
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Daily Recap 1/10/13: 24 Years Ago Gassed: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

Daily Recap 1/10/13; 24 Years Ago Gassed: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks:
 Sun keep trying to peek out all day and finally did. Warm and pleasant today for this time of year, no need for heat. But snow may arrive over the weekend. I think I heard the Cardinal fanilly chirping done in the woods. So maybe Spring will be early this year. Definitely must get out and plant the Snow Peas next week even if its still wet, will just have to sit in the mud. I can't do gardening standing up, but can sit an do it. and then deal with the mud later.Ordered the kind  of Snow Peas that needs staked, so will have to allow for some space in between rows. of beds. Usually plant in a foot beds in a row. Doyle has his plants and I have mine and sometimes we help each other.
                                                             IN SICKNESS AND HEALTH
24 years ago today, I went to work in Jersey city at the Social Security Teleservice canter  in the ADP building owned by Hartz Mountain Industries 9Th Flor 2 Journal Square.
 Unknown to us, we had one woman that sat near a stairwell already in a local hospital. She sat nearest a storwellt hat was always locked but a former co workers had come in to pickup his w-2 and exited down that stairwell and soon up started fumes. The ventilation system on the roof was dicsonenected, watch no one knew and by the time we all came to work the next day, some in her  area began to feel ill. Over the course of the day, the toxic cloud  kept building up a until it reach the furthest area where I was and according to OSHA began to interact with the chemicals in the copy machine. This was one of those big office types that used different chemicals and not a one of those dry toner types used for small office use.
What none of us knew, and Union had not? been informed either, as I am told; the gas detectors were turned off because in the past 6 months in this new building, the fire dept  had kept being sent an alarm and coming from the gas build up  in this air tight building with halogen gas introduced into the atmosphere as a coolant for the several main frame  computers in the building. Fire Dept had issued violations and apparently one more and we would have been evacuated out of there.
ADP did their wall street investing from there and we had a big one in a  full room one connected to Baltimore Headquarters to access the records of any one with a social security number and that enabled us to access more rcocrds on a person throughout govts and federally funded state programs than almost any agency at the time.
I wasn't aware that those in other parts had already gotten ill, and by the time one succumbed it was too late to get away or get out as there seemed to be no odor. What came to light afterwards is that in 7/88; 90 social security employees entered on duty in a leased work site that did not legally meet the ionspection laws for us to safely be there by city, state or federal inspections.
WHEN GSA takes a bribe, federal workers die. So next time, one thinks bribery is a victimless crime it isn't. Federal employees have no where to turn and its a civil matter from day one as its workers comp and  before any one was seen at the hospitals 90 had been black balled by the peer review. That's one of those organizations, behind the scenes, few are aware of that can list one as  suspect patient.  90 Federal employees who were employees of Health and Human Services, the parent cabinet Dept as 'hypochondirascs'., yet several have died of their injuries and the medical tests all show its was very real.
 No crimrinal investigation has ever been permetted even though Linda Tripp told my son that Preseent Bush 41 had orderd a full investigiation and all should have bennfits of doubt on their workers comp. Presidents orders were disobeyed. I was th eonly one not turned away as admissions clerk put down wrong employer and my medcal records wer compiled from day one and very complete. See prior postings for more details.
                                                          9/11/01 Started Here
In 7/88, we were moved to a new work site as the prior landlord was going to rehab their building at 30 Montgomery St and charge big rents more than govt would pay. 2 Journal Square was initially to have been 7 floors but 2 exsras were added on and we had the 9TH. Appears the plans may never have been checked for safety and that adequate ventilation ( which was installed impropelry any way) etc. was done.
We had received permission from staffing to add 40 new employees , and finally got 23 on board in an entry level position that starting salary was barely above minimum wage that competing with insurance and other companies, etc. meant  not many applied that could pass the civil service test nor have the 2 years of employment forh iring. Salraies would increase over the next few years, but it would be a year at a very low wage for many in an area with higher costs of living.
 The training classs was near where my desk. Some nice people came to work, including a former policeman who had been shot on the job after 22 years and had to find other employment. He was the one that found out that none of them had even had a criminal back ground check done  yet and none had been finger printed although they were using real peoples records for training .
He checked because one of the persons in the room didn't seem to legally be there. He wasn't. He entered on duty saying I am Osama Bin Ladin and said 'Just call me Sam'  Almost three weeks into the class, Delores Bryant, Asst Manger apprears at their door and saiys they were all being logged onto the computer system to answer phones without supervison. Its still a mjaor security breach as no one is to be on the system until they get their own PIN number and that is after all security checks are done. Until then, others log them on and monitor what they do.
 HHS OIG was callec and HHS Office Of Inspector General did nothing to keep Al queda from gettting access to the financial records of every one in the USA that had a SSN in 7/88. They have done nothing since but cover up crimes against federal employees and me as I've written about here That means not allowing the FBI in, either?
 After 9/11 , FBI agent told me that the whole FBI knew about Jersey City TSC for SSA and never allowed to investigate.
We, at Social Security got to know him, and we had no idea who he was except he said he was from Saudi Arabia and had worked for the CIA for two years and his deceased  mother was an Amercan citizen He listed his birth date as 2/4/1962, on his civil service form that several saw.  Differs from what FBI put on their info.Possible his older half  borther's birth date?
Later employees of the US attorneys office  said he was here on a student visa and was not legally cleared to work. When I tried to find my blood and skin sample, another, said they were in the 503c evidence against him. Yet he was never prosecuted for murders and injuries and terrorist attack against us. in 1/89 so the rest in history as the cover up that started there continued until the Twin Towers exist no more and many dead.\
Our own infernal corruption has been our biggest enemy, I , as the only one not turned away from the hospitals, became a precedent case for my office and my medical records as the evidence as to why too many are dead
When it became known who this man was, I tried for almost 2 years to get the FBI  or someone in the govt to listen to me, and was shocked that no one even knew about Jersey City or anything. Some knew but it was very few. A general counsel for FBI told me that the FBI destroyed records from me so they could not be sent to the 9/11 commisison who had asked for records. The result is they decided to not investigate further back than 1995. tHus missing the origins and the orignal cells, etc?
Public Enemy #1 used to stand 12 feet from my desk and stare at the World Trade Center with a look I could not understand, and later we all did.I have never doubted he did it, but who else was involved.? Al Queda was set up to be an adjunct organization of the CIA back in the 1970's, but who was trusted to be loyal to the USA?
Being an eye witness to anyhhing over my lifetime, is difficult when the powers that be don't want it known what they may be responsible for or for their crimes. When I learned he was a terrorist in the late 90',s I knew he was intent on bringing those towers down, as one attempt had come close. That should have never happened and we should never have to be at war around the world now over this, but our internal corruptions of ignoring injustice and not upholding the oath to up hold the Constitution  and protect our Nation seems lost on some who seem to not understand what that means. It means that we do not give those that want to do us harm access to do it. Then cover it up putting those doing the cover up subject to 'black mail 'and more endangering us and girdlocking the system of govt that has come to a halt.
Homeland security contact said several years ago there were 11 confirmed dead of injuries and personnel director's suicide was reopend by them as a possible murder as when sharing of intel began, fingerprints of a known terrorist were in his apartment.  And last year Sec Rumsfeld, who was there when this group was formed in the 1970's said that they had set up doubles  So who was killed  in recent years?
 I wrote more about this on 9/11/12 in that Daily recap.
24 years ago, I went from  a  healthy 43 year old planning to go to law school nights and husband who had a taaching job, and planning to work on his maters degree and in a matter of minutes of a few gasps of toxic fumes, our lives changed forever. Living with arprogressive disease and serioux injury has been terrible, but the fight to stay alive and constantly haveing no security on any file or daat for 24 years in any agency when the claim was accepted and not controverted should never have occurred, but the cover up is a way of life that has become entrenched in this govt and now the nation has almost lost all individual rights and our monies are being stolen and none in Congress seems to know how to work for the general welfare of the people and nation any more and agree on those basic things needed for survival which begs the question, who are each of them loyal to? An one , of any party, that appears to be for us and the nation, seems to be derided and cast aside. And aren;t their some who still could andshouldbeprowecutied for their part in a major cover -up and on going crimes?
PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS: There are those getting masses worked up that President is going to sign a bunch of exenctive orders and do us all in. If Congress would sit down together and pass laws as we sent them to do, then there would be no need for those orders. And we may not all like what he signes, but I have no faith right now, Congress will do any thing but bicker and  not overturn any or part of them, eitherr but sit around and blame each other like children. Its obvious most are bought and paid for by some entity other than the people of the USA or they would find some creative ways to accomodate those that disagree but keep focused on the issues of life , liberty and pursiut of happiness.
 All I can do is share my eye witness accounts, of the President's birth circumstances at Topeka Ks and push for justice for the three dead in the Kansas river including his real Dad. But I have no money, and the Tea Party Nation, has blocked me from discussing as they don't seem to care about  the truth as the president is eligible to be president and he got 3 million more votes, but millions, billions are behind splittig the USA in two  and keeping everyone unhappy with the 'other side'. We are one Nation, and if the most diverse peopls in the world could form a Nation back in 1776, why can't we do it now? The groups that formed this nation, then  had recent history of wars against each other over various reiglious and other national interests, yet agreed to come together and co exist.535 minds need to get creative and tell their campaign donors, to scat and listen to the experts and the peoplesand find those ways to co exist again. without one side forcing their ideology down the necks of the other and vice versa. The answers are always there!
"To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court:"
Congress is responsible,e not a King and not the president or the supreme court to set up lower courts. Now we have U S District Courts, appellate courts and the the US supreme courts. And the Senate votes on who can be a judge. In recent years of gridlock over ideology and who's paying the campaign coffers, we have had vacancies go for far too long, and that is justice delayed for many needing access to the courts for justice.
TOMORROW:  Back to Agenda 21 and  the Soil Bank laws.: Linda Joy Adams 1/10/13

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