
Friday, April 1, 2022



    Again we have science and faith in the cleanliness of how animals as food are prepared we know to understand through science...
        Also, this seems to be a rule about giving thanks for the food and animals provided for food by the Almighty who created all...And not to forget those who serve the people in offices of faith and share some as offerings to them. And this became critical later on...when they had lands and not nomadic travelers for 40 years and the Priesthood of the tribe of Levite...which Moses was part of, had no lands personally owned....and relied on the people for offerings of food and grains, etc..for their livelihood for them and their families.
        And not to forget the curse of the shed blood of humans since death did not exist before the fall of humanity...and the same respect for the life of provisions to provide us life...And to bury the spilled blood and NOT TO OFFER THEIR LIFE TO STRANGE gods of the fertility goddess of evil human sacrifice either.
         That prohibition was still a strict one into the first century....and modified by Paul for the non-Jewish Christians, etc....saying not to offend those around one by eating what offends....but if one is not eating something as an offering to another god, which what was around back then was many versions of the one of human sacrifice of the fertility goddess...and that was never to be followed and even in our times...
Murder is illegal, even if someone says its a religious ritual...Not anything is allowed under Freedom of Religion...and that is the definition of a strange god, not to follow... when others follow the way of life and love and have historical roots in the desert with Moses and I AM WHO I AM...
            And that is the freedoms we find, cannot ever truly do as one to love and care for one another it not to take that one's life as its a sin of death itself....And part of the fall of humanity from the Garden of Eden...into bodies that cannot die...and with the shed blood of Christ of part born of Mary and if the reports are true, of the blood now able to be tested only had one human parent and male parts, and the rest is an eternal flesh that cannot the Bible indicates that shed blood and death only became known with the first human death of Abel by Cain.
        The first coming of the Divine and death and resurrection made it possible for all of us to be resurrected into life for eternity and it's tied to our belief in our souls...also as part of who we each are...
And the second coming is the removal of evil and temptation and either those still alive be transformed back to our original state or resurrected into those eternal bodies forever if we have accepted the promise of life eternal in Christ...
        We know by faith, and human words cannot explain, what is impossible to understand how, we just believe that it IS...

        In the name of Yahusha, save us from the mess we have allowed ourselves to be duped by evil right into now...And pray for some resolution of so much all my cases shared and expose much of all that is going wrong in society and even the who's doing the harms...if we just had a govt-funded again to even follow through and unravel....mine and so many others....all over the govt so many harmed by the laws being ignored by those in charge which is NOT THE GOVT employee but the govt contractors and their subcontractors as doing the illegal an artform of hiding behind layers and not to be such secrecy with govt funding....but the laws do not allow what is stop massive harms and missing public funds....and in health care treatment standards ignored and real coercion to criminal lee of doctors to not do what is best is real and without govt allowed to spend even existing budget to stop the harms of illegal acts to cause death..which the ones well know is murder they intend to let happen and will happen...of deaths before they medically should.
    And You said not to kill.....and its blatantly being allowed to happen,,, even laws being considered to make the murder of anyone legal who is born alive...and that is all of us And before birth, is a human with soul and life and even if wanted, You want them...and the horror is and has been real deception not to think of life as important to even our ourselves...and that is sad to not enjoy living even when times are rough,  one has to be thankful for even being alive...
        Prayers for healing for me, mine, and all others in need, and the need is so great and worse than it really should be with the backsliding we have been on since 1989 when we seemed to be heading to better health cures and treatments and downhill we went...with the use of toxins and chemicals used without care for human safety....and a few lawsuits....seemed to send up al into a cover-up to avoid damages paid...
        And it got worse and worse and right down to more than my group of human suffering without... it's so many different groups and a cabal worldwide...doing all kinds of evil experiments and bioweapons we all wanted those international treated to not get into ended long ago....and we find out we all ended up harmed by some of this..still being done and hidden inside subcontractors of govt contractors..and this is so evil. and we seem to be paralyzed into changing this back to good, from the evil we allowed things to get into...Most do not even know there is NO GOVT OVERSIGHT  of anything in health and regulations and laws trashed that should help but only if they are obeyed or enforced to be obeyed....
        And how can we even know some are not good laws, if none are obeyed....but most used to be and then we got into undue special interests based on money and not life....and the money was some not wishing to be sued for doing something that was not safe for anyone to use....and should not have done it or made it or used it...
        This is evil brought to YOu and I should never be having the issues having approved cases and care and all by the laws of the land...and someone or few decide to take over the world and decide who lives and who dies....and who is allowed to have what the law says should have and others just steal the public funds....and disappear our rights, laws...judges orders and govt official act like Pontius Pilates and accept the verbal word of gov contractors lying to cover up their crimes and that gets passed on as official when its all a lie and the truth is hidden to let all die instead....and way too many have...
        I come to lay all this at Your feet to pray for help and guidance for one and all of us to find our way out of this or make it through until You return and deal with those who will not repent and do good and find evil and its ways preferable...and how could they? is beyond me to understand when one's eternal life with You is in jeopardy..... Thanks for being alive and may it be much longer...until one day You return and all is made good for whatever way that is Your plan of happening....In Your Holy Name, Yahusha, Amen!

        Left a comment on Quora that could not link to this site...and the new number one can test for on a finger oximeter called profusion index of oxygen getting extremities....and mine seems low...
   Mine was less than  $15 and some issues with using but if one captures these numbers along with others each day for your gives him or her...some basis for getting more tests run...if seems needed... Another positive from Covid, if anything is good about a pandemic....but I understand it....for me...unscientifically that from the moment of inhaling toxic fumes... it's like being on an internal ventilator called my diaphragm as being a trained the way trained to breathe over 7 years of private lessons and life of singing..and that forces the air into the lungs and them..they dysfunction and not as much gets out to all parts of the body as its forced...And some say that is some issues with it's forcing and being a machine...and not one's own body regulating itself...then the force can keep on going and do harm when should slow down,? etc.. and regulation is harder to do overtime and impossible on exertion...
        And why the pure oxygen without ozone that irritates and inflames is crucial as once explained to my doctor that is was like the oxygen goes into the lungs and creates a hyperbaric chamber inside and then it has the oxygen to use as it can without much force of stomach breathing and can exert some and still breathe... And Dr agreed it was something like that created...But all those running health care do not even seem to understand it...or ignore it as people suffer and go without and do not live as long as they medically can....even be able to take care of themselves..and in early stages of progressive diseases even work...and the whole concept of only getting oxygen the last three years of life,,, it not treatment standards to let organs suffocate and fail...rather than slowing down the progression over time....and living long normal life spans...and if ones genetic heritage lives longer one should be able to do so also....but maybe not quite...
        With govt contractors rewriting the treatment standards to suit their economic benefit...when they have far more patients who could be living and could streamline the process to accommodate life for maybe double or more getting help....and if one can tolerate ozone...find...but for millions we cannot and need the pure kind of liquid or compressed old green bottles...which could be a drive-through bottle exchange if one had a loved one to pick up just as is done with prescriptions...etc.. and over the years a very safe track records of use... Accidents can happen...with anything and if one is not able to figure out what to do....then they may need a caregiver to help...but even then...minimal help is needed. And I speak from nearly 25 years on first the green bottles and then liquid and the cost is far less than many bottles of regular prescription that only treat symptoms caused by lack of oxygen if one has none.
    And streamlining by exchange of filled delivery persons...or drive through bottle exchange for the green bottle....and one may only need a small amount and maybe not even 23/7 depending on what doctor says at first...but it will progress over time....but can slow that down...and to say when one is injured one has no right to horrid discrimination going on...that spans every part of any protected any human can get injured and does..and has and once we had pretty good standard and meds....then in came the new world order and we went into taking away health and life and living as long as medically possible....and more money spent on creating symptoms of not haveing what is the best care in the first place...*
   Christ said to heal the sick and feed the hungry....and we have even the wealthy without good medical treatments and food that is filled with proven harmful chemicals, etc and lacking in the best nutrition ...and we have created a hell on earth instead of heaven on earth...He taught us to pray for...and help make happen.  We have allowed ourselves to be April Fools by evil and its cohorts for way too long. and maybe good common sense and science and love and caring for the best for health as well as each one's soul should be the first concern...then maybe the rest of the world's problems would work their way through to some kind of fair and just conclusion for one and all of us of the human family.
       * That is not a scientific way to explain it...but really know that cannot switch to chest breathing as the lungs are dysfunctional....and why this is often called  REACTIVE AIRWAY DYSFUNCTION SYNDROM.... the damage makes it impossible for the lungs to function...but the diaphragm can and if it gives out then what does one do...
          Linda Joy Adams 4/1/22

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