
Friday, September 11, 2015


Linda Joy Adams: DAILY RECAP 9/11/14: I FAILED TO STOP 9/11/01: PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS.. Each year, I link the prior years postings.   Today, I have some things to share  other than what is being prepared for many filings that we are  having to do to sustain life and livelihood.

Went to see doctor today  for blood work and medication adjustment for para thyroid. it was 1994, when my family doctor, then. in Springfield,  Pennsylvania, Joel Mascaro D.O.  knew that there were issues and did blood work etc.  but no one in the health care plans or at workers compensation would listen to him as the blood test numbers did not fall into the range  to be treated.  And he could not get approval for treatment.  OPM contractors, etc. only wanted one body part to be treated and they had decided that the toxic fumes only affected the lungs and in their 'arrogance' ignored what he knew and many others trying to get best care for  patients.( only wanted to pay for one body part was the quote from one inside who knew. money can never replace good health or helping one get as well as possible.)  I rarely mention the names of those helping me present for their own privacy, etc. 

Their is 'ONE IN CHARGE OF THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE AND CREATION WHO DOES KNOW  is my personal belief. I ask HIM to bless and hold them high


   Doctors have not been in charge of our health care for many  years in this nation, and now the USA is often considered one where health care costs are higher than most, and the care often third world. is not that doctors do not wish to do the best they can for patients. But if the patients have limited  or even average income and their health plan will not pay, we are all trapped in a system  that can be very retaliatory  to those wishing to provide care and detrimental to  best health  The medical community standards now say they were not good  test results and treatment was needed.  So patients went without when doctors all over knew better. .  So many have given warnings about things and none listened and we suffer  due to it. Many are still not being tested as this is not the  thyroid test one gets with the regular yearly check up type blood panel But involves ones T cells. I share his name to thank him for his efforts. and all of my current doctors trying their best to care for all of their patients in times, now that in many ways have become worse trying to do best  care when so much more is known of what good care is. our knowledge increases every day, but we do not set up systems in society to take advantage of all the new understandings without obstacles being put in the  way. that arrogance that some doctor or someone else  that is not 'famous' or powerful; might have been given special insight to solve some problems  in any area of life.

Christ spoke more of general conditions of the human soul rather than listing individual sins which other leaders of faith  addressed more specifically.   But those general conditions we fall into , lead to other  acts being committed that harm our selves and others and our very eternal lives.. Yahusha , whom we Christians call  Christ Jesus   did  teach  that we were to heal the sick and feed the hungry  and love  one another. or we  end up in a very horrific place.   One does not have to believe He is more than a wise man to know His words carry  truth. As a person of faith I consider Him as the Divine in the flesh and that is a mystery the whole world has grappled with to  fully understand for nearly 2000 years since He walked  on planet Earth with in the human family. And that in some way  , we have to follow LOVE for one another as the only way to salvation for our own souls. John, who wrote many books of the New Testament part of the Bible, is said by historians to have been one related to the powerful leaders of the  nation  and had a perspective on the whole from several angles back then. He wrote that God is Love. A Bible verse 'every; Sunday School child is asked go memorize

Arrogance is one trait that we fall into that lead individuals an human family into troubles, rather than individual acts that one should do or not do.

ARROGANCE is a major one that those with great power and wealth can bring them down into serous troubles. Christ taught that to be the "greatest among one must be the servant of all"  Something to watch and listen for as man wish to be the greatest  among us and running for the highest office in the land next year. 

Politicians use to use the work 'serve'  as language needed to get others to vote for them.   And many then and now, do seem to hold those high ideals, whether they follow them or not.  When we vote , and I pray all will do so, unless one does not be reason of personal conscience that all realize we are judging the heart of another person  and we may not always have the full wisdom to know all.   I have erred in my choices and found the one or ones I voted for failed us as we failed ourselves. Its part of the process of learning the entire human race is going through throughout  human history. We need to learn from it and not ignore it  so we can  overcome the shortcomings of  those who came before us then follow what they did that had a good outcome.

     Too often , in our current states of ;arrogance; we do not listen to those giving warnings as they often from unknown or even less than perfect persons by our current human understandings.  how could  this person or that one have knowledge of something that should be listened to. Especially, when some wrong doings has already been ;covered up by those who did wrong and held high enough authority to succeed in the cover up of their acts of corruption.  when we do not consider what some say  of what they know, we fall into our own states of arrogance and society  and individuals suffer from each one of our individual shortcomings.

Often what many know, is only bits and pieces of the whole and why some have positions of authority to be able to put the pieces into a whole so answers can be found to keep up from harm.

Need to rest from the days exertions. It was a beautiful sunny and not too hot day for a nice drive. One cannot help but lose some of their own personal 'arrogances and shortcomings ; when one looks at the wonderful place we humans have to live on planet Earth. And are asked  to care for it so future humans can also enjoy the marvelous creation  we have been given. There is ONE who does LOVE EACH ONE.. is my belief. You do not have to agree, but we cannot say that we have been given a very special place to live on when our efforts to explore space has not yet found many other places near by as special as this planet. But am sure there is some out there as we grow in number.  and learn to work together and respect that some unknown may have a piece of what is needed to know to get us there.

Linda Joy Adams 9/11/15

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