
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Daily Recap 1/15/13: Not Always Racism!: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

Daily Recap 1/15/13: Not Always Racism! : President Obama Born In Topeka Ks:  Cold and Partly sunny Day. Rested up from yesterday;'s trip/ Read and did some research on line.. Have so many things that need sent yesterday. Doyle did some cooking. Tomorrow must get back into all the paperwork. Wish the govt employees hired to uphold the law would be allowed to do their jobs so we don't have to keep on doing all the filing, and most patients have no idea they are required to do this, also. But they can say, they didn't know, and maybe they will be believed, I can't; having worked with and investigated this kind of wrong doing over past years; so the responsibility is on the patinets to be the criminal and civil investigator as the govt is no longer allowed to do their job and that is anarchy and absolute chaos as the people's money and rights get obliterated and Congress is gridlocked because no one want to vote and go on the record any more/ At least most don't. How can one person in congress hold up 535 of our elected officials from voting? Time to change the rules, yesterday.
PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS; We have entered an era where one thing becomes an excuse for anything done that one doesn't agree with. Racism isn't always the culprit, but to say it is, enrages the masses and the only winners are those with great power and wealth who seem to love to divide and conquer the rest of us. Now the second amendment has been turned into a race issue.
                                          NEED FOR GUNS
When I was growing up  farmers had guns for  one or two reasons. Some, actually hunted for food in an era when there were no food stamps or one just supplemented their food supply with what one could hunt.
And the other was to protect ones livestock and grain supplies from predator animals. Sorry, few know how to kill a Lion with a slingshot as Shepard Boy David did in Ancient Israel.. Rarely, did one have one to kill another human being, although when one is in a rural area and the sheriff might not get there for a long timei f one is being invaded ,then it might be considered needed for protection.
 My Dad took me out to teach me how to shoot, but I didn't really like guns as they can kill people and fortunately, I have never been put in a prosition where bodily forced was needed to protect myself and loved ones. What is occurring through theft of govt files and altering official computer records illegally, can't be stopped with a gun. If any thing , it would only makes things worse as two wrongs do not make anything right as the old saying goes. And he real culprit criminal is often hidden way up the line and behind the scenes and those down the chain too often think they are carrying out justified or legal orders and they are not.
But doing something harmful to that person, means that the evil one, would only get someone else to do their bidding.
 Shedding of blood has never solved anything in the human race's history at all. We have come to a point in time where we have so many weapons to kill with that the Universe, itself, could be annihilated by a push of a button. And the Divine, Himself, and His angels must surely be concerned at the growing conflict and hatred that the Evil One is spewing around, is how I express this in terms of my faith.  Some seem bent on destruction of all of us, no matter what! Ther hatred is so severe, even of themselves, it appears. .
The latest is that the South wanted the Second Amendment  right to bear arms because they had a large slave population and were afraid of uprisings, etc. Maybe so, but I had never been taught that in history. Those that want to keep control have always thought having the weapons would help keep power.
To me, its like the right to do this or to do that. Just because one has the right to do something, does not mean they want to do it; like owning a gun.  Spread the word that no one may have the right, and even the local police are having trouble buying amno and the Nation is fast becoming an armed camp.
But it is ludicrous for there to be all kinds of controls on going in to a store and nothing at a gun show or flea market. Which is why , It would seem logical for one to be able to go online and apply for a permit to buy  that would be good for 90 days and then one could use that to make a purchase and the registration number of gun purchased would hen be registered along with the permit number of the purchaser.
My Dad has a long history in his earlier life, that some he shared with me. He became a minister in one of the historical pacifist churches, Church of the Brethren. I was raised in that tradition. Dad always said, don't pick up a gun unless you are willing to kill someone. I really don't have that desire. But in a moment of self preservation under physical attack of of my loved, ones, I can't say what I would. do.  I pray  I never have to be faced with that.
This posting is my fighting back from intentional attack that is well documented. I pray that no firefight would ever occur. I pray daily for those who are doing wrong towards us that they will change their ways and justice be done. I really do understand the words of Christ, Stephen and others who said in the Bible: Father forgive them for they know not what they do. Those of other faiths, or no faith;, can  surely understand the philosophy behind those words.
Those who are doing these terrible crimes that have cost lives and livleehoods and health   either have succombed to such evil intent that Satan has taken complete cotrol of them, or most have no idea that to go along with evil will cause such evil to be permeated in this world that they too could well become victims, themselves.  There sense of right and wrong seems to be getitng 'dulled.' Unfortunalty, too many don't seem to have the self wroth to understand that they are a precious life with value. Don't they understand that its wrong to think that if they are old or disabled or not exerting power and gaining wealth in any way possible even if harming others to do so, means they have sold their very souls over to the Dark Side?
Saying that wanting a gun is racist is ludicrous. There is a component of society that does have hatred spewed out towards those of another color of skin, But my observation is its an attempt to get the masses to engage  in a destruction of collective banding together to overcome those that are usurping or constitutional rights and preventing us from caring for one another which humans were created to be social beings to do just that. Not unlike th ebirthers that conitnue riling poeple up by not getting the real records out of Toepka ks a it would end the issue of eleigibitlity and they would have to face that real racist hate cirme causd the fake peper trial in the first place. Continuing hatred being focused at one group or another is hatred personified and its never jsutified in the plan of creation when all are equally loved and all are equal before the law. And three dead should have had that equality and jsuice 50+ years ago with an investigaton and prosecutions of the suspects. Cover up of such hateful acts only allowed it to smolder and seethe until it erupts again. We have to overcome temptions towards hate and destruction by facing it in order to over come it.
 Those that want to do away with the Constitution seem oblivious to the fact that we need rules to live by as long as temptation to do evil is with us. The don't seen to understand that our Constitution isa  living document that can be amended and we do need that one passed that says corporations are not people and money is not free speech.  This would not be the first US Supreme court case overturned later, and needs to be done.
That decision was the beginning to undermine our Civil rights laws. We have a Constitution that protects the lesser among us, it why we have 2 US Senators from even small states, and other important checks and balances so that one group doesn't wield great power at the expense of others. The principle is that we are our brother;' ( or sister's ) keepers in this world. We don't have  to agree or even like each other but we have to respect each other's rights to life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness  or all of us could lose those alienable rights that  are innate in all of us. We have come full circle in name calling, and we should not be tricked into following. Its like those in power can yell, Commie, Racist, and names for other groups that some don't agree with and all are expected to turn into a  hateful mob and do with happened to the President's parents; a hate crime attack on a teenage couple that just happened to have skin of two different colors and the affair should not have been any one;' business but theirs and their immediate families. Three ended up dead and the community went silent from their gossip  for 50+ years and now, that crime and others like it that sere suppressed over the last decades,, are being spewed out in a wrong way. The right way is to use the system of justice to solve the crimes and bring some kind of justice to the matters even though in some cases the perpetrators might have passed on to a final, eternal Judge. The TRUTH can't be hidden and Freedom flourish as the soul of humanity s not free when evil is allowed to stay hidden and flourish in the darkness , unseenn but very present..
THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES ARTICLE 1 SECTION 8 ( continuation of phrase by phrase analysis)
"To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;"
Congress makes the rules for the military, not the President and not the court, although they do have the right to say a rule is unconstituonal' The military may have a Commander in chief in the President, but a lot of power over it remains with the Congress elected by the people. TOMORROW:  Try to get Back to Soil Bank Laws and Agenda 21: Linda Joy Adams 1/15/13

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