
Saturday, October 24, 2020


Isaiah 39 KJV - At that time Merodachbaladan, the son - Bible Gateway ( still not spell check...and many of us are having to dig into the past when we had to know how to spell and no prompts to keep us in check.) 'PRIDE GOES BEFORE A FALL' An old saying that maybe has its original roots in this chapter..... There is good reason to not tell everyone this well shows....One has a right to ones privacy....and its part of eacn one having rights of personal thought...and not all known by long as what is kept private is not breaking some ill gotten gain...being hidden from authorities or not reporting all ones income to the IRS...etc.. Here he have a king of one nation....accepting a visit from a king whose main ulterior motive is conquereing...all he could gain......and woe when he found one in Judea...that bragged and showed all the great wealth of what they had..... Wow! This is the nation to conquer....and take slaves and so open nd vulnerable to allow themsevles to be slaughtered as have lost the sense of some in this world who WANT WHAT ONE OR A NATION HAS and willing to get all and have no reaspecr for anyone else's or a nations rights to have wealth...etc. Sounds like the USA who let the world pay everyones bills....and even call on us to fight for their rights of borders as we let ours fall into disrepair....and then the most vital secrets of a nation...was given our elecgted leaders....and now we are learning there was no humanitarian reason for it....but some monies exchanged that went to individuals or foundatoins...and NOT AGREEMENTS BETWEEN NATIONS. for good purpses of either or both.... How often have our own soldiers come under technology we not only did not protect from spying eyes....but leaders just GAVE AWAY....and now are learning things kept hidden for decades...that we had some sell us out to those who had no good intent for our own outcomes...or wherewithal.... Pride gives away the secrets? that one should personally protect from those who have no good reason to know.....or a nations risk for even letting it be known....that something very special is owned... So, after the King showed the wealth and riches with prided and near was not many years...before...THE NATION WAS INVADED AND CONQURERED.....and the prophet found out and warned the King that this would happen...As it alaways is going to happen when evil exists and someeone who wants...will take...and if they have an army to take it....all they will do so... and not until 1948, was any part of the nation have soverighty.....and then the gem of all Jerusalem was not handed back....and another army came to take 1967...and this time....the nation was ready...and ended up the conquerer and contorl of their gem of a capital Jerusalem....that the world has as it historical home town roots of ancient history....and now the world comes to walk the steets of their ancestors....and many others will come as its only now in our times..we are all learning of the billions of people in this world....that our ancestors called this there home town....and heart of faith of the Temple...even though not all profess the same faith in the same way....our faith roots were here morphed into what they had when conquered..... But our faith roots began in the desert with Moess walkiing out of Egpyt and isolated from a wicked world of worship of 'strange gods' of human sacrifice and public indecency of the one of death and desrtructons led all into such evils......and another way of life...was renewed for 40 years in the desert of daily miracles....for a generation to be born..and raissed....that never knew just how evil the outside world was......they then came back into.....and fell into sin....and boasting of all they had....and soon they fell into sins....and not taking care of the business of personal and national security.....and got disbursed to the whole world.....forgetting mauch of their historical roots....but the knowing of FREEDOM, FREE WILL the value of each one...being equally loved by the DIVINE.. was alive...and often retained as they formed natoins...and even other religions..with a common historical roots and even the sacred names of the TRINITY...that Babylon who conqured....edict to hide those names....has been maintained even to this day.....but for those disbursed who used them for place chants and their new faiths....and not even knowing what they originally meant....or where they came from.... Not unlke the ancient Cherokee song.. in recent years sung at the wailing wall in those who are now Christians...thinking it was their own historical language....and rabbis came up in amazement and wondered how they knew ANCIENT HEBREW NOT EVEN SPOKEN IN THOUSANDS OF YEARS....and not the version spoken today....not even in Christ's first time the first century.... when He shared the sacred names publicly....and one BIG REASON...the temple authroities were upset as only a few there were to know...them... PRIVACY RIGHTS ARE IMPORTANT whan the world has those who have lost rheir moral compass to not steal....and do other things with the information or the wealth....and one of the real dangers when so many know so much about each of that can end up being a shole multitude of people and all over the world now....with access to a lot about each other....and its NONE OF THEIR BEES WAX as we used to say as kids....back 70 years ago when it was accepted that one had no right to all our personal info....even when doing business with others....limits and boundaries existed of what was necessay to reveal...and just wwho few could have it.... In losing all our priVCY RIGHTS...WE ALSO LOSE A LOT OF OUR RIGHTS TO KNOW THAT OUR FAITH IS PERSONAL BELIEF...AND WE DO NOT HAVE TO ALWAYS SHARE....WHAT WE PERSONALLY BELIEVE.... EVEN AS WE, ARE TOLD TO SHARE OUR FAITH WITH OTHERS....most of us have some ideas....that are our personal communication with the Divine...and personal...while the knowing...and testimony of things that glorify the Almighty are shared...and encourage by Him to do others are to be allowed to have a personal faith also.... In the name of Yahusha...may we know what boundaries and privacy rights are for each to have that only You know our personal minds...and thoughts....that may not have to ever be shared wih others even as You know what they are we come to know...them....You did ask us to share the Good News with others so they have You and be able to know You love them and care for them...and wish all to have eternal life... And Your Holy Spirit will lead us to what we share....and whay is personal between You and me....for each one the same... May we stop at the fine line of being happy to share the goodness of having something.....but not making ourselves vulnerable to those not able to know and then not be happy for us.....and lead them into actions....that are not good for their eternal souls.... Like fine works of art...that give praise to You....we can own the enjoyment of seeing...and sharing...but not all have to own that is not the purpose of praise.....which is the shares....and praises to You...for all the wonderful things we have in this enjoy...You well as the fine works...we humans have made and can be displayed for all to enjoy and be happy to see and share thay joy...and ownership is respected...... and we need Your help to know when we share...its for Your those who also wish to offer praise and glory to You....not just to own an item worth earthly wealth...for the sake of conquering and having... Thanks for the continued health improvement of Doyle and others in need of our medical situation in the USA is horrific for about 25 years now....when the doctors began to be put at the bottom of authority for health care.....and since 2002 law...govt contractors accountable to none but in charge of all of us...even if one has no govt health plan or any at all....we are under DEFUNDED GOVT.....WITH NO RIGHTS OF PROTECTIONS FOR ANY OF US CAUGHT IN REAL NEED FOR INTERVENTION....WITH THOSE IN CHARGE....THAT MONEY AND WEALTH.....AND OUTRIGHT THEFT...IS THE DIRECTIVE....BY THOSE IN CHARGE.....and the suppression of medical science is intentionally skewwed for profit....and no regard to the toil on human health and even loss of life itself.... May we get this fixed...and only our elected leaders can allw budget to be oversee all the controls of the health care few understand how vast it is..WITH NO RIGHT OF THE GOVT TO EVEN KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON AND THEM CORRECT ABUSES AND OUTRIGHT CRIMES.... and our nutrition is harmed fillers in foods that offer nothing for our health...and too often do harms that causes us to end up needing health care.... HELP SAVE US FROM OUR ALLOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF LIVING TO BE BREACHED.... as well as he oher boundeares each of us are to have and make sure all have those too...... Help those inside the medical respect our good doctors and let them be the leaders of the care...and make sure each doctor is aware of the full history of the patient shared....and other info as it surfaces....DOCTORS NEED TO KNOW...NOT THE MENAGEMENT COMPANEIEDS SHELLS OF THE CABAL RULING THE WORLD....that have other agendas besides health and best health treatments...too often.....and those who do wish to do what is right...and good...find a system they are in...that has NO GOVT TO TURN TO WHEN real issues occur...that lead to missing govt well as illegal acts that cause a holocaust already...just in the USA...and much the same goes on as one entity world is in control and at the no govt....but a beast system...accountable only to itself....and who is at the head...still hidden from view until the day...we find out as that one takes full control of our lives...and even ability to communicate with our brains can be zapped when that part is activated by our free will removed to even talk to you......we have come so far....we are close to the destructive outcomes our ancestors...were in the Garden of Eden....and may we wake up fast....and not go through another round of human history still not learning our lessons of what we should never do to each other...creation or You...who taught us the good things to do....and we surely know better by now...... May all look in the mirror and see the Lost sheep of Israel You came for...suffered and died a horrible rise and conquer each of us can have eternal life..with You always.....May we be ready to join You when the time comes in this world or the next or when You come to take out evil may not one of us...have joined te evil side...and be lost forever from You... In Your Holy Name Yahusha....Amen! Vote and be part of the solution! The life one saves may be your own...or a loved one...or anyone...its that crucial to let it be known we are the rulers and those elected serve us....We are loved equally by our Divine Creator...and none of us are deplorable to be ignored and shunne of our rights...of life, liberty and the pursuit of understood by our founders...of the those matter of personal rights and property rights of each of us to have ownership of such...even of our personal thouhts and beliefs... Linda Joy Adams 10/24/20

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