
Sunday, March 21, 2021


PSALMS CHAPTER 63 KJV (spell check not working yet since election will the world of chaos we are all ensnared in for our physical lives...end when we get the taint off our elections..and its a lot of volunteers and oversight by every party to any and all elections....and should we even hold one...if every party on the ballot doe not have a cadre of overseers of the whole process....ready, trained and ready to protect the integrity of this nation and leadership rule we have had in the world for goodness and decency...? and the more we know, even I learn of...its more insidious and evil that we can ever imagine....or should one say...the more one of basic goodness and decency can imagine....and that is still most of us. The big problem is most are good, and caring people in this nation.... and we have allow our image to be tarnished...and for heaven's sake....can we get some better way for those riding on Air Force One a way to get in the plane without climbing a mountain of steps....even I have held my breath as first ladies...descended even a trained model like heels so high few even try to wear... And this goes back to Pres Ford, as the big deal over his stumble(s)... Many of those ascending and descending these stairs....when surely there could be some kind of platform they could stand on..that would rise and fall like an elevator in buildings....and they could continue waving and saluting the whole time...up and down....BETTER PHOTO OP? and isn't mucn of this politics? anyway... Most going up and not try and think they are a 'god' and hang onto the railing... BUT we can spend a billion dollars + on a plane can't we find a better way for those in the public eye as officials of our nation to rise and fall with some less chance of losing their dignity on the way....even if one tries to act foolish...and youthful...when those years have been decades ago... This is the sabbath by the calendar of Moses given to HIm in the deserts and long ago over and over changes bad to ignore the new moon to start the count of seven...days Now for the real assault to all of us....that is not just a photo op. that embarrasses all of us...besides the politial heads... This rigged up filtering system for the Ozone emitting way to breathe with a monopoly company...being told to go bankrupt and gobbled up by and international organized crime ring turning away millions of customers whose bills already approved for life....and being a stock market companies as many of our health care sources are.......find we the people running from investing if they file for bankruptcy protection...which rarely ends the company....and the govt....with over sight and appeal rights will over see better management and better practicds to do business.....and yet preserve lives and integrity of the whole.......need to understand that the FREE MARKET SYSTEM...does need some govt protection...when the option is going to the modern big money type loan sharks.....that in some cases are not better than the local one down on the street...whose bill collectors....come round with real threats to life and health....and once ensnared...can require all kinds of illegal acts to be done....or allow to be down using your good name and good providing of care from all those who do the hands on care.....and with budget cuts to our govt health firm up finanical stabilty of all those corportations as even our good doctors are those.....the vicious cycle is budget cuts when our members of congress will not put back the oversight of govt contractors.....where over 50% of the govt funds...were last seem and seem to never be part of the offiical or real budget of the its access to steal from them also.....and since they had to hire the management companies of their new finanical partners....from some of the biggest in the world.....makes one wonder just how we get such wealth some have....and it does not seem to have much to do with having invented something we all buy....or service provided to billions even.....Those may be able to have great wealth with shewed business and something all want and pay for... NOT BY ILL GOTTEN GAINS......and this is we the investors in this world...of our stock markets....and nearly every household has one or with 401K's and othere working for those who invest corporate a good way to diversigy profits....and when these few finanical lenders in this world which ARE NOT OUR MAJOR BANKS....usually....and often may be from a nation not even tied to he Federal Reserve...which a partial audit over a decade ago....showed 23 trillion of our US public monies..missing already......and latest total passed around from a few years ago wasa 31 trillion....and now...could be 50 TRILLION DOLLARS of the public funds of just one nation missing...last seen..where conected to this unaccountable cabal....of govt contractors....who seem to be allowed to form private companies...and 'forced' hiring when any medical related company....from medical unsurers even malpractice...and liabilty health insurers....and hospital chains....find they went to a sophisticated type of modern 'loan shark" and the price is forced management of whome they choose.....and not what would happen in a bankruptcy court....where the govt oversees a trustee from ones with no taint of lack of integrity....and appeal rights if not....just to evaluate better and more efficient practices....and much of the waste and cost....are related to lack of common sense...and letting our good doctor...figure out cheaper ways of getting care done. as they have for a long time...with many with limited or no health care....and allowed to....but not we have the opposite goes one....with their company having to hire this and that company of the modern day..intl 'loan shark' when....cost cuts are made to rise....and shuffling of data in needless systems all unapproved by any audit of a govt...yet paying for publicly funded total unaudited contorl and ownership of this same cabal...with back doors now allowed with no oversight of a bankruptcy judge's appointed assure integrity....but instead....massive thefts going on in the nme of the medical source....and they do not know..or wish to know...or ve involved...but are caught in a horror.....and this is not ones' local if they cannot financialy make it on their this corrupted world....forced into 'slavery' as hires of the cabal owned/controlled larger we are seeing an international organised crimes ring...even buying out large chains of health hospitals....and since much care is in day surgeries...or outpatient places for procedures....anyone check to find out who owns them....and end up with huge financial....companies finacing them.....and ownership hid under intl holding companies.....and when its timef or the govt to hand out contracts to do the full work of govt with no oversight.....they have no real access or guidance to even try to do their job legally and not allow horrendous conflicts of same entity as govt contractor with missing monies.....gets to have an impersonation of a govt audit by another part of their same orgninzed crime ring.....and worse is the massive physical tol of death and harms done to the body....for this is not freedom to give best health cafe possible...which is not always most expensive...but becomes such....when REAL COERCED CENSORSHIP IS APPLIED WITH LOSS OF RIGHT TO PRACTICE HEALTH CARE.....AND IGNORE SCIENCE....AND OPTIONS TO DO JUST AS WELL....EVEN DENYYING CARE....AS WE HAVE HAD EXPOSED THIS LAST YEAR.....AND ANOTHER DOCTOR A FAMILY MEMBER....KNEW OF.....HAS USED THAT CENSORED CHEAPER MEDICINE FOR COVID....FOR YEARS...WITH NO SCANDALS OR TAINT OF HARMS...AND SUCESS IN TREATMENTS....AS MANY MEDS.... can treat a whole scientific family of diseases.... WE STILL DO NOT SEEM TO HAVE THAT ADVISORY PANEL OF DOCTOR... which would only be a death panel if all seated were pawns of this cabal...also tied to and financing in same manner as our pharmaceutitcal companies...forced to use unsafe drugs.....and then got sued for promoting oxycotin...when this blog...share my personal....situation back in 2/07 and all hell broke loose to me....real defamation ofr rying to hand me an oxycotin...scrpt and none had checked to see if this heart and lung pantiets was even alive......and I refused as having been a paient of some of the best and honorable doctors in the USA>... knew not to take even an tylenol efore tests or EKG was run.....and now know the left ventricle is not even order of the that disproves their lie of no warnings on many of our pills that 1/6th of the peopulaton may have an adverse reaction to the chemical binder....and since 2010....the generic call centers of longer get the ptint to a scientist at the pharmmacueutal company to check of the chemicals and additives they have to avoid are in them...AS rhe FDA,,CDC HAVE NO IDEA...WHAT IS TRUTH...AS ALL THE DATA IS ONLY WHAT THIS INTL CABAL WISHES TO BE KNOW.....and few warnings or truth in additives in pills of what the orignal ingedietn has been distilled and then weaponized into.....DEADLY DISCRIMINATION.....AND some loss of common sense of think OZone is good to breathe into lungs of those who have lungs with their filtering systems damaaged for often an injury of some kind....and away we go to DEATH IS CHEAPER FOR A CRIME RING...AND IN THE END...COSTS ALL FAR MORE...FINANCIALLY THEN tellint the truth...and letting some older meds to be made safe....and just or more helpful....adn for my group of 25 million up to 55 millon per some court testimoney in a well know won lausuit....tht is the number ignored all these illegally compliant systems with our public monies.....and we have been overthrown.....and when some cry GENOCIDE....its world wide now....and GERMANY HAS A REIDENT COMPANY...NOW A MONOMPOLY IN THE RIGHT TO BREATHE WORLD WIDE OF VARIOUS LEVELS OF HEALTH RIGHT TO IT....AND HAVE BEEN DUPED INTO WORSE THAN THEY HAD WITH HITLER AND THE NAZIS...THAT many there nearly a century ago....allowed to get elected into their leadership and censorship and cover up so bad...few even knew of the holocaust until near the end of the war.....led by some possessed of evil want world wide dominations......and in the 21ST CENTURY...evil just bypasses having any natoin do most people would wake up and some try and stop it.....and did... ' but now its access to public treasury by a few in our govts making our laws....and it has only taken a few decades to be overghrown....and he places and way of genocide well underway again....and no govt oversight as the dead continues to be buried long before they mediccally should have been.....ITS THAT BAD....and tis blog as shared as eyewitness and back up by 39 federal ageincy judegs whose orders are dfied by he cabal of conttraacrors and disppeared...nver to be allowed to be seen by agency offiicals....and my copies is not the entire even be obeyed....One senator tried years ago...Sen Inhofe....and was follwoed and some things paid....but ALL WERE STOPPED BY A LAW ADDED AS AN EARMARK TO 6000 PAGES IN 2002.....AND NO GOVT ALLOWED TO PROTECT MUCH OF OUR PUBLIC TREASURY OR OUR RIGHTS TO EVEN LIFE.AND HEALTH.REGARDLESS OF HEALTH INS.....AND WAS FORCED TO STOP BY REAL THREATS....AS SINCE THIS CABAL IS THE SNOOPER AND SURVEILOR OF US....AND NOT GOVT....THEY CAN DO WHATEVER THEY WISH WITH ANY E MIAL OR PHONE CALL.or text......AND ANY SCANDAL OR ILLEGAL are now a slave of the cabal....and obey or else....just like any local loan shark would appy and maybe even do to you...if you do not pay up by any wish they wish carried out... DOD IS THE ONLY PART OF GOVT NOT DFUNDED FROM OVERSIGHT SINCE 2002 BUT MANAGED BY THEM TOO NOW...AND SCARY TIMES...ARE REAL WITH DEFUNDING OF GOVT OVERSIGHT OF, BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE) even if one thinks little of ones now holding office....most in govt are like you and me....and love their families...and life and worship one of life and love and honesty and service to one another....but only a few...can ruin all the good...and the goodness of most of us, even me...makes it hard to even face he evil that has overtaken all the good we have done as a nation and as groups and individuals..) Unofficial stock tip? Invest in a good company that needs honest help in cutting inefficiency without compromising their goodness...and ignore it if they go to bankruptcy court for that may well mean...they turned aside from the temptation of an international cabal for financing...and forced involvement if far worse of harms...and even allowing illegal acts in their good name.... that company may be the better stock buy if one is interested in investment long term and not wishing to play a gambling gavme with ill gotten gaines of even public monies...vs one in a game left for the best of experts to navigate.... its why I do not DAY TRADE....too much known...and much more pretty sure of govt is not allowed to stop...and this is not socialism....this is stopping NO GOVT AT ALL...accountable to the people....whom is more trustworthy.....we the people...or the local loan gone global with same tactics on a world wide more sophistated enforcers...?? In the name of Yahuaha.....our Salvation....we really have let ourselves get into deadly mess......and some who have researched Yuur original calendar....says tomorror is the Sabbthe by cunt of 7's since the New Moon....and need rest and have this is still not the therapetutic level of oxygen doctrors say we need....but with the rigged up system of covid mask charcoal filter inserts in a row of empty water bubble cups....inserted into oxygen tubing....and some tips from my doctor yesterday.....have had rest best in two weeks when the last drop of liquid oxygen available in the USA...but for some isoloated place in one with right kind of permits and one person to avoid conflicts of regs....that left one intl coompany with the mono[oly on life for millions...they turned away....but THEY DID NOT...FOUND UT YESTERDYA.....THERE MANAGERS DID.....AND FORCING THEM INTO....GENEOCIDE....FOR NO GOOD RESAON....BUT AT THE MERCY OF ONE OF GHE BIGGEST INTL FINANCERS.... acting no better than the local losn shark with their....'enforcers' but its not threats and harm to one or a few....but its the GENOCIDE OF BILLIONS OF THIS PLANET....JUST AS WARNED IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION...AS YOU TOLD JOHN....OVER 1900 YEARS AGO....on the islm of patmos..and was he your brotherin law? Maybe one day we will all know....and can ask him....and meet him ... How was it I had not known this as all who worked for them....kept saying we do not understand why we are not servivcing you as all in order to do so.....and now a coupld of phone calls...CAME DOWN..TO....OUR MANAGER OF LOCAL SITE IN NORTH TEXAS....overrode the intl coroproate the most usual now, few tht work there know he deos not have the same employer as they do....they workd for the company with the name of the door....but the one they call boss is from....the money lender....the company got into bed with.....and is causing bankruptcy of their company not doing what is needed to make profits by life saveing service to millions of customers already approved for care.....and they have fallen into what seems to be what You told John back 1900+ years ago....the beast system of Revelation led by the one of evil...and its cohorts....and now inside our govts as contractors...and some pawns of inside....and into our companies of free enterprise we need and wish to be thre for us..all over....and all tricked and deceived into pure evil....and we support them....if think they are in trouble and how could they be....with millions wishing to do business...and willing to help with self delivery...and petioning our govt for common sense regulations.....that one monopoly is the only one who can meet all for milions and then TELL THE FDA...OZONE IS NOT GOOD TO BREATHE ITS LIFE THREATENING...AND YOUR OWN SCIENCE OF DECAEES WOULD TELL YOU....AND YOU KNEW IT OR OWULD NOT HAVE BEEN GOING TO BAN ALL OZONE MAKERS AROUND US....AND THEN YOU ABRUPTLY CHANGED...WHY?? a hearing held by then in Congress....seems to end with the opposite of testimony of bad....things...going on....and years to hide those 6 medical cases being tracked in the aation...unitl all dead or hiddn like me.....and witness by ny own records and judges....YOUR SICIENCE....IS FLAWED AND NO COMMON SENSE TO NOT ADD ONE PART AND GET RID OF THE LIFE THREATENING HARM....AND DO THE SAME OVER IN OUR PILLS.....AND EVEN KNOW ITS COMING OUT WHAT i ALREADY KNEW....ONE OF THE WORSE PARTS OF THE SHOTS...HAS BEEN ADDED SINCE 2010...FORMALDEHYDE AND OTHER HARMING CHEMICALS TO 1/6H OF THE POPULATON....AND ANOTHER SIDE GROUP GETS CANCER FROM THEESE.....iF these people believe in their sicient so well....then why made side effects into ruin their good effort....and done it to all since 2010..when one company made safe ones....and I got them for years..from one ov my doctors who got them for all his patients...and even our health dept had some for those who asked for them.... Fogive me for spouting off directly to the ones I wish would repent and follow even with conflicting regs....let us and our loved ones help....all stay alive.....and help me find a solution for what it really needed but thanks for the gidance so far....or medically know would not be alive now....but its not best...for best life expectancy....and how much worse does it have to be....for us to rid this world of these international loan better than the ones on our local street....inside all our places now.....and an overthow of freedoms, free enterprise...and NO GOVT allowd to stop it....and why is that...they need to answer..for us...and help all do thier whatever way You call each to do....and get rid of the taint of our...elections.from local to national...and attn to those crucial in many parts of our land....that is the real election. when one party or the other...has a solid majority... and maybe secret service could recommend a safer stair way to the door of Airforce another many of our leaders are getting older....and the knees and legs not as athlectic as once were..and that should not hinder good governing and leaderhip....from those body parts....and pray for all our leaders....and even those world wide in business and do the good for all....and stop whatever has led to horrors of death, harm and devastation and chaos.....we need SABBATH REST IN YOU....AND YOU TAUGHT US WHAT TO DO....BUT ONE ALONE....CANNOT GET IT DONE....AND I AM WILLING TO HELP BUT...YOU NEVER GAVE ME A MAGIC WAND....AND WOULD NOT EXPECT IT....AS NO DESIRE TO BE A DICTATOR....AND DO HARM....AT ALL..I just want all to wake up and help save even their own demise....then I surely would be able to save my own physical life.... May we learn to respect and support the leaders we have and have had...who cared about service to one and all....and promoted life over death for one and all....and freedom and free will....and never let evil take one away from us ever we do what we should do....and clean up the taint of our elections...and that is required to be us from all parties....helping be able to congratulate the winners....and not have hte angst we are going through and have for way too we let those in control of the as they pleased and the taint is some did not serve us honestly... and we stopped doing the personal door to door....canvassing for elections and then..volunteered for chaing of custody of each one of our precious ballots until the final count an certification and appeal for any reason....and say well done....and the will of the people known even to the amount of sides for our elected leaders to know how much change can be made without real chaos..and uproar....and find what is best for one and all so that not one among us is harmed by injustice...... In Your Holy Name....Yahusha...Amen! "loan sharks in control of our right to live and breathe" on an internatinol scale....and many work inside those enslaved into it....with spiritual warfare from the workers and front linve another level with another master.....sent as tne modern 'enforcer'......pray this is not the place you work health can be deadly and maiming outdomes....far before the day of our final breathe on this earth in our physcial lives end...adn GOVT DEFUNDED...from overight by our members of congress...who seem to not even know what they voted for...?? Linda Joy Adams...3/21/21

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