Monday, March 1, 2021
From moment to moment, day to day...we can face eternal life with this current one our vurrently fallen state of humanity..and creation
we pray and wait for the day, whem all is revewed and redeeemed...and no more cares or harms as no evil around anymore to cause sorrorw and health issues....or worse have those allowed to grab power who decides that millions here....and another million or so there just have no rights to even breathe to live even...
The consequences of actions of our first acnestors...right down to us today....has us wondering of all we know and can do...we still have...those among us with not even the way to live....and some have even given up the will...and given up on all that is good and right...for even themselves....with all going on incluuding the horror of drugs and other addcitions that makes slaves of so many that even one alone...cannot offer salvatoin...
The Almighty...surely must cry a lot of tears over us, our foolish and sometimes down right horrid children, created to be the best of creation....and we cannot even figure out how to treat each other with fairness and justice....and have lives endangered here and all over the some have grabbed power and taken wealth of the even public treasuries...and been allowed to get by with we have yet to fully wake up...and know that all are not bascially good and honest people that most still are...
Something I do believe...even if the first reaction to such a sharing as DENIAL AND DISMISSAL...and TURNING ON THE MESSENGER...just sharing what has been known and being experiece..that is very real...For some, the times of sorrow...have already been going on....and for some a very long time..but the hope is still real....for goodness of eternity...and Salvation is a free gift, for anyone who wishes to have it....and why don't more accept a mystery to me...Even if some out there sharing the offer....seem to come on in manners that do not work for all ...but we do not give up our prayers for those doing us harm....and others doing harms to others...and most just lost to know where to turn or they follow one who is up to no good for them or anyone or for creation itself..
SOme may never be saved until the time of final judgement before the Almighty...and He will have to decide about them....and will they change or not?
One cannot do it all, and if some do not change...even if words...and our legal systems stop actions...or often have been able to escape them...then..but one day..a DIVINE of all DIvine...will be judging...and sad day when anyone of us...have not made things rght in our souls...and have a hardened heart to not even want or think a change of heart is needed....
Some things and some people in this world...just seem to be ones unreachable...and varying ways and words and differing people have tried...but some things in this world as well as souls...just have to be left for the Divine to deal with....We try, but somehow one and many have been unable to reach them....
It takes a process and some time....for some matters to become known fully how bad some choices have been...and become...all kinds of motives..get us into troubles....and often its not anything we did...or intentionally was the whole set of circumstances we can each find ourselves from moment to moment in this world....that now seems upside down...and sideways reversed....a mess...and we are realizing we let this get our of control to no good for anyone now...
And we pray, as the psalm reflects and wish for the day...when even being the lowest ranking person in the Kingdom of Heaven...means we made it to salvation...and glad to be even the one who opens the door for others...
And when one thinks about this lowly sounding job....We are accepting the job of letting others into the Kingdom of the good for all of eternity....and did ALL MAKE IT IN for the final day of judgement and glory for all future...? Will one as the lowly sounding door the last one to offer the invite...and will anyone choose not to come on in...and be saved for all time?
What is this door keeper of the House of Yahuah..? Why is there a doorkeeper when all are invited....and if they show up...then what? How do we know if they are to be let in....or are some to be turned away as unworthy?? That surely would not be the job of a lowly servant...or is one there to keep track of all who have come...and any others still on their way....for a final count of completeness for humanity...that even one left behind...not saved means we all did not quite fulfull the mission...
But did we try...and many also...and no response from one already to bound up in the sins Satan has led one into....just hope that none of us..will find themselves at the last moment in this world...when we have to go or stan....when the DIVINE CALL go to safety...The call is real....and will we know His respond to life eternal of no more sickenss, injury or age to deal with....REVEWED IN HIM...REDEEMED IN HIM... and no more sadness or all restored of the good that once was and will be again.. and is right now, even if we cannot see through our tears of soorrow for things going on in this world fallen into sin...for way too long....Gettinb better in some ways....but always seems to be wrongs done...and wars begun and hate and destruction and death on the agenda of too many, even a few can wreck havoc...and pray for the one now seated in the oval healing on him to find way to HIm.for constant counter what seems to be a legion of advisers telling him what to sign Congress cannot even pass a simple check...for past due help...from policies...that caused havoc over the last this day...even worse... and if any part of the US Constitition needs to ve amended...its PUT THE INAUGURATION DAY BACK TO MARCH.OF THE NEXT we have a real mess.....and librairies of laws here and aorund the world...and even at the UN to delve into when anyone changes who is seated in the the helpm n byof this ship of state...
And if the taint is not cleaned up....we may never get through appeals...and one day will end up with NONE SEATED...IN THE WHIEHOUSE, CONGRESS OR STATE OHUSES OR EVEN DOWN TO CITY OFFICES...AS JUSTICE ROLLS ALONG SLOW ESPECIALLY WHEN SOME ARE COVERING UP AND HIDING WHAT ONE OR MORE DID....and do not wish to face the consequences of voted out of office,,,impeached...or jail time after crimes convictions... The taint is on all now here and around the other nations...with the same machines and software being used...and same tactics carried out and none must be allowed to be used or even tried....and that takes an army of volunteers to monitor and over see the whole process from all political parties....and have traning to know what can and cannot be done...and legal or not..and then....whom to call...AS OUT IS A STORY OF THE WITNESS IN MICHIGAN...WHO THOUGHT SHE CALLED THE FBI...not knowing she got the contractor of the gov who is accountable to none....and this blog has a lot of first hand info to share of who and what has been going on there sicne before 9/11/01 and the 911 COMMISSION never got into this key issue of govt no longer in control of real and accoountable oficials....ahoe traning is nearly non existence for decades now....and why the rights of the people cannot be upheld...and taint on none knows or even konws where to find the govt contractors do the workd....and all they have is the law written by the contractors which may differ from what...congress, courts or president has said it is...
In the name of Yahusha....our salvation....we NEED SAVING from all we got ourselves into by not paying attn over the years....and got duped into comfort and status quo even as our souls knew things were not quite right.....And prayers for all invovled in my right to be alive by oxygen online and all over info shared of deaths and deaths in a holocaust of death and horror right here in the USA whre things are so out of synch....of monies spect and where did it go...and laws passed for few to obtain wealth....and bodies fall long before they should....and the cost is small compared to many kinds of tings now...and all kinds of ways to work things out...but we have to care about rights...of even our own self live and help others anyone of us..can face our mortality....before they normally should....and too often its real bad reasons we do....and somewhere someone did not do what is right...and caused all sadness and horror to and in the past....and will go on and get worse if we all do not help be PART OF THE SOLUTION...with Your guidance of what each of us...can do to help diretly or indirectly....and blessings for healing for one and a new pair of lungs and some renewed other body parts could help..a not willing to give up all hope until the final hour...and pray none of us...decide to not answer Your call when it comes...
A sign today is Doyle is getting better and won a prize at Bingo..and sounds like something nice...for a loved one to have....and trying to find this and that and wher to rearrange funniture...and what the future holds is unknown...and have not been able to see my husband since 9/21 due to all the covid rules...etc...and may it not be the last time for us....and that the right to breathe for worked out....yet another time of real threat to me...and all those like me....and too many have died alreaddy and currently losing life daily.....This has to stop....and again too many have to care enoigh to not let whatever way they can help figure this out....and one way is go back to the rules we had in 2007 when the lives of millions in the USA were deemed not to count...and every attempt to stop it has been met with filings disappeared inside the cabal of contractors...ruling over us now since the law of 2002...and that has to be changed...for all of every area and for the nation too...
In the nmme of us and me find the way out of this horror and may it not be death at this life is still blessed and have so much yst to an now....forgive me for asking for what more can I do and help fiure out....and may someone find the answer as this kind of injury can occur nd does daily all over and we are flesh and blood that can be injured or get sick and so far in this fallen sttate we do not renew ourselves on our own.....wihtout Your help but this bunch would not even given You credit...and end up being worse then ever to many also.... pry for those to change...and be healed in mind, soul and help me and all others....and follow Your way of life and love...for always....Amen!
The Almmghty knows even when a sparrow why do so many be harmed and fall do to actions never should be....and hold the way to save us in this physical world and themselves....but they seem to never understand....they are also just human with bodies that can fail them also....and may need help....and why so many seem to think that its their time to be done with this world by some kind of bad or illegal choices....somewhere and many places by one or many....and think that is good....ITS NOT....and WHERE IS THE BASIC SURVIVAL INSTINCT WE WERE CREATED WITH IN SOME AND TOO MANY OF SOME NOW... Help all find the solution to this and all of this horor we allowed to take over...its not good for anyone right now.. March came in like a lamb here, and will it be a roaring lion by the end of the month.on the solar calendar humanity has been using for the last few centuries...losing sight nd understanding of the DIVINE LUNAR ONE that followed the harvest cycles...We are in mess as we do not even know what time or day it is!
Linda Joy Adams 3/1/21
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