
Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Soldier Boy, Soldier Girl: An Exhibit by Lynn Blodgett | Salt Lake Magazine  
                                                Section 2; BRIEF FOR APPEALS
          This is not the typical kind of brief but is considered legal by judges who have reviewed such as this when posted on line , printed out and signed as this is by us.  it is not the typical appeal when we already have 38 federal Judges rulings and orders ignored and defied and other lower level appeals left undone or  not done as contractors given them do not have the legal authority to address the kinds of issues being raised.
   Only a few items have anything to do with whether a medical bill was coded as the correct service or test  which resulted in wrong payment amount . HR 1063 NEEDS TO BE ENFORCED AGAINST THE  ONES REFUSING TO  DO THINGS THE LAW RULES AND INDIVIDUALS WILL NOT DO WHO HOLD POWER OVER THE FILES AND DATA AND GOVERNMENT CONTRACTORS ARE NOT PRECLUDED UNDER THAT LAW.
     HOWEVER ,

  I pray he will do so. and although I have never been able to speak to him in person  nor by phone and my letters to him go answered.; maybe this posting will reach him and the best for each of us come from it. If not then the very struggle for my own life and the  ones of my loved ones  to be as long as we naturally can have will continue for    choose life. And  also wish  our basic  livelihood   to be. We  must continue on in the struggle.
Rather than finishing up back logs created over the years on our cases. and then at same point the back log still waits  to be done that is in your power to have done now. For life is precious and all of us wish to have ours  as  I believe our Creator has meant for all of us to have and all should  have many more years of life. Even  me with all the medical issues from my 1/10/89 job injury which you now have  total government control of without over sight. or any one making you do what is right and approved for for life and livelihood. The plea to you is you will let it be done.
Another illegal act occurred against  my government files and data before Affiliated Computer Services took over and its taken years to get through all the Judges to over come the 'rumor and gossip that has run amok' instead of the facts that none seems to have available to know what to do and ignoring the fact of the illegal act(s) with files  means none of this should ever have had to be gone through. . The issue of wrong doings against my records  which led to a criminal investigator coming to the Dallas regional office for Federal Workers compensation only resulted in your company  being giving the contract to stop future wrong doings against my files and others. You were chosen to to provide the security on files,  our own government was unable to provide and that is a quote from officials at the time. You have enjoyed the benefits of this as  an employee of that corporation and  other holdings you have as  a result. Plus later as holding several positions at Xerox and other companies that were given contracts and greater wealth and power .Not even my oxygen is paid for you yet and even Medicare requested a refund and others, and I have out of pocket expenses of great amount for one on a poverty level income  to continue to pay and be reimbursed for past that did not get paid for.and others to be paid form all  the processes  and pays being interrupted over all of this. and even appeals go unanswered all over. Dallas FECA is not even aware of all of these and rulings and remands for them to follow. and have access to records and data to do so.
                                              VICTIM;S RIGHTS  AND BENEFITS NOT RESTORED
      But I was not restored to where my benefits  were before 1/3/99  when the back log was getting worked through. by my claims examiner in the Dallas FECA office. Security for files to stop future felony actions against my government files, did not occur with . all benefits being  restored as if the rifling which is a felony had not occurred.  then and in the past. And as many have said, this is a type of precedent case for those with toxic and chemical injuries in more fields than just federal workers compensation,, too many have been affected over it adversely. and still are.
     So one crime, that never got resolved to arrest one or more committing it, resulted in you benefiting, but  I   was left to struggle as a result without any restoration  of rights awarded already.  which included not only the right to live, but to breathe  as a liquid oxygen patient which Federal workers compensation had approved me for life already several years earlier. nor was any restoration done when judge after judge remanded and ruled it should be  and restored right after right and corrected fact after fact.  and the ripple effect form one government agency has gone through several with continuing issues and more wrong doings being committed by those who are  now under your verbal orders etc.  You have been given great power in our nation and in the world. My plea is for it be used to restore rights and let the process proceed that got so horrifically interrupted before you took control of FECA. ad other control you now have through your conglomerate in other agencies.
But the order "let her die; on me and to not input app the oxygen claims that have been pending since since you took over and more each time my family has to go get another near 200 lab tank filed has been said to be your order not to input as 'the gig would be up and you would have to pay all of my bills/"That is what has  been approved for by my case , the facts and the law, etc.
     I did nothing but go to work one day on 1/10.89 and all forms of corruption ended up coming together in a toxic cloud that enveloped me  at work. Its our system and laws in place to be covered and hacking into Medicare contractor's common working files and other data bases by some of your companies is only compounding the wrongs being being done daily. I do not know if thus is your idea to to do all this  nor if you have 'bosses' you obey. But  and at some moral as well as legal  point must not follow such orders. And if this be the case, then i will help you overcome such. even though your words and actions have caused me great suffering and for my family affected adversely also..
But you are named as the one giving orders and I plead for mercy for you to  rescind all those and replace them with what is approved and right and merciful and approved for I never got any money for current or future media care and much has yet to be processed and paid for you have unposted in several sets of file reconstructions;
I did not create the chaos and in 2005 we did put this in good order after the ones sent to the judges disappeared out of your  ACS office in London, Ky and never got posted. and occurred over and over since then also.  Even  pending unanswered reconsideration appeals and judges orders go missing they send to you,.   The 2005 was done to process by medical provider which is mostly  in chronological order which seems to be  the most logical way to proceed for any kind of progressive disease, once current income and medical needs are provided which is not going on right now over this obstruction.  Wrongly created  that occurred initially by rifling of files and OPM  and other contractors not having  every file of theirs left  in tact on me,, either.
This on ongoing pattern of no security on files is the excuse the government officials  used to give you the contracts to provide the security on files and that has yet to be.  What has gone on is worse as always before when the judges ruled the government officials began paying and processing things until the next illegal act occurred and interrupted the process.

Everyone forgets  a very legal fact .

That an illegal act should not have led to me having to over come it through all the judges and appeals etc. We are to be back tears ago and work forward from there and that mean temporary wage loss being paid and items getting  processed and paid like  medical bills and oxygen paid for  as approved for life and total and permanent  coverage due to the life time need.  First crimes against my government files , then continuously against me  as one crime leads to constant ones. NO ONE SEEMS TO REMEMBER THIS. . OIG FOR US Department of labor did send an investigator in, and he was overwhelmed at the  horrific huge  situation and why you got the contract which has led to more and more and worse . It is time to make things as right as possible  even if the whole cannot be put back. No one got arrested , so victims went without even being reinstated back to where they were before the crimes got committed.   This not only not fair. just or legal, but  it has created a real life threatening situation for me as the  whole system society has put in  place has failed in every aspect for 'my general welfare' when all I did is go to work one day.

Unless you were the one in the  offices rifling my files at the time, , this would be not of your initial doing that I am directly aware of .

The official records at OPM and other agencies seem to not be available to each and every one who has to do things on the cases and  then use erroneous and hacked into info and creates more havoc and chaos.  The hacking in to the common working billing file system  at CMS 's contractor has to stop for M)9-1406 and other  Medicare judges on this  ruled that the official   U S DEPARTMENT OF LABOR are accurate that I am active duty, not retired and federal Blues under your company Prime Therapeutics  as well as federal workers comp on me is the primary payer. Somehow OPM has official records your partners there do not have to use ether as they get their info from you  is the process as reported. by contract.
        And federal  Blue Cross Blue Shield is primary for those on my policy that have Medicare cards now. Many insurers need to be reimbursed and since  all needs to be done and processed, there is no easy way to just gloss it all over and say its all over. the work needs to be done by me or my heirs..
    if you can locate all the records  and then  post what you have so I can see the posting, then maybe my family and I would not have to sit for weeks again reconstructing files for one last time.
 I asked for a  disc on this be sent to me back in 2005 after the file was posted which it still is not.  nor one sent.  Now   I am requesting  it be done with a more modern system so that we can  use handwriting samples as well as word and number searches to locate items to verify what might still be missing. its not as hopeless as one might think with some organization and use of the latest tech.  which is why you were given the contract  in the first place it has been said.
The more that can be done to streamline this  with the  latest technology can be helpful and  we are paying for medical care to live and due to all the increased costs over   illegal act against my government file s and files leading to constant ones against myself and family and all of our files now as one act breeds more and more from misinformation  from the skewed set of facts created by the illegal rifling that has been allowed to continue unfettered all through  every government entity and contractor  that has  need  and gets access to use the info and is getting  wrong info as rumor and gossip grows and grows over it.  Its time to listen to the judges and ask me and get the files put back together and use in the latest technology to do so  and I want a copy. so we can have something common to work form and then i can send in and add what my still be missing. But the chronological  method and going  medical provider to medical provider  form the earlier forward does  seem the better way,   Surely have the new type scanner for this.. could help and you have one.  then we can just pull up parts online. ?  Discs are OK  as we do have one system that does use those available and another that has a tower that would be secure if not connected to the Internet...

                                                 GENERAL INFO:
 I have been referring to Lynn Blodgett as CEO of Affiliated Computer Services and owner of over 100 other companies and Congress having given him, in that position, near total control of the  USA. But in 2012, its been reported on line that as well as that title, he also holds the title of PRESIDENT OF XEROX SERVICES AT XEROX.  Research indicates that the 2009 acquisition of ACS by Xerox was more of a bringing back in house what the company always was since incorporation as a separate entity in 1988 to gain government contracts all over and then creating other companies to get contracts and often in direct conflict on duties to be done as one  ends up   paying  the other and over seeing the other eliminates  any semblance  of  'checks and balances' in our system of government and then past Congresses allowing  no budget for any kind of civil or criminal oversight of what is going on. compounds what has occurred on just our cases.

 The fines assessed against him and ACS in 2014 by the SEC has nothing to do with all the terrible things going on  with regard to what is occurring with me and mine  caused by these horrific conflicts of interests, etc  and none in the government to oversee and enforce government contract terms which are being violated all over as ALL GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS HAVE TO STATE THAT THE PARTIES AGREE TO UPHOLD THE LAWS OF THE LAND.
    Without any budget to see its done, the people have no one to see its done and monies are not disappearing whether through  blatant theft or bad  and or unethical practices and the  constitutional rights of all upheld. When 38 judges alone can be defied on my cases alone in multiple agencies, then they are not. And I do not know who his 'boss' really is. It is not the people, nor Congress nor Presidents of the USA  as they relinquished that at least 15 years ago by  not allowing any oversight that must occur in any government to stop corruption and even to praise and  acknowledge things that might be being done  right and better to be adopted in other areas of government.

       Much info is online about 'banksters' and this powerful group or another,but it is an international connected cabal and that is obvious. Of course  those with great power and wealth is going to have business dealings and other connections as a matter of 'doing business. and associations.' Its why it takes governments of nations to make sure that checks are in place so that great power does not gain even greater wealth unscrupulously  by squashing free market enterprise opportunities for any party that wishes to enter the market. and be permitted to compete fairly  when powerful entities are able to gain even greater wealth by tapping into public Treasuries , that in itself, Ian unfair advantage.

     The SEC can only look into a very narrow area and  had no authority to look into what has been going on at Medicare Medicaid  SSA, US Dept of Labor and all the other social and health programs through out the nation at all levels of government and in private industry. That is other government law enforcing and auditing sections of  agencies  to do  At present THERE IS NONE ALLOWED TO DO ANYTHING  as  it is all about budget.  None can make a phone call or drive to talk to any one without spending government money No employee of the government is permitted to use their own car or phone or device, etc.  without government oversight and paid for by the government as means to do so., etc. We currently have a presidential candidate in trouble for using her own private device  for government business and her  government business was a higher clearance level than nearly any other government employee ;even  those in law enforcement.

So maybe the Congressional committee(s) needs to take a look at how prevalent lawlessness has become with the budget cut to $0 years ago for over sight of what is really going on in the government which is now  more contracted out than most even understand including our own elected officials who are to see the business of the people is being done constitutionally and legally beyond reproach  and rights of  each person  upheld  and monies being spent wisely as as Congress intended and not blatantly stolen as is going on right now in many areas. Temptation to do wrong can and does occur  by some when no one is watching  out to stop wrong doing.
    Few in Congress even knows the name of this man and the power he has over the laws and monies they give him . CONGRESS DOES NOT REALLY KNOW HOW GOVERNMENT WORKS AND HAS NOT FOR OVER 15 YEARS IN MOST CASES AND LONGER THAN THAT IN MANY AREAS .  Reading what one votes on , might be a start.  Paying attention to the loss of  rights and pleadings  of one like me that has done the work to find out  as part of out struggle for life itself is another.
  Congress has its own leadership from all parties and they are humans that can be tempted by great power and wealth, too. Checks and balances is for each member of Congress to not let themselves by 'bamboozled' by their own leadership and others who have  been put their by special interests that are not part if  the mandate of the US Constitution of "for the general welfare of the people and the security of the nation." Its what some English teachers might call the 'thesis' statement of the whole US Constitution as all the terms and amendments of it are to carry out that mandate as stated in it.

When agency heads and others  file reports and budget requests  or come before congressional committees and 'bluff their way through'  as they cannot tell Congress what is really going on as they do no internal audits of the work done by all the contractors now doing much of the work and in health care nearly all the work of  then THEY ARE LYING TO CONGRESS  and budgets get skewed and good money keeps being 'given after bad' and we all suffer in more ways  one may even understand. Nearly every moment of our lives involves some part of government;  Take one  minute and list everything that you  are doing and are around and wake up to the government at some level is  involved some where  in  the product or service  being available or around one. then understand that the whole process has no checks or balances in it any more. as no one oversees it in nearly every way. to see it is safe and or should be done in manner to not harm. Individuals do not have this all knowledge to know that every thing is OK.. We elect those who are to over see  experts to over see no harm is being done by those making  or doing something.

And we count on the government doing its job so we do not have to worry every second about safety for our very lives and livelihood. When government collapses its obligations we elected others to represent us and over see things for us; Then we have regressed to 'caves to hide in; from all the predators and  and look for an individual 'club' to use to survive when we come out of hiding from the evils of he world around us and wars commence that should not have ever begun if governments did as they are to do  and our US Constitution says it better than any form of government since the beginning of history. It was put together  by those who did study and understood history and part faith beliefs  are a part of that about human failings that can occur. And how best to avoid conflicts so all have equal opportunities and none have to hide or struggle for physical existence against others. Its an ideal we strive for, but we have  a good model to base that striving on. and those who say we  should have a world government,  realize we already a a world cabal in control of much of the world and its not going well; A better model for the world would be the US Constitution where Nation states and individuals have rights with checks and balances" against evils of unfettered power an access to the wealth of nations and governments.  That is the true free market system and we do  little semblance of this at present;

Its to our abilities to reason that we form governments so we can go about our lives and do wonderful things and created and innovate and care for one another ins world of peace,love and health and good life;  But when those we ask to represent our interests and they do not over see what is being done with the monies we give for all these things to be done, then we see society collapse into sufferings and wars and refugees streaming acorns borders as few have  even any 'cave' to hide in any more. from the evils that our own representatives in government have allowed to roam free unfettered.

      I have named President Lynn Blodgett as he is the one named by several high level government officials  as the one they get their only source of information from  on us and have no access to files or data on me except for what he permits them to have. And that includes 38 federal judges ruling and orders not being carried out as those in  agencies cannot enforce or oversee without Congress permitting it. My showing a copy to these officials is not official and without files and data that have disappeared and all systems hacked into cannot break the stalemate that has put me and  my families very life, health and livelihood in jeopardy daily. And we are not  an isolated case. ....
    Many are in the same situation, they just do not know the whys and hows  and who's . they just know  government is not working as it should anymore and they do understand that somehow its the fault of Congress but not enough of the reasons to  ask and find out if the ones they vote for are going to change this over throwing of our government into this cabal  back to where the people hold the oversight power through our elected representatives to stop wrong and illegal actions. .
       Unfortunately a few are picking up modern 'clubs' and leaving their 'caves' and doing things that do not solve anything, but adds to the chaos  and confusion. and military type   force used against all the innocent who get caught in the struggle.

            What we need more than anything else, in my opinion, is a new kind of war of formally asking for our rights and filing and doing those things we can legally and peacefully do   and VOTE AND ASKS THE CANDIDATES WHAT THEY ARE GOING TO DO ABOUT OVERSEEING THE USE OF OUR MONIES AND PROGRAMS INSIDE THOSE WHO ACTUALLY DO MUCH OF THE WORK AND SPEND MUCH OF THE MONEY. Take off your self imposed 'gags' candidates and elected officials and speak up.
 For a child in this nation to go to bed hungry or one that is sick going with out life saving medical care, or a bridge that collapse under the corruption theft of the monies to repair  it, is an atrocity that Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus said in my faith book the Bible  in very strong language that we are going to hell if we do not care and act.


Those of all the other major faiths of the world and even those with no faith have similar understandings and wisdom;s.   We cannot all take care of each other in the world in need individually.  and we all have needs. Its why we share our money and assets through taxes and publicly owned assets so that we can elect representatives to hire others to see that these basic needs of humanity are there for all to have either through a fair wage and work or for those most vulnerable for us that the goodness of each human is elevated by direct help for those in needs and ' the second mile taken' to see that each can become independent to care for themselves at some point.  laws and programs that empower the individual and foster  independence and FREEDOM and do not end in in more enslavement  to the few that have gained great power and wealth  though unfair and unjust thievery and unethical behaviors that any society cannot tolerate to survive and have human rights be respected for each and every one.

 Christ also said we need to get the 'logout of our own eye' and we need to open our eyes and understand that although we may not agree with how others live their personal lives and or share their beliefs , we cannot replace caring for one another with hatreds and disrespect for each to have the basic rights of humanity .   We are all part of the human 'family'  and created to be interdependent on each other in closer ways inside families and other less recognized ways when we have to do bigger things by sharing as having roads health care and everything else modern society uses every day and  none can do and create each or all by  themselves nearly  every nation now has access to the ballot box even in countries where it may not always be   fairly held.  Its how we show we are the boss, by or participation. Very few do not participate by reasons of conscience and I call on those to pray or think good thoughts for the rest of us. I have a premise I wish could come true and be truth: 95% voting in all elections at every level for 10 years and turn this world on the verge of death and destruction into one of peace and well being for every single person. as we demonstrate our caring for one another. Something my faith says we should do. and its not against that of others faiths or those of no faith for its common sense wisdom inherent in humanity  to know and struggle to do.

My prayers go out daily for  you, President Blodgett that you  will do what  you are legally obligated  to  do for me and my family and not do the opposite which is what has been going on for these many years, now where the struggle for the very right to breathe is at issue.. Follow all the many Judges orders and see to it they are all followed and remember the US Department of Labor Judges said in 2/09 that  you and all are to ask me for the facts and reconstruct my files from my records.   And over came the last obstacle created by the illegal acts against my files by saying I did return to work in 1990 and  already had ruled I still have the accepted conditions and approved for life for home liquid oxygen and the permanent medical benefits that are total coverage since then before ACS took official control  in 2002. and you have the evidence of my being on  home liquid  oxygen 24/7  for over 21 years as  approved for life with permanent  and total benefits  that were already permanent due to it   for the medical and the rest should have followed in a 'domino effect' if the case had been worked as is to have been done and not still  'illegally 'rifled.'
     This has been a continuous pattern of documented  illegal activity  on it and towards  other file of my in other agencies since injured in 1/10/89, with  a non controverted case that has not yet had any settlement  as you keep saying to all those in the government  and where you got such info is unknown to me or if you created the statement? Please stop and inform all that it  is not true. and the judges,, facts and what I  say is  form my own records based on all the documentation and rulings, etc. and a progressive disease that is a total body injury  that medical science has yer to  find any cure. for.
     There is a lot of work to be done in this tremendous backlog that corrupting influences  created not me. I CHOOSE TO LIVE AND  AND WANT ALL TO HAVE THAT RIGHT. . I sent a certified letter  to you back in 2009 and other followups to try and have us work together to set up a systematic  process to get all the tremendous backlog worked through ; This disappearing  of files both paper and systems has been going on for over 26 years now and there are some items clear back to 1989 that have yet to be processed with numerous labor  judges and hearing officers referred to this in their decisions to yet get done.  over the years.

 AND A LETTER SENT IN 2009  FORM MY CLAIMS EXAMINER  REMINDED  ME IT IS STILL PENDING AND THE REGIONAL L OFFICE FOR US DEPT OF LABOR NEEDS THE ACCESS TO FILES TO GET  IT PROCESSED.  Ms Carter said she has no way to get the file set up as you are contracted to do it and its yet to be done. I  keep trying to contact you in many ways and now on line to reach you to get the files put back together that are voluminous over this  in action and medically  increase daily.
     You have several sets and all have been timely filed and that includes the invoices from Lincare  their acquired company Health Connections and Rhema   and others were paid in the past that are in file. and alive legally due to constant follow ups and other actions.  Plus Medicare and Fed Blues and others FEHB health plans are still not reimbursed and that is all legally alive even if they do not have the records.  they are  there  in file  even if you do not have  physical or systems custody  Very little is on the ACS portal /
    Even if even do not have the records physically or on systems ; the filings and follow ups make them legally alive and in the custody of  ACS as contractor. and remember the order, they are to be used to pay.
     Plus there are the oxygen claims from  All  About Mobility  and  them Medicare wants their money back for the paying of oxygen as well as Federal Blue Cross Blue Shield for what they have paid even though your company, there that' manages' them, Prime Therapeutics ; keeps trying to make me retired when legally cannot be due to federal workers comp law.
        Then since 1/08, my personal invoices where  I  have been blocked from having a  liquid oxygen supplier  over these actions and must go direct to manufacturer for life to be sustained. That is a hardship  in itself for life to be sustained which your people said had blocked them from even filing, But I filed for them to protect their filing date; its all part of the total picture that should make the permanent disability and then retirement able to take place with what the feds call a settlement on loss of use of body parts which is a negotiated  one for internal organs, etc. called a   schedule award. WITH THE FILE ALL WORKED AS SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE OVER THE YEARS, IT SHOULD BE  an easy  process for all parties.   And should have occurred in 1997 soon after the  my student loans were waived based on my work related i accepted injuries as there is nothing else that would preclude work even to this day if  I  had not been injured on 1/10.89. Then I would decide whether to do a complete buy out or continue  wage loss checks and ACS pay all of my bills with fed blues paying any amount their payment schedule would pay if more than eh federal workers comp rate. which is being underpaid now over Prime Therapeutics being told by you the misinformation that I have retired and cannot by law.
    It is a lot and am not able to enumerate every bill and ever appeal  if not paid and there are many that the regional office is not  even aware of yet; Nor do they even have the file to begin to understand the context. The claims examiner who did send me the reminder in 2009 retried , I was told  and had been acquainted  with my file from before you took over  control. many have said this is a type of medical precedent case for toxic and chemical injuries s Many are affected , if that be the case; to be  harmed or helped by your chosen actions on this.  The health care system is such today I do not think many newly injured can even get the diagnostic tests run as I did and are still considered the ones to prove this kind of injury as well as determine treatments. and amounts , etc.  A real shill game has gone on far too long with records  in and between government offices and agencies and OPM and all of the various contractors you either 'own' or have partnership deals and / or contracts with  through all of these entities.
    . As well as government officials.and needs to stop as it does not  uphold that constitutional mandate of "for the general welfare of the people'"  The word welfare   does not mean what we assume it to be today as  government check for the poor.  Its for the rights of all to have well being in their person and property and all the ensuing rights our nation laws and systems  places in and around those
  Workers compensation  for those injured is part of that.  Medical care has to be provided. Other issues  to be paid can be passed by this or that legislative body or contract  etc. but it comes down to rights of life and livelihood at some fair level.


      Remember that an illegal rifling of my file , again put me on this life and death struggle the last time, but for some reason when  ACS took over the Judges and hearing officers got defied this time as in the past they were obeyed and things got aid and part of the file processed until the next rifling and disappearance occurred  and the struggle for very existence continues .
   My suggestion as written to you back in 2009  directly to your corporate headquarters office in Dallas which I also called and spoke to your assistant there. plus other follow ups  is to work through  year by beginning in 1989 to finish that up  first after current needs to live are taken care of.    This seems logical as it  will reflect the progression of accepted diseases and converge is total  due to the approved for  life need for liquid oxygen  nearly 22 years ago that  the medical record shows to  those now in the field was needed since 1/10/89 but did not get it at that point in time.
    That money, which was reported to be a million dollars never was received and was to have been put in some form of fund for all of us older established cases with serious medical needs and already had permanent medical due to those needs and the 1988 labor law..  The Judges have finally cleared any reason that got made based on the messing with files and data so that wage loss can be reinstated and OPM estimated temporary  benefits  with drawn and repaid, etc plus  health and life insurances adjusted and refunded etc. as needed for a transfer to temporary disability  wage loss at  FECA.  Then SSA can pay the back spouse benefits and all the issues of Part B Medicare premiums  would be moot except  for the one that I may find some attorney to purse on a class action for all affected by the Government Pension Offset  and SSA probably would not refund what  original interpretations was that  would say duplicate pays need to be refunded for several years here back.  That in it self is a legal  issue from a too simply written law that had general understanding at the time, but has been lost to history and time by those present then no longer in the government having been able to retire as I am not able to do  by FECA law.
l That GPO related issue  caused massive confusion for me and real hardship over it as the process is flawed to even get the legal answer on the issue which has yet to be gone since 2006.that constitutionally   needs judicial review but in it self is not life threatening if all bills were being paid for by FECA for past and future .
     FECA temporary wage loss reinstatement had    all the paper work on that filed back in 2005 and never processed due to 'interference'  as someone decided that  the Judges and the rest of us had to figure  out  that the rifling of the files created a false premise that I had not returned to work in 1990. SSA and HHS had never certified my leave records to FECA after 1989 even though legally required to do so but  we feds have had little of the same rights the rest of the nation; has had. I ray with you taking over  processing and contacts for all  their  workers  comp now, you will not adopt what has been done to me as a model. Its a model of what not to do.
   . Disregarded  more recently  was that both in 1989 and again  in 10/94  was that this wage lass was started with out that form competed .First by phone  call   from my claims examiner in NY to SSA-HHS for insurance and salary status amounts and levels etc  and  last from my pay stub in 1994.
And   the US Department of Labor  would be in a settlement  with  the agency and I and my representative  for the schedule award and my choice of permanent checks or a buy out Which at present  the later does not seem to be the best choice for my self or family situation. Others who have gone through this say take the monthly checks and providers and suppliers  send in the claims to ACS to be paid.  the issues is the games played with no timely payments, etc. that causes so many to no be able to get medical care when injured.  now. even if there is additional paper work to be done HHS still has actions pending on civil  rights that recent actions have been filed as retaliatory  and getting all this done through you , being he one with the power and  authority to do so  could help lessen what needs to be done with those..
  Some issues that may not even have monetary damages need to be answered for the "general welfare of the people" under the Us Constitution . such as the one against FDA. The sanctions  against HHS was for  the physical and life threatening  'torture' to the point of death for no accommodations allowed that had been  promised to get me back to  work under  ones where my medical records could land them in jail for  their 'alleged' illegal actions. To acknowledge my need for accommodations for my  physical disabilities I now had since 1/10/89 meant acknowledgement  of their 'alleged' illegal acts as an admission of 'criminal guilt' if not 'civil' guilt,  I could not have been put in a worse scenarios for fairness and suffering without  oxygen  as the pain form suffocating internal organs and horrific heart  angina and lung pains all the while trying to work in one of the worse placements one could be in .  NOTHING WAS DOWN BY THOSE IN CHARGE  BUT  ACCEPT THE AGENCY'S PROMISE TO ACCOMMODATE .  NO OVER SIGHT FOR INJURED FEDERAL WORKERS TO STOP ABUSES OF POWER.
And   some reports was that your companies partners,etc at OPM were in the middle of what occurred.  re   Horace M Cooper. etc covered in other parts of this brief online.  reports were heard of co workers dying from the initial injuries, , it got worse for me as all but me, as stated, got turned away from the hospitals back then and did not have it so easy getting their cases approved with workers comp. Due to a mix up at Christ Hospital it got put down on my admissions chart in the ER, he wrong employer got put down initially allowing all the tests be run and I, being near death was being prepared for admission until the tests came back it was toxic fume injury and of toxic fumes and the NJ health  report had to be filled out be filed and all learned  I worked for SSA and belonged with the group that they  had been bamboozled into turning away earlier  over basic medical judgement.  And was sent home to die as the rest were. Rushed back  again and then again with breathing stopping,  until I succumbed to infection and lungs had to be brought back to hold even partial air again.  and it was wrongful death malpractice if they allowed themselves to be stopped from caring  for a patient. etc. (We all had insurance regulated by those OPM companies?)
Your lungs get mucous burned off and so does  entire body's and then the swelling starts and  the sensation is if just get some  fresh air all will be okay Its so crucial for initial tests to be run before oxygen is given, I leaned to prove the case and as time goes on its harder to do. I was the last one registered in t at that hospital and the only one that even got a chest x ray. to show how badly we all got treated and this got repeated over and over  with others at other facilities all directed out of the  very top,levels , etc.
More  'crimes committed on top of the ones already being cover up. that got us in a new building that could  not have passed city state or federal inspection for us to be in owned by a billionaire landlord and CNA  insurer that is said to not always play nice."
   So I returned to work a few months later part time got sent home within a few weeks  based on new research for the National Institutes of Health , etc  as could not tolerate the low levels of chemicals in the  modern office environment office now to set another precedent it is said,
    Only to be sent right back into a modern office environment  in another office and then another  in mid 1990 with the promise of what is legally called  as [removal of chemical barriers] and a non exertional job,etc. AND DENIED TO RIGHT  TO WORK WITH OUR DISABILITY COORDINATOR TO MAKE SURE THEY WERE UNDERSTOOD AND FOLLOWED.  This is a usual given that they would be involved especially on one coming off of workers comp and was denied access,. This would have been an admission of 'guilt; by some in legal trouble,  \
   A life and death struggle since 1/10/89 that put us on the path to 9/11/01 as has been written of the why and all that occurred as to how and why online in my web sites.
     has gone on that has had more to do with obstructions the illegal and unethical behaviors then medical care itself which   should have been provided  without issue or harassment of workers comp doctor trying to care for a patient with all and caught in the middle of..
   In 2/09 the Judges  at US Department of Labor  said I did  return to work in 1990 and much more and that was the last issue created by the rifling of files and data to be over come. NONE OF THIS WAS TO OCCUR AS AN ILLEGAL ACT STARTED IT ALL. BUT THAT HAS BEEN IGNORED IN ALL OF THIS AS NATIONAL POLICY HAS BEEN NOT TO INVESTIGATE WHEN RECORDS GO MISSING.
So systems get hacked and that  is not investigated either to this day.   SSA and HHS had refused to certify my leave record and the judges said to use my records and to use them to reconstruct my files, etc. THE FACT IS CRIMES GOT COMMITTED AND I AM SUFFERING A REAL BATTLE FOR LIFE AND LIVELIHOOD. And its time congress takes care of these kinds of abuses that can occur when ones very medical records expose corruptions  and other illegal things that caused the injures in the first place. AS WELL AS PREMATURE DEATHS.

None should die before their natural appointed time. And if its due to others actions, then we have legal systems in place to stop them an  have some sort of justice against those who did it to account for the deed and pray it does not be repeated if we learn and over come .. That is better than all  coming out of their 'caves 'with their individual 'clubs '  to start wars, The rod of justice is what we have created together as a society to stop the few doing harm to others and learn how to prevent any one else from ever doing such in the future. we over acme our past by facing it and doing what we can to make tings right and go forward  up a path of Peace and life and well being for all. for one left behind, slows all of us on the path of life.

So this did turn in to a plea to the man, I pray for daily that some how things can be made right and doing what 38 judges have said is the beginning. Once my file I posted than Ms Carter etc,  at the US department of labor can review all that has been submitted and process my request for permanent disability  so I can retire.But for her to do so, she needs all  the oxygen invoices processed that have been pending un input since you took over President Blodgett.  Your word has become the most powerful in this nation as my cases show. Your word can help or hurt I pray for the former as I pray for you. Its time to make things as right as they can be and work through this. Pray for justice for all and that  those in power work toward that end.  Any thing more is not for me to judge or say,  the systems   of our society are in place for others to decided things and  as a person of faith , there are others who will decided those things.Prayers and good thoughts are requested from all for the path of good to be  chosen over that of evil for the former helps all and the later leads to where no one wishes to be on.. and all get drug along it when  it is chosen.

Linda Joy Adams 8/9/15

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