
Thursday, May 26, 2022



        In these times we have sci-fi movies...and Congressional hearings on UFOs and many say the universe is populated with others of high knowledge...But what does the Bible from the Divine Creator have to say? I look for the return of Christ and hosts of heaven...and warned by the Bible of fallen and wicked around and not be deceived by them... Believers have a Divine Promise of somehow being removed to safety when the final battle of good over evil occurs...and to believe is to know in our souls evil is and not to be deceived as Adam and Eve were.
            Evil fled when the People under Divine protection showed up. 
        We are told of the 1/3rd of the angels falling into defiance with Lucifer, who was to be in charge and became thinking could replace the Almighty. And none none is DIVINE I AM WHO I AM, WAS, AND ALWAYS WILL BE...
        But the issue with those who gain more knowledge...than many others is a sense that knowing a lot, should result in some kind of leadership that knows best...But knowledge of the material world is not having the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to guide one to know that the highest position among us is the servant of all. As we are called to the prime directive or main overriding commandment of "Love one and another as He loves us."
        And 10 commandments that give humanity a type of spiritual foundational constitution for personal obedience to as well as for governments to follow...The US Constitution as amended is thoroughly grounded in that...And we take them down from public places, now out of its a founding document that SEPARATES CHURCH AND it says not to follow a 'strange god' of human sacrifice and the opposite of caring...and that none who has a position of authority is to "covet" abuse, power when they have it over others..
        Its the worse of such power that leads a dictators nation into a war, for reasons many would never choose to if one cares...then we look to the guidance fr some kind of fair and just deal so all are happy no armed conflict has to be and each side has a sense of we care about each other.
        But we do have evil still in this world and some who fall to it. And pray our leaders are not already taking orders from some fallen angel it seems evil has taken over and the soul is bound to not know the good from even who profess to be Christians even... And hiding in alcohol or mind-altering drugs..sure is not the answer for good leadership for serving the people and nation... That is good advice for all of us.
        And it seems, to me and many others of faith have had various personal events and even dreams...that have seemed to give some kind of firmness to our faith..and we know that The Almighty of three in here and has us in His care, even if we do end up going through trials and tribulations, disasters...and even evil-doing awful things to us and loved ones. And we have the Divine promise to "WAIT PATIENTLY ON HIM" as He is returning to take out evil and resurrection of the dead...and those still alive transformed back to our first estate of everlasting bodies we had before Adam and Eve at that apple and what was in it...changed creation into a fallen state...And we seem to have been in a 6000-year learning journey get us knowing in our better to know how evil can overtake us and lead us into terrible events...and personal tragedies...but keeping the faith as He is returning and evil and its cohorts will be removed and we never have to be tempted again for a 1000 years...and a time of final judgment and short time release....and pray none follows evil and ends up in an eternal hell apart from the good.
        So, am being cautious of all these alien beings...and what the Bible says, is they are the fallen angels and their descendants...But the danger is to say this or that person is a Nephilim descendant and think they can not be saved.  The Holy Spirit was sent back after the first death and resurrection and the shed blood of Yahusha seems to have mysteries of salvation for the repentant sinner...
And we also are going to have another outpouring of the Holy Spirit ON ALL FLESH....and to me...all can accept salvation by our belief in HIm...
        Face it and do the math...Not only is everyone alive a descendent of one or more who were with Moses and Yahusha. leading them in the desert..But a good chance many of us also are descendants of this interbreeding of the fallen angels and daughters of humanity... Do the math...and ALL FLESH is not offered eternal salvation....and these physical bodies..were put into a fallen state at the defiance of Adam and Eve...and we are redeemed by the blood of Christ and salvation is a free gift for all to have by our repentant heart of belief..
            After Pharaoh's army was destroyed, the whole world knew that was filled with the evil of this bunch that had returned after Noah's flood and had populated the world and back to its evil ways...when Shem, as many scholars said was away to Israel....and then Abraham was called to faith and got out also...And while slavery in Egypt was not good, the people of written of in ancient texts...were protected from the worse of the fallen wicked ways of the world.....and out of fear of giants...had to spend 40 years in isolation to learn of the Divine Good way of how to be free and have free will...And the Almighty wishes us to Love Him back...but not be forced, as Love is freely offered and freely returned...

        In the name of Yahusha, save us from the demonic that seems to been loosed on this world...and if its Cern opening up some kind of portals to release some of thee bound up entities....this does seem to be evil' last chance and knows it before You return and bind up evil and its cohorts for a 1000 years of peace as You shared with John and others of the Bible authors...
    Thank You for helping us know how evil and following it has bad outcomes...and hope all have learned lessons we can be spared from the final battle and are ready for the go to safety in whatever way or where...and be spared from that...
        And thanks for being alive after all that has happened that itself is a miracle for me....and condolences to all who have lost precious loved ones in all kinds of evil that comes from such evil ways...and keep us safe, even as we struggle to stay alive and do the best we can to struggle on...
Have mercy on some among us with special issues that need to know You are with them....and love then...and we care also, even as we often do not know what is best to do for them...
        And that the ones blocking all kind of health open their hearts to YOu of TRUTH AND LIFE and LOVE...And do some reason and caring for all to be provided for...and that includes me.. and others like me....all over suffering now...and a cover sp that is grounded in such evil and others following out of ignorance...Decades of such...been led by some fallen to real evil...and when caught and or exposed....the masses ignore as if it's not going to spread and has to all affected as an injustice to one grows unfettered to overtake all and creation itself...
            I bring these concerns to YOU and pray that whoever can be helped by info shared in this blog since 12/08, will find their way to my info and others to help stay alive or loved ones they care about....and worked with our coerced good doctors by a system of NO GOVT TO STOP EVIL  AND ILLEGAL ACTS BY GOVT CONTRACTORS AND THEIR TOTAL CABAL OF SYSTEMS AND CONTROL OF GVT AND NON GOVT AROUND THE WORLD NOW WITH defunded oversight...and pray this WHO treaty to create a new world dictatorship of giving up sovereignty of nations and the rights of each to rule by our votes...not be duped into signing...
        Thanks to the Sanheidrum in Jerusalem...for taking leadership as some of us began sharing online when he DEVIL IN THE DETAILS oof this treaty is NOT an agreement for nations to cooperate...but an overthrow of sovereignty...with whatever lies or false info their intl cabal of a same entity already rung and doing illegal deadly harms...and looting public funds..around the world.....and UN...and then find some way to overthrow the one gvt area still under our Preident...the Dept of Defense....and removed that to the UN's cabal rulers...also   EVIL SNUCK IN  just as in 12.02 an earmark defunded the entire federal oversight but for DOD of these doing he world and control of our data and records of our gvt which much is personal of each of us...and NOT PROTECTED AND NOT KEPT SECURe and in health the outcomes can be deadly and harmful at last when altered and withheld for some evil agenda of the ones in control with not one penny of even existing bddger can be used to audit or prosecute and we saw this in covide....AS GOVTS AND UN CANNNOT VERIFY ANY FACT OR DATA AS REAL...and caused the mass confusion and censorship by this cabal as the confusion revealed no govt in charge...or with access to find our the TRUTH...
            Help us survive this horror we allowed to overtake us...and keep the internet open and free so someone or few can find out and warn others and they find out more and worldwide...the info is shared and each check things out of just read the devil in the details of the words.....and thanks to those in official positions in this world and in the USA who have spoken out and we thank You for the leaders who have risen to the TRUTH IN YOU...and we praise You for them...and to help guide us to the info needed...In Your Holy Name, Yahusha, Amen!

            Unseasonably cold, but the worse of the storms went east of these were deflected so far...and pray for all to be spared the worse of natural disasters and this in places of safety....somehow be prepared to help those who became refugees in our own lands...  Of course, we need to cooperate with other nations when massive disasters happen.. but no nation has to give up sovereignty to cooperate in helping...Plans and procedures etc can be formulated for the most efficient means...
        But one world religion and one world leader do not work as Lucifer...Satan was once made to be that...and he fell into horror...We are called to ALL BE KINGS AND PRIESTS( and that is the generic He meaning All in this blog)  and we each have special ways we can help and be led and guided by the Holy Spirit of what each can do to help...and its often not money...In fact, too much of public funds have disappeared since the law of 12/02 with no oversight and some nefarious got access...and only due to much of the Covid process. been under Dept of Defense...much of the scammed and stolen...may be recovered or prosecutions and investigations...The rest is the law forbids stepping theft, premeditated murder...and other illegal those tho are in near-total control as govt contracts since the law of 12/02 gave them dictatorship....and states rely on the feds for oversight, and much is shared funding with programs designed by Congress which is not always he best for state and local but to get he federal funding they sign on to what is not always the best success for help...
        And mass shootings spiked after  Pres Obama did away with "cooking classes'  by executive order under Mental Health...And these were not learning how to be a chef...but part of the PARTIAL HOSPITAL PROGRAM...sometimes called day program...and mandated by the US Supreme court since 1985 to replace hospitalization ...Congress allowed such kind of executive orders to happen...and people too often end up dead...and other horrors...
        And seems millions were cut off from therapeutic oxygn....was not an OSHA regu but some kind of exetuive order...due to one bad accident at the gas companies filling tanks for individuals...and also some the green bottles filled for patients from them also....and three regulain gave one entity near total monopoly in the USA and world tooo many dying before they should as ozone not be tolerated from theahcines that still gets into tubes and lungs....and many with toxic and chemical inuuries have lost filtering systems and inflammatiins of entire body and fluid of pneumotinties....and die sooner by not breting at all or die later.....and NO  warning to patients all over the nations whom this one entity became a death panel of who got to live....and much of injury or liability cases are cheaper dead for pay outs them others.....and only a few millions here and a few more other areas and soon we have created a health care system where premature death rules and not life....and our good doctors are under terrible coercion as the management is also ven at malpractice insurers....and no livelihood if they do not do as told....
        THEY HAVE NO GOVT TO ASK FOR HELP FOR BEST HEALTH FOR PATIENTS...and that is even if they are approved for life by three health plans.. ILLEGAL TO SAVE ANYONE'S LIFE...and sounds as if makes not sense...and EVIL DOES NOT MAKE GOOD SENSE....but congress will not fix this in over 20 years now as COVID COULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED BUT FOR THAT LAW OF 12/02 and that is from Dr. Faucci's own congressional testimony how a DOD contract got altered to illegal research and they had oversight so it was subcontracted out to HHS- NIH under Dr. Faucci....and he claims they filed a false report and he did not know what was really going on in Wuhan China..(and the law forbids him finding out) and what else is still going on all over...for one disaster or pandemic and seems the oversight needs to be put not all the govt is corrupt as many are like me and you and wish best health and life for self and loved ones and others...also...
        Congress has a gag order rule to hide what they did and will not correct. Real fear and real threat have happened vs a few who have tried to stand up...but if all did so in a voice vote or unanimous consent the law would be passed in one day... It only took that for the US Senate to pass it that way in 12/02 ...Was there a legal quorum even here...Will someone check it out?
They are to be hired by us and serve us...Who are they serving?
        Linda Joy Adams 5/26/22

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