
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Daily Recap 9/30/12: Topeka's Invisiible Boundaries.: President Obama Born in Topeka Ks

Daily recap 9/30/12: Invisible Boundaries: President Obama  born in Topeka Ks:
Been raining of and on for several days now after a long dry spell and way too hot for A Fall garden.It is cooler and hopefully can get some cool season crops in the ground. Took some pictures of some very lovely wild flowers. some purple ones are growing this year that I had never noticed before since we moved here so many years ago. still moving files around as  corruption inside the govt increases. Every judges remand order results in more retaliations and now the contractors have taken full control of the govt. They claim some entrenched govt official is ordering them to do this. Hope they arrest the  whole bunch taking bribes. But to get more than jack Abram off and others wining and dining and giving spoots tickets and then not reporting it on their financial disclosure forms is gong to take some whistlee blowers and any one that does today is really facing no protections at all. Everyone is gong to realize how bad the Federal system can get  in 2014 when these are the ones in charge of whether one lives or dies.under the Affordable Health Care law. That's the major problem with it is who is gong to run it and these govt contractors have been given immunity form crimes, no internal audit control by current and past congresses. Please every one do register and votee and if you are one of faith, take a little time to pray over your choices. for guidance. .Our son helped rearrange some of those tubs filled with files. waiting for over three years now for any of the judges in agencies to be obeyed and longer befre that ruling in 2/09 and all Affiliated computer services does is ignore and disappear them.All on the orders of  a convicted criminal in the Jack Abramoff bribery scandal long after he is gone. Indicates many more need to be prosecuted and so much money is missing out of the public Treasury.all documented as that's all one can do as the govt isn't allowed to even investigate and hasn't for over a decade.
President OObama Born in Topeka KS: what has happened to me in publishing the truth of the matter is exactly why few real eye witnesses have been willing g to come forward.  There are those that have such personal hatred for the {President that they have followed any kind of gossip and half truth and some have made millions from it only to learn they got 'snookered. 'Hate the politics if you choose to and vote for someone else. But, many should be very ashamed to realize that three died with little investigation over just this kind of\gossip frenzy. One of them is the alleged real Dad which I have second hand from His mother through My mother who helped her through the pregnancy after my parents were asked to help as her Great Uncle and Aunt. My Dad was kind of ' old school; and left the pregnancy matters, etc up to my mother to see she got to the doctors at Forbes Air force base and stayed with her through the birth , etc. .All the horrendous things said about Ann and name calling is from people that know very little truth and one wonders if they are too close to some murder suspects and some of these may have never been brought to justice for this or any other crimes.
There is one eye witness account published in Conservative American today that is not identified. Someone knows that in 2008, President OObama was searching the apt of his dying maternal grandmother for any records of his birth?. No names are shown. I replied that this seems to verify  what the State of Ks authorities said on 9/14/12 that "WE DON:T THINK HE KNOWS"/ Topeka, Ks was a very unusual city in the 50's and early 60's. On one hand many wanted integration to work and most of the time any bullying or things being said were stopped immediately. But in the Fall of '60 on, gossip got out of hand in the community and at Topeka HS. You don't know who the Daddy is now? why is it everyone knew and talked about the interracial couple and then as soon as three deaths had to be covered up and that was easy to do when the bodes remained in the Kansas River for a long time. Rumor has it many such like it had been caught in swift undercurrents and washed on down to the Missouri and Mississippi rivers and never  seen again. We had our own ' disappeared' in this country for way too long for us not to forget and face it and overcome it. so we never do this again. when I experience and read and see such vile hatred surfacing as  it has in recent years against one group or another or even our President, it moves me to do what I can to get the TRUTH out. Too many are dead and being harmed physically and financially by entrenched corruption at the uppermost levels of our Federal govt. that has only gotten worse over the last  few decades and Congress shirks more and more  their duties to us, the people to see it does not happen. This shirking of duty has been in both parties.
The undercurrent in Topeka Ks was against integration. Most people wanted  to be fair and have humane treatment of others and followed the lead of those desiring it. But, the city had grown to the point where the HS had reach capacity and it was only a three year HS. The decison had to be made to build on or build a new school. Topeka west openend in Fall of 1962 with no library, not the standard of teachers of excellence we had at Topeka HS with all the national awards being won there. They considered them selves integrated as the boundary was moved sveral blocks North so one block on Medford street was  included so  one black girl would go there.. She integrated the all white  Topeka West  HS. I never met her or had any real conversations with her.  But would often see her Mother taking her to events. She never seemed to be by herself.  I said a casual hello at times.What occurred in Topeka Ks was, as the cities boundaries grew south and west, parsosnges and other homes owned by Blacks for decades would end up surrounded by the growing city. No Fair Housing laws had been passed yet.  Even then, much resistance for a long time. Doesn't anyone remember the terrible FEAR  white people had  that to let those of color move into the neighbor hood would reduce property values? Didn't seem to matter that often those of color who could get a loan  were highly educated professional people with just as much constitutional right to be there as any one else! And if they were more 'average', Even violence occurred.
One has to understand that  the President's grandmother came out of a very racist southern back ground. experts could write books about what it must have been like  to be raised with such prejudices based on color  and then have a daughter enter an interracial relationship and have a child. In many ways she overcame a lot, but in the 'old ways ' of doing things often it was thought best for children never to be told of their origins. Yet even babies have memories and we now know questions need to be answered and much study and research has occurred  to aid us in the  the best way to tell and how much, at what age. Don't forget His Mother died ,still a witness to murders in an attack that could have cost her her own life and unborn child.  In her case, authorities did not want to know. and if the bodies had not washed up later, no one would have ever believed her. No witness protection, and the sins of of a violent past  in the South were put right in the face of those whose ancestry was from that part of the country. Many have forgotten and younger generations may not know that at the time, KKK enrollments were being advertised even in Northern papers and there seemed little place for one to 'disappear' too. Even Rosa Parks' extended family fled. often changing names and creating a fake bio and paper traill was the only secuirty. One lived a lie and passed it one to the next generation until one day, one descendant decided to run for President and couldn't find his real Birth certificate back in Topeka Ks. because he didn;t know where to look or under what name.  I'm so sorry I didn't realize in 1/71 and somehow had let him know. (See earlier postings.) Linda Joy Adams 9/30/12

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