This is one of those chapters, that alone raises a lot of questions in our time of why this and not that.
And some we do know that if eaten and not well cooked can cause all kinds of sicknesses, like parasites and other kinds of things we know, are in pork and also shellfish.
But we also are taught by Paul who was a Mosaic law scholar that the prohibitions of eating some foods due to they be ones eaten by pagans is OK, UNLESS it is leading others into pagan ways, or disrespectful to those following the law very strictly...One must respect others. and why if one comes to one home to eat, we respectfully find out if they have food allergies or faith reasons for not eating some foods.
Years ago when the Kushners who were Jewish visited my parents out in the country on their house on the hill in Kansas: while traveling through the USA, the wife, who converted actually helped cook the meal as they followed a strict Kosher regimen... It's what we do to respect others in their beliefs...And we still do not fully understand all the reasons but am sure, they are there for good reasons. Then as well as now when some of the same evils are rising again and none of us on the good side should be following them...Worse is we often have no idea what we are taking into our bodies as food, medicines, or even vaccines... And a revolting shock when some of the truths come out and for those with faith prohibitions it's an insult to them...but also for all of any kind of faith and moral compass for the evil that is going on and we have no idea what has been forced onto us by our not knowing and often not even allowed to know as we let those who make our laws and rules...stay in place with no times seemed pretty good and we went along with things...and evil led us right down into its swamp of evil.
It is probable that then as well as now, we have some mad scientists creating part human and part animals..hybrids..and we should not be eating of our own flesh, even if we are in a fallen state since Adam and Eve got ejected from the Garden of Eden into a world where Evil and the Fallen angels were using all knowledge and much was never to be done as it ends in all of our downfalls.
We know from the Bible that Adam and Eve had changed bodies that could now die..And WHAT WAS IN THAT APPLE, SATAN SAID COULD BE EATEN AND ONE WOULD NOT DIE....and from then on they could...and will until the second coming and the believers will be risen from the dead who have already died since the resurrection at the first resurrection of the risen Christ, the world may flesh....and from then on we have eternal life path ready for all of us if we choose to have it....and at the second coming..some will be changed still alive and never die...
A 1000 years without the evil one present and the King of Kings of the Almighty trinity of three in one of the Divine I AM WHO I AM.. will be in full charge when He has let the influence of evil be present and we sure have learned our lesson to not follow it and we are still learning that what we each do or do not do...can cause a lot of bad things to happen to one and all of us... I cannot fully explain it and who can as many try and one-day TRUTH WILL BE REVEALED.
Pray that none have chosen the side of evil over good and be lost for the final step for humanity to overcome evil and a final judgment day still ahead...long ahead...1000 years yet, after the second coming which seems to be soon, but not yet...And with only about 1/3rd of humanity even knowing the Good News of Christ...we who are believers have our GREAT COMMISSION ORDERED 2000 years ago to share the GOOD NEWS AND BAPTISE IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, SON AND HOLY SPIRIT.
And the first part is out all over the airwaves for anyone almost to access...(seems Russia and Ukraine lost worldwide access to the Internet usually have some from Russia and a group from Ukraine..or maybe its due to the ones who access sites like mine and others are not left and in other countries...) I do not pay to know more...and not sure how much would. as online there is an expectation of privacy when one can use a node name rather than even their real name...I use my own ...due to it being a personal witness and testimony. And as a whistleblower vs matters of the secular world and govt which been warning for 14 years now...of no govt in charge and congress did it and we still do not have any govt allowed to enforce our laws and rules as they put a gag order rule on themselves rather than change it back ...for govt to be accountable for oversight of our public funds as well as laws be enforced and our rights upheld and all of this is not happening and we are not broke as we are robbed and too much loss of even life since the lw of 12/02 and before that back to the mid-1990s as executive orders suspended enforcement of laws....and the govt already was being contracted out and little oversight and now...all our records and data of the nation as well as personal of ours we entrust to the govt to protect and only use for official messed with and we cannot access to even expose and harms of even death....a leading cause of death...goes on.
The Dept of Defense contractors now in the law..and govt still has oversight...but around the world, all followed the same and soon we ended up with an international organized crime ring with control of the world and UN and few even know it and who is the head of we only now of our leader name often in my matters that heads of agencies bow and obey of Lynn Blodgett and Black Rock financing those who have put my very life endangered right financing...
And the levels of management of govts, as well as internationally huge companies, is an interlocked who in titles places actually runs and oversees anything anymore in govt or business....and we suffer under this and have no rights when those we send to places of govts to represent us, turn us over to this unaccountable cabal we have no idea is ruling...and it sure is not the King of all
In the name of Yahusha save us from what we have allowed ruling over us...which sure seems to not be what we thought we voted for all over the world....Pray that those who have been hired as levels on levels of managers and too many harms and losses go on of even human life.....and comes down to just what is making us sick...and sicker...when with all we know and should know we should be curing and preventing harms....and again today...some horrors again in meds gotten out and they are often filled with additives that can do harm to huge numbers...
Prayers that those inside this cabal will repent and do good and follow Your ways for good and good for all surely would be even greater good and profits even...for the good that is done..
Prayers for healing for me, mine and all those in need of healing and the right to even get the healing that is needed but too often our good doctors are criminally coerced by the manager of this cabal in all kinds of levels even malpractice few companies have heads who rule but contract out for others to do so...and little or no oversight as long as the profits come in....and this is hell on earth we have been led into....and the annihilation of all of humanity and creation itself...Only one of evil and its cohorts surely are influencing this and we need some Divine intervention to get back on a good way to and through You.
It's beyond me to change the whole world, maybe one by one and a few reached. But do we have enough time to reach all when we let so many not be reached over time...and let evil get in among those who were trying to share Your good news.....and seems many good people have a similar outlook of an insurmountable evil we are headed into we may not any of us survive.
And as for me, am still alive but not doing so well with the inflammation of ozone and other fumes that at times we get into in this world we live in....You know the full story and pray for help for others to help me out in understand... Forgive me for not being fully aware either and I was caught in this horror before many others were being a federal employees not able to do to state or local officials for help and now there is no govt for anyone to turn to for help at all levels are not in charge and little or no oversight as states can not afford to do what the feds used to take care in the past....and have not for 20 years now....and why has this been hidden from things got worse and worse.....and harms and rights disappeared and too many lost all even their lives that medically should not have...In Your Holy Name Yahusha, Amen.
When President Bill Clinton put the newly mapped human genome out into the public domain for any mad scientist to play around with and too many already inside our govt in high places...we lost control of a lot and much kept hidden from us to this very truths begin to come out of horrors we cannot even fathom is going on...Yet evil has been doing much of this all through human history and even the faithful who should know better have been duped into going along with what can we do when the ones seated in leadership we send to represent us...seem to be WORKING FOR ANOTHER MASTER, AND NOT FOR US...
I was one who knew back then, this should not be, but what has gone on is horrific...and now wish laws to murder those born alive...and does anyone understand that this is a law that makes it legal to kill anyone alive...and that is one basic of the 10 commandments THOU SHALT NOT KILL....and for me any shedding of blood is a sin....and we will have to account on judgment day for any life we took or approved of being taken....and be forgiven as a repentant sinner if it's justified by the Almighty and that includes wars....And before we get into one...are we sure...this is the right thing to do.. or even know why we are being led into one...
Justified taking of a life, is not a human decision it's the decision of the Almighty on judgment day, if our heart was in the right place to even be in a place to have to take a life. What are our world leaders getting us into and why? Confessions of sins on all sides..and try to make right what each side has done..and maybe we can avoid any more loss of life...And if we go forward, none should wish to have to be in such horror of loss of life....and be a repentant sinner on judgment day. All in charge need to take it all to the Almighty in prayer and be guided for what actions or ways to proceed. And do not seem to be much of this going on...yet nearly all of the world leaders profess to be ones of faith...and mostly Christian and what is their prayer life leading them to do? MIstakes of the past, now coming to the point of clashing and all of us in the world is caught in a horror that can get much worse for all of us..
Linda Joy Adams 3/26/22
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