
Friday, January 4, 2013

Daily Recap 1/4/13: Secret Teenage Program?: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

Daily Recap 1/4/13: Secret Teenage Program?: President Obama Born in Topeka Ks: Pleasant day , sunny and cool. Where's the snow? No where to be seen! Mail came and two medical bills turned over to collections and all three health plans not billed as far as I know and my letters to the medical provider, posted on line here, has never been answered.I can''t file an appeal if claims not paid, if the claims are not filed, so will have to file them my self which  we just did, but will send more with additional info shortly. Plus a letter of dispute. There is no civil rights or constitutional rights in this amoral  leadership world.And how did this all happen that we have arrived at a world with no moral compass. That's not a religious statement, One doesn't have to have a religion to live a moral life and be accountable to each other and to history.
Doyle and I worked on getting some organization into all that has needed to be done, yesterday, And I was able to sit up for about and hour or without exacerbating breathing, but no newly copied papers, just sorting out what had come in over the last couple of weeks and all that is needed to finish which is years of work to be done, whenever Lynn Blodgett CEO of ACS -Xerox, who now is in control of Federal workers comp allows the Judges orders to be put in context with the file and carry them out. I guess he doesn't;understand what the three federal agency Judges meant when they said ask me for the facts of the case, and use my record's to reconstruct the files.
 I and my fmaily are in legal limbo until this gets settled and he won;t follow the jduges and let it be done. A statement that could have caused his company to not have their contract renewed as three federal Judges sating the obvious; with  felonies that are still on going, would have had to have been addressed and one place Congress still allows it is in contract negotiations with agencies. How come every one but the US Dept of Labor's highest authorities, their appellate Judges, are considering themselves the final word on what happens to my bills and my right to live? Amoral beings have no concept of right and wrong? They just don't seem to understand justice and fairness?
PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS: Been answering some replies on Tea Party Nation. Some are really incensed at judges around the country for not dragging the President over the coals about documents.  Many don't seem to understand that in a civil case, the plaintiff has to prove the case, Just because one has not lived a life with all documents not  in order, is not the issue. The only issue of the birther movement is whether he is eligible to be president. He was born in Topeka Ks and even those that say both parents have to be, is a non issue as the real Dad was. So much money has been spent on making movies and films and money collected when  they know full well the truth and that the President was not told. I linked it to my sites.
I even asked Mr Koch, who wanted him impeached, if he had standing in KS to ask for the court order for the Ks Birth records?  Donna has asked me for months, about Ann and what she might have been involved with in Topeka Ks and I've mentioned 'lots of rumors.'
In those years there was no 'Gifted programs in the public schools. All of us were tested many ways and in order to get and A or A B in a class one was expected to do extra credit, approved work. It did lead to excellence. Just doing well on the test, was only a C.
At Topeka HS. there were oer 2000 students and the school was near capacity in 1960-61. There was a separation of students into a couple of groups. College Prep and non college prep. One got into college prep either by grades or by IQ. I asked when some students that didn't do that well over the years grade wise were  in the classes. And a teacher told me the theory was that if they were intelligent, but maybe not up with the others academically, they were given the chance to be motivated to catch up.
There were some math and science motivated students that seemed to not understand that extra credit was in all the classes. It could be a  written or oral report, etc. I read extensively, even when not required so writing an extra report wasn't a problem for me. (I could see better then and spelliing was an 'A' subject for me.)
                                           EXTRA EFFORT FOR THE GIFTED?
I recall one student who had built a radio that covered an entire table in his home had done well on the tests in World History , but got a C for the semester and was  asking the teacher why? Larry Ellison, had been one of those that didn''t always get the highest grades but was there becausee of his IQ. Apparently, he did to understand  what was needed and must have done it. Just another one of those conversations, I overheard. I had grown up in the same neighborhood and understood he didn't have the best home life. In 1962, Topeka West was opened with one black girl and they considered them selves integrated. THOSE THAT LIVED ON THE OTHER SIDE OF MY STREET, LIKE Larry, went to Topeka West and I was glad to not be going there as they didn't even have a library when they opened. So, students I had gone to Randolph, Boswell JR HS and Topeka HS, were now going west and I went East. I was now in Madrigals and our school continued its award winning status for several years, even though some of those at Topeka West thought they were 'better.' The academics didn't always bear that out. for some time.
Those of us in College Prep were assigned regular papers and work beyond that of the regular tier of students in the other classes. In a way we did have a gifted program. But it was one where we were expected to do extra work for a grade that those in the regular tiers were getting without the extra work regularly assigned.
It was a gripe that we had to do more for the same grades. 
Then there was the other concern of when we graduated, an 'A' in Music didn't;t count as much as an 'A' in the more academic studies. Yet, many were studying privately in voice and musical instruments and we got no credit for being in Madrigals, although donations for our performances aided in funding the Music Dept.  We met over lunch hour 1/2 and often performed several times a week around the city. Since there was no restiriitions about religion, then, many times it was in places of Faith and at weddings, etc. Wherever we could be hired. and many times its was not during school hours.
So, what was going on with these students in the care of Fred Phelps at westboro Baptist? A Mystery? Surely no one would send someone into that kind of abusive situation to be some kind of group home for those having problems. And there is no indication, that any were in that category? The whole group home concept was not started yet, that I am aware of?.
Was there some kind  of special group being prepared for the New World Order  leadsrhip and preparing them to rule with out moral compasses? Making them believe they were so superior that they were 'gods?' We obviously have created over the last 50+ years, a group of high leaders in the govt and elsewhere that have  lost their sense of moral compass. Is this some outcome of research in to mind control of the masses as to how to break the USA spirit that has always been basically decent and giving and helpful to one another?
Donna , from the Tea Party Nation, keeps asking why Ann kept saying her son was going to be president and a comment made in the press in Hawaii after birth that he would be president. I have never heard or seen that, but all mothers have high expectations for their children. In these ;later days; I'm grateful that our children are people of faith and according to my faith leader, Christ will have eternal life. I'm thankful they are not amoral people who  care little about other human beings. Fame, and high leadership and wealth and power in this realm, is not a guarantee of salvation. "I AM WHO SAVES", YAHUSHA; whom we Christians call Christ Jesus has said. and the same teachings are widespread in other faiths, too. A common thread of humanity is that we are too care about one another and if we don't we are lost souls.
The gifted programs that late evolved were often a dismal failure and became some of these, 'I am god' mentalities created. Were they perfected in Topeka Ks at some research facility? Thankfully, the plan in place when Doyle and I went through, was excellence came with hard work and applying our abilities to that excellence. Doyle was one of those students with high IQ that transferred from a rural school and placed in College Prep any way.  Those in the other tier did go to college and graduated, I learned but not in as great a numbers. Some started in College prep and couldn't keep up and switched.
Something more was going on then just trying to get into a good school as not all that were sent to Fred Phelps were from schools with less educational excellence. More eye witnesses need to come forward, and if Orly Taitz would ask for the Court ooder for the Topeka KS birth records from Forbes air force base hospital , not only would three murders get investigated and  maybe solved after 50+ years, but whatever else was going on in research of mind control and proganda research for the masses at the "PSYCHIATRIC CAPITAL OF THE WORLD" might end up getting uncovered.
I don't understand how we could end up with so many in high leadership that seem to have lost their moral compass and disregard for the rights of others. They really don't seem to have that core to them. And they are entrenched through out our society now. It affects our theories  of management and how we wage Peace vs war. Its put us on our way to annihilation and what some call the Anti-Christ Spirit is growing as the constitution is trashed and our rights to life , liberty and pursuit of happiness are no longer the ideal but who can get the most and rule over and enslave and control the most.
Orly Taitz is making it worse coming in with legal issues that just don't hold water and make no legal sense. Social Security has settled the issue of the SSN years ago. Maybe a plea deal was made or a decision to not prosecute, but that doesn't make one ineligible for the ballot.  I don't know that specifically, but do know as an employee since 1968 that  the way to get at CT number then, was to walk into a Social Security office in Ct  and a pply for one. Plus no one would know what number he currently uses as any emplyee accessing a famous person;s number causes a security alert and could be subject for reprimand or dismissal from their job.
She's making a laughing stock out of herself, legally; and too many are getting mad at the judges instead of her. She s being too obvious that she is not being paid to find the truth. Before the age of two, he didn't file the fake bio all over. and then never told the truth of his origins. in Topeka Ks and as of an interview on Books on Cspan in 2004, not even who his father was. Listen carefully, He took what he was old and wove a story the best he could. Apparently he didn't even know that his mother's statement " black prince over the water." refers to  his real Dad, going under the Kansas River in a racial attack on both  and his soul rising over the water  into heaven- over the water of life to Heaven?" Maybe she did have a real paranormal expereince of 'seeing; that?' They were 'together' as a couple  for up to a year before the attack.
THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES ARTICLE I  SECTION 8 ( continued phrase by phrase analysis)
" To regulate Commerce with foreign nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;"
There are to be limits on trade and making of wealth. We don;t sell our newest technologies to other nations without some kind of consideration for the nation as a whole, when crossing State line, that can be overseen stop any abuses  of border crossings with products or services. In my area, we need some real intervention right now. As  Texas oxygen suppliers were allowed to cross in to OK, then I could get it delivered and Lincare wouldn't be allowd to have a monopoly any more and become a death panel to decide  who lives or dies when approved for life by three health plans.. And in my case, a death panel; is only averted by our son delivering tanks as he did today from the manufacturer.When sttates do not make the neceassary agreements betweent hemselves on workers comp, licensing, etc in border  and rural aeas, then the feds do have the right to step in. We need some waivers NOW! so companies only have to pay one states workers comp, etc. in case someone hurts there back bringing in a 180 lb tank, etc.
And the constitution does recognize that our  govt is the conqueror of 500 Nations of Indian tribes who have certain Rights under our constitution. And trade can be  regulated at the Federal level between them and states. Special laws pertain, and when one lies in an area of the country like OK, one soon learns benefits of it for all and sometimes not so much.  TOMORROW:  Citizenship is a Federal Matter Birthers?': Linda Joy Adams 1/4/13.

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