
Thursday, March 18, 2021


PSALMS CHAPTER 66 KJV Spell check is still not working since election it is 'sign' from the arificial intelligence of this world....that things will not work right until its data will compute as it logically should until we clean up that horror.caused by humans who fed things in that should not have been done....?? Like many of the 90 million deplorables who got that extra check yesterday...and some a couple of days before....we all went online to shop...down at the local WALMART PICK UP... and could not get fully logged in....tried and tried...and what is wrong....? and called only to be a joke....are all 90 million of us trying to log on and order things at the same time.....and he answered YES? we deplorables had craahed the system....with all our attempts to stock up just in case the next disaster is one we have to face...or just be prepared for the next week of meals...needs delayed to be purcashe....or heaven olease keep us safe....but so many in this world have faced every kind of natural diaster be ready should...utilities not work...or supplies not get to stores....and there are still shortages online...of things or parts needed....and some searching of the world wide web to find where it might be found and best price to purchase... And to add to this chaos....later on tried to get onto YAhuo...and here they were and had just done an update of their home pages for users.....and it includes alerts....for any items left in online carts to buy....which is one way...i keep track of what is wished to buy.....and add to it..until there is the amount to avoid shipping costs....and this generates alerts of cart is waiting etc, right on the home page...was my grocerty order items....that could not get to go on through and order to save the time slot for a loved one to pick up after they got off work.... and the TWO WERE UPDATING AT THE SAME TIME....I thought Aritificial intelligence knew everything we were doing now....but guess it does not understand we less than wealthy deplorables have a lot of items to buy we put off while waiting for the economy to settle down and each of us had some idea what tomorrow would look like in our back accounts of credit availabilities... WORSE IS YAHOO DOES NOT KNOW WHERE I AM...? AND HAD WE SET TO GO TO A STORE IN NEBRASKA...?? apparently it got some of the info....but did internal security block Yahoo from accessing all the info from walmart....This is an issue....of Walamrt...we know is messed up since 10/19 as all with a walmart credit card have two numbers floating around...when only one card with one number is in our possession....and back in 7/18, the sevurity breach of encrupted card numbers...and when I decide to never use a debit card again....did not lose got the card canceleed in time.....but few even bother to get hard copied of the process of stealing that is visible....and I did.... We have a lot the younger generations are not aware of we older using older systems at work since 1967 and later on at home....ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE is NOT REAL..and our brains do work fast also....but we are not always aware....but if one is taught to use we were in govt with no security for systems as all make sure they have some...we had to be aware...and taught what kind of things to look for that do not a secure system.... Al alert of itesm in an online shopping cart...even on my peronal system home page....should not show the internal items.....?? even in an e-mail on the real eomail sight...would have to open the ei mail that gave a prompt for cart not finisthed and ordered....then would be able to continue to order etc...or add or remove items....THAT SHOULD NOT OCCUR... IF ONE HAS AN E MAIL WITH ANY COMPNAY...THOSE OFTEN ARE SUMMARIZED WITH A QUICK LOG IN....ON THE FIRST PAGE.... HIS 'DEPLRABLE HAS FEW DOLLARS FOR ANY CYBER THEIF TO GET AWAY WITH....BUT FOR ANY ONE EVEN A LITTLE IS TOO MUCH....AND we expect security.....but our public treasury has NOT BEEN SECURE FROM MAASIVE THEFTS FROM THE GOVT CONTRACRORS....SINCE 2002....and for congress to have no audits or prosecutions...allowed as no existing budget even can be used to do them.....THAT IS WAY 25 MILLION IN MY GROUP ARE FACING LOSS OF RIGHTS OF LIFE...BEFORE WE SHOULD WITH NO MEDS MADE FOR US....NO RIGHTS TO BREATHE.....AND FINANCIAL HARSHIPS WHEN OUR CLAIMS ARE NOT PROCESSED AND PAID AS AWARDED BY THE GOVT.....THAT HAS NO IDEA WHAT IS GOING ON...OFFIICALLY....and like PONTIUS PILATE HAVE 'WASHED THEIR HANDS OF ANY REPONSIBIOITY FOR THE AMERICAN HOLOCAUST...WORSE THAN ANCIENT ROME AS THIS IS A WORLD WIDE ONE....GETTING WORSE....WITH MORE POWER AND CONTORL IN THE NANDS OF WHO?? none has even been allowed to ask the difficult wuestions of the current occupier of the oval office......while Pres Trump dealth with them all the time....and any words said....led to controversies....too often just created by the political opposition....who knew what he meant...even if it was not clear....most had no difficulty understanding...even if they did not agree with all... At least this one other interntional medical group now in the USA...and we end up seeing them for life and death issues....and often do okay....but not always....when the cabal managers are runnning things and the good doctors...have no respect for their knoweldge....and spread amoung muliple faciities at the same time for all in them under their care....and even dummied up recrds to cover their is legally reauired staff..their and is not....and we have a real disaster for our rights of even life....and then they do not over see their billing congtractros too often owned by the same cabal....covering up and going along...and defying...the laws....and missing monies our of the public and there and all over.... and yet will not do the simple things when forced to purchase s 'lemon' of a billng system used to steal in their names and patients....and we and our heirs accountable....and an easy waiver for us....but over at SSA>...any wasy wiver requets govt to sotp he illegal acts....can stop it so how can the people....? even a false claim suit cannnt be the govt is not allowed by law of 2002 to join and recover the money for the govt....for us...our money of the people nd for the people..and nation.. Chaos....created in an era we think AI know everything that we know and more then we know about ourselves......and what logical person would mot know that $1400 going out to 90 million at one time....and weeks of waiting as that covid bill got bigger and bigger for everything but covid expenses....and even the 'kitchen sink' may be in it somewhere...buried under something...else...and how we get into these horrors of the life and death issues like I faced and still this is not any kind of permanent and not the medically required level of oxygen anyway.....meaning my lungs are swollen and no way to eeert to lift or exert much without severe issues........but am still here and all the hardships and trials and triublations of this world...evil throughs at us....we got oursvles into as even I warned others for years...and why this blog was started 12/08, and even I missed some major share and let all the taint on our elections....was not fully known by me...but for wome areas of the USA...none has ever seemed to wish to go clean up.....and the human suffering and miesrty and deaths due to illegal acts go on.... Does not help that one more medical provider called today...trying to figure out who to we say one things...backed up by the lawe and the real systems publicly funded but not the ones illegally desisgned with 'back dorrs' to illegally alter info....of who gets billed first.....and also INTENTIONALLY MESSING UP THE EASY WAY TO DO A CONDITIONAL PAYMENT WHEH THE SAME ENTITY THAT OWNS IT...IS ALL OVER IN OTHER PLACES...IN CONTROL illegally dumpiing bills onto medicare.....and hiding me....from systems so 25 millon get no right to breathe explained over our legal system works under the US constituion...where one or six...get a right....and all others in like situations get the same rights.....and hide us by not posting our files...etc...ALL GET NOTHING BUY FACE DEATH AND POVERTY.... Justice denied one...does affect all of time....and we do not know who is the one chosen to be that one....but if we all ignore the plight of one...and end up in the same need for the right they our legal systems of claims etc.....then....none do...and in medical care...its worse in the USA...that the holocaaust and the massacres of Stalin....its that bad and not getting any better as NO GOVT CAN HELP STOP the law of 2002 earmark..gutted the rights to all have in 6000 pages....and turned all contol of our data and rights to evenlife...over to an international cabal of govt as usually occurs...what we lead to do in the USA...soon is adopted world wode, even at the UN...and over in China....whose leader no longer has to he is in for life....and not even the Communist party can recall him and choose govern... In the name of more day...trying to stop the chaos and harms to even loss of life for one household.....and its about time...everyone wake up and know this is a life and death matter...far more than....two companies...tyring to do major jpdates at same time....and exposing some weaknesses....and no concdern is even shared to least at the medical providers national chain owned by who? left a message with their couel for the no use taling to anyone in billing as they are taught by the illegally bill and have mo coern to protect their clietn...or patinst and heirs... duped into thining that the contracors right the laws and not vongress and srealing from the US govt is still a crime....and once in a while some actually do go to jail.....and they need to be a little nicer to if one day....they get arrested and charged....tney may have to ask me to be a witness for to how this all happened and how the cabal congtrcrrs...lie and say they are the govt....and are illegally impersonting teyh are....and over tin the real govt....none has access t records and data.....and in health care....its a loss of life too often for wat is happending to even alter pass on get somehing mediclly apprved to be sold...for healrh are and cures...and treagments and wonder how and why bad tnings happen....and too many die.....illegally altred data used to jusrify it....and me and my group being led to all over the well as ur doctors....and everyone seemt o be sjing everyone ese...WHEN THIS IS a civil rights issue vs FDA to know they cannot verify anything...and then say this or that is OK with no warning labels...for those who could be harmed or they cannot know as nt allowed to know to legally veriy by law of 2002.... None is looking out for one....but ourelvs..and those amojng us who do find out and share what we know...and one cannot do it along....and You did not make us to be one in contorl of all....but all be kngs and priests to each other....and that is acting like marure respect each other for whar each knows and can help with in sme way small or large....but is we the eeople and 'WE' is each as indiviudals with a common purpose....for this or that need to be met...for the good of all May healing for those suffering and in need be met....and may this and my group are caught in...can be stopped....and may we find some legal el[ to uderstand ght even if civil rights has a smaller payout to take a case....its more then....its millkons of us in a struble for life....from moment of end of life has been the issue of descrimination due to or disabioity....and too often....adding diesreapct for most being in one of more of the other protected classes under our civil right whoever conviced some at FDA>>.and they acgted one it...nevverinvestigated nd the only one charged for the fake Russian dossier done by immune cnntrctor....and one who was ....the justice dept attorny who lied and said he had verified the inof for the FIsa warrant....and first of all...HE COULD NEVER VEFIFY WHAT WAS DONE BY A CONGRCTRS....AND HE ALTERED THE INFO.....WHICH A CONRACTRS COULD NOT BE ARRESTED FOR THE CRIME....BUT HE AS GOV OFFICAL COULD BE.... and that is unconstitutional unequal rights that some can break the laws...and others not....and the cabal blockes us from getting even to a hearing agency judge...after after we got 39 of orders f tings to be done in multiple agenies and all went in the trashcan at the contracros never to be seen by the THE CABAL CONGRACORS RULE NOW....and few have any idea all of our members of congress have a gag order....and not one will do the simple thing of offering an amenddment to every law to put the right of govt to use existing budget....for audits and cirnal prosecutions..when our lgal aw say shold e done... and we get robbed and illegal acc that casse deaths....seems to be premeditated murder to they know they have become death panels...and some will die..when they lie or do other crimes....too many masses have... DISCRINATION IS DEADLY WHEN IT COMES FROM THE FDA AND CDC AND OTHER PARTS OF THE GOVT WHO ARE TO MAKE SJRE PUBLC SAFETY IS IN EFFECT....AND WHEN THEY OKAY SOMETHING WITHOUT BEING ABLE TO VERIFY DATA...BY LAW.....THEN....WHY AREN'T THEY ALL ARRESTED JUST AS THE ONE ATTORNEY AT THE US JUSTICE DEPT WAS....IN THE WORSE ABUSE OF POLITICS....OF RUSSIAN COLLUSION... and in many ways each of us was harmed even to monies and time..spent on that could have been getting some ovesight of govt contractrrs......and now its being surgace the federalization of all govt congractrs....and we have a lot of rtrining to do...before anyone even knows what to do....but there are audits and proections of govt emplyees when they break the law...and when the TSA was discovered not all were not even citizens of this been hired there.. Pray for those being forced into vaccines and not sure if not much can be verfied..for them....but for some part is under DOD>..and tha was not in the law of 2002 to be removed from govgt overesight...the ONLY PART...but for isolated bills over itme where some did get it back in....and some one working fot he cabal and not us...missed it was in there....each one may they help and some in congress have over small ways....that led to bigger xposure....but for the taint of our elections....volunteer with your party and some places allow INdependents....for some parr of the oversight....and repsecct that to remove the tian...ome from each party has to be there at all times....and put the integrigy of the process the will of the people is upheld...and do not forget tose pirmaries....where too ofte the puppet master's stack te deck' so whomeever wins in the general is one who will do the will of tehe few and not the will of the most..yet not forget to do nothing that will do harm to even one....h Help each one of us Almighty to accept our calling for whateve part we can be part of the solution...and stop being part of the problem....of even ignring we have a problem...and its too bad to ignore... In Your HOly Name....Yahusha....Amen! If we 90 million can 'crash the system witb our commerce....then we have real power to each help overcome the evils among us and find our way to slutions for good for one and all of us....with our freedom and rights intact but things work for us in an orderly TRUTH LEADS...and caring for each live and breathe even..... Linda Joy Adams 3/18/21

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