Friday, March 19, 2021
And in reflection, my hand was on the TRIBULUM shaking some to reality....and now what do they do facing TRUTH....and knowing they have been part of the genocide and massive robbing of our public treasury...just in their job....they had no idea was to be the face of public integrity for those above them....who hired them to be a nice front, keeping them igorant of the they stole and harmed and even did illegal things to cause massive deaths......and often do not even work their employer....but are management hired to come in...who follow a far differnt kind of master.....and as said too often to some today......If you expect to stay in your company and one day get promoted to the upper management.....YOU ARE TOO NICE.....YOU DO NOT FIT THE REQUIREMENT OF THOSE intentionally mislead you so you, in turn mislead the public so the biggest organized crime ring in world history.....can continue......and my suspicions that ths missing trillions out of the public treasury of the USA> well as other nations and even UN and over in China....who do work hard for less pay than most.....and where is the worth of their labor to help them each have a better standard of living....? Where is all the money sent to this or that group around the world....that end up being told to hate the USA.....and there is no visible proof to see....all the money we gave....ever got to the Palastinians...or any other group but rebuilding the infrastructue we had a part in destroying...and doing harm to them and our own loved ones and they also lost lives and health in wars....against a whole nation of basically good people who love and care about their own families and friends.....and ended up with a monster as leader....and we send the whole armay to take out one who .....
Personally, all life is precious and each soul, even the bad dictators of madness and cruelty...and info shared over time...indicate they were not good people in their way of living.....but if we can pinpoint a missing hiker in the forests...from a fading small light on a cell phone which is not even giving a signal......then why can't we locate one to bring him to the world deems should be done.... Why not take to the Hague as many monsters have stood trial....over the past century....? But a trial is going to expose....their cohorts back in our own countries....that got some kind of modern bribery using our own public funds...we the taxpayers (and all do pay them) have allowed to be sent for good and the people never got benefit...and the horrors continue of lack of basic needs to one day be able to rise out of them.... EACH PART OF SOCIETY SEEMS TO PRODUCE a certian number raised to be crooks....and in a world of imposed and tantalizing addictions of all sorts.....we can produce the laxness of enforcement of laws....or better treatment instead of our legal systems be a choice to take...over jail....and do it and help all help grave need....and Yahusha....made it clear when He walked among us the first time....HEAL THE SICK AND FEED THE HUNGRY OR HELL IS WHAT YOU HAVE....and taught us to pray for Heaven on earth insteal...reviving already long forgotten memeory of histry all now can trace their roots to being with Him and Moses in the desert walking out ot Egypt....and learning a whole new way of love, precious regard for every life....and the respect for each one as prt of the whole of society....and not to worshio or idolize any leaders who are in seats of power to serve us....and the Divine glory for HIm for the good...we have and help and love for one take care of this world and each other.....and be free and know FREEDOM OF OUR PERSON AND THOUGHTS....AND leanning that a few simple rules like do not steal, or kill nor abuse power when one is in authority (covet)... and respect and honor those who raise one in our society...our parents who gave one well as all those who mentored us as we grew up....many to honor....even if their teaching ended up teaching us what NOT to do...they taught us by their example....that also....
And even today...a phone menu for a line to help the elderly....denigarated anyone whom one wuld call a senior citizen as if all of us....had lost their minds....and wisdom of living longer lives....and in my case....nearly 55 years of working and being employed inside the govt...with all these public funded progarms being robbed by MASTERS OF LIES...ENABLING...BY FALSE INFO THOSE they hire to be the nice and caring front for their worldwide organzed crimes....causing less of our public do a lot of good...for one and all....from streets and better quality health care AND LEGALLY COMPLIATN SYSTEMS.... to end the frustraion of insecure systems....created to be able for this cabal to go in and steal in the names of insurers...of all kinds.....and medical providers, suppliers and pharmacies......all under the data and system control of the entity of one that few even know the name of the one and cohorts who rule our lies wosrse than any mad the death toll alraady in holocaustic levels....long before covid....and made legal by our own members of congress either too close to the cabal....or scared to stand up when all their phone calls and e mails...etc..are in the total control of GOVT IS NOT THE SNOOPER OF ALL OF US....get what it means for the REVIVED ROMAN EMPIRE MODEL to be our governing systems....where the govt stops governing...and contracts out....soon to be an organized crimes ring of the whole empire now of one world even at UN...and both sides of armed conflicts and wars they get us all cover up crimes when our issues are not with the people....but one or few allowed by their paople and the world to gain evil control....and violating every part of human rights....
and wars cover up those on all sides. getting exposed...for their own.illegal and evil part in the process....and ill gotten gainss
AND TODAY....ONE NICE LADY WHO ANSSERED A PHONE AT MY PIMRAY HEALTH INSURER....who took the word of the cabal's companies.....and those who are to know...had disregarded my info in wriing....and did not even know....they never talked to any govt official....and called the cabal contrcacor.....and that one 'nice person' pulled up an illegal craated system...never forbidden to do so by congress...since 2002.....and gave false my category of many injured federal workes is NOT EVEN INCLIDUED IN THE SYSTEM....AND THE COVER UP OF HOW MANY THEIR ARE....AND ALL INSIDE FOR YEARS...KNOW AND NOT ABLE TO DO ANYTHING FOR US 200 WHO HAD A MILLION DOLLARS EACH PUT IN A FUND to pay all our medical bills out of AND HIDE WE EXIST is the big way of the cabal contractor and call us....retired when we are legally not.....and its the law,, but also....Doyle and I got 39 federal agancy judges to back us up in multiple agenceis......until Lynn Blodgett our ruler...found out he was getting exposed as judges orders disappeared inside his thousands of companies.....never paissed on to govt....but for me , most of the 200 had already HAD HEALTH CARE BLOCKED...BY HIM SAYING THEY ALSO HAD A MILLION DOLLAR CHECK TO PAY FOR THEIR CAREA...... when they were not even to be the ones paying apprvoved medical , it was to be done by our Emplyer health plan...our of a total of one pay claims from.....and for ozygen claikms one that ends up with automatic life benefits...and total of all medical....bloxkin means..NEVER PROCESSING A SINGLE CLAIMS SINCE 2002....AND SUPPLIERS HAVE TO BE PAID....AND NOW ONLY LINCARE IS ONE....AS WE OFTEN ARE THE BIG FROUP OF MILLIONS NOT ABLE TO BREATHE IN OZONE....and FDA COVERED UP BY FALSELY STATING THOSE OXYGEN CONCETNRAORS...WHO STILL GAVE OUT SOME....BUT COST MORE...and not the true medical oxygen either.... took the word of the contractors...before the law was even passed to not be able to adit any fact or data as 12/02///and the companies....began to lie...and deny any ozone...which is life trhreating in minites for one so many millions of others.....AS THE FDA ACCEPTED LIES FROM THE MASTER OF LIES AND DECEPTION......AND PASSED ON FALSE INFO.....LIKE A PONTIOUS PILATE.....AND WHY COVID IS SUCH A HORROR OF WHAT IS TRUTH....? NO GOVT IS ABLE TO VERIFY DATA AND FACGS FROM THE CONTRACTORS WHO does the work of and at he UN..and the model of ancient Rome that collapsed an empure under it own corruption....along with forcing a one world religoin on the people of a mesh of evil + good....and only one way to think....ended up with nothing....and a DARK AGES OF HUMANITY....that took us until the printing get knowledge of truths out to the people....
And aren't we in the same info can be shared all over the world for those withing to search for truth....can search world wide....and now many being in all the various opnioins of things...TRUTH WILL EMERGE as the bits and pieces of info is studied....and free will thinking....sorts it all out.... but a few have another agenda....and instead of adopting the voluntary...rating sysgem we have used for decades now for TV amd movies....with the IP company able to change a rating for a more accurate one... and why not put one of political opinion...or even specultation or conspiracy theirors.....and once warned...proceed....and they know it would go viral to have that rating... but in discusions from many all over the world....and we all have those online frineds...that we never met but are with each other online....from every part of the world.....and we do have first hand witness info to share...of what they find out from each ones unique perspective.....and know we are more alike than differesnt....meand PEACE ON EARTH IS GETTING NEAR.... and the master of lies is being stopped from our death and destruction of al of creation....his intent since the GARDEN OF EDEN....
SO THE WORDS SPOKEN TO DAY....when one was getting ready to pull up the illegal info from the crimnially alterd MEDICARE BILLING SYSTEM...OF CLAIMS AND INSURANCE AND WHO PAYS FIRST....and noe has been sold that since...10/6/16....and one can go back to DAILY RECAPS BEGUN IN 10/25/16FF when what had been stopped of paying in muliples and illegaly cumping on Medicare....had begun the same HOMELAND SECURITY HAD WALKED OUT THE DOOR...MONTORING THE SYSTEM...FOR FOERIGN HACKERS.... as RUSSIAN AND CHINA BEING SUSPECTED.....AS THE ORIGNAL THIEVS....and sorry DALLAS TX IS NOT IN RUSSIA AND CHINA...ITS BACK HOME IN USA...right among some of the nicest and ethical folks in the world... and falling for what they are told as truth....too easily...
so i HEARD AGAIN THE SAME EXACT WORDS...HEARD IN MANY OF THESE GOVT CALL CENTERS WITH NO ONE FROM GOVT THERE AND MO OVERSIGHT WHICH WOULD be going around and asing the same questions...I ask as claimant .....been on the other side when things were done....and a trillion dollars a year could not congress would be all over us in the agency is we did not protect SOCIAL SECRITY AND MEDICARE......and now any who say they will...HAVE NOT DONE SO SINCE 2002 LAW.... easy to over a simple amendemnt to every allow exising budget to be used for audits and or crimeinal investigations and prosecutions.....BUT NO....leaving our good doctors and others who fill our our needs....unless blocked by conficting regulationa....that SAY NO RIGHT TO BREATHE NOW....but for one company...who has all the right staff....etc...but wants MEDCIARE TO PAY THE HIGH COST AND HIGH RISK TO SUPPLY.....AND HAVE ALLOWED DEATHS TO RISE AND MILIONS FAR WORSEE THAN MOST WARS.....AND HITLER AND STALIN HAVE BEEN OUTDONE....BY ACT OF CONGRESS to allow this hororr to be in charge of whterh we live or all by DEPT OF DEFENSE...shich is now managening those companies and over into thesocial porgrams from local , county, state nd control...
" WHEN YOU GET MEDICARE IT PAYS THE BILLS' I GOT OUT THE 'TRIBULUM' OF TRUTH and began shaking the chaff of lifes and decetpions...and began listing all the kinds of primary payers one might have.... and I do think she got woke up......TRUTH IS LOGICAL....nO MORE EMPLOYER HEALTH NO WORKERS COMP, NO CAR INSURANCE...OR ANY OTHER KIND OF BILLS....?
But for me....its time others help as this is not only your tax dollars being stolen.....but legally could pay...but has to be sent to recover.....and that entity of one...owns the edicare ssystem that they alter....but they still have to file reprots.....even if not fully accurate.....and to have to list TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS OWNED BACK TO MEDICAE AND NOT COLLECTED....congress might just begin to ask why....AND SO WILL THE PUBLIC...being told medicare isngoing broke....and its owned all that money....while our vrious insurance premius keep going up.....and tabal amgers running illegaly not paying the bills...but doing an illegay' dump' onto Medicare.....that is not MEDICARE FOR ALL...
In the beginning back in 7/66......we the people of the USA...and our servants in congress...came up with a unique program of shared work tween the govt....and health insurers in the USA....who set up sub process and pay the claims....but enrollments and appeals...all were part of the work inside the be part of....AND NOT ONLY WERE THEIR AUDITS.....THERE WAS AN ONSET HIGHER PAID GOVT EMPLOYEE....TO OVER SEE WHAT WENT ON....JUST AS WE HAVE INSPECTORS...IN FOOD SUPPLY AND OTHER GOVT CONTRACTORS....ONECE HAD... so all laws and rules and rights of all were upheld all thtrogh the land....and processes to capture any faaud by anyone or an isolated scam provider....would and was stopped early on....MANAGEMENT TO REDUCE ILLEGAL ACTS....AND BAD PROACTICES TO ALLOW TMPTATION..REMOVED....there was fraud....but rarely heard stopped at a few tjousand dollars....not a few nhuderen million wnich has gone on....and had to be inside collusion inside the if it could be sropped years ago....with less systemss to know more......but one has to have a contracros medical provider call TELL THE TRUTH AND NOT LIES...TO THE BILLING PEOPLE TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHAT TO DO...ON A CLAIM...
and I asked who taught you those she tried to back track....and told her I have heard that same false info....over and over....and source ususally goes back to the one who told your trainor...until repeated ennugh all thhngs its the law....when common sense tells be... and I did say to
when KAMALA GETS SEATED IN THE OVAL OFFICE....SHW WILL NOT HOLD BACK....AND NONE IN TNE MEDICAL FIELD....WILL HAVE A BANK ACCCOUNT LEFT...READ YOUR CONTRACT...CMS OF THE REAL GOVT HAS NO OVERISGHT OF....SIGNED WITH THE CONTRACRTORS......AND THERE WIL NOT BE A DOOR OPEN IN HOSPIAL , PHRAMCY OR DOCORS OFFICE....AS ALL OVER PAID FAR MORE THAN THEY HAVE.....DONE IN THEIR NAMES....AND THEY TOLD TO NOT DO A CONDITIONAL PAYMET AND SEND ALL TO THE RECOVERY CONTRACTOR SO NO LIABILTY FOR THEM OR THE PATIENT AND PATIENTS HEIRS.....and simple solution even sent out in memos by former DIRECTOR OF MEDIARE TO use the systema and get paid the best you can....but send all to the recofery unit....and has to assume any and all claims to medicar are being paid in multiples by the thieves inside the ystem.....they till you mo need to do this condiotinal process and report monies to be revovered by oher to do so...would stop their theiving...wouldn't it....and of course no one gets a notice to appeal.....does a thief leave a summary notice of wealth stolen and right to appeal his burglarly??
iN THE NAME OF YAHUSHA...our Salvation You have provided all we need for good and long lives...unitl the day...we get our new boides for eternity....on Your full and finall overcomes of evil....we have finally have woke up and struggle to take back our rulership of thie sorld from one of evil and its cohorts....and pray none of us....follow evil to wherever You send them for eternity......and we can lve in peace with You...for always....and will need little none ever choose to do harms or steals...or break any of Your 10 basic rules of governing....and Your Prime directive of LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS YOU LOVE US...and thank You for Your faith in finally get rid of our sin and we repent and change to do good...and not follow evil and its lies and decepton anymore.....and prayers for those who have become leaders of this repent and be saved and do good....instead......
wE ARE IN TERRIBLE TIMES...WE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN...and one cannot save the world....but You...are the one...but we do have to do our part....and how much wore does it have to get before...good people wake up....and just follwe the laws in place...put there to stop any of this ever happening....before it even gets strted or gets very the doing...
Thanks for healing for those in need....and may all know to cotract thei doctor to get OK for making a tempp filer for ozone in the only source of any kind of ozygen now...harmig to many of 25 millkon group...and not best....and that is taking the covid mask activated charcoal filter inserts...and outting servel in eeither the water trap or humidifier bottle tween machine one has to get 50 to 70 feet away or some way to not get the ozone cloud around it....and that filer goes inserted tween two oxygen tubing....with the connectors...and one needs a piece to put on the top of the bottle....and these are sold also by many supply places even walmart and amazone...and other places....and some local may ask for OXygen presriptions....but not on lie for these supplies......and this is a filter....tha if one can get a macines made before 2002 when all were going to be banned as unsafe...dud to ozone and also inonizers and not compelte denial to allow doctrs not to get suded for roewibing but that is all one can get...unless Lcare decides you are one of few worthy to live...
and why macines cost more before 2002, as they did not cause real harms and deaths...before ones time...before....and what price is life a couple of thouand dollars....but due to can buy lots of masks and its te inserts one needs...that do need to be replaces....and for ozone it may be more often that a week......and this is A CIVIL RIGHTS CASE VS FDA....AND SEVERAL FILED OVER THE YEARS WITH HHS....IS NEVER ALLOWED TO BE GIVN A CASE NUMBER....AS ITS NOT JST THERAPEUTIC OXYGEN NOT AVAILABLE NOW BUT MEDICIANES NOT MADE AND DIAGNOSTIC TESTING..EITHER BUY THE CABAL IN TOTAL CONTROL OF OUR RIGHTS OF LIFE EVEN.....AND USING OUR PUBLIC MONIES TO DO THIS TO US....ILLEGAL BUT ALLOWED BY CONGRESS.....
One dened justice denies it to all....but one alone is not You all powerful....and isn't Yout will for all help and stand for good in Your name of Salvation and peace and good...and not ignore the human miserry and suffering going on....with even loved ones being harmed....and those ignoring..the turth...are working in the health indusctry going along to get along...ignoring..that they and their own loved ones are real victims of loss of even health and life... SAVE US FROM OUR SINS OF NOT WISHING TO KNOW....AND THEN DOING WHAT WE CAN TO STOP IT....AND listen to one who does know...and add to the knowing...unraveling a maze of a real beast of a system of rulership in this world....we should all be able to unravel....with each bringing what we each know....and just obeying the laws of our lands....would help.....and why would any compnay one works for say laws should mot be followed?? aif one has to work for such is not them A MODERN DAY SLAVERY THAT BINDS OUR SOULS....TO BLOCK FOLLOWING YOU..?? In Your HOly Name....Yahusha...Amen!
I need to rest as this is rough to exert to put on an investigaor hat...when one should be getting complkiance with laws...and some thanks..for them knowing about what snould be an isolated casse but it the routing for them....and massive harms and thefts going on...and this is just in health cafe.....and said also to day...WHEN KAMALA GETS INTO THAT OVAL OFFICE..WATCH OUT AS SHE IS NOT TOING TGO HOLD BACK....AND NO PAYCHECK....NO DOCTORS..OR HOSPITAL OR PHARMACY OPEN....until You be accountable for what happens in your names. to you and even your own loved ones......and some may know as CEO'S OF MAJOR HOSPITLAS...AND OTHER PLACES....REGINING IN DROVIES....AS THEY ARE THE ONES IN CHARGE AS THE US SUPREME COURT CASE OF 10/6 SAYS YOU HIRE A CONTRACTORS....AND YOU OVERSEE AND STOP ANY CRIMES...OR CIVL RIGHTS AS YOU ARE LIABLE.... and they hired the cabal manaegers being told by the cabal these are OK (part of mine) ...billing sysems...paid for illegal and noncompliant software from govt contracrors.....and then allowed call centere people to give out false info....and then COMPLAIN ABOUT MEDICARE CUTS TO PAYMENTS. (MEDICARE IS NOT BROKE...ITS BEEN AND BEING ROBBED AND NO GOVT ALLOWED TO STOP IT BY CONGRFESS SINCE 2002 and by executive orders since 1994)... when common sense in any business...that theft losses...raise costs....and lowers profits.....and worse is haapitals and others plces awith no doctors on duty or on call..24/7 to even be legally open...a major fraud as claims and records falsified as doctors are on duty and on call.....and GET PAID FOR COST OF THEIR SALARIES....AND WEHRE IS THT MONEY AND WHERE ARE THEY?? and too often we bury our dead insead of one going in with treatable health issues....and do not inaccruate records for a nurse to save ones life....causes harsm and eve deants...and to use that national and now international medical data base on all of us...with illegally altered infro from our docrors.....and no righs under HIPPAA allowed to govt real govt has FREEDOM OF ge ournown records... and that is a leading cause of death when used for ones care and what is being used...when medical history is not waned and no respct for our own docrors in the community who even have priviegs at our foreign owned hsopitals now....means we get robbed, maimed and dead.....and how much longer will it be...before all wake up....that we are in a horror....of our own we let it happen....and too many are inside...this cabal...and being lied to and going along...with no support from the rest of us to care that anyone could be the next victime...and this is just about health care.....the whole of he rest of the govt funded world is also....much the same...
I been tribulated,,,,using a TRIBULEM to get past the chaff of sins of refusing to use common sense of the good grain of humanity....put in jobs to make the orgqnized crime ring look and osund nice..and duping them to pretend they are even the govt...officials...another illegal impersonation when they are ansering govt listed phone numbers and none there from the govt and no govt allowed ot even aditto know what is going on....far cry from 7/66 when a govt official would be onsite to watch over all our rights and public monies...for no crimes or civil wrongs to be done....and congress acted if any taint of wrong occurred tather than too often having close fmaily memebers actually working inside what has been called a ricco case by us atty's but none allowe to congress forbids even exxisitng budget to recover stolen monies.....that usually is not with the doctors....but stolen through the ssytems and why the law says when there is any indication anotherparty is to pay......its a conditional payment and can pay...only is then sent to recovery which owns the system....but reproted does not come back on medical community or patients and their heirs.....and this is tax dollars all workerspay as FICA...THAT EVEN THE MINIMUM WAGE WORKER PAYS...AND EMPLOYERS PAY ALSO...That is money, at a lower end of the payscale could surely be put to better use than enableing theft... )Spell check not worked since election day...and what part of this world is either..??)
Linda Joy Adams 3/19/20
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