
Monday, March 1, 2021

(FBI call center is answered by cabal govt contractor accountable to no govt since law of 2002 and is part of the horror at the US Justice dept even before 9/11/ I found out. and even more impossible not to renew contracts as more laws need passed to stp shell cmpanies and /or sub contracting back to same intl cabal...inlcuding ruling us, but for DOD, othr nations, UN and Wuhan China its all of us now getting invovled and knowing whom to call with attys for injuctions etc...on duty for any party or all ..and all over even for local and state elections the over all taint is real and getting worse...and only ur oversight by all sides..can clean this up) Whoa...Dominion Insider Exposes the Corruption and Fraud - The GOP Times

Whoa...Dominion Insider Exposes the Corruption and Fraud - The GOP Times

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