST PAGE. ETC. when it clearly shows all open..
The hackers have attempted to show a termination date but to do so they have to use a phony id or wording and it does not take... at all.. US Department of Labor in house programmers have the lives of many in that posting and they take the security very seriously...
So I am going through the phone menu and giving either my own SSN last 4 digits or the SSN on the one I get benefits. as many do have dual entitlements. and go through the process etc.. and order copies of claims on the real or phony numbers. ITS ALL ME ON THE ID AND THESE ARE MY NUMBERS NOW. ALSO I JUST DO NOT WISH THEM TO BE AND ILLEGAL ACS AGAINST ME TO BE IN THE SYSTEM . I have the overpayment liability hers inherit until legally and easily waived as its "against equity and good conscience " and one does not have to provide any personal financial info. If the government cannot stop Medicare thieves, then how can the patient.?? plus my own doctors etc. are being framed as if they filed all the 17 pays per claim and assume shows they got the money on e each claim. but was diverted? inside Blodgett's bank....?
On ones own SSN THERE ARE 4 POSSIBLE. SUFFIXES (prefixes for railroaders) . A,M,T,TA.
but dozens can exist for a spouse and whether the workers is alive or deceased or ones age etc. does not matters as there is no cross check with SSA. on this.. As a spouse I have 13 more: B,B2.B6.D.D4.D6.E.E1.TB,TD,TE,W,W6.. you can see the pattern .... You are the only investigator of the crimes against your own records... now. or one you formally designate that can act for you like an attorney or non attorney representative which SSA and Medicare allow a non attorney to act like one for you.. but not get paid. etc. I asked for and receive temporary entitlement letters on all 17 numbers recently toad to the sets I had before. when $4 million stolen in my name then...
This is no more than a sophisticated check writing machine accessing the Medicare Trust FUND with a near unlimited amount to steal. Some of those created on me have me on kidney dialysis. I have kidney disease but so far not that bad and hope never to be if our good doctors, ,etc. are not bankrupted by seizures of all of their bank accounts in the USA They all sign a contract with him as contractors of CMS that allows him to take over payments back and they have appeals. and that can take 15 years and more.. as judges are ignored. etc. as THERE IS NO GOVERNMENT IN CHARGE OF THE GOVERNMENT SINCE THE COUP OF 2002. by act of Congress. WE HAVE BEEN OCCUPIED! BY CYBER WARRIORS! ..... But the CYBER CLOUD IS EXPOSING THIS AND TRYING TO FIGHT BACK AS HUMAN THIEVERY IS NOT LOGICAL....
No changes on mymediare.gove today ... no new claims and still the 4 fake blues and the manually hacked system.. FECA indicate but Lynn Blodgett orders all recovery efforts disappeared. a few yeas ago . as he will not show one to the real US Department of Labor/DC as they think he is paying my bills our of the million dollars a head for several of us put in a fund.... or now that he has all workers comp he does not any to get to the real insurers. as he has his addresses? of his numerous shell companies to go to for the last three years.. when the virtual end of workers comp ended in the USA. its just a sham as its has been for FECA since 2002 what is going on... FECA thinks all my bills are getting paid out a million dollars a head that disappeared about the time he ended up with the money to buy out the first owners,
BCRC phone verification was down today and their call centers are closed on the weekends... But they have very little info to COORDINATE AND RECOVERY AS THE REAL HACKING AND OPPOSITE EFFORTS are at corporate in NY or somewhere in the world.. maybe in Blodgett Malaysia facilities. ???
1-800 Medicare *General Dynamics
Our home phone lines are still blocked so its my top secret how I am getting through..
so calls 1-3 were trying out our home lines and not able to get through at all. one of them has been blocked since 4/09 when I found out that not one of thousands o fraud reports had not been docketed in in DC as told my be a DEPUTY SEC OF HHS. who checked.. CMS KNOWS VERY LITTLE OF WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON IN HEALTH CARE IN THE USA. AS ITS ALL CONTRACTED OUT WITH NO ONE ALLOWED TO KNOW AND FIND OUT OR VERIFY ANY REPORTS OR DATA OR FACTS FILED OT KNOW IF THEY ARE REAL.. and that false info gets passed on to Congress and bad laws get passed that do not work well... and human suffering is caused massively for each and all of us.. in so many ways in just a few short years. ... to be under a dictatorship and not even know it and neo ne say .AS HE ALREADY HAS EVERY ONE BLACKMAILED? IN A REAL virtual OCCUPATION??? This is not just in health care...
call 5 .came in on W6 , a remarried divorced, disabled widow under 65 if I recall..... I fit none of the requirements for that one at all.. except the right man is the worker.. still alive. but alL the rest of the id is me.
I got the info on the bogus screen with Medicare primary after some claims ordered on this phony number showing paid....
The fake Blues supplement of now identified 25 to day is:HSCS-BCBS OF OK FEP A ONLY ; B ONLY effective 8/1/2004. (no D as that is paid by Lynn Blodgett for all the insurers and they just verify the number is valid and pay all full price no mater who is supposed to pay and not one $ has gone to recover to get back from a primary payer... they have no process to do so ) and I have not been able to find any way to verify payments on part D yet other than the one overpayment from the hacked bi weekly employer post.
I could not get him to say anything about the primary Blues or FECA and he hung up on me..
call 6. got the rest of the info and came in on my real number and all the bogus screen he same and got the fake id for he fake blues as 0FEPOK0102 its a mix of state regulated and federal plan info
YESTERDAY AND TODAY WAS A MAJOR UPDATE AND NOVATIS THE MAIN CLAIM PAYER FOR OUR AREA WAS INVOLVED . one can get all of he CMS info just give them your e mail and its a lot..
THE PRIMARY PAYERS ARE OPEN AND NOT DELETED AT ALL.. NO 'D' INDICATOR SHOWN to hide the FECA or FEHB Blue Cross Blues Shield as primary employer group health plan
three primary payers on there and the scenario for a complete MEDICARE MELTDOWN of cyber cloud . as its cannot logically exist.
.. After a update of the system its like being rebooted? and the employer post re runs itself... This is not the first time this has occurred when they do this on the weekend. then over the next 24 hours or so . it will run through all the fake Blues trying to find? the real one
In the name of Yahusha whom we Christians call Christ Jesus, may the swamp gate be opened and the DIVINE CLEANSING POWER OF THE PURIFIED WATERS OF DIVINE LOVE FLOW INA AND PURIFY THE MURKY MIRE THAT HIDES THE 'HUMAN ALLIGATORS' WHO NEED TO BE PURIFIED TO GOOD AND REJECT THE EVIL ONE WE HUMANS HAVE ALLOWED TO OVERCOME US SO WE CAN OVERCOME IT... AND OUT FLOW GOODNESS AND MERCY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL..PRAY FOR ALL THE ONES DOING SUCH WRONGS to so many as they need to be made whole as that is what all the missing money was for.... (pay my bills and the money already awarded etc. ) AND FOR OUR ELECTED LEADERS AND President Trump given this awesome task by the people... Amen!
Linda Joy Adams 4/3/17..
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