CONFIRMED: Obama Birth Certificate Forged | Vision to America CLICK THE LINK TO AN ARTICLE WHERE I POSTED SEVERAL COMMENTS. Of course thes is intense hatred towards Pres Obama. But the bigger truth is how many good people have been duped into believing lies and half truths about many things. So I tried in a few comments to set the record straight that those in power in this world have always known he was born in Topeka Ks and eligiblility for the ballot was never an issue. Character and po[itics of course shuld have been the focus and 95% of those eligibile to vote should have done so, but didn't. We the peoplr are to rule under our system of govt and when we do not participate, others take advantage and we all suffer for it.
wHEN ONE GETS THIER HEALTH POLICY OR A OCPY OF THE GOVT HEALTH PLAN BOOKLET, WE THINK THAT IS WHAT OUR COVERAGE IS AND WHAT WILL BE PAID, ETC.. AND ITS BEEN A LIE FOR OVER 20 YEARS. AS IT WAS MADE A FREE FOR ALL TO GRAB THE MONIES FROM MEDICARE IN ANY WAY POSSIBLE BY OTHER HEALTH PLANS AND HEALTH INSUERRS AN LIABILITY INSURES. This is what happens wehn the govt deides not to enforce its own laws and to let a few pwerful and wealthy gai more power and wealth from our monies. One has to wonder if the Clinton Impeachemnt wasn't a 'smoke screen' to divert our attention from what was being set in place by the cabal who cared less about Pres Clinton, another 'puppet.' while 'they' proceeded to set up a systematice step by step coup which had already begun years earlier but now could be put in place with ways and agreements that have devasted this nation and not only in health care's almost total collapse. nts Deals made to steal our monies and our rights from us .We all pay taxes either directly or indirectly as consumer taxers and it all adds up to what has been allowed to be blatanty stolen for too many years with all of us not getting th esrvices and roads, schools, electric grid, clean water and clean energy, etc. we are all affected when our money is not used for US. Even real national securitty is jsopardized as power and wealth amassed results in a grab for control over all of us and usurption of our basic rights in order to keep and maintain that control and power. 9/11/01 happened due to the laxness of attitudes. I tried for two years to stop it and got reubuffed every where and made fun of and derided by the very ones who shodl have never let it happen and did. Only the NSA treated me with a modicum of respect and empathized. Saying AG Janet Reno had total control for what they did. and they weren't being allowed to do much. But now they are contracted out to the cabal to snoop and pry into our most private moments and life. .
When dealing with a multi- headed intricate beast of a system put in place by interlocked corporoations; getting rid of one head only results in another taking the 'figurehead' position. Think twice before one is drawn into hating a President as we have had 'figureheads' more often than not in recent decades in the position. "They' are the ones who do not wnat a president who can't be 'controlled.'? WHO'S IN CHARGE? Who is realy in control is going to be well hidden from view in all of this.Evil perosnified is not going to allow itsself to be known to be talked about nor arrested by some who might just do it. 9/11/01 did away with more than many of our privacies and freedoms in this nation. Its similar around the world now, too. First was the laying off of all the media researchers, leaving the world's reaearch to 'we the people' on the internet--wonder why 'they' are so interested in what we are doing on it? We also saw the real demise of our civil service take place in our federal and even state and local govts as it was contracted out to the international cabal that is this intricate web of corporattions. which will set up a ocmpany and get a govt contract on a lower bid or other 'undue' influence that should never occur.
Most civil serivce emeployees do not make huge salaries at all. and pensions are mostly not those huge ones the media raves about. And we (I'm one) are subject to criminal and civil laws should they not do their jobs legally and ethically. We often poke fun of them, but it used to be them who would take your info or data and try their best to apply the laws and rules to your situation with dedicattion and fairness and treat all equal before the law. The business of govt in all agencies is basically that.
But with all of this turned over to unaccouantable govt contractors made so by laws passed since 9/11/01; we have lost all our rights of equality and influen as a indivudal or gourp in the process of govt 'working.' 'Theu" are ruling as 'they' please not fairness and justice and one may find, as we have; our files diestroyed, our civil rights ocmplaints not ansewred and disappeared over nad over and even govt computer systems hacked into and ones very right to life itself put in jeopardy over the illegal acts. The legal ancd civl rights isseus raised could have saved a lot of lives and public monies if they have not been obatructed from even the most cursory review. Not even acknowledged nor docketed in. Reg Mananger in Dallas Ralph Rouse: someday there is one who is Almghty who may well ask you why you did not do your job and let the process work to stop so much human suffering and misery in this nation and in the world.? Many with some level of authority, have a lot of culpability in many ills and wrongs going on right now.
We have gotten appellatte judges orders and it does no good as one govt ocnracter Medicare Coordination of Benefits said to me: WE DON'T CARE WHAT A JUDGGE SAYS AS THEIR ' SECRET DEALS' WITH THE INSURANCE AND OTHER COrPRORATIONS OVERIDES THE LAW, GOVT CONTRACT TERMS AND EVEN FEDERAL JUDGES.
As we see the civil service being replaced we now see well demonstrated; the judiciary , also. Most court cases do not start in US DISTRICT Court. they start in side the agencies where one may disagree with a decision and files an appeal and it may eventually end up in hte federal courts. Often over my years of employment inside the govt I have seen new laws implemented and parts of it not done in a manner that upholds our constitutional rights, etcc. a simple appeal can change policies just by one case illustrating the need for change. Sometimes its at the agency judges level when this has resulted as more legal defining and rulings made and they have been adopted nationwide. Some cases I have worked on have done just this. EVERY NEW LAW WAS EXPECTED TO BE TESTED IN SIDE THE AGENCY. Its why we were trained on something no one is able to even know any more : CONGRESSIONAL INTENT; and we had copies of Congresisonal heaing testimonies we used at times to make a deision based on whether what was intended to be passed got implemented as the original intent was for it to be.
In 1994, we saw a firs major step. Although contracting out was getting more common, there was s semblance of oversight. But Sec of HHS Donna Shalala made an executive type order that there would no longer be enforcment of the conditional payment provision under Medicare. ( what medicare does usually 'leads the way and policy ' for all health care plans and insurance) Medicare is a public trust fund where trillions of dollars go in and out all the time. A BIG POT OF MONEY TO BE ACCESSED AND STOLEN IF THEIR IS NOT DUE VIGILANCE. And although there have always been a few medical providers who might wish to take advantage they used to be stopped very soon as we were instructed to treat all reports of wrong doing with respect. abd check things out. We have seem hundreds of millions stolen by some 'scam artists' in recent years, and yet my personal experience over the years since 1968 indicates, its a reflection of no over sight and plain arrogance of any trying to report something is not right when they learn of it either by seeing something amiss on a summary notice or other means they have witnessed. Still doesn;'t help much to have the international Cabal answering the phone for the ones behind the 'stealing' ? Some attempt has been made to change that at HHS. But Goldman Sachs is still the principla ethics advisors for most govt agencies and corpoations world wide. The current subsidiary name is Global Novamax. used to be Global Compliance. One files agsinst CEO Lynn Blodgett with them and also for Fed Blues and for many others and once I said, since you have all the parties doing me wrong, whiy not get them seated at the same table and work all this out for me so I can have osme fairness and justice and life and livelihood and end the illegal going ons.? No, the fruad report goes back to the offender and nothing occurs to correct behaviors for eyars. YES! the fraud lines are them and they turn your report over to the one committing the alleged crime... That's a fraud line? One is directly 'set up' for retaliation by one not wanting to go to jail or be exposed. Its a big reason why 'whistleblower laws' don't work well. All one can do is go on line and tell the world and pray someone reads this and is able to do something...I never worry about how many might read what I publish. I pray that one person who can do something does and acts. It may only be in a small way, but everything move the system in the rigth direction for justice and fairness for all.It may be just miving a file from one desk to another or transferring a computer records or maknig a note on line, etc to the very person who has not been allowed to have it so they can take action, even if its only a small part of the whole. Many y of these hughe thefts by scam artists had to have had inside collusion insise the claims paying govt contractors and my personal experience in investigating fraud and trying to stop it and recent domcuemtation is that the theft s have been major devastation to the fund needed by those who are aged and disabled who need the care paid for them to sustian life and not have their doctors and hosptals shortchanged to make up the difference of blatant and on going theft. In 1994 without any enefomcement of the conditional pay law any more, secret deals strted getttiing made to overturn the rights and laws themselves. You get a medicare card, make medicare pay even if its not medicare's primary bill or bill at all. ABUSE OF THE SAFTY NET completely took rule. Its a provision where medicare can pay if the primary doesn't over if one has just had an injury and litigation has not determined who is to pay,what of the bills. Like if one has a car accident, Medicare will pay but ITS TO BE CODED FOR RECOVERY AND A LETTER SENT ASKING FOR MONIES TO BE RETURNED IF ANY SETTLEMENT OCCURS AND THEIR HAS BEEN INTENTIONAL ALTERATION OF DIAGNOSIS CODES BY THE CLAIMS PROCESSORS (Partners fo the govt) TO CIRCUMVENT THE CODING AND LETTERS BEING SENT. mMedcre has no idea money shoudl be paid back or by whom. even hiding the diate of injury iif its a younger perons as the date of entitlement to part A Madicare is put down and that is often 30 months after the date of injury or longer. so even honest clerks can miss it needing to be sent over to recovery. Its been an intricate web of intrigue put in place over the last 20 years.. and few have any idea its occurring espicially in the medical profession. and even less among the patients THEY DON'T WANT US TO KNOW SO THIS IS WHISTLEBLOWING BY ME BIG TIME AND THEY ARE NOT HAPPY I HAVE FOUND ALL OF THIS OUT IN RECENT YEARS, MY SELF. . it was a bit by bit process myself. A civl rights complaint with some basic discovery done, would have exposed all of this decades or so ago. That's illegal but harder to prove intent. You see posted at your medical provider a HIPPAA poster, but that law does not and has done no good as none of these govt entities are under HIPPAA so one needs to file Civil rights and a form SSA 632 to waive any financial liability when this occurrs. You may be in a region where you get the case read and answered and some discovery done, etc. Ask and read and I filed SSA 632 years ago without giving my financial info as its where its "against equity and good consciene" as I can't stop it wihtout law enforcment and there has bene none for way too long allwed to step in. . THE OTHER AND MOSRE BLATANT IS THE INTENTIONAL ILLEGAL ACTS GOING ON AND OTHERS GOING ALONG WITH IT TO ALTER THE LEGAL LINE UP OF HWO WHO PAYS FIRST WHEN ONE ALREADY HAS THE COVERAGE. i PAY $450 A MONTH TO fED BLUES FOR A FAMILY POLICY AND DON'T YOU THINK THAT SHOULD BE ON THE COMPUTER FOR ALL TO ACCESS TO FIND OUT WHAT MY COVERAGE IS? YOU THE TAXPAYER ARE PAYING ANOTHR $1350 A MONTH FOR US AND 50% OF THE CLAIMS ARE PAID BY YOU DIRECTLY TOO THROUGH OPM'S CONTRACTOR, THE SAME BUNCH. ALL FROM TAXPAYER MONEY...AND YOU ARE NOT GETTING YUOR MONEY'S WORTH TO BE USED FOR US AT ALL. iN FACT MOST OF MY BILLS ARE FEDERAL WORKERS COMP AND THEY AREN'T PAYING AT ALL.AS THEY GOT A MILLION DOLLARS OF TAXPAYER MONEY FOR ME( acs says so ET AL) AND WHERE IS THE MONEY?I WON'T EVEN GET INTO THE THIRD PARTY LAW SUIT THE GOVT PARTNERS HAVE OBSTRUCTED AGAINST CNA'S HARTZ MOUNTIAN INDUSTRIES ET AL WHICH THE GOVT MADE ME FILE TO REPAY YOU TAXPAYERS AND 'THEY' IN CHARGE DON'T WNAT TO PAY YOU BACK. AGREEMENTS WERE MADE witTH EMPLOYERS AND AGENCIES TO POST TO THE MEDICARE COMPUTER OWNED BY GROUP HEALTH ( AS OF 1999) OF EMOPLYMENT STATUS AND INSURANCE COVEARGE ETC. MINE COMES FROM US DEPT OF LABOR BI WEEKLY AND MEDICAIRE IS THE LAST PAYER FOR ME, SECOND PAYER FOR DOYLE AND FOR ANOTHER DEPENDENT ON MY fEDERAL BLUES POLICY.
After 9/11/-01 with the final withdrawal of any overisght of what was going on, this began to be chaneed to 'get medicare to pay and nothing got codes a conditonal payment even setting up an off line Bernie MAdoff type of system to create phony mMdicare numbers to hide the illegal and unsecured activity. WE FIRST HAD ARKANSAS BlUES IN THIS AREA AND THEY DID NOT DO THESE ILLEGAL ACTS THAT I AM AWARE OF. BUT AS SOON AS HCA HOLDINGS TOOK OVER AND ACS for MOST OF THE GOVT ET AL AFTER 9/11/01 ALL CHANGED FOR THE WORSE. A coup d'etat few were aware of ready to be put in place and was When I would seek medical care, no one could find out whom to bill, It was a terrible 'joke' of whom to bill today as it woould be changed everytime the govt contractor had to pay a claim and wanted to make medicare pay first. as the secret deal was the teft of medicare to circumvent the liability case .. It led to our appeals and judges rulings etc and all of these ignored. We did everything we could to mkae them obey the laws and it did/does no good. Life is at stake for us in all of this. We still are wroking on it by just keeping all claims back to 8/1/00 alive and pending at medciare and asome issue as far back as 1989 have not been reviewed or nor paid /processed at federal workers comp as for 25 + years there has been no security of paper or systems files on me all this time most of the time as an HHS employee. Its why the civl rights was filed also as retaliation for prior and pending matters there and my EEOC sanctions against Sec of HHS Donna Shalals for physical torture and near death situation she ordered me put into. That includes over 14 years of oxygen claims never input to hide the fact of attempted murder on going by this bunch. ( They won't let the two liquid oxygen suppliers in my area send in a claims and Lincare is owed over a 100 thousand and I filed the claims to protect them A sson as we moved bad things started happening again after it had gotten better in Philly. area. If they cant bill they won't ocme. SECRET DEALS RULE AND WE HAVE NO RIGHT TO KOW WHAT OUR HELT INSURANCE POLLICY RELALY IS. Worse is the patient and medical provider both liable for the stolen monies as in 2005 SSA was to take the waiver requests and never did. This is one 'against equity and good conscience" and one does not give finanicial info as its where we, are being asked to be the 'cop' and we have no badge nor judge to take the law breaker to. We are helpless to stop it. Many have no idea this is happpening as they get lied to or don;'know. IF YOU ARE NOT GOING TO WorK< it does not mean you have legally retired. That has been one biggest lies used to steal of all. FINALLy we tok some paid oxygen claims that Cigna Govt servces did send over themselves to the recovery utit and the letters sent to aother govt congracor whicc is direlty linked to almost all of this ACS Xerox MORE SE'RET DEALS. And it was ignored as they don't have to respond as there is 'no one to meke them.' HR 1063 SIGNED INTO LAW A YEAR AGO HAS FINES AND PENALTIES IN IT FOR THIS KIND OF BEHAVIOR BUT ITS NOT BEEN FULLY IMPLEMENTED YET.THE SCRAMBLE MUST SURELY BE ON FOR secret deals to curcumveNt it any way they can and not have to pay back what well may be trillions of dollars OWED . No wonder they ae screaming thy want another bail out. They have had one for 20 years, illegally; and now its time to end it. The same govt contractor which faciliated all of this is still in charge but they have consolidated into one Coordination and recovery unit. BCBR is the title in OKC. But all my files and letters they had sent out from the Detorit have dispapeared and files needs to be reconstructed a professionally sounding person said a while back.But they never got back to me woto set this up.It appears about 4/1/14 there will be a way ofr the patient to send in a self reprot per claims on this. But the phone numbers poSted in the press release do not work yet. So my life can be ssHR 1063, or someone change of heart is needed for self annd family to preserve our very life. Your medcial provider is 'manged' and must kow whom to bill and this has not been possible for over a decde on us do to the intentinal and automatied alterations of a psoitng that is not to be altered by any one as they get it form US dept of Labor. HCA HOLDINGS INC ( my Blues) has had MCOB every other Tues am at 7Am take my Blues off the reocrds so no ne can see it exists for self and two others on the policy.Its casued havoc. I couldn;t even get an urinalysis test run of a few dollars that has ben paid for for years over this and worse is not being able to replace a defctive liuid oxygen tank, etc. HCA says OPM's govt contrctor says and FED workers comp govt contractor says, and its all the same CEO LYnn Blodgett deciding as if he is King of the USA and of other naitions what the fcts are and its whatever the secret deals wnats it to be.
Forget the HIPPAA law. It was a bad law that never protected our privacy rights once the claim was filed. and went to this cabal. It took almost a decade to get that implemtned and then it was not amended as it needed to be to include govt contractros or govt officials. IF SECRET DEALS ARE ALLOWED TO BE MADE THAT CIRCUMVENT THE LAW, THEN WE ARE NO BETTER OFF THAN WE WERE BEFORE AND IN MANY WAYS WORSE OFF AS THERE IS EVEN MORE MONIES HANDED OVER BY CONGRESS TO BE ACCESSED AND BLATANTLY SCAMMED AND TAKEN FROM THE ONES WHO NEED IT THE MOST; PATIENTS AND THEIR MEDICAL PROVIDRS WHO ARE ALREADY HAVING TO PAY FOR ALL KINDS OF SERVIES TO CONBAT THE ILLEGAL ACTIONS OF HIN CHARGE IN THIS CABAL. THE TERI SCHIAVO LAW MANDATED FEDERAL REPSONSIBILITY FOR HEATH CARE AS PART OF A RIGHT OT LIFE IF ONE CHOOSES TO LIFVE. Those who voted for that over whelmingly should have got busy right then passing a form of health care for all that they wanted instead of waitng for the 'scammers' to write one that just allolws more govt contracts to be let and for what? When I see my doctor now, he or she puts it on the ap top and coding is done as to what I was there for , etc. There is no reason by the time I am leaving the office, the rnmoney for the visit is not aleady headed towards the bak account of the provider's corporate account. Overisght and audits systems peramenters would then take care of any misfiings.and would stop any temptation for fraud. And ones doctor could then correct any erors in the national data base if something got input wrong. Now none can and many have died in ERs over it as its a govt contrct and not under HIPPAA.
The fair and just way is simple and reducees the costs in all of this and allows one doctor to be in much greater charge than he or she has been for many years. So what does the new laws do? Make your doctor hire a 'manager' from one of the cabals to direct care and actions. ONE STEP FORWARD AND TWO BACK FOR PATIENT CARE AND OUR MONIES GET SQUANDERED INSTEAD OF USED FOR INTENDED PURPOSE?. I THINK IT WAS TO BE HEALTH CARE AND NOT SCAM THE PUBLIC TREASUREY THAT CONGRESS INTENDED TO BE OCCURING HERE/?
Lots of political sayings about the opening ceremonies for the Olympics. However as one wko has been in music, theate and dance for a great part of my life, I say BRAVO ofor the artistry. It ws beautifully done. And I watched for entertainment purposes and not for political meaning. SO bRAVO TO THE ARTISTS!
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