Daily recap 9/22/12: This is posted late on borrowed computer. Can only post a couple of sentences on face book and my pans shop one says it needs cookies and the cookie monster is hidden way to deep inside the tower? Mail yesterday where a summary for what Aetna part D paid and prescriptionn drugs and OWCP not asked to return he money and Fed Blues altered the offcial records at Medciare Coordiantion of Benefits by having Fed Blue deleted and Social seucirty will not process request for Part B until judge rules and file is mostily missing again as only part was received as a copy. Felonies and corruption and Congress will do nothing to stop this and cirminal investigators claim they can't do anything about the trillions missing until they allow internal audits and prosecutions and this did not start with Obama or even George W. I'm still under a "let her die" order and have nothing to lose by going public. prayerfully, the TRUTH will set every one free so justice will prival and judges orders not be disobeyed and 'disappaeared' by Affiliated Computer Services and interocking international cnglomerates who have coup d'etated this nation, and many others and trade agreements with secret items should not be allowed by Congress, but they are.
PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS: Yesterday an appaent hoax hit online that Fox news was going to air the half truth film 2016 tonight. I have an e-mail of a party there and she gets all my postings here. I will not spend my few dollars I needs for medical care on it. I've heard it does not tell the truth about birth in Topeka KS, etc. Eye witnesses are very rare and its hard when too many of some of my extended family are either too scared to talk or have allwed themselves to get involved in some of the fake bio and/ or filing fake documents. I always understood his maternal Grandmother had done this soone after birth. But as I put in the affidavit to the State oF KS someday the President may have to give a satement as to what he knew when and as they searched databases for his record; and on the separate one ? for Forbes Air Force base hospital they surprised me with the comment: WE DON'T THINK HE KNOWS. And he may not know real dad's name, and I have it second hand from his mother, it may be a JR after the name. Have to check for mother's madien name and it could be Dunham or the real family name of Pope or Obama. I could not be told and didn't ask. Just thankful someone was doing some checking. I'm hundreds of miles form Topeka, KS and can't get to a library to check newspaper files. and even the Topeka paper won't check and or is scared of another lawsuit by Fred Phelps?
Orly Tiatz was reprted as filing suit with State of Kansas. I contacted her by e-mail and phone last eyar and she never returned any calls. She needs to know that state of KS may have located the real record. I found a web site for donations, I have no money to give anyone on this. And left messages on phne and marked it priority. A woman answered and wouldn't give me her name and that's why I did not give name of real Dad. There's an ethical boundary I will not cross. The president has to know first and my e-mails of these postings may not be getting through to him. She kind of got huffy with me as if she had never heard of the truth of origins. she hung up on me. I did kind of get huffy back and said: do I have to go out and pubically state Ms Taitz want no truth from an eye witness? I left the messaes and said: I agree with her efforts but I know the Hawaii record is fake, but criinally one has to prove who didn't and if the president ever knew. She has made a valiant effort to lean the truth, but she needs to focus on Topeka KS. As a party to all this I was doing the legal thing of notifying her.I referred her to my postings since 7/26/12 and Daily recaps. I'm willing to give testimony if asked. I have not heard back from larry Klayman and did mail a copy of letter posted on line. I'm not motivated by politics on this. The turth needs to come out and stop all this. and Everyone needs to get registered and vote.
Ann and Hillary; with all the coputer problems, I missed reading an e-mail from Donna at Tea party nation. a lot of good research is going on there, even though some obviously have a strong dislike for Pres Obama and want him ineligible, while i say he is, just the wrong state and worng Dad. I've never heard or seen the alleged real Dad mentioned anywhere. Donna had seen a TV clip from mid 1960 where Hillary Rodham and Ann Dunham were interviewed about the presidential campaign as teenagers in Harlem, NY. Anyone can find that, please do and post it. Hillary was for the Republican and ANN for Democrats. It came out that Ann didn't have a coat so must have been in Fall after gotten chilly. she had run away from home is how the bio went and told about the Little red Church. An eyewitness published in UU World that my cousin, Daniel Wayne Pope ( stolen ID of Stanley
Dunham) took Ann to church there in earlyy 50's This was on the property of cousin Roland Hackett at MercerIisaand and I have written about that here in Daily recaps. This is the missing time, I have no eye witness testimony about. ^/60 graduates from Capper Jr HS in Topeka, Ks. Fred Phelps makes her leave ( or she left over the abuse in the home and there ae sealed family court records in Topeka, Ks around this time) All I heard is got a job as a waitess to support herself and then my parents called in after the three dead. I do know by 11/60 the gossip frenzy had started in Topeka, Ks and alleged dad was off the football team and we were losing because of it and I'm told he has a white girl friend was the reason. Gossip could get one in a lot of trouble that laws prevent from happening today.
So Ann and Hillary meet and Hillary Clinton must have been about 13 and Ann 14 soon to be 15? I do know she didn't know how to find her dad's relatives as didn't even know the last name was Pope or that Rev Tracy and Florence Hardy, her great Uncle lived in Topeka ks and she could have contacted us for help in some way. i even knew her casually when she first came and met her at her piano teacher's.
Bill Clinton is nestled in the family tree and its a convoluted truth, he may not know all the details of, at least I don't know if he does as I have never met him, myself. He was born a Blythe and in that family is a realtive of my mother's, she's a cousin to Albert Jr and H L Hunt, the oilmen. Dick Chemy's mother is also a cousin of them and her real maiden name is Hunt. Dickey was her first husband's name and does he know that? Bill's great grandmother Ayers wrote to my mother to arrage a meeting with Bill before she died as she had never met him. My oldest sister: Dr Theora Fike made the contact in 1973-74 and had already done so when I walked in on conversation between Mom and her and she mentioned he was running for Congress and his fiance Hillary Rodham who soon was on TV definding Nixon in the Watergate impeachemnt. Somehow, I was to be kept out of all the scandals. But when one is raised by all these people and ones learnes to love and care for them, its impossible to be detached. Lying and subtrefuge has just got to stop. And justice is needed for three dead in the Kansas river in order to free the President, the city of Topeka, Ks that is affected when injustice survives like this and the deaths are in he subconscious of the whole state. I have never heard any time of any real investigation or prosecutions. Murderers may still be alive and free and in positions of power and authority and part of the on- going corurption. And others like, them go free and NO JUSTICE PREVAILS! whether for those three dead or most of my Social Security office that has died or will die of the injuries from 1/89 when all but me got turned away for the hospitals in Jersey City on orders of the highest levels of our govt. and the on goig feleonies committed against me, my family and ALL GOVT FILES AND DATA breached or 'dispapeared' continuously; isn't stopped and judges
defied and laws broken and secret illegal proprietary agreements between companes over rides even terms of govt contracts. We have been overcome and Congresses over the last 25 years have done it! Linda Joy Adams ( not spell checking as may lose this)
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