Why should there be laws and rules and codes of moral conduct? Shouldn't there be guidance from the Divine Creator who knows all and is all-powerful...and DOES KNOW BEST as evil exists and from our freedom and free will. we can get into a hell of our own making if one has not learned the consequences of our actions..
It was a wicked world again by the time Moses walked out of Egypt led by Yahusha in a cloud...and was isolated for 40 years of miracles... Learning a way of living that was never to be breached by Adam and Eve falling for Satan and his 1/3rd of the angels who decided they should rule....and do death and destruction to any and all that did not bow to it...
The delusion of evil to think they can be what made them in the first place...But created with freedom and free will, there sure does have to be a learning process that has taken 6000 years and we still are ready to get into WWIII and annihilate all of us and creation itself. for not paying attn to our elections and whom we vote to go represent us in our govts...
We learn and wake up....and yet some are trying to turn back the clock and resurrect the evil ways of the past...and it's a final moral battle we face...One of life and love and goodness and promise of eternal life vs death, destruction hate, and enslavement of even our minds to evil and its cohorts.
How could any choose evil over good, but we have read deception now that has become an art form in drugs that can alter minds and enslave one to have no free will at all....and we suffer as a society for that as a major problem that affects all of us, including the cost of the destruction of lives and crime it can cause to occur......and no govt in charge and that was allowing one to walk in and earmark a 6000-page bill so that govt contractors of an intl cabal now rule worldwide....but for a few dictators...who are as ruthless as evil is... And we suffer and die and seem to be getting into a hell on earth we allowed ourselves to get into.
But, we have learned a big lesson, of we the people being the govt, means all adults are called to pay attn...and make decisions and vote, and also volunteer to help oversee....elections and maybe even run for office...And some have been led to do that, with so much going on they have witnessed and decided to accept the call and try to do better...And with the support of the people, it can be done.
The will of the people is power even in some forms of govt with less freedom of choosing our leaders...And then we pray we have good people in positions of authority....\Thanksfully the founders of the USA gave us a constitution to follow that is grounded in the principles our ancestors learned in the desert with Moses who had personal contact with Yahusha. ...the part of the trinity of three in one...and a Divine promise to help guide humanity back to our created purpose to rule by Love for one another as He loves us....and oversee creation under His loving power... and since His first coming has His Holy Spirit sent back to guide us...if we only wish to open our hearts and let Him in.
There is a grave warning in this chapter....that the tone of the words cannot be ignored...The wickedness of the world...back then....and its bad now...in many circles all around us...and the Internet...has much wonderful sharing of faith and helps and tips to do a lot of good and help....and music that uplifts the soul., even with a good beat...to move with.
But its also a source of temptation into the worst of evil and too many fall into evil's ways and replace real human relationships of love and caring of morality that brings happiness....with the worse of sins of the flesh...and sends one into a hell on earth...of fake and artificial sources....and brief encounters as if anything permanent would require caring and love vs lust at the flesh.
And the attempts to take the innocence of children of knowing more than they can even begin to understand at earlier and earlier ages....is an abomination from hell...to strip the child from getting to form relationships and knowing based on trust and family and following a natural process of growing into adulthood but not before they naturally come to learn and ask questions of their parents... which is where the directions should come from.
The devil must have gotten mad when the prohibition on same-sex relationships went from the past wickedness to now having society permit marriage and permanent relationships and the devil has to know that when love and morality are primes....then the whys and hows of who loves who has occurred, it's been turned into better stability of caring vs the wicked ways of temple prostitutes of any and all genders and partners... It's not the way we were intended to be by the Divine creator, but whatever is the cause, it does seem to often be part of society and some say hormones in food and even water supply... And to point at sins of another...may have to look at the sins of an entire society for such even existing... The touchy subject today... But the forced education of adults matters to toddlers even young children HAS TO BE STOPPED AND PUT BACK WITH PARENTS...and if they need some guidance...then...they can seek it... and best is to have a good relationship with parents so when a question is asked,, then answers can be provided. as has been done for all of human history... But now all kinds of books and websites are around to help. just in case....and then sort out what is best to follow for one's faith and good morals. And some matters are private and we should respect that for ourselves and others... and children begin learning about relationships as soon as they are born....and probably even before in the womb. as science has taught us also.
.But consenting adults...should not be pressured to be what they are not by early 'grooming' and that does seem to be going on and that is part of this fertility goddess religion which we are to have separation of church and state....but seems its really been to suppress any faith whose roots came out of Egypt with Moses and learned of a new way and one Divine of Love and life...in the desert...
Some online have done the math to show that everyone alive now...has truly become the "fulfillment of the gentiles" and had one or more ancestors who walked out of Egypt with Moses and learned about a Divine Creator of I AM WHO I AM...a concept understood in ancient Hebrew...but by the time of Christ;\'s first coming...the Greek influence of science and reason just seems to have no word t explain the concept of IS, AM ARE WAS WILL BE...of no beginning and no end...of eternity...
And due to Babylone, then Rome and then Roman church trying to merge all regions into one.....much of the historical roots have become lost history....but the concepts of love and caring and human rights and value of each life....is basic as FREEDOM is also of the soul...to have a personal relationship with the divine for our salvation...fr always...
To have a divine who loves us so much He can in part human flesh...to die so we could have the way back to what we lost in the fall of humanity....of a resurrected flesh that does not die....and we have some info in our Bibles ...which one book shares a concise 6000-year history....and how long ween some events, etc...I have always asked not IF THE BIBLE IS TRUTH BUT HOW IT IS....and we are learning a lot every day....and it's become more true for events to occur in a shorter time frame than ever....after an asteroid? etc...came near Mars a few years ago and created plasma discharge that made things like our Grand Canyon in seconds...not ages of water erosion...
The gravity of a society that falls into the immorality of anything that can be done...leads to all kinds of problems as it's against the basic nature of love that has boundaries of what is good and what is not...as well as loyalty. THIS SEEMS TO BE WHAT EVIL IS NOW TRYING TO STRIP OUR VERY YOUNG FROM HAVING THAT NATURAL INSTINCT THAT THE YOUNG DO HAVE.
And this is not just in marriage, but friendship...and loyalty to the One who made us and loves us....and that is innated in us to somehow we know in our soul....and to let that be bound and separated from Him is the isolation of what Hell must be like before the burning and horrors..as often referred to. Humans learn from parents and relationships to talk and ask...is worth a lot...and be blessed if one had that as a child and can pass it on to their own. And in no way let the state decides they can be a parent as they cannot love and care. even if nice people work there. Humans have been given blessings of love and caring and the kind to have for each other depending on what the relationships is....and being in good relationship with the divine...and Holy Spirit is always the first guide to have as we know He loves us aways...and always is there for each one of us...even when we really mess up at times.
And to fall into immorality makes a nation vulnerable to attack by other nations bent on wanting land or resources a neighboring country might have and want without making a fair trade deal for both sides to buy or sell. The INstinct of the all-powerful Divine....of faithful worship...is a sign of strength and the ones bent on conquering what is not theirs....often do not try to come against one who seems to be in the good standing of the all-powerful one....and evil waits until all is made weak and then pounces like a predator animal o our own young...
Animals have better instincts than some humans it seems....but the mind-altering drugs. etc of our times...has cost us a lot and in came evil and its warped ways....when some simple facts would suffice as if our young do not already know from all the info out there to tap into....and can get around even parental oversight....at times. Pay attention to who is running for office for PTA and or school boards and if none one wishes to vote...help encourage one to run. or run yourself...its how Gov Sarah Palin got into politics... And she has announced she is now running for Congress from Alaska to fill the seat due to the death theirs... after 50? years in Congress.
In the name of Yahusha. save us from the messes we get ourselves trapped into...And a good uplifting rally with President Trump tonight....that at least did not get censored right afterward by Youtube...off of Right Side Broadcasting... Help guide him along the way as seems he has does understand the gravity of matters and some reckless things done that sure not have occurred... It's like we let our moral ways slide and in came some with agendas that are not even moderate for any political side of the political realm. Not that all have been best in the past...but we should be getting wiser and doing things better for one and all....and not skip the steps of a process to an end when many are harmed to jump and not take a steady path. (still think we should have wind generators on cars) as You said the sun will not shine for 6 months and those solar panels may not work too well... in the dark. and it did happen once over about 1500 years ago...
And we pray for those in office now...to follow You and not try to get into extremes when we have to be practical as well for the good of all...And of course, gt oversight back of the govt contractors who any in govt involved in illegal and unethical ways......can be overseen and stopped also by our legal systems...and most of the people still do not know we have had no govt in charge for over 20 years now by law....and back another decade by executive type orders.....and we are hurting in many ways.....and the horrors going on....cannot be stopped unless the laws allow it to happen....OR
all those involved repent of their sins to You and get saved and follow Your Commandments, judgments, and ordinances....and ask You for the guidance of what to do... We need revival in DC, not orgies....we are being told about...The good to uplift the soul and bring real happiness instead of a way of destructions and no happiness as what a mess.....and time for all those of faith in Congress and govt to stand for the goodness of You......and shame on any who would not permit You over evil and its ways...
Prayers for healing for me and mine and FOR DOYLE'S KIN who is home and ill..and so many are going on to see You now and in recent times....and some are far too young yet...it seems....And that new Oxument with the perfusion index for less than $15, I got from Walmart online....may reveal what this cabal has kept hidden of some of the why just oxygen sat rate on a finger can mislead to allow all to think all is well and it's NOT.. It also shows whether one's pulse rate is strong and even or not...and its sure revealing on me....and pray all adopted using this..soon for medical testing.....as getting any sophisticated tests run now for my 1/6th of the population is not going to happen and too many losing health too soon and failed organs and hearts and too soon deaths... MIne began too low a .02 and rose to 2 which is the lowest in the normal range...but what is normal depends on the facility or hospital and not just a standard for all humans... Info online to understand more and of course, ask one's doctor.. There is no pricking of skin etc...just a finger into a slot and its reads from outside the body....to get an approximate reading...but often one cannot get any more than that at doctors....in their levels of management companies. , most have no idea how vast it is....and the doctor and patient have NO GOVT TO TURN TO FOR HELP when LIFE IS BEING LOST OR HEALTH....and insurance should be paying..and would but the managers over their of the same cabal of one entity interlocked...is real US Attys call it a RICCO CASE biggest one in human history worldwide it seems and is this the BEAST SYSTEM OF REVELATION YOU WARNED JOHN ABOUT IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION? Sure seems to be so powerful and govts have lost the will to govern and take back oversight to make sure...the real cromes being committed and missing public funds...and laws defied...that seem to be good ones....or make betters ones...defied...and this is horror and the USA SPENDS THE MOST IN THE WORLD AND HAVE WORSE HEALTH THEN MANY THIRD WORLD NATIONS....who at least still has access to natural cures....used for thousands of years....and ours are now being laced with those harming chemicals so buying safe vitamins, etc...not easy to find..either.
And in non-govt entities....boards of directors hire management companies and seem to have little oversight either....so a world that is NOT SOCILISTIC, OR DEMOCRATIC IN EITHER WAY...AS ITS BEAST OF A PREDATOR ON HUMANS AND CREATION AND YOU AND WE HUMANS GET CAUGHT IN THE CROSSFIRE....UNABLE TO EVEN FIGURE OUT HOW PERVASIVE IS THE CONTROL AS ITS SNEAKY... A poll today asked me if I was against socialism when we have programs that are shared funding from taxes...but NOT UNDER GOVT CONTROL...as Socialism would be...this is evil in control of govt and non-govt and the small business person...gets squashed as they are forced to hire their cabal experts also ...THEY POLITICAL REALM CAN'T EVEN ASK THE PERTINENT QUESTIONS...and that misleads even more...
Again, verifying any data from govt contractors is not permitted...since 12/02. I knew already, but sure do not have all that is needed and even hospitals no longer have testing for my group as illegally altering our diagnoses on national contacted out data banks with public funds.....has gone on and we have no idea what is truth in medicine...and science....and about time....revival takes Washington DC and all wake-up and put life first because we care....as You taught us too and good nutrition as what is in what all we put into or bodies is proven harmful and what good nutrition might be is often gone by long time storage and sprayed with a chemical to retard spoilage...
Better to grow our food, or nearby and eat it soon after picked and use more companion plants to cut down on harming sprays...
May all those out there, who need to help their good doctors with some data to back them up to order treatments or oxygen without zone or other tests.....whatever we can do at home...and keep a chart is helpful AS OUR DOCTORS have NOT BEEN IN CHARGE AND THE CABAL IS TOO OFTEN NOT FOLLOWING MEDICAL STANDARDS OR EVEN GOVTS GUIDELINES EITHER...
Help us find our way out of this hellish mess...In Your Holy Name Yahusha., Amen!
And still bleeding from sinuses due to ozone...and what happens when no govt in charge and medical guidelines and approval for life by three health plans....does not help when a monopoly exists and will not streamline the process to do it cheaper and must be double or triple ones who meet guidelines for oxygen and liquid and old green bottles....can be exchanged and not even delivery needed ...if one needs home health care...then that is separate. 50% theft and padded scams of shuffling data that leads to worse care the govt contractors with no oversight, a leading cause of death in USA.and congress did a study in 2007 that indicated this and did nothing...
CAMPAIGN ISSUE IS NO GOVT AT ALL IN CHARGE..but for DOD and that is now managed by sam cabal....Can't clean out the deep state Until the govt cannot hide behind the govt contractors...No excuse for anyone of any side in congress not doing their job...Sen Bernie Sanders slipped the oversight back into a couple of VA bills...and exposed the scandal...but every law does not have to be obeyed and the money disappears along with our rights and even lives.. From my perspective of matters from inside govt since 1968 and outside as patient etc...and citizen.....EVERY SOCIAL ILL seems to represent stolen or missing govt funds....and some contractors not doing as they were to be done with the money...and we should not wish to continue being robbed and laws defied and hell being created on earth instead of heaven...we were taught to pray for...
GOVT HAS TO BE ALLOWED TO SPEND THE EXISTING BUDGET TO SHUT DOWN ORGANIZED CRIME RUNNING THE WORLD....AND THAT IS NO FORM OF GOVT... BEAST SYSTEM OF REVELATION WAS VOTED IN BY GOVTS OF THE WORLD. And only a pandemic and govt not able to verify data or facts and confusion ruling...is the way of evil with no govt...Any govt can be good or bad...but the USA model is based on the Biblical principles...of the worth of each one...and rights of all...and caring for one another....and that is the best form any good govt must have and follow.
Linda Joy Adams 4/2/22
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