Linda Joy Adams: DAILY RECAP 9/9/15: CORRECTION TO BRIEF FOR APPEALS: LETTER TO PRESIDENT LYNN BLODGETT: President Obama born in Topeka Ks son of Jim T Parks I did do some further editing as there were some typos and then e mailed this to the ethics division at President Blodgett's headquarters which is the only one I have and never get a response for years on this.
We are trying to pull all of this together but its hard when
neither SSA nor CMS is sure which cases belong with which judges. and apparently a contractor is trying to make sense of it in Ohio while not fully trained to understand either agency's jurisdictions. its is near impossible to know what to appeal and where it should go. Which means delay in fairness and constitutional rights of timeliness. And when medical care is needed it is not a good situation for health and life to be sustained. Judges should all be instructed to make it clear what is being remanded to be done and by whom. Better yet is some meeting of minds as to who is to do what.
Saying something involves Medicare could even mean a disability decision which leads to coverage or proving how old one is for a retirement claim that leads to Medicare coverage. All we can do is file with both . All my fellow workers at SSA say they have no guidelines on this. So the chaos and back logs grow until some delineation is made and my struggle for life goes on due to it.
And all have forgotten that criminal acts against security of my files led to all this several years ago. Even though , now one was arrested, i am aware of: THE OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL FOR THE US DEPARTMENT OF LABOR DID SEND AN INVESTIGATOR WHO SPOKE TO MY ATTORNEY AND I . AND DEFINITE ACTION WAS TAKEN The action has turned out to be a worse scenario than what had been going on before.
Employees of the US Department of labor office of federal workers compensation were all put under a cloud of suspicion and NONE were to be trustworthy to receive and hold any files or data. It was all given into the total custody of AFFILIATED COMPUTER SERVICES. THAT WAS THE DRASTIC ACTION TAKEN AS A RESULT. There are many who came on duty since that do not realize the history on this. Yet I suffer for what was done to my files and rights to life and livelihood and benefits not yet restored that should have been soon after.
What should have occurred is some extra security in the office and security protocols on systems so that data entered could not be deleted and all appeals must be answered and enough space or an offline space such as a pdf file be there to explain a little more of what a decision even was.
Then paper files where there have been security issues, or where there are third party law suits, etc. should be under lock and key apart from the usual file cabinets . etc. Its what we always used to do when all we had was paper files. Systems should be shared throughout the nation and the official info be on them which it is not. Even better, is stop moving jurisdiction when the injured worker moves. and then no info available. My case started in New York, and should have stayed there where others from my office had theirs and there was a common understanding of what occurred even though each case has to stand om]n its own medically. We lose opportunities to learn of what works medically for one and then see if others in the group could benefits by approving the same.
My case went to Kansas City , then Philadelphia and then Dallas. as our family's lives got disrupted over my being injured. And along the way systems were not shared and paper and general understandings seemed to go missing too often . But even them real skulduggery occurred even when we got all put back together in paper.
Instead of extra security in the office; all of our files and data were turned over to a contractor with no over sight nor budget for oversight nor even criminal investigations. Files involving law suits with many injured in one incident can be big money having major interests in things disappearing.. Or some facing possible criminal convictions from what may be medical evidence of injuries or deaths where someone might be found guilty of crimes of that.
Its when I begged for this years ago to have the same extra security that those under higher security clearances had that I found out that our 'spies; records were mixed right in with ours and tried to get some one to listen when I brought that to the attention of those in charge in DC.
So why he shock when the OPM hacks came to light. It was known all along nothing was secure any where of their records or any one else's. as none seemed to understand or care about this.And in my case, its been constant victimization of an already victim.
There should have never been any need for any appeals. As once the acknowledgement occurred that security had been breached on me and I was told it was rampant in the Dallas office, all benefits should have been restored as before and then continue processing the issues. No one ever contacted me right away and said the issue was we do not have a CA7 form certifying your wages from your employing agency and we must have that . until the judges in 2009 figured out that that was the issue and it resulted from the criminal riffling of my file. Nor any other issue of even what the medical issues were not knowing the law that oxygen meant total medical coverage and process the permanent disability claim already filed. .
The file clearly showed that FECA had to get the info by phone and even from my pay stub before. And if there was any more non compliance by an agency, then the justice dept should have been contacted by FECA as to why agency officials were defying the law that every employer in the USA has to obey for an injured worker.
All this got forgotten as we struggled and I was on liquid oxygen then for life by FECA and still am and Medicare judges saw through all of this and say it is there bill, Yet the contractor gets to hide the fact by not inputting any oxygen invoices since they took over in 2002. from the file.
Section 4 SSA Jurisdiction of Disability Insurance Issues.
W hat parts of the file sent to Judge Englman belongs with Social Security .
The inclusion of the 8/5/2009 hearing case sent to him got partially split in 2011. And even though went missing and delete doff the system There is a ruling that the reconsideration had not been done on the Disability Insurance part.. And it still has not been done. There is a remand from the Appellate SSA judge in 2/2000 to do the medical decision and that did not get done as the ruling specified as my medical were not reviewed and none of my doctors contacted and criminal interference had occurred. back in 1999. that none of us was aware of. until much later. Plus when the consultant board certified pulmonologist report and extensive testing he had done disappeared where I had been sent to in 1999 on the SSI claim that the appellate judge allowed to be separated as they had not ruled yet at the appellate level to remand the SSA Disability part yet. The report has disappeared and noting in that file mentions all the heart and lung medications and oxygen currently being taken that were not precluded form being read, It was a clear attempt to hide any injury from 1/10.89 was on as if nothing had ever occurred. and the state of OK was ordered to forge the papers, and told what to put down by the acting Comm. of SSA is what was told and a report written by their manager also. But what finally got much later, did say in the file they had absolutely nothing from any doctor to back up what they were told to put down I was not informed of what had gone on at all. But what i did not have, got spewed all over the agency and through systems files all over the nation and has caused real physical and financial harm and well proves we need the HIPPAA law passed some time ago for contractors and government officials.
SO OUR SPIES GET THEIR MEDICAL RECORDS LOOKED AT BY CHINA AS NO ONE LISTENED? to one who had been falsely discredited. DISCRIMINATION WAS GRAVELY HEIGHTENED OVER THIS. Missing from the file was any one who had written just the opposite about me from what had been forged under coercion is what i was told. the whole file is missing, or is it? I was told it was shredded and is not posted on file at SSA..
The 2/ 2000 remand had none of the restrictions of that former permission as NO time restriction applied and all should have been considered along with Dr Dougherty's the pulmonologist in Oklahoma City. which neither I nor my doctor ever got as requested in writing either But the test numbers were consistent with all the others before and afterwards as the disease progressed. and the tests for severe pulmonary hypertension was done also.
The direct illegal interference said to be by the Acting Comm of SSA, , should not have occurred and I have no doubt that I would have been found disabled for SSA based on those tests alone. plus all the others in the time frame that could get read.
In developing claims like this, my self on the job at SSA. There would never be an order not to look at records before. And initially they did look and got current tests run to show the medical conditions were still consistent with all the former ones and no 'cure' or recovery had occurred.
And when the SSA Disability case was remanded in 2/00. then one would need to look at everything since then and currently to know and also all the time before 1/1999 and that has yet to be done. CRIMES GOT COVERED UP AND I SUFFERED REAL LOSS. FOR A RECENT MANAGER AT FECA WHO HAD BEEN A HEARING OFFICER FOR FECA, SAID THAT AN SSA DISABILITY AWARD COULD BE ADOPTED AT FECA IF THE MEDICAL CONDITIONAL LISTED WERE THE SAME AS AT FECA.
Even if I had had something else unrelated, , the work related conditions when listed if sufficiently bad enough. would have meant me being retired with FECA long before ACS took over FECA. I did not know this and its not in any info we claimants have access to?. and the criminal activity was concerted AND VERY REAL NOT TO HAVE ME PUT ON PERMANENT DISABILITY AT FECA MY CONGRESSMAN AT THE TIME SAID MY CASE WAS BLOCKING THE LEASE RENEWAL WITH HARTZ MOUNTAIN , TENS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. THE OWNER OF THE BUILDING IN JERSEY CITY WHERE REAL NEGLIGENCE DID OCCUR BACK ON 1/10/89 AND BEFORE WE EVER ENTERED OUR NEW WORK SITE IN 7/88. Just another reason to give my files some extra security.
. As the state agency signed they had no medical records or any other records to justify what they were told to put down. And I was on oxygen and they had sent me to a pulmonologist so obviously the file reflected the nature of my disability before the illegal interference. But I suffer for the crimes committed against me and my records to this day.And if i be a type of medical precedent case as many have said. how many other suffer also who could cite my case and have what I get , to. They are not getting much but suffering, either. WE FEDS LIVES MATTER ALSO.
Again , more illegal acts have cost me dearly over the years to have to struggle for life and my whole family has suffered also. Its time to try to restore all back to then and start over form the first bad act years ago. in Dallas . But time has passed and some things can never be regained as health deteriorates as it does with a progressive disease. But the fair thing to do is do what can be done. and stop the on going problems that has been ca sued by some committing grievous wrongs.
Then there is included in the reconsideration, the issues of how to do the SGA (Substantial Gainfully Activity) decision. with subsidized wages as an issue. And that covers any more discoveries made while developing and processing that appeal. as all the appeals allow for discovery to add to issues to answer.
There is a reconsideration never answered, unless one considers the Medicare Part B Premiums issue as part of it in 5/09 sent as an over payment letter and making no mention of the issues in the 2006 timely and legally filed by certified mail reconsideration. like the Government pension offset issue . plus not closing out all prior matters at SSA are part of that. At the time , all thought that there was no issue with Part B premiums and I never got a bill and was told and from all , all was okay and had no reason to think that over the years, SSA was going the math as was done in the original training. and it was coded as an open workers compensation case at SSA and premiums in cyber space. Or did the bankruptcy notice to CMS did not specify what it was for as our attorney said we should file it to them and not the individual companies that may or may not have taken the money themselves, etc. it was bout 2 million stolen at that time. and kept on growing until the contract was not renewed by CMS. Did this cover up cause someone to create something that did not exist when were more concerned about the 17 Medicare numbers and the stolen monies being assessed towards the patients and SSA refusing to process a waiver of the over payment for that.? the timing may not be coincidental.
Apparently no one really knows or has any guidelines on t on the GPO any more as its been decided by the contract programmers. which is not any proper legal constitutional authority to make that decision. Nothing is mentioned on it any where any one can find. as to how to do the math.
So this GPO part of the PART B Medicare premium appears to belong to SSA. But it got sent to the Medicare judge. There is a provision that CMS can intervene if coverage is to be interrupted. Mine was by SSA and no one responded to the appeals nor held a hearing when those were filed and they are in the hearing file sent to the Judge Engleman. He should never have been restricted to not hear all the issues on the Medicare premiums as the total amount is well over $10.000 and the over payment letter itself sent in 5/09 and no hearing yet on that issue is over $2000. Of course that is all moot if FECA had not ignored that an illegal act caused all of this to occur over there . I would have been received wage loss from them and fled for SSA spouse payments and Part B withheld and no GPO issues would have ever come up. So the SSA judge needs to remand the 2006 reconsideration back to SSA to get that done.
Section 6 SSA has Jurisdiction of Supplemental Security Income
Also in 8/09 file is a reconsideration on SSI . for a period of time before 1999. Obviously this is SSA's jurisdiction as it is before I had Medicare. Unless the Disability SGA decision gives an earlier date which is part of that reconsideration also. When one views the totality of that claim and the SSA one , it is one dated in 8/89 and issues go back that far that have yet to be resolved in the file. NUMEROUS ILLEGAL DISAPPEARANCES Of THAT CLAIMS FILE HAVE OCCURRED ALSO. and 7 US Attorneys' have said I should file 'make ' sure the custodian of the records files a crime report. and that it is two felonies if not done.. One for the disappearance and another against the custodian of the records who is the one required to file a criminal complaint. Only one office I know of ever did that. even the Dallas office did not, but came from mine and others and Congressional officials etc. or AN UNKNOWN WHISTLE BLOWER IN THE OFFICE. may be more likely.? The FECA office in Philadelphia did take action and when they did , and secured my files some, they were able to move things along and get me home in 1994. or I would have died according to my doctors
I had been trying to work in the situation wearing a prescribed gas respirator mask and motorized cart that FECA has net to reimburse me for that still did not take care of the exertion of speaking through it to interview the public and effort to climb on and off. and breathing test showed ai was in a constant acute asthma attack. from inflammation. due to layoffs in the Philly schools, Doyle was out of work and my dwindling pay check was all to live on. until FECA could find a doctor to do the final exam and finally a pulmonologist , with a Green Peace banner on his wall did. THANKS TO THEM. I survived once again by some help that came out of the unknown.
Its why some cases need extra security on them when they involved security risk issues like lawsuits or a medical precedent case which they had been set up to be by some doctors in Philadelphia years ago on toxic and chemical injuries where big money interests and billionaire landlords, etc had interest in what was going on. Even at the one SSA hearing held in 6/92, before any doctor could comment on the tests results on the heart etc,.(gagged) the Vocational rehab specialist who was to be independent raised the issue that was just getting started with the IBM workers class action lawsuit over fumes in their work sites and protective clothing not being sufficient against the halogen gas there. So it is obvious that big money is well aware of all that is going on and with individual cases that would affect what they had to pay out if approved. Extra security is needed for we feds and others on injury cases. and I did not get more, I got less. and still not made whole over the crimes against the files.
Section 7 Medicare over payments
All on my federal Blues policy are getting overpaid due to the hacking in to the common working file that is still going on to alter who pays first. and have Medicare card. Judge Morrison ruled and affirmed Judge Carter's rulings that Medicare is secondary payer on me. Case M09-1406. As judge carter got the official records from the US Department of Labor that CMS contractor gets biweekly and then hacks in and alters it in violation of their contract when an employer posts .and against the law and now in defiance of Medicare judges. Why the local FECA office cannot have the official records on my case is a mystery.
In my case, FECA should reimburse all my paid claims to Medicare. For those on my policy with Medicare cards, now, Federal Blues should not only reimburse but pay the active duty rate as of 1/1/12 to all medical parties claims were paid on.
In 2005 SSA agreed in Memorandum of Understanding that they would conduct all Medicare over payment decisions for CMS.
All of ours on Forms SSA 632 which have been filed and filed and filed and never answered would be those where no personal financial info is given. What is termed as "against equity and good conscience" Something all of this is that even resulted in any appeals or hearing. except for two medical bills. on me. which FECA needs to reimburse what was paid and pay for the correct test and surgery that did occur. Again all very related to the job injury . At present every level of Medicare appeals process has been asked for this waver and we have not had an answer on it. Now HR 1063 means we should and refer for enforcement under that by CMS. which is what occurred under the original 1980 law now revived to be enforced.
But for me, its not just one payment debited from the Medicare trust fund for the period of 1/1/06 through 11/30/2012. Seventeen claims were created from each item and taken from the trust fund. according to over 500 separate CMS contractor employees and their management . FECA is only obligated to pay one amount per claim> . And I would have the other 16 left to be waived and will cooperate fully for any actions the justice dept. and others might take to get the monies back from the liable parties.
Due to no budget allowed to be spent to prosecute a government contractor, nothing could be done about this when it was discovered back in 8/08. and the illegal use of phony number to by pass security on the systems was discovered in 2/1/108 when one of the billing persons for a doctor of mine was lied to by CMS contractor that my number had been changed to a phony one. and others doctors' billers were told similar lies on many other patients.
. But I cannot know who? All the witnesses and documentation indicates that the theft began in 8/08 when there was a systems crash and none were told what happened. whom I spoke to. And tracked to subsidiaries of S. C Blue Cross Blue Shield who paid claims on me as Palmetto GBA and Trailblazers and the evidence is that the initial thefts went back to 1/1/06 and then continued on each number. Sample Evidence is in the 8/09 hearing file on all this and the waiver requests etc. Plus other evidence is available. My US Attorney;s office in OK stated it was good enough to get a search warrant if any federal law enforcement agency were allowed to investigate and refer it in. Even the three OIG officials from SSA, CMS and FTC as well as the one assigned from the US Justice Dept were shocked to find out no money allowed to be spent by Congress. and they could do nothing to stop it,let alone prosecute anyone. Its when I got on line and went public based on the legal opinion of a well known attorney in DC. who cold not make enough money of of couple million dollar false claim case. Now under HR 1063 , it is the government;s responsibility again for the first time since 1994. the law was always said they should.
I have no knowledge that any medical provider or supplier got more than one pay. But when they call the CMS contractor call center they are 'persuaded' not to sigh they did not get 17 pays per claim . this is something that a federal investigator needs to get. And if the diversion did occur at the Federal Reserve, then, Congress needs to do a full audit of what is going on there, and not just the partial one that revealed 23 trillion of the USA money that can not be accounted for. I can only guess the 4 million or so missing in my name is a small part of that? There is a bigger public interest in all of this that is pertinent to every one.
And included in the hearing request is a partial section of the 500 named witness who helped document all of this over two years and more and filed thousand of fraud reports on my cases and others they said. yet where are they? Why didn't Congress be told of them at the 2010 hearing on MEDICARE FRAUD AND MONEY ASKED FOR TO ADDRESS THESE KINDS OF THEFTS FROM INSIDE THE GOVERNMENT AND CONTRACTORS.? I DID TRY BUT HAD A CONGRESSMAN AT THE TIME WHO WOULD NOT LET ME FILE A PRIVACY RELEASE WITH HIM TO DO SO OFFICIALLY.
Vangent, now owned by General Dynamics employees said they found these prevalent but privacy laws prevent me from fining out who all had this occur on them. Some said it could be at least a trillion dollars or more taken. All CMS could do is not renew the contract when it came up for renewal. And then the call centers were told not to see fraud anymore, and blocked me from calling them from my home phones. in retaliation for all their good efforts that never got docketed in in Washington DC why when their contract said they were to send them there? I read, that recently all call centers at SSA and Medicare are again required to file reports of crimes they see or hear of, Goldman-Sachs subsidiary at HHS for CMS will not take one on a contractor where they do all the initial intake and screening and call fraud reports ethics violations. and not crimes. i have not read of that changing yet.
Its been like this through all of this that corruption upon corruption has come to light and no wonder some who may be at legal risk wish to discredit a potential witness. whose good training at HHS and SSA and the former HEW since 6/68 made me aware that something was badly wrong as I struggled to sustain my very life up against all of this corruption and non security going on and in file of .8/09
Each judge will need to decide what is or is not is their jurisdiction And the contusion is real among the rank and file at contractors and in the agencies right now so we plead that rulings be clear enough to be understood so they can be obeyed..
At the appellate level we need clear remands back to SSA and Medicare judges to hear the issues before judge Engleman . and all other matters at every leveled carried out.
It would be OK to hold a long long hearing and wrap up all outstanding issues. there are appeals at DAB already on those that need to be remanded back and All part B claims on me paid by the intermediaries that paid 17 times, need 17 separate orders. so those can be sent on for recovery. There are too many who are trying to hide what has occurred and do not seem to want to understand what Judges are ruling. At present we have 38 judges defied in three agencies on Linda's cases alone. And ignoring these has led to more chaos and confusion and more appeals to be filed. And there are appeals at all levels filed by Doyle on his claims and ________ has all done , too.
Also Part D is really a mess as no process was every put in place there to recover monies from a current or future primary payee by that claims processor for all the nations insurers? whose medicament I spoke to were Affiliated Computer Services personnel. 9 years of no recovery amounts and no one noticed but we were filing appeals.
We have no money to copy and mail and filing times are coming up fast . we are constantly following up on all of these matters over the years and all are legally pending and timely to be heard or answered at all levels. My Medicare claims go back to 8/1/00 . WE CHOOSE TO LIVE and this is the prime reason for all of this. BUT ALSO IS LIVELIHOOD AND over payment liability We have well proved no patient can stop. it when the government can not. and that responsibility to recover and stop is back on the onerous of the Government under HR 1063 and government contractors are not precluded from being recovered from or made to cooperate. if the ones holding these contracts do not wish to obey the laws of the land, than our officials need to find those who will or bring all matters back in house to the civil servants to process. and pay where they still have oversight required of work done.
We have an extensive list of parties to notify, but most can be faxed. But even then it can take several weeks to pull this all together. WE DID NOT CRATE THIS CHAOS AND VOLUME. WHAT DID IS NOT RESTORING LINDA'S RIGHTS TO AND BENEFITS SHE WAS RECEIVING ONCE ACTION WAS TAKEN TO SECURE FILES, EVEN THOUGH THE ANSWER HAS NOT PROVEN TO BE A BETTER ONE.
Our cases prove just how bad the system is broken and all we could do is try our best to document and file and file and follow up and follow up and try to stay alive with Linda having serous close calls over the obstruction of her medical care and others in the file have had problems when no doctor is able to find out who is to be billed first. IT DOES MATTER AS TO WHAT CARE ONE GETS WHO IS PAYING. AND IF IT CAN NOT BE FOUND OUT AS IN OUR CASES, WE ARE IN S REAL STRUGGLE FOR SURVIVAL OR EVEN BEST CARE the REAL PRIMARY HEALTH PLANS WILL COVER.,
This is why this brief attached is not the traditional kind although very legal and signed. and written by us. as the whole system is so broken it is the public interest to share and let others know of what we are doing in case it might help others and garner attention of our elected officials to take action as many were not aware just how bad it was and still is. We need remands on all matters we are submitting so that judges and others can clearly understand what is needed. We are not attorneys and cannot afford one due to poverty level and having to pay and over pay on health care premiums as Doyle and Linda both have had to do as well as still having go pay for health care covered on all plans as we are for Linda to have home liquid oxygen which is being obstructed as explained. Doyle has a hearing pending yet for several years on Part D not being grandfathered in for extra help which we understand should have occurred. So little guidance is on line for the public and not much for the workers in the govt and contractors either on this. is what I am told.
But having contractors doing these appeals apparently can not answer these kinds of legal issues.? So we have no such process of rights any more.
Some where is Doyle;s hearing request on Part D and others he has filed on part A and B. and it needs to be found and heard also .
Even though there is a new appeals process for Part D set up now, since 3/15, none of the part D grievance people even know of it or how to send out a proper letter with appeal rights,yet. 9 Years and still not there on a major expense for this nation's taxpayers plus those trying to get paid correctly or pay the correct amount of premiums.
maybe Congress should get this all taken care of first before they think they need to cut benefits.
As for Linda 's right to breathe without the expense that is approved for life by three health plans. Medicare will not pay if there is no supplier and we have to go the gas company for Linda to live. That needs to be changed. if suppliers are allowed to be denied the right to submit claims and have a timely answer. as is occurring. Linda is approved of life even by Medicare and these was affirmed at the highest levels before the issue of reinforcing the conditional payment law was heard. something that was suspended in 1994 . An underpinning law that made all 'play by the rules; in the health insurance and liability insurance industry.
And Linda contends led to a real collapse of our health care system and the general looting Medicare as there was no one in the government to stop real illegal and unethical things from going on any more by those willing to take advantage. Plus ceasing an unfair advantage against those who did wish to obey the law and act ethically and legally. AND HEALTH CARE COSTS RISE TO TAKE CARE OF THE LOSSES AS IN ANY BUSINESS. SOMETHING NOT ADDRESSED FOR LONG TIME. All suffer when these abuses and thefts are allowed to go on .
Please to allow us time to submit everything. Medicare Miami Hearing Office and others have cases that have not been docketed in for years, also. Plus every claim has had to be appealed and its all through every entity that deals with any of our claims. _______ has even had a few claims 'illegally dumped' clear on to the third payer OK Sooner Care our state Medicaid. which would never occur with medical bills. ITS THAT BAD! And if all of these filings can lead to actions by Congress or others at CMS to shore up and change some policies and regulations, then our suffering and a struggle for life might do some good.
We all request time to submit additional info and if something newly discovered to do so at that time, also. Until all is back on track at FECA, the struggle goes on for life and livelihood. and pray our heirs will not be left with it should it go on and on. But this nation cannot print enough money for it to go on much longer. We have money for all programs etc, if spent wisely and over seen so that these thefts and other wrongs do not go on. And many new cures and treatments could be found if some real study could go on rather than destruction of files and deleting of systems records which is going to skew any real serious study for .that. I had an injury with all the test results, etc. that usually ends in death in 3 to 5 years, but still I am here. WHAT HAVE ALL MY DOCTORS DONE RIGHT OVER THE YEARS! How many could have been helped by learning what they have done right? We all lose when these bad things are allowed to continue and not make things right. I am not a doctor, but have read and wonder if some of my stem cells put in the left heart ventricle ever 5 years would not slow down that damage. these kinds of more experimental things can be tried with workers comp as there is someone to oversee safety and approve it and compensation if it does not work. rather than all the medical malpractices expenses.
I would not take any real untoward risk, but these kinds of treatments are being done now for some time. for some heart problems. i would like to be able to ask a doctor in that field!! But with the current system , many cannot get them that might really help.getting patients more healthy is cheaper in the long run?
P.S. the published version has a heading referring to President Obama and that is a possible tertiary issue for it is possible that some of what has occurred and is now, goes back to 3 murder cold cases in Topeka Ks of his real dad as every one knew it to be then, and two others and the attempted murder of his mother and he unborn in a horrific racist attack against an interracial teenage couple that the city and much of the state of Kansas has tried to forget , But justice does not get served by cover up and forgetting when some may still be alive that could be held accountable by our legal system.. I was a teenager my self and directly involved in the after math as my parents were asked to take custody of their great niece while her parents were on duty elsewhere. I am a living witness to much of what went on and some may not wish my credibility to survive either should my testimony ever be asked for. on those matters. of what I know as an eyewitness to events, if not the murders themselves.
Linda Joy Adams 9/10/15
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