
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Daily Recap 1/6/12: Agenda 21 In Soil Bank Law of 1954?":: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

Daily Recap 1/6/12: Agenda 21 in Soil Bank Law of 1954?: President Obama Born In Topeka KS: \
 Cool day and rested. Lots to do and file this week. Got some claims for expenses filled out on line. Doyle had to seek medical care for blood pressure and got some new prescriptions to try. The physical toil on our family has been horrendous since 1/10/89 when everything seemed to be going forward in our lives and a toxic cloud filled our office when we didn't know we employees of a  Federal office couldn't be in there legally due to the felonies committed getting us in there and continued to endanger or lives until something awful occurred. And even worse has been the obstruction of medical care for all and cover up with no investigations ever really done.  All 90 'blackballed' by the peer reviews for life, which means all of us become 'suspect;'when seeking medical care.  Its the worse amoral and evil that got manifested and over he years those that have been allowed to get by with this have led us into wars all over the world and the loss of life is horrific. Most who thought we were doing good for all have been gradually been made aware that a bigger cabal than the USA has led us into whatever they are about and it seems to have more to do with grabbing more wealth and power than "helping others help themselves" as Linda Joy Hardy (now Adams) said back in 1948 when I was talking to Then, Congressman Dirksen.
 George Washington warned us to stay home and keep our noses out of everyone else's business, but over the centuries, we have become an interconnected global family, but the path we are on does not seem one where individuals hold the reins of power and each of us is guaranteed those precious. inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
I've been confronted with real evil many times over my life.But always knowing that there is love and a Deity that has protecting influence over even those facing evil and not having to face it alone with human power but giving it over to the Almighty to handle when its beyond what one human can master or even humans working together.. Its like the worse things get, the more its going to take more of us working together with Divine aid to over come it.And that ole Devil likes to keep the good people squabbling within the human family so he can divide and conquer.
PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS; GOT A GGOOGLE ALERT AND "BEFORE ITS NEWS" HAD PUBLISHED THE DAILY RRECAP FROM HERE FOR 1/3/2013 It was published just before The Tea Party Nation suspended me from being a member of their site which I have had  great conversations with many there over the last year, especially the last 6 months since I went public on my sites with the eye witness account of President Obama's Birth in Topeka Ks.
I'd also been castigated pretty bad on some sites about my spelling. I do use spell check and have sight problems. After correcting all the high lighted errors, I have noticed as I hit enter more highlights popped up but too late to stop the posting.&I can'tt afford the glasses I have a prescription for and my secondary medical issue claims for adding in eyes have never been allowed to be reviewed by OWCP since Mr Or Ms OPM says only one body part can get injured on the job. Of course it makes no legal or common sense, but evil isn't logical. The first on my eyes was filed in 1993, when I was diagnosed with chemical conjunctivitis, the outer part of the eye and in 2007, when steroid cataracts diagnosed. The posting published misspelled Lynn Blodgett's name as he is now the CEO of Affiliated Computer Services, a Xerox company that has almost total control of our govt and others files and data. Even judges orders can't be seen by agency officials until his company gets them and doesn't post for orders to be carried out. And they all claim Mr Or MS OPM made them do it. as if breaking the law is OK if some unnamed entity says its OK.
I'd done some research to day on am matter I'd recalled from the late 1950s when the soil bank began paying farmers not to plant crops. Much has been said about agenda 21, and that tern has been around a long time I remember my Dad saying at the time, that one day farmers would not be allowed to decide when and what to plant or how,over some of the irresponsible ways they let soil erode and things they were doing. It would be a time, when bad practices would be harming everyone to the extent , our food supply would be affected and govts would imposed restrictions. He was not in favor of that, and wished other farmers would do more things to take care of their top soil and land. He won a first soil conservation award for terracing and planting ground cover on his land and stopping top soil erosion and later won award for prairie land conservation. He couldn't always get other farmers and ranchers to understand that good stewardship of the land was going to affect us all and all of us could lose our individual rights over it. His concern was for the good of the whole, it would happen, but it has turned into the elite and wealthy often is using it as an excuse to plunder and misuse the planet even more. Good intent can be twisted into something evil so easily when we let it happen to us by twisting the wrong people who say pretty speeches and deceive us into following the wrong politicians and and voting for them and then n they turn around and do the opposite and make back room deals, etc. It's the way things are and have gotten increasingly worse over the last few decades. I want to discuss this more on the laws that have been passed one on top of the other since the Dust Bowl of the 1930's. A few things the govt could have done, that would not have let things get so bad and not intruded so badly into individual sovereign rights of ones personal land and property rights.
Many have mistakenly thought I was a birther.' I'm not. I just want the whole truth out and for us to focus on the issues and hold our Congress accountable to do the jobs we sent them there to do. And if any one really cared about the president, why wasn't he told the truth of his birth and circumstances? rather than letting him search for answers and all the other things its reported happened to him? He had an extended family of his real Dad's side he apparently has never had a chance to know. I really don't understand the motivation when he got older. The fear of his going back to Topeka Ks or elsewhere to learn all the details, must have been overwhelming and I really don't understand it that well unless something more was going on and much bigger? He needs to know, if he doesn't yet. I wish I had just blurted it out back in 1/71, but I didn't, I could say I was going trough the death of my sister and all the other things of life of a young mother with husband and children, but all of us have that. I had never met the cousins whose Home I was in, only had known them through cards and letters as I was born after my parents moved to KS and I only being there a short time, myself after birth.
THE COSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES ARTICLE I SECTION 8 (continued phrase by phrase analysis)
To coin Money, regulate the Value, thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and measures;"
 First thing I noticed it says nothing about printing of money.It was all coins or metals? And the Federal govt through Congress passing laws determined the value and foreign exchange rates and those wights and measures.
When is a pound a pound. or whether we would use miles or metric systems in measuring distance. Its said that centuries ago, ones forearm was the length of a yard when measuring cloth. Guess one bought their cloth with a seller of long arms, rather than short. When one has set rules, and all obey them, then we can have fairness and equity and equal rights. There are some things govt just as to do and over see. And to relinquish control of our money to a private govt contractor, needs audit control and oversight or we have lost all control of the money needed to preserve our basic rights to life , liberty and pursuit of happiness as whoever holds the purse strings holds the power. TOMORROW: More Agenda 21 in our Soil Conservation Laws. Linda Joy Adams 1/6/13

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