So much has been censored of truths always there in scriptures of the Torah and the rest of the Old Testament as well as the New Testament.Yet, it has survived and is miraculously intact as originally given and inspired. And layers of coding in parables, references to the Picture Bible warnings of events above as well as the encrypted Bible codes which leads to a personal opinion that "inspired writings' of the Bible can be there is an encoding in them that helps understand meanings of even current events in light of the scriptures that explain them..but also foretells of such events.
But the Bible has to be in Hebrew for the computer programs to work thus it was not until the 1970's that some Rabbis began the first computer programs to decode what was in the Torah...which now is the entire Bible, even Revelation...
But the easier of the codes of equal-letter distancing...was known, by Isaac Newton...and he would have been able to decipher the easier one of only a few letters between the term or word one is trying to find out what the Bible says about that...
To know how miraculous our Bible is...can be shown by the current massacre in the school in Uvalde Texas and the shooter's name is in there...found by codesearcherdotcom...Jonathan Wright ON YOUTUBE and something terms including the name of the town. and other items. And the Bible verses the letters of the words were found in...seems to indicate. this was an act of evil...and the code is still being worked for other info....but seems to be EVIL HAS BEEN UNLEASHED ON THIS WORLD...and some few among us have been entrapped to doing evil acts...And one wonders when psychology helps and when spiritual exorcism of demonic is the answer to bind up such actions...
I think that the easier ones were the check to make sure that in ancient times a copy was accurately done as it's coded and one letter off...shows it is.
Yahusha, is in the Torah, the Hebrew word for Christ that 500 years ago began being called Jesus. And even the King James translation has the sacred names and altered and then in later 1800's the between books of the Bible removed...So it's not what it originally was.....But even in translation into other languages... it's good to have dictionaries to check back to Hebrew meanings...As it was later on Greece conquered Israel...and became the other language of the people but in the synagogues...Hebrew was still the language of the faith. and we know by faith
In Seminary, we were taught one course called Christian Counseling...And it was not trying to make psychologists out of all of us in one semester...But it was, as a pastor to help know when some may need professional help and to know who is who in the mental health field in the area....and MOST give or help make some referrals to professionals who understand there is a spiritual component as well as all the science of psychology....and chemical imbalances...etc where a Psychiatrist may be needed for medications...
One who has had a relationship with Christ...and ends up with that spiritual help of the Holy Spirit along with all the other help of science and knowledge in mental health....can end up with more issues to deal with, if the professional help is not one who understands the need for the spiritual side of heating or worse the spiritual evil that exists in this world and can mislead someone not thinking clearly to stray into areas not good...And end up in ways of pure evil where Satan itself can become the master of its actions.
And prayer warriors for those in need of emotional help, even though not at the level of need for professional help....we do need prayers from others to intercede and ask for hedges of protection when we are in situations of great emotion and a door might get opened to go down a more evil would usually never be tempted into...One can have hate for what someone has done to one or a loved one or just the injustice n the world..>And evil can lead one to more violent actions instead of actions that help get better laws...and services available for help...or maybe even what might help this one or get through some rough times...and come out without getting tempted into ways...that would not be helpful to themselves or anyone else...
The worse thing is for evil to lead us to get laws passed that restrict rights, and not take care of the current issues with them...Like NO GOVT OVERSIGHT OF THE LAWS, WE ALREADY HELP BEING CARRIED OUT by the ones usually doing the work and owning control and access to systems that are taxpayer paid for. and are not the govt but the contractors and worse is they can subcontract meaning the letting of the contracts ends up being passed on for total control to a beast system worldwide entity that govts did not choose to even do the work and has no control over the process or accuracy of any info or data.
COVID COULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED BUT FOR THIS LAW OF 12/02...The 6000-page e-governing law that was gutted into an overthrow of USA but for Dept of Defense..kept out by the late former Sec of Defense Rumsfeld.: by an earmark that removed the right to use the funding to oversee what govt contractors are doing and when a renewal of the contract is to be done...there is no way the govt knows if the job was even done legally and laws and right of all upheld...and much of the public treasury went missing or blatantly stolen in many scams...individual CSS have exposed....but the govt is NOT ALLOWED TO STOP CRImes NAND N HEALTH CRE WITH THE WHOLE IS MANAGERS BY MOSTLY SHELL COMPANIES OF THE INT'L ENTITY.....OUR GOOD DOCTORS CAN BE ILLEGALLY COERCED AND THREATENED AS EVEN THE MALPRACIV INSURER IS CONTRACTED OUT TO THIS CABAL...
Big Business and Big Pharma...etc have boards of directors who contract out to managers and this cabal can come in and underbid more ethical companies as they are one entity with their deals to steal and other illegal acts.....and we end up with the highest cost for health care and worse than third world countries who at least know of natural medicines and are not blocked from using them...for sone way to survive...
..AND GOVT IS NOT ALLOWED ACCESS TO AUDIT or if illegal acts have been investigate and prosecute since the law of 12/02 defunded the entire federal gov but for Dept, of Defense to oversee the ones in charge and ruing as a Ricco case now, here, at UN and in most nations now...with those in office and official govt NOT IN they cannot spend even one penny of the current budget to oversee what is going on...And what laws we do have and rights each has...DO NOT HAVE TO BE OBEYED AND TOO OFTEN ARE NOT...
In the name of Yahusha, save us from the deadly horror we live within every part of life and all parts have govt monies used to regulate it and no oversight allowed by govt,,, but for DOD and if this WHO treaty is signed...That will be lost to the same entity in control at the UN....and the master of the world is still not known...but always in charge...but for Your intervention plan...for humanity to wake up and freely choose the good and TRUTH IN YOU...and Your divine plan is revealed by You for all of us to be saved and pray that none will choose evil's side.....when the call comes to be taken to safety as You and the hosts of heaven removed evil and its be bound and the final steps to our eternal lives....we will have when Your return if we BELIEVE IN YOU...
Prayers for healing for me and mine and others and may our good doctors be able to provide the best care possible that science has available....and this cabal stop stopping them from doing the best for the best health and life to survive...
And may I get an oxygen supplier (only one here wth liquid or compressed air)for the prescribed liquid nor compressed air and that is the pure kinds with a near national monopoly now and worldwide monopoly as ozone into one's lungs is being pushed as if no one has issues with toxins, chemicals or irritants which millions in the USA do with damaged filtering systems....and inflammation and goes through the entire body and now latest study is showing that those who get cancer it also travels through the lymphatic system also...ITS THE BLOOD that carries all through the body and into the body-wide lymphatic system and too long big money paid for high priced drugs to treat symptoms of injuries when proven harms are put in foods, meds, vaccines and known to cause harm and what way and how ...
and NO WARING LABEL...but for that pack of cigarettes still...which the research was done in-depth to even get the first 39 chemicals in them....with a warning why did the govt hide the names...and allow all to take them into their bodies since the early 1990s more and more...and cause harms and make drugs to treat the harms....and not just warn what is added to what is eaten, drunk or taken in meds or vaccines.....instead of ignoring that 1/6th of the population can be adversely affected and for many is as life-threatening as the with an opposite kind of reaction of allergies have all kinds of protection and recognition and hel[.....but we large group of humanity have NONE...
Whatever the chapter reviewed for the day...You told to Moses...along with the foundation of the good of the 10 commandments....and thank YOu for those to follow and may censorship from the public frum be ended as its saying the anti-Christ is able to rule with these taken Evil is the strange god' we seem to be led by in some way all over now....and the war is not of human vs human but who controls the heart of each candidate and us....and You ask us tp freely love and follow and obey You and we know in our soul YOU ARE TRUTH AND YOU ARE THE ONLY WAY TO ETERNAL SALVATION... In Your Holy Name, Yahusha, Amen!
Censorship has stripped Christianity of our Hebrew roots and concepts..until a revival finally had translations of the dead sea scrolls out and archeology finding more things. abut 2009. ...and history shows us that Babylon and later Constantine...tried to make world peace by merging evil with good...and that is never going to world as Christ is the stumbling block as part of the THREE IN ONE of our DIVINE CREATOR of the I AM WHO I AM...of LOVE and the reason and science of the Greeks does not even have a word for that kind of all is Love of no end and no beginning of IS and a concept that is beyond science ...and why we have to know by FAITH...and we do know in our souls. what is beyond words to even try and explain...
.and few have looked at the math....that the multitude now from the ones present with Moses then.....ARE US NOW...and we each had one or more ancestors present in the desert with Moses and Christ...back then and they had 40 years of isolation from a wicked world of hate murder as worship and we are seeing this 'strange god' rise and be master of much evil now....and prayers for good to overcome evil and keep it away from each of us and others and a hedge of protection...until the day of the second coming and pray none are lost to evil's side by then....But some may be until the day of final judgment and the Almighty will decide the final eternal outcome...
Linda Joy Adams 5/27/22
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