Jeremiah 21 KJV - The word which came unto Jeremiah from - Bible Gateway: The word which came unto Jeremiah from the LORD, when king Zedekiah sent unto him Pashur the son of Melchiah, and Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah the priest, saying, Enquire, I pray thee, of the LORD for us; for Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon maketh war against us; if so be that the LORD will deal with us according to all his wondrous works, that he may go up from us. Then said Jeremiah unto them, Thus shall ye say to Zedekiah: Thus saith the LORD God of Israel; Behold, I will turn back the weapons of war that are in your hands, wherewith ye fight against the king of Babylon, and against the Chaldeans, which besiege you without the walls, and I will assemble them into the midst of this city. And I myself will fight against you with an outstretched hand and with a strong arm, even in anger, and in fury, and in great wrath
As a believer, one knows there is an eternal life....and its only the path we choose to follow if we end up in a place with no evil ever bothering us again to fall into its ways....
And we were created to ALL BE PRIESTS AND KINGS....and that is male / female..etc.. per Christ's own words we have in we are to be in charge and take care of each other and creation …but we have been given some wisdom and ways to be that keep us out of horrors we can allow to create. of hell on earth..
Being created with freedom and free will to make choices....we do have to know that what the one who always lves us taught us to be warned about.and stay out of trouble....we go and do it and then we get into hell on earth....and wars and hatreds.....and the WORSE IS TAKING OF HUMAN LIFE..
SATAN'S RELIGION...he had over and over gotten humanity to fall into of taking the life of anohter....and this is not about those rare times...of court decisions for capital murder....which gives me pause as it always seems to be giving up on a human....gone bad...that he Almighty never does...and some have been redeeemed for eternity sitting on death row....I have no doubt.
BUT THE ABOMINATOIN OF TAKINKG THE MOST INNOCENT.....and killing them on the altar of done more than ever in out times...when we can do it before they are born....and then even worse create a market for body if its OK to take those who can not defend themselves...and sell their parts for the highest bidder...
REALITY that sent from abortion being rare, safe and legal to all out that is the way evil works....tricking all into something we cannot even fathom can go on....and hiding it in areas of our cities...where the poor and minorities...have little chance of having their voices heard....since
the Johnson amendment of the 1960's took away the political voices of our faith leaders....DO IT AND ;LOSE NON PROFIT STATUS....and money led into silence of the abomination of desolation. Just as it did in the days of King Solomon....who fell from wisdom into sacrificing his own children to the god Molech...and altars put up to put them in the fire....even in the Temple where the priesthood fell into the awful evil also... SOLOMON THE WISE KING fell into the worse of evils....and within a few generations...all the mighty empire he had...amassed was lost...and conquered......ignoring the warnings of the prophets...and even the underlying 10 rules of governing....that are fundamental to any kind of a world where we are ALL CALLED TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS HE LOVES US... and who can love and take a life...the words do not even make common sense....but evil can strip us even of that....and now we have chemical means to cause us to not be able to think as each is called to do for themselves....and just read and article about how scientific knowledge.... can cause us to dream by suggestions put in our minds by electrical../magnetic?/ impulses....and we LOSE OUR HUMAN WILL TO THINK AS OUR MINDS HAVE BEEN ENSLAVED....That is the final straw that may well be the thing that causes our savior to return....with the hosts of THIS COULD BE THE NANO GEL CHIP PUT IN US...AS SOME SAY THE ONE kind of COVID VACCINE IS DESIGNED TO BE A TRACKER ALSO....AND MUCH MORE. and WE WILL HAVE NO WAY TO COMMUNICATE WITH OUR DIVINE...SAVIOR...AS WE CAN BE ZAPPED WHEN THAT PART OF THE BRAIN IS ACTIVATED BY PRAYER.... of any kind....even being in the "SPIRIT 24/7 as some have attained in this world....' letting the Divine lead our lives...even as we function in the real world....BEING IN THE WORLD BUT NOT OF we do not lose our a world that at times seems to have done stark raving mad into the pits of hell... Even the most faithful is human and can fall at times....and that has been going on since Adam and Eve fell into temptation in the Garden of Eden....and taking all of human find our way back to eternal heaven...of only good...always....where Evil is removed....and pray when 'that day' comes none chooses to follow the wrong side of eternity..
And later kings did also.....and why there was a warning not to marry outside ones faith.....and its not about what w consider faiths of today.....with a common heritage of all of us in the desert with Moses....learning a new way of living and following the Almighty...then fell into sins....that led to worldwide dispersions....and history forgotten....but not totally......and why Christ said He came for the LOST SHEEP OF ISRAEL....and where are they....LOOK IN YOUR MIRRORS....
but gradually over time...we have learned good choices that lead to and for eternity for all lives having worth....and not to take one ,,,,,and if one does....there will be accountability if not in this the next... Humans cannot justify killing.....but we each might be forgiven on the final judgement the intent of our hearts....better we not sin and cause situations to be created that lead to loss of lives.. and that is on all of us...when an orderly society..breaks that some among us can do terrible things and others...end up with lives. lost in wars and situations we call self defense....but the sin of that we let the whole of society break any life is lost...even if our it 'justified'... which my opinion is only the divine can call it that....and pray our intent is pure and forgiveness on judgement day...if one has ever been in a situation that another's life has ended...even if or laws call it 'justified.'
ALL ARE CALLED.....and when bad things happen....then we may ALL have some repentance and salvation to meet....and make better never let history repeat that led to awful things happening...The sin of ignoring evil....of going along to get along... IS APPROVAL FOR EVIL when ALL ARE IN CHAARGE.... and we now are more 'officially' in charge than at any time in history at the BALLOT BOXES OF THE WORLD..
And an incident reported today...of ballots for the upcoming election thrown away.....led to more reports and GOVT CONTRACTORS DID IT....and this blog was begun back in 12/08 when our govts turned our nations...over to an int'l beast system...accountable to no that was removed so our govts here, in USA...around the world in Wuhan China or even the UN....have no authority to be in the contractors rule and control even access to records...etc....
and now the most precious scepter of rulership in this creation is being threatened just as we are waking up to finally have 95%+ of all adults in this world being able to vote and be the rulers and hire those to serve us well or we can send them home on next ballot day...if they do not serve us well...
Led by gossip, and rumors and much of them....not truth or exaggerations of it...and speculations....etc.... and anyone can be ruined even into loss of life caused by others....with all the inform on each of us NOT PROTECTED BY ANY LAWS OR GOVTS TO CALL FOR HELP.....
LIFE IS THE UNDERLYING ISSUES..... and its no longer the youngest among us....but we ALIVE ADULTS.....allowing those we hired....and too many did not even vote.... sign our own deaths and destructions of all we each have....or might have and creation the intent of evil...and its the death an destruction of all....that was created 'GOOD.'
And then we have to be in politics one can say they CHOOSE LIFE... over death....and words may turn out to be lies when they are seated and our places of making laws....overseen laws....or being a rule on a law made...
The best liars....can be the most evil....and why, the good people of the world that most are....can be duped and bamboozled...and then we have a bad and evil situation to get out of and that takes...all to wake up and take actions as rulers and ministers of each called to whatever way...each personally knows and is called to do whatever theirs to help.....
In the name of Yahusha...whom many call Christ and Jesus....may we not lose our way and be tempted by real evil to fall into the traps of the evil one and his cohorts.... May everyone's life be known as precious to You....and may none fall into death...before their natural time....and may healing be a goal for life....and for all to not one is allowed to die....being denied rights of life as an be for nearly before their appointed time...which one day will never be a time of death and destruction ever again....with You....
Pray for the process to get our elections good and legal order.....and a judge be appointed to the US Supreme Court who understands and follows Your TRUTH.....and our laws....and US Constitution that is grounded in Your few rules of living and government....
And may my own life be spared.....and those antibiotics...being given well as the doctors follow Your way of healing the sick and feeding the hungry....
May all the paperwork , phone calls....and things needed to be done of clerical...and legal matters get all our lives not be stuck in dealing with those who do not wish to obey our laws....and do illegal and bad things to one and all of injustice to one does end up with injustice to all.. as You have tried to get us all to understand this since You created us and forgive me and all of us for falling into real deceptions....and having to find our way, with Your help; out of....Thanks for always being there for me.....and others... even when we forget to Thank You which is too much of the time... In Your Holy Name Yahusha Amen!
CHOOSE LIFE...its the way of salvation as all have the promise to have it for eternity...All are called to be priests and kings.... and may each one follow our individual callings in the help all have it Heaven on Earth.. The KING OF KINGS....AND PRIEST OF PRIESTS is always with us to into the SOURCE OF ALL LIFE..
Thought: if the unborn were not life...why would such a market to sell their horribly sacrificed lives be worth so much and grow their cells and evil that has taken over too much....already...for the end of all of us and creation...
Linda Joy Adams 9/25/20
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