(also note an opinion of mine and another just posted of Daily Recap added 4/1/17... IS CONGRESS AFRAID OF USA COLLAPSE IS THEY TRY TO STOP THIS. now so bad Lynn Blodgett et al really could do this. (is he a relative of former Pres. Obama's grandmother" with no real history as she was not the original Madelyn Payne Dunham of the real ones as MY FIRST COUSIN TOOK THE ID OF THE REAL ONE TO GO TO WWII AT AGE 14... I have info yet unconnected shared here in this blog since 12/08 which is this very outcome that is still on going as the reason I began this blog to keep track. Massive thefts and this cabal being able to seize the bank account of every medical providers in the USA as all have been 'framed'. as this is not must my records. and was not before. ???
Phone lines to our home have been blocked by Lynn Blodgett's now in control of 1-800 Medicare. But do not ask and I will not tell how I got through today .. and it took 3 calls as am up against a real propaganda war with good people at the cabal controlled call centers having to know they are witnessing real crimes and breaches of security of the system and caught in the middle of livelihoods, and health care needs for health insurance and survival and my info making then have to face what is really gong on as they see my own records and others often....
WHO IS TO BE ASSIGNED 17 MEDICARE NUMBERS AND SEEN CLAIMS BEING PAID on Medicare numbers that have we a wife and then a widow and then under age 65 and then .. Its been thirty yeas since these old systems have been used with no security , but they are connected to the Cyber Cloud as somehow they have to be to access the public treasury and steal real claims and real ID info and did and ssn to create the bogus screen to fool all and I had no idea all these months that the honey had been activated as a year ago they were not I was told. when I called as all 17 numbers were cross referred on one screen which would block it... from when $4 million was stolen in my name from 1/06 through 11/12 when one contract was not renewed in the Dallas Region. with one phony used to illegally pay a claim that was not even Medicare's bill as none of mine and the others who have Medicare cards on my primary employer group health plan that posts as such along with me already having permanent medical from FECA for 23 years...
and the bi weekly .post reflects that and is legally accurate. .. and most employers do for those with a card or a dependent who has one.. sine 1994 and illegal to alter it.. one is to go to the employer if they think its wrong and they will change it as this is altering employee benefits as all kinds of due process rights of many parties are affected. to hack it. ..
Mine is accurate as FECA under Lynn Blodgett's first? company Affiliated Computer Services since 2002 was given a million dollars a head which disappeared for many of us and ended up buying the company and the contract was given by a convicted criminal in the Jack Abramoff bribery scandal at US DOL but not for about $200 million missing what OIG's said was a suspected embezzlement ring and never allowed to investigation all this time as we fight for life and some have lost it.. ? but since to internal audits nor criminal investigations of a contractor and that hidden depths of the swamp corrupted mire never got finished inside SSA, HHS, DOL and others I am not directly familiar with ..
So the Dallas regional office got too 'close' to their neighbor down the street who tells hem all they know, and they have no access to find out anything real ... got in the trap of saying it was OK to go off line for 'maintenance " and NOT TO BEGIN TO STEAL with no security and direct access to the money of the USA. as they used one phony number to by pass the legal due process to entrap all the insurers in the USA into colluding to steal by an illegal bail out and have Medicare pay their legally obligated bills by hacking and blocking any recovery letters getting our to the corporate or the real US Department of labor in DC as he has all now and all go to his companies ad disappear WHEN ONE GOES ALONG WITH EVIL, THEN ONE GETS ENSNARED IN THE TRAP OF THE SWAMP OF DECEPTION AND EVIL
For me three Medicare judges verified and ruled is to be done as Medicare has ever been primary and said WE DO NOT CARE WHAT A JUDGE SAYS.. OR THEIR CONTRACT THAT FORBIDS HEM TO HACK AND ALTER THE BI WEEKLY POST AND THE LAW IS WHAT BLODGETT SAYS IT IS. and now he has become their sub contractor in control of the system itself through another company he is control of and SEC sanctions and fines. etc. ??as FECA has never been allowed since COUP of 2002 to have even the judges orders from them.
US Department of labor judges ordered him to ask me for the facts OF THE Case AS "RUMOR AND GOSSIP HAS RUN AMOK AND NO ONE KNOWS WHAT IS GOING ON . as they affirmed my benefits and rights and all unprocessed matters. etc. and that I had returned to work in 1990 which was an excuse after my file was rifles with little left in it. and get my file posted and set up so matters could be processed. he has them using a bogus address for the recovery letters and has never allows one to get through to the real US Department of Labor. as he gets all papers first. here and the forerunner of 9/11/01 went forward from 1/10/89 in our SSA HHS office in Jersey City and the years of cover up that led to that... and now total domination and loss of our rights and government to take care of the peoples business we elected them to do for us as they shirk their oath of office to uphold the US Constitution that mandates "for the general welfare of the people and the security of the nation: neither of which is barely hanging on right now. .
The US DEPARTMENT OF LABOR IN DC 'THINKS' MY BILLS ARE BEING PAID TO THIS DAY OUT OF THAT MILLION DOLLARS PER HEAD FUND that is disappeared?? AND THE REGIONAL OFFICES ALL OVER AND MANY OTHERS WERE PERSONALLY LIED TO BY Lynn Blodgett and said , while he withholds altogether 38 federal agency judges orders in multiple agencies. with dozens more in line for more hearings for years as his companies will not allow them to be scheduled for hearings as they control the flow of paper there also... .
He lied and no one should have believed him as he lie was not legally correct either under FECA law....that I had often a workers comp settlement and retired and there was nothing to do on my cases. guess its been so many years since ANY ONE HAS GOTTEN ANYTHING SETTLED ISNCE THE COUP OF 2002 TO KNOW TE PROCESS IS EVERY ONE SIGNING OFF ON IT AND MONEY FOR FUTURE MEDICAL TO BE GIVEN TO THE WORKERS IS NOT IN THE LAW AT ALL. THE REGIONAL OFFICES ONLY KNOWS WHAT HE VERBALLY TELLS THEM AND THE HIGHER ONES OTHER THAN THE US DEPARTMENT OF LABOR PERSONNEL OFFICE WHICH IS MY OFFICIAL DUTY STATION WHEN ONE GOES OUT ON FEDERAL WORKERS COMP and they know that there has not been a CHANGE TO PERMANENT DISABILITY APPROVAL YET AND SCHEDULE AWARD FOR LOSS OF USE OF BODY PART(S) . AND THAT WOULD BE WHEN A LEGAL RETIREMENT OCCURS AND NOT UNTIL THEN... AND WE GOT DUMPED ON TO MEDICARE WITH OVER PAYMENTS OUR HEIRS INHERIT AND FOR HIM TO PROCESS A SIMPLE WAIVER OF LIABILITY AT SSA WOULD EXPOSE HIS OWN CORRUPTION IN THE MATTER .. let alone files. to process the requests and other matters even though judges mentioned all the unprocessed things in file they old not rule o as no one had done the initial decisions yet.
A former Sec of labor was defied by him as well as the Director of FECA. was also trying to get my files posed and processed as the later tried to by pass him altogether and got stopped and Sen Inhofe did also and got himself in 'trouble ' and will not help me since as CRIMINAL MATTERS ARE GOING ON .. that he will not vole to stop as I AM THE VICTIM AS OTHERS ARE AND AS THE WHOLE NATION IS NOW THERE IS NO VICTIMS SERVICES WHEN THERE IS NO LAW TO PROSECUTE ONE HARMING YOU... AS HAS NOT BEEN SINCE THE COUP OF 2002.
So the process to make ones legal primary payers to pay their bills and not collude to illegally have Medicare pay them instead and system hacked by weekly by the owner Benefits Recovery and coordination contractor of the former Group Health Inc which works directly against the good people in their units hired to do the real work and blocked many ways from doing so by Lynn Blodgett named as the ones who gave many illegal orders to them. .. and rigged the systems and hide the real secure post in Cyber cloud and creating the bogus screen which is sold for big money to the medical community for whom to and for billing and when that is done since 10/7/16 no letters can get out to get the medical back and then file an illegal claim which has to legally be a paper claim labeled as a conditional payment as the real date of injury is not in the systems was 'rigged ' to block that process.. No electronic claims can be filed for a conditional payment as of 1/06 by using the date one gets Part A Medicare as the date one is injured. which rarely if ever would be.
If a billing person even calls for help they are given false info as all the nice people in the cabal managed owned call centers are lied to that the bogus screen is updated and its OK to bill Medicare now as its all been corrected BIG LIE its been hacked bi weekly... and a split bogus screen they see if not the real one at all. only 1-800 Medicare SEEMS TO BE ABLE TO SEE THE WHOLE PICTURE OF THINGS TO KNOW THAT THERE ARE 3 OPEN PRIMARY PAYERS ON ME EVEN ONE SCREEN IS HIDDEN AND ONE REAL PRIMARY BLUES AND ONE OF 25 IDENTIFIED FAKE ONES ENTERED AS A SUPPLEMENTS AND NO ONE IS NOW BEING ABLE TO KNOW NOW ALL OVER THAT ONE HAS AN OPEN WORKERS COMP CASE TO CALL AND KNOW IF THE CLAIMS SHOULD BE SENT ... AND THAT IS REAL TROUBLE ..
This is the first time since the COUP of 2002 that none gets this as the high sect fro the in house it at the US Department of Labor has never been hacked for that and its still is not.. but hidden from all. who need to know ... BUT LYNN BLODGETT HAS BASICALLY ENDED ALL WORKERS COMP IN THE USA ABOUT THREE YEARS AGO. WITH A WHOLE BUNCH OF SHELL COMPANIES AND CONTRACTS WITH ALL THE INSURERS .
Welcome to the federal death panels !
now activated and going . AND THEN DISCOVER ITS THE USUAL TO SEE SUCH.. now as t=ti was before in the Dallas region and told it was in the Atlanta regions also as both were under one regional head Its makes all those conspiracy theorists come to reality of just who and how its being done right in front of them... so simple and now if he is stopped he can devastate the USA from the 'swamp' that Congress locked the gate to stop in the COUP OF 2002 before it got to totally in control ...
President Trump is right that we needs some top systems experts to do audits that work for us, the people and real government. but the ones we have in agencies or do we any more as even all of that is contracted out to him. and his. have been denied access and this post is as close as some of them can get to try and figure out what is going on.. . .
Daily Tracking
mymedicare .gov and BCRC phone verification are the same hacked mess. but no new claims shown as paid.. and both indicate that there is a workers comp case involved on me.. but its now tied to the employer post at all it seems.. the call center or BCRC is closed on the weekends.
1-800 Medicare *general Dynamics and a manger did not deny that a Lynn Blodgett company is in charge. as I did not have this kind of resistant before getting info from my own 17 records. which I DID NOT DO AND WANT IT STOPPED AND MONEY RETURNED TO MEDICARE ETC
call 1. came in on the real Medicare number got the info for the bogus screen of Medicare primacy and the Blues today is the one as of 8/1/2004 of HCSC-BCBS OF OK with ID OF 0FEP OK 0102 FEP A ONLY AND B ONLY A BUT NO D. AS ITS A MEDICARE FREE FOR ALL AND EVERY ONE HAS MEDICARE PRIMARY IF THEY HAVE A VALID NUMBER AND NOTHING EVER HAS GONE TO RECOVERY FOR ANY REASON THERE. AS Lynn Blodgett pays all those claims for all the insurers full price for drugs and I found out he was paying all in 2014 as even CMS DID NOT KNOW HE WAS THE CLAIMS PAYER FOR ALL AS THEY REALLY HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS GOING ON .
I was told of contracting the regional office and I have and it was a "real trying to handle me" and retaliatory discrimination by his boss" as the whole regional office did not know anything about conditional payments last year or that they had to be a conditional payment some of my bills still are not paid by anyone over this.. . as the man who was informed by Blodgett to notify BCRC and do the hack and he needs to get an attorney and get to the US ATTORNEY'S office as he can be prosecuted defying laws and contacts. and the 80 billion? theft of Medicare since 10/7/16 as the become the patsy and authority thy all claim he said it was OK to hack that led to all this to do so..??? AS HE IS IN DEFIANCE OF THE MEDICARE JUDGES AND IS ORDERED ALSO TO GET THE RECOVERY LETTERS OUT AND GO TO COURT AND HE IS SUBVERTED THAT LEGAL PROCESS. he is not the one who decides at all. AND HEY HAD NO IDEA OT E PROCESS. WHEN SHE CALLED BACK AND I HAD JUST WOKE UP AND I HAVE SUFFERED REAL DISCRIMINATION IN THIS AND HAVE FILED CIVIL RIGHTS BUT STILL NOT DOCKETED EN AS NOE OF OURS HAVE AND MINE IS RETALIATION FOR EEOC SANCTIONS I HAD AGAINST DONNA SHALALA WHEN SHE WAS SEC OF HHS AND TORTURED TO THE POINT OF DEATH DAILY WHEN I WAS SENT BACK TO WORK WITH ANOTHER MEDICAL PRECEDENT WHEN THEY PROMISED REMOVAL OF CHEMICAL BARRIERS FOR ME. AND DID NOT EVEN GET A NON EXERTIONAL JOB... the retaliation has never stopped and should be able to get an EEOC hearing and am not up to day on that and I am not an attorney but its one access to federal court to other than false claims as the money the former and current billion dollars overall is probably not even in the USA at all but diverted overseas... and why EMBLEM HEALTH INTERNATIONAL IS GOING TO BE AFFECTED BY THE US SUPREME OUT DECISION LAST FALL AND RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL THE THEFTS NOT JUST ONE PAYMENT EACH ... IS HOW I UNDERSTOOD IT.??/ now to find the others like me??
I got hung up on trying to get the real screen info said he could not seen it....
call 2. hung up on. after Id'd me on a bogus number that's the suffix for a young widow with children on kidney dialysis or transplant
call 3. came in on a disabled widow under 65; claims number and got some claims summaries ordered for those back on 5/18/16 as paid on that number and received and like all others of the medical providers have been framed on all of my claims as if they got the money but as far as I know all have been diverted to ??? as its Lynn Blodgett's et al's bank....
and the real screen shows the FECA and primary FEHB Blue Cross Blue Shield open but updated was the words the person used. updated as of 10/6/16...
THIS 30 years old system is one that apparently never uses more than 17.. as it has limits . and NO SECURITY AT ALL AND NOT CROSS CHECKED WITH ANY REAL INFO ANYWHERE. but money can be taken our of the public treasury with it.. and it should not exist in this era... at all .
have operated such for years, but years ago .. etc.
On ones own SSN there are four possible suffixes (prefixes for railroaders) A,M,T TA;
dozens can exist for all kinds of spouses. and whether male or female and makes no difference the status of the worker one has a number on. mine are : B,B2,B6,D,D4.D6,E,E1,TB,TD,TE,W,W6
One can even have two letters also if many spouses or children exist, etc. to protect all until the real legal one is determined and x's may be eligible. One can call 1-800 Medicare and have your Medicare card and a date of service for a claim and use the phone menu to check various suffixes and then ask for an entitlement letter to get written proof as I already have. that this is really in the system as evidence against you and yours and your good doctors, etc. . and I have ordered claims on each also .. ..
In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus may this swamp of corruption be drained and pray for LYNN BLODGETT TO BE SAVED AND TURN STATES EVIDENCE ON WHOMEVER HE WORKS FOR... if he is not the final mastermind trickster.. BUT MAKES THINGS Right FOR ME AND MINE AND ALL SOME WAY .. Pray or President Trump and Congress who has to unlock the gate to the swamp before any cleansing of justice and righteousness can flow out.. from there as purified waters of life and love...... we all need to be made new and clean again.. of this corruption and never let it ever overcome us again.. Amen!
Linda Joy Adams 4/2/17
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