Monday, March 22, 2021
Sorry about last night's post as spell check not working since election day.....and not much else is in thi world.either...
This blog was begun in 12/08 to warn of truths and lack of govt oversight that put all endangered and a holocaust began and got worse..and Congress removed any oversight of work done...nearly all contracted out now....and no existing budget can be used to audit or prosecute massive thefts done in patient's name and our medical companies...which our doctors also are incorporated...
and for years been approved for service at Lincare the MONOLOPY on any safe and fully therapeutic oxygen.....but denied as soon as they hired managers in local places....when Black rock gave them financing and the same has gone on all over the country....and our doctors at the bottom of the pecking order......and with more leniency in immigration....our good doctors are finding themselves excluded from there local hospitals they have privileges at replaced by lesser paid others brought in and gravely overworked.....and often not even where they legally have to be to even be paid as being open as hospitals and other higher level faciities....and the harms and death tolls increase...
While up to 50% AND MORE IS STOLEN in their names and patients names....from Medicare.and other govt health plans...and now VA claims going through this bunch also...and being broke...sell out to international now find out the massive amounts they owe from this masseive fraud....none would even pay attn to do ONE SIMPLE THING FOR NO LIABILITY A SIMPLE MATTER OF processing all Medicare requests as a conditional payments......and protect your companies and patienst from overpayemt liaiblity.....ITS THE BIGGEST ID THEFT IN HUMAN HISTORY.....and all have been convinced the the entity of intersest in the theft of all time....of our public treasury and govt not allowed to stop it by audit and or prosecutions....and here we are....with the HAMMER BEING DROPPED AND TWO IN HIGH OFFICE NOW.....WHO HAVE GONE AFTER lYNN BLODGETT AND THOUSANDS OF THEIR COMPANIES HERE AND AROUND THE WORLD.... WITH ANY SUCCESS AT STATE LEVEL AS THEY CAN....but resuources to go after and entity more powerful than the USA govt...not allowed to spend one penny to do so....but at DOD......we get ROBBED...OF UP TO 50 TRILLION DOLLARS.....31 TRILLIONS WITH LAST FIGURE FROM INSIDE A FEW YEARS AGO.....AND ABOUT 50% PF MEDICARE... (all this repeated over and over since 12/08 and now we are facing how 2/3rd of the world warned in Book of revelation....much of our own ignoring signs and warnings all over....and a congress that the taint of elections has no respect by most for us deplorables of the masses of all colors, creeds and lifestyles....just pawns to be robbed along with our good doctors...etc..)
and the death toll and harms done....and financial losses and independence financially is gone....of our smaller companies....and many are or were in health care at every part....
And some mergers took place....and even insurers have been victimized getting fooled into hiring this cabal's management companies....colluding to steal in their names....and CEO'S OF HOSPITALS....ARE RESIGNING IN DROVES....SINCE AS THE HEAD....AND DONE IN THEIR NAMES.....JAILS COULD BE FILLED WITH CEO'S OF HOSPTIALS AND MAJOR NATIONAL AND INTERNATOINAL HEADS..... as they go under and the orgninzed crime ring of all history gobbles up the health care companies...all are.....and from the first merged ones to stay afloat as medIcare cut costs with such massive thefts...and lack of revenue coming in if folks are not working and paying FICA sustain already massive....looting our public monies....and not just in health care...congress can stop it by allowing govt to use existing budget but for a few islated laws will not add back in the oversght in each bill....
He, The Divine has us in His hands.....and each one with medical needs...even with plenty of good me....finds you are on your own....and pray you can even haveour good any kind of libility cases....have been faced with their demise way back to much was also done to us back to 1994 when enforcement of laws were ended by executive order....This did not start in 2002....the earmark to a 6000 page bill was the final piece of an overthrow to an entity that is no govt..of by and for the people.....AND ALL MAY WISH..WE HAD PASSED MEDICARE FOR ALL.....WITH REAL GOVT RUNNING IT WITH OVESIGHT...AGAIN....AS WHAT WE NOW HAVE IS no govt to protect anyone....from what could be called the 'beast system of Revelation....accountable to none but itself....and who is he master of still to be fully revealed...but we have a lot of leaders no longer ruling aound the world...UN and over in Wuhan China.....has to be directly under SATAN himself.... as how could we have worse than Hitler and Stalin combined and in charge of all or lives 24/7,,,with prayerfully not our souls... The last chance for all the good and fooled people to wake up an be 'tribulated' to know and be in charge.....and its beyond doing it totally...but we do have to know how we let it happen....and the sin of no action..when go along to get along...and let injustice prevail for one...and then more and soon all of under this...only a few dictators have not fallen....and they are horrible in their own right...and know power and Satan has then doing his evil for him.
But this is for the medical community....your contracts with Medicare....actually controlled by the contractor.....may find your bank accounts gone to pay salaries or the light bill......and check with your attrneys....but going to an international loan shark backed with ill gotten gained monies.....may find all worse off then heading to bankruptcy court.....and joining forces nationwide.....and ask for stay of all while all join in a trilions of dollars of class action false claims.....that have not been getting the govt is not allowed to spend one penny to join and take the the law intended... and you get to keep your share...and we patients can get the real medical treatments stqndards and stay alive and be as healthy as possible...
and many attorneys could file....with the full force of the govt to help....And if you are seeing medical provides who are aware and did things legally, so send all in for govt to collect..from the ones who stole in your and our names...altering info on billing systems from employers and oher registered agents...illegal since 1894 for anyone to alter that but them....unless they are commntting fraud....and that would be separate....but how would you like to have your primary health plan gone...and no laws to protect it rights....THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON ALL OVER IN MASSIVE WAYS...SINCE 2002 LAW....AND ALSO ANY LIABILITY CASE...APPROVED FOR PAYING CARE....GETTING BY WITH BEING REMOVED TO KNOW ON THE SYSTEM...LIKE WORKERS CMOP...ETC....illegal systems all over with massive sums of public dollars pay for full info ot help including all aditives ingrediendt and what really turned into after processing to protec the 55 million etc....with adverse reactions to chemicals and irritants.....and none have this , not even poison control who turned on me.....when i asked why 25 years out of date so even the emergency room...cannot call and know what to do........LIVES OF NO VALUE AS GREED BY BIGGEST CRIME RING IN HISTORY....THAT CANNOT EVEN BE AUDITED OR INVESTGATED AND HE TOLL IS WORSE THAN ALL HOLOCAAUST IN HISTORY COMBINED ALREADY,,,,,,
And if all your attoroeys need me to be witness for our medical providers, suppiers and pharmacies..due note that ....I am not in good lungs still some there is no way for 25 million to get the safe oxygen and fully be safe from these ozone , fumey concentraors..whick do not make therapeutic create a hyperbaric type situtation in our fully saturate cells and maintain lung pressures.. ...and the testing guidelines for who even gets oxygen....of any kind...were tossed in the trash can along with human lives.. by the contractors back in 2005 when another medicare drector....put together the legal case history over time....of what diagnoses qualify with out inducing a heart attack in your home and getting a low oxygen saturation level of 88% which is at that level. lowered from 91% back in the 1990's...real heart damage and if one survives one gets oxygen paid for....but still may have shortened lives as ozone is good to breathe says FDA. when medical sciene says no...and all those macnines to be banned in 2002 until none emitt4d......and 1/6th of the population gets DISCRIMINATED AGAINST...TO END RESULT OF PREMATURE DEATH....BY ILLEGAL ACTS....and once called 'murder' and no govt or legal system to protect one life....nor the whole medical community...not being allowed to follow accepted treatment standards.....and that is not the rewritten ones by the cabal entity that bears no basis in science or fact....and seems to be none in contro who ever went to medical school...( as one of the original 6 patinets was tracked by the real govt doctros and ALL 25 MILLION GET WHAT I GET....and had never been COPD..UNTIL THE LYNN BLODGET TOOK OVER AND ALTRED WHAT MY LWN DOCTOR HAD OUT DOWN OF REACTIVE AIRWAY DYSFUNCTION SYSNDROME....AND STUDENT LOANS WAIVED FOR OCCUPATIONAL ASTHMA AS FAR BACK AS 1997...but 'off the grid to be tracked since none exist of 1/6th of the peooulatoin and no need for us to have neds made r tests done for us.....and right to FDA DEFIES REALITY DOCUMENTED BY TESTS.....WE ARE THE ONES NEEDING WHAT ONLY ONE IS ALLOWED BY REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE....AND DECIDED TO LET US DIE,..WHEN CORPORATE SAYS SERVE ME AND THE OTHER IN CONTROL OF THEM SAYS NO...made clear this week end....and over billing office in OKC ....says also....until the cabal would not proccess claims....or post files....and altered our diagnoses on Going to be hard to have anothr medical precedent when none allowed to get tests done and even live as long as I have since 1/10/89 and now all options blocked even is willing to pay...even billionaire's gold and silver....does not good.. just as the Bible has warned of theee times... and the one pharmacy have to go to for main health plan is really nessed up...on my records...
And we had one president who served a special purpose in office.....and the taint of our not overseeing the chain of custordy of our ballots has led to others now in charge....of nothing...but the DOD>..since 2002....who seem to have s speical divine purpose and its not going to be pleanst....with the hammer of the law coming down. as one of my doctors tried to put it more eimple terms.. 2 formeer attorny generals of charge now of our diect care for all even if no govt plan we all have been since 2002 contracted out with no ovesight to protect us...since 2010......and that state has been far recognize the harms of common chemicals....and laws passed....even if other parts....have caused chaos.....
and as for politial spectrum is all over the map..depending on what the subject is....LIFE IS PRECIOUS ALL LIFE....HOW CAN ONE WANT LIFE FOR THE UNBORN....AND DENY IT TO THE BORN.TO US ANYONE OF US...... some political sides of each kind....sometimes should think about what they are for....? common sense is gone.. as in other areas they failed many and now the tax bill is here to rebuild what was destroyed all over....and in areas built up in empowerwment zones who then voted for the side....which did the plans and benefits for self sufficiency and right to be part of the process of fair market enterprise and make it...
And fascism...and communism....are not even as worse.....than....what we now have....not even those group types allowed to stop looting of the public funds....and loss of lives of anyone can be caught in it.....and those of that ilk who did atrocities...of all time...for nearly a century....have been replaced with a worse horror.....when we should be creating a heaven on earth and resisting the one of evil.....ways....and we have backslide...far away from where we once were to horror, death and destruction..... Ever one is endangered under this total control of our rights of even life....and its up to accept whatever call one has to help in whatever legal and peaceful take back what we let get away from us.....and back on the path to heaven on eerth to do our best...until one day the DIVINE RETURNS AND EVIL AND ITS COHORTS WILL BE REMOVED AND WE NO LONGER HAVE TO BE DUPED...AND TRICKED AND DEADLY HARMS DONE BY IT TO US....
Got anotheer pack of 100 covid n95 insert sleeves to rig up next line of activated charcoal filters in empty bubble cups.with connectors for a home made ozone netralizer and getting neutralize all you out there making them.....we have a great need now to stay live from ozone.....rather than viruses....and for those in volcanic fume areas...they are suppose to help with other fumes...and irritant ON MAKING THEM.....SO WE CAN STAY ALIVE.....AS THE MASKING OF OUR WORLD....IS A WEAPON AGAINST THE BEAST SYSTEM OF REVELATION....THAT INTENDS ON OUR DEMISE.....AND MANY MORE AT RISK THEN EVER FROM cOVID...EVEN IF MANY HAVE LOST HEATH AND LIVES.....WE NOW HAVE EVEN GREATER NUMBERS.....AND it is very clear.,,,just how 2/3rds of the world end itmes....and its by our ownseves aloowed this beast enity with no regard for lives and health beting alowed to get control of this world....and our electied leaders...with the taint of all elections...for decades now...we forgot over see from all parties....required to be there to help.....and part of being FREE IS FOR NO TAINT ON OUR PROCESS TO MAINTAIN OUR FREEDOM AND FREE WILL OF THE PEOPLE......and we have a VP AND NOW DIRECOR OF MEDICARE...AND THE HANMER MAY WELL DROP AND ALL BE CAUGHT IN THE BACKLASH...AS IT WAS TOO EASY TO IGNORE WHAT WAS BEING DONE IN YOUR NAMES AND OJRS...WITH LIABILITIVES FOR NOT DOING ONE LEGAL THING TO PROTECT ALL....THAT THE THEIVES MADE SURE ALL WERE CONVINCED NOT NEED TO DO SO.....tHEY HAVE IMMUNITY AS GOVT CONTRACTORS AND THE REST OF US DO NOT....AND CANNOT KEEP UP WITH ALL THE APPEALS BUT THREE MEDCARE JUDGES AFFIRMED THIS AS THE LAW. and real intrnal documents on me...hideen from any real govt and all asking for sure.....hide me and 1.5th of all do not exist...with rights to live......AND WE ARE NONE OF US GOING TO BE LEFT WITH ANYTHING....RIGHTS. PROPERTY...WEALTH...OR EVEN OUR LIVES...
iN THE NAME OF YAHUSHA save us from refusing to face reality of a horror that has overtaken us...that has been shared here since 12/08 and more as over times...more and worse became known.....and none wanted to listen....and he bad side....defemed and rand any they had their way...and were bowed to..instead...
Help all of us and our good medical porfessionals to do whaever we each side can do for health to be sustained....and if any need me as witness expert or as patinet may all join together and let me do it in one sitting for all much the same tactics all over....its going to be rough whether the govt cracks down...or it goes on with one entity deciding who gets to live and for millions of us in the company can do it..and be well paid....if they would adopt some cost efficent ways and allowe painets and help in deliveries....and their specially hired managers to break them even turning away millions of patients appved for payment and why CLAIMS ARE NOT PROCESSED TO BE ON RECORD AS NEED EXIST.. already for care....and one entity in control of all.....and have not even touched the rest of other parts of govt this....most just money....this is life and money both...and growing horror...
You warned us all through history aand to John in 90 AD/ of visions of the end times...of real horror....and we have to repent of letting this happen....and find each ways to help and its now all money needed....its knowing where to get what is needed to even stay alive....or what simple thing like a covid mask insert can prevent certain death and we need those who make this activated charcal to make something even better we can insert with connectors into any mnacubes,,,we still have to set far away from its a deadly clund around it...for us.( and listen if one is in a crowd with a hand held one....and begin to hear coughing as they react...and not even kiagnosed with any lung issues.........that could have consumed me already....not the best but am still here......and will close and ask foe Your continued help.....and thanks for carrying us through as our son and I know.....You had us in Your hands....and guided us so I could still be demisss of our independent business of our good doctors...and other....evn of already merged soon to face..demise as the hamemrs may well fall.....and the fall out not be good....and not much can be done...until our Congress decidd to let the illegal and horrors of all stopped and if the USA GOVT DOES IT...THE REST WILL SURELY FOLLOW.....we pray....Continued prayers for Doyle and my own family...dealing with various can overcome in Your Divine hands.....and we thank You for all You have done so lead us to the needed answers...and other things we do not even know up working through so many...also I rare need....and one place in Fort worth who for went her Saturday evening....and stayed open....for those driving hundereds of save lives of loved ones.....without hassle and some cost....but not beyond maxing out a credit card or too or passing the family offering plate. and me had to go and sniffed out the least offender....(for real) and thanks for the waking up knowing after asking You for help of what to know of those now save even greater numbers of lives in this world than those getting covid........for LIFE...AGAINST THE ONE OF DEATH.. prayerw for all those who are refusing the right of life and T H at lincare deniing me for several years now...when the company says yes....but who is running them that is not them?? and doing common sense....and turning away millions in need and approvals...for the MONOPOLY TO BREATHE DUE TO A MAZE OF REGULATIONS...MOST MAKING NO COMMON SENSE...THAT FORCES EVEN SKALL PLAES AND GAS COMPANIES OF SELLING EVEN THE COMPRESED AIR OLDER TYPE GREEN BOTTLES......In Your Holy Name...Yahusha...Amen!
Now to rest....and and continue the struggle.....for life another day...and as long as able....and may it be long for me and all of us...until one day...we get our eternal bodies on the last day at His comoing again....and for others...the last resurrection of the life eternal ...and pray all have found their way to the side of good....and not be lost to the void or pit of hell of evil for all time....and the promise is we will not even need to have health care in eternity as we have health always and this is the real and good side that promises and HE NEVER LIES....He warned us what we were letting things got worse....and pray it does not get much worse....but am still here....and even the saved will be targeted...maybe even more so....the ultimate whistle blowers against evil and how he got us to let us get into this mess....we forgot to be awarw..and ignore the prompts to wake up...until we have to face the real evil always been around us for our death and destruction of creation itself......and now we wake up or perish...until Christ returns....and the final chance for salvaton is getting we suffer more and a real struggle....until all know they are invited to be saved for all tine....and then the HAMMERS FALL BY TWO ALREADY DONE IT AT STATE LVEL...AND NOW WITH FULL FORCE OF THE GOVT....MAY BE WHY THE ALMIGHTY ALLOWED THEM TO BE IN POWER...AS ITS A JOB...MOST SEE THE IMMEDIATE ADDT'L SUFFERING OF THE BASICALLY GOOD...IN THE PROCESS...May these days be shortened....of these times..
Linda Joy Adams 3/22/21..
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