
Sunday, May 1, 2022



                What is this rod that is before the Almighty, which some scholars say was housed or cradled in the larger elaborate container for all the items to be kept inside of the smaller box inside of the larger one which can become deadly to touch, like some kind of electrified entity or can be when turned on?
        Different that the rod of Aaron which is a plant that can grow natural buds and leaves and refer to as the rod of Aaron... But here it's just the rod, and in Revelation, it's called the rod which the Almighty holds to rule by....Which some consider either a metaphor of the power of justice..or is it what I saw before the age of 2 and spoken of here over the last year of some kind of device...and possibly the ephod's Uma and thurim as  two,  which are on the breastplate of the high priest and not sure if the two is one rod and a holder....but its better not to speculate...either....but only saw one...which was some kind of server or decoder....and in no way does this deter from all being from the Divine...For all science comes from HIm and all knowledge...and we can only understand and imitate in the physical realm what He created from Him ....Mysteries we do not fully understand, but humanity is putting pieces of TRUTH together and seems each one who has a part, only has a part..and often we do not know if its a part that even belongs to the same puzzle.  I just report what I saw and at that age had no reading of scripture to even fully understand..but can describe as knew it was very special and my Mom who raised me to have deep faith...know not to touch it as sensed real fear, that it could have dangerous power..
        Somehow, I think it does...from all I know and did not put together until years after my Dad has passed in 1989...And took one from the other side of the world...who knew more of all matters and opened my eyes to what had been around all the time and could not fathom what was the whole truth of matters..
        So the journey for truth continues...So if this 'rod' was one of a device, which is what I saw before the age of two that was taken from the root cellar cave on the place near Haxtun Colorado on the night I was born...and flown to Kansas....and was in our basement for a couple of years and before it was moved to our ranch...Mom got into it to know what was the mystery...and how long it had been stored in that cave root cellar, which is what folks would dig in the plains of eastern Colorado...before they had refrigerators....or was an added storage that was cool and dry for things to be kept...
        More of this is shared in the Fall of 2012, when I first began to share what I knew as an eyewitness to the birth of Pres Obama in Topeka KS as the news all had the info and the birth announcement from the Topeka papers of the birth at Forbes Air force base hospital where my mom was present at the birth and took his mother to the hospital....and next day was in the papers.
That is where Congressman Ron Paul had just arrived as Medical Director...
            And will not share few of either side wished to know the truth...and why I began to share of details on knew as eye witness...and other sources told to be, etc over time...and once published if anyone does care to know the truth... it's published..
        And was watching an online source today about Sen Romney and former presidential candidate in 2012 vs Pres Obama of why he professed to have the values of most conservatives...but almost saluted Obama was the info stated...and I laughed at how little anyone knows that they are he and his wife are related....and I did not vote for Obama in 2008, but voted for another of our common relatives on my dad's side...on the other ticked and an in-law who headed up the ticket... And by 2012 had published the info and pushing for justice for the three who died in 3/61 when Jim T Parks was lynched and Obama unborn and his mother were to have been lynched also in an attack by a hooded death squad...that Kansas has not admitted exists since 1922...and the deaths of three members of Rosa Parks extended family has been without justice to this very day...
        And have wished that the Nonprofit organization which is trying to heal the past and recognize the victims who usually were never talked of if being a victim hen was something to be ashamed of rather than demanding justice and answers for one of the most hateful way of murder for no good reason for the hate of racism...we pray we have finally been able to overcome only to have some trying to turn hate again to ones of differing skin tones...
        reality w are all Hebrew and is one does he math as several have done...we have come to a time in human history where everyone alive now,, had to have had one or more ancestors in the desert with Moses.....and like in this chapter complaining about the lack of if the One who had provided all they needed and performed miracles....would be able to make water appear by only a vocal command....of prayer for the Almighty to make it happen...
            And many scholars have had many opinions and interpretations of why Moses struck the rock with the rod...rather than just saying the words for water to come forth from it....matter.....and if the rod which is a kind of device....and was it something Moses, as prince of Egypt would have know where it was member of the royal family...might answer just how the pyramids were made....and how far back has this been around...maybe back to Enoch and his going somewhere for 300 years and then returning to warn Noah of the cataclysmic flood that was coming in a hundred years...
        .And some sources have believed that Enoch built the pyramids and the sphinx and the whole is a key warning for our time of the Revelation Chapter 12 star map which we hear of the symbol of the women...which can mean the daughter of Zion, Mary, mother of Christ, or Israel or JERUSALEM, or Ephraim of the separated Northern Tribes before the final demise of Israel until 1948. It can mean any one of them or more pertaining to the scriptures about it in some way at some time...much as we call Liberty a symbol of freedom...Also THE BRIDE OF CHRIST..holding the symbols of wheat and grapes of lesser astroids...or dwarf stars on 9/23/17 as the communion service of the wedding supper of the BRIDE OF CHRIST AS THE BELIEVERS OF THE UNIVERSAL CHURCH  of humanity...
        Often ignored is that one times event we call a crown of 12 stars and planets....and may represent a couple of the Tribe of Judah above as the Lion of Juday and the brightest star at the heart called the KING OF KINGS OR REGULUS...which moved to the forepaws by 9/23/17 as had met the planet we call Juptper like being sent down to do battle with evil and be 9.23.17 was in the serpent or beast at the feet and surrounded the woman of the sign...we now call Virgo...
  This is not the Zodiac and meanings and renaming since Nimorod rewrote the meanings of the Picture Bible in the heavens as warnings and to know of the first and second comings....for hope to all of humanity that He is in charge and has our salvation for eternity and redemption back to our eternal life we lost with the first family's fall into disobedience...and ended up with bodes hat could die....and here we are on a 6000-year journey to learn how to deal with evil and not ever be duped and follow it again....and at the returning evil and its cohorts bound up for the 1000 years of peace by those who believe and have now know the Almighty's way iS TRUTH AND GOOD CHOICes WE ARE FREE TO CHOOSE AND NOW KNOW WHAT THE GOOD AND BEST ONES ARE....and the horror we can get into when we do not pay attn to the Divine who lives each one of us and care for us even when we ignore and disobey what He wishes we would do and follow...And Love one another as He loves us...
            So the end times is three in the desert in Egypt for our time to warn us...and does seem that Orion is involved 
        (Book of Job seems to have references and some say is the oldest writing in our Bibles..)
and weapons of symbols of what it is trying to warn us about of swords for one weapon....and we must never forget that the Fallen Angels have been in and out and around in this fallen state of the universe....and do they return at times....The Bible says they returned after the Flood of Noah and interbred with human women and produced giants...
        Which even Moses and our ancestors ran into in the desert.....We sinned and got dispersed to the whole world and followed and created other faiths....but most have a core value of Love and human rights and only the 'stage god' of evil is said no one should follow....but that does not make all equal...but it helps us to find or history and know-how we got from the desert nearly 4000 years ago to where we are today...where most in the world value the life of each...and all have human rights and the inalienable rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness grounded in ownership of property and even our rights of ownership of personal beliefs and houghs and opinions....And why one world govt and religion would never work but for it is the will of the people as all being Kings...and caring for one another as All being the Bible says...
            So as many look to the second coming of Yahusha, as He was called back then and Christ by the Greeks and we have the promise we know will be.. one day and maybe soon when He and the host of heaven return and Satan and its cohorts removed and then the final day of judgment for all 1000 years head and we end up in lonely good and no more evil and evil ends up in some kind of hell we pray none to choose the way of evil and finds out....for always....and that is the end of the journey to finally be tribulated as Job was to come to a faith that cannot be shaken by any kind of we know TRUTH IS IN HIM.
            So, I bring my own witness to the pool of info studied and it only seems to raise more question....but to me...its faith that leads us back to Him...and our salvation and redemption comes from Him and why we ask Him for help to find our way in a world which seems to be falling into hell on earth when He taught us 2000 years ago when He came, died and rose so each of us had the way paid for by His shed blood for the way back to the resurrection of the dead to a state of life eternal...and for those alive when He returns...a transformation of our fallen state of flesh that can none which cannot....back to what we begin as...
        and our ancestors messed up and our redemption has been a divine plan since....and the final steps are ahead of good times and love and freedom and no more sorrow, sicenss and injury and no need to struggle for evil who would pull medical care on millions and order us to create oxone mixed with less than pure some few have decided wwe had no right of life...for not being able to become to their toxins and chemcls and be injured as if all of us should be made form some kind of stone with no eternal soul r spiritual side which is basic to being created from Love and able to accept Love and pass on that Dvine Love to one and all...
        .LOVE IS WHAT MAKES US WHO WE HUMANS ARE MEANT TO BE....AND ITS ETERNAL AS WE WERE MADE TO BE...until evil got into its deceptions and fooled the first couple into falling into the sin of all-knowing and believed the liars of all liars of how to use all knowledge and we know that science learned yet, can still end up being used for war, first....and not for better lives for one and all of us...

        In the name of Yahusha, help us find our salvation in You, and may we never fall away from our faith in You as we know You are the way, to life eternal and TRUTH OF ALL...
        Prayers for my survival and all others facing our demise by denial of best health care removed by lied on lies by those who have grabbed power even from our own govts..of we the people as we let some mislead us to send those to represent us who sold us out to evil and its ways of no regard for an order for best for one and all... Maybe due to fear of the power this evil really has over all of our records and surveillance we have no full understanding of how much on each of us. 4th Amendment ended with high tech to know all that can be captured...but not the all knowing of our souls we can still have only between You and each of us... NO govt oversight since 12/02 fr them to uphold the laws and stop abuses of the info gathered on all of us if some entity has some evil intent to have one gone for some reason... Hard for one to have the courage to even run for public office if the people will not show their support. Some very good and sincere people may not be as popular as some and they can be destroyed if we the people become gullible to lies and deception as evil would not wish an honest and sincere person to be in a position to pass laws to end evils reign its been having in recent decades with no govts to And eliminating competition in that realm of rulership as govt contractors with part of the cabal of theirs managing all kinds of entities to our very rights to live and have health care allowed to happen.....every turn is this conflicts of interest of one entity...and no govt for doctor or patient to call for help to allow life to continue. 
            Dept of Justice Taskforce needs all our prayers for its going after bid-rigging as a Ricco case as the govt is not to be giving contracts with such conflicts of interest with deals to steal from the public treasury also part of the reason they can underbid more ethical and independent companies to manage as in the private industry as well as govt none seem to be its contract out the work to be done...and we end up with illegally designed and not secure systems....and the law forbids a govt contractor and no audits or investigated or prosecuted. for those with gov't funds...used and the shared local and state with feds?.... States have relied on the feds always to do the oversight and some are not even aware of this law and they were being audited by part of the same entity as the one being audited...and NOT A REAL AUDIT...   The heading for this blog has the mission statement to unravel this and even the govt is not allowed to do its job by law...and for one not seated inside...near impossible even with all the years of training and experience can still be employed due to workers comp laws and judges order from ag4ency judges g o contractor and al lour files....and they INTENTIONALLY HAVE WITHHELD AS IT ENDANGERS LIVELIHOOD BUT WORSE IS REAL THREAT TO MY OWN LIFE WHICH HAS BEEN VERBALLY ORDERED BY THE HEAD FOR THE USA AND MUCH OF THE WORLD...  
        Like organized crime, the govt officials seem to have as much fear as the last time such a one-world govt was attempted and ruled with govt not governing and contractors doing as they illegally please and the most innocent got crucified as Pontious Pilate was afraid to stand up to the corruption as he also had been pulled into it....And why at the time I call this in govt that know and lie of the truth of my status when the truth is THEY DO NOT KNOW AS THE RECORDS ND FILES ARE WITHHELD FROM THEM KNOWING AS GOVT CONTRACTORS AE IN CONTROL OF ALL AND THEY RULE AND NOT THE GOVT... And this is how it now is in nearly every nation on earth.
         Rare is any govt phone number answered by a real govt employee so we get info shared that is the govt contractor changing the laws rules ad procedures to scam some more of the public funds....and loss of life and health before they should go on with lawlessness of real evil ...and worse is they hire nice people who are wrongly trained to talk to us...and other supervisors seem pretty much OK....but above may be too ethical or nice to aspire to become managers unless they sell out to the mission only a few know and leading..of the one either beast system ruling this world
         DO FOLLOW THE MONEY OF SOME OF the HUGE WORTH and what govt contracts they have or have had...other than what most think the money is made from...of some product or tech service...   Follow the money and some govt contractors are trying to hang on and be ethical but they are forced to use illegal they have no govt to turn to so they can even do their jobs legally and follow all the laws and rules... There are those more innocent but too often go along to get along and will not even report what they know and what can still be done by the govt...
        Prayers for healing for all in need now and it's getting worse and not better when we have been on a 33-year plot of intentional harm to make profits off human misery, sickness, and death. by those who got into places of high power and then removed govts of their powers but remain as puppets of who? by laws of no oversight of govt contracts to go worldwide as one entity since USA law of 12/02 where the dept of defense was left under president and did that occur around the world....and we have bigger threat than some leaders of nations...gone into the insanity of ending all of humanity and creation? 
        ...By a few who seems to have no sense of You or love or caring for one another or their own self worth but how much power and wealth they can amiss which means little if eternity is lost of only good...
            Prayers for find our way to be the ruler and ministers of each other as You called us each to be...and help us follow You to overcome evil with good....that ignores and finds up evil for not having anyone to follow it....and we WAIT PATIENTLY FOR YOUR RETURN to do what we cannot of the final binding of evil for a time of peace and last removal for eternity for those judged as wishing evil over You....May none of us choose evil over You...why would they?  
        And one day we may understand better that Moses also mush have lost some faith with the complaints about lack of water and instead of speaking for the rock to produce water...took the rod of some kind of high science and made it appear? if that be the failing of even Moses...which shows that even the best among us can fall when evil surrounds us and uses every deception and way of the world to get us to stray even a moment from You. One day we may understand more, but TRUTH IS IN YOU and that is what matters for eternity it seems?  In Your Holy Name, Yahusha, Amen!
                    A good type of faith service today at the Trump rally before the rally began...and somehow things seemed to be right for a moment in a world where so much is wrong and so much for each of us to help make better in so many ways...Whatever happens in the political realm it impacts on each of us...and some prayer ahead of time...surely is needed pretty badly and too often we allow the faith of evil to be big ways...but any of morality, love, ethics fairness and justice and freedom seems to be pushed aside....and we got duped big time and have a couple of younger generations who have had little of their faith history and we are paying a dear price for that...CHOOSE LIFE!
        Linda Joy Adams 5/1/22

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