Ezekiel 17 KJV - And the word of the LORD came unto me, - Bible Gateway: And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Son of man, put forth a riddle, and speak a parable unto the house of Israel; And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; A great eagle with great wings, longwinged, full of feathers, which had divers colours, came unto Lebanon, and took the highest branch of the cedar: He cropped off the top of his young twigs, and carried it into a land of traffick; he set it in a city of merchants. He took also of the seed of the land, and planted it in a fruitful field; he placed it by great waters, and set it as a willow tree.
At the very time in human history...since the Flood of Noah....we have been given a book of life...book of our faith history that is more than words on a page....As Yahusha...said when He came the first time as part flesh born of a human mother....He came to share.. and show us the way to eternal life....but we were made through Him as the right hand of the I AM WHO I AM...He is also, Yahuah...(YHWH) IOWA.., HAWAII, ALOHA... all His names handed down over time....part of the common history of all of this world's people whose ancestors walked out of Egypt with Moses....and lived 40 years of Daily miracles in the desert...learning a whole new way of living and governing and being...free and worthy persons each... as the whole world went after "strange gods" of death, desructoin..human sacrifice of murder.of the innocents as if this was the wish of the Divine... and the opposite is TRUTH....that had eluded humanity again....
We do not know much before the flood of Noah....but we have artifacts around us that indicate there was a culture and a knowledge even more advanced then we yet have.... After all, Adam and Eve got tempted to have ALL KNOWLEDGE.. and they were not ready to know all and make good choices with all that is known....
Look at us in the revival of all knowledge...we learn how to have cheap energy....and go and make weapons that can annihilate all of us....and greed? gets huge nuclear plants built before we knew how to take care of the used radioactive material... or if one is destroyed by nature or human attack...etc.... when we had n example at Kansas State University of a small unit that could easily be encased and buried if anything went wrong....and 30,000 had cheap energy for 50 years....and instead of building another..decided to go and buy hydro electricity from the new dams built...and not be self sufficient but dependent on regulatory boards....etc...to keep all honest and fair when stock holders want profits...as that is the way it is...One buys stocks to make money...and to heck with how many suffer as the wealth rises to the top making or doing something...that maybe society should have had some other kind of way to invest....like tax deferred or exempt bond..etc...still able to support innovation...but have a way to invest is one is able to make a lot of money...and wish to use to help others help themselves...with a way to invest... (HEALTHCARE ITSELF...is an atrocity...when our very lives is treated like a profit or loss...and too often...not getting it and dying...makes more profit than getting the needed medical care...and living as long as one naturally or medically can...
We have lost our history...as well as our moral compass at times... And that is how those few million who became about 20 million over 40 years.....eventually lost all lands for a time...and some have never gotten them back...and were conquered and enslaved again...and scattered to the four corners of the world.....DO THE MATH.... We are the 'lost sheep of Israel." Christ...Yahusha...came for...to save...and found only the one tribe of Judah and some few of others....at home in Jerusalem....but not in control of their own nations... We scattered and created nations...and even other religions...but carried a core of knowing of the Divine....and human rights...and self worth of each...and LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER... as HE LOVES US...that was kept alive...even if we lost our history and where our ancestors got it....Even ancient language was not known to be ancient Hebrew sa those in Israel began to have other languages around...from conquerors...and like most language morphs into more recent forms of it...
Its why the King James Bible revised and revised....and the first revision was to leave out the sacred names.....and we have those sacred names only a few Rabbi's are to know as they are 'secret' since Babylon but among indigenous people all over the world are the sacred names as part of their culture...used as place names...and in songs and chants....and they have no idea where they cam from or even what they are...ancient Hebrew..kept until today.......ordered them not said...or die. and Christ came along 2000 years ago and began saying them...and upsetting the peace that is not real...with the occupiers....and hidden again...to form the one world religion as well as government as one entity....like of old that was before Moses got the TRUTH on the mountain....and we have been under some form of this every since EMPEROR Constantine (was he a believer, that will be judged by the Divine...) saw the way things were going and paid attention and controlled it..rather than let it flourish and grow as FREEDOM IS THE WAY OF TRUTH AND LIFE...and it depends on each one of us....to know the good and choose the better way over evil.... as we still have the evil one and its cohorts....around to tempt us to make horrible choices an do bad things....and some among us do....and worse is when all follow as if this is the easy way....when injustice only leads to worse and worse.....until we have the technology now for one to control the whole world...and everyone in it in one server....
Did you ever visit or live in IOWA...OR HAWAII....or greeted with ALOHA. read of or hear spoken of...?...You heard the sacred names spoken....and You thought they were native languages ...yes they are THE LANGUAGE OF MOSES...AND THE PEOPLE OF YAH.... who walked out of Egyptian slavery....nearly 4000 years ago...Preserved by people who forgot history....but not all of it...and this is just what has been discovered in recent times...from USA... and the rest of the world....has much the same is becoming known as much is online now of discoveries being made as 'knowledge goes to and fro ' fast and to all...or nearly all....and we are finding out who we are...AND WE ARE NO LONGER LOST....SHEEP OF ISRAEL....WE HAVE BEEN FOUND....WE THE PEOPLE OF THE PROMISE..... that is, was and always will be and we just have to say...yes we accept the promise of good for always....and evil is rejected and may none follow it..ever again....
Its why a theory of mine is that rod that Christ will hold when he returns to victorious over evil and removes it from ever bothering us again....is that server....WHOM ELSE COULD WE EVER TRUST WITH THE ALL KNOWING....humans can now have over all.....and we have let this ability to not even be in the control of our govts...of, by and for the peoples...but have let govt contractors all over the world and at the UN rule over us...and those who are to be in charge have no access to data or records...to know only what the beast system of revelation wishes our leaders or us to know....and sometimes its bare faced lies. and we suffer, die...fight wars begun by those making it be...for what,,,cause us to not be one for good even if we do not all agreed....we at least have the same goal of good over evil...life over death....survival for eternity over the hell of non existence...or worse...and over come us...by real evil that has duped and tricked us..over and over...until we finally wake up and not ever let evil over take us again........ with our public monies looted....and work to be done...not done legally...as none is allowed to access to know as we all got duped to let this happen by laws and contracts....In the USA by law in 2002.... as those elected to office pretend they know...and they only know what they are allowed to know by the entity in control of all.....
But in the USA...the Dept of defense was left under the President...but even that became lax...over time...depending on who was elected to office...and those in congress etc....for we have never had 95%+ of all who legally can vote do so....as we give up on ourselves...and forget we were called to be ALL BE PRIESTS AND KINGS...(male and female )said Christ...Yahusha..
Called to be OVER COMERS....and in the divine plan...we have come to great knowledge and gaining more daily....and we must wake up or be annihilated by evil who has always had that as goal for us...and all of creation.... Comes the computers and in the 1976? came the first bible code pattern just for the Torah....and out came words...and phrases. and eventually Christians got into this and found the sacred names...made visible that only a few were allowed to know.....revealed that there was another text hidden in the one visible...and now we know that in the scriptures...of the Torah....the first 5 books...and the entire Bible....of inspired writings....we know that inspired means more than...understanding and being led by authors to pen the words.....but that within the parables...we can know and read are layers of meaning...that those of faith...can heed the warnings and signs...of the times..to know and be ready....for what is coming....
But we also know since 1991...those who studied those...and still only the Torah...came understanding that the words found...by equal letter distancing int the whole...had the letters...placed in scriptures that the words were helping explain...THE RIDDLE....THE HIDDEN MEANING..DEEPER THAN A PARABLE MANY CAN FIGURE OUT...even the evil one...we are at battle with.... and now the whole Bible has been translated into Hebrew and even Aramaic for the times when it was spoken....just as 21st century English is differ that King James..original...etc of meaning of words and when and how said...etc... and knowing of TRUTH..from Him is growing and growing...and better understanding...just as we need to know...and be prepared for the signs...as after we deal with the last time of Satan...trying to over take us and end us......we have the promise...that we will be saved from the wrath of the Almighty and the hosts of heaven...coming down...to rid us of all evil for evermore and woe to any who have chosen the wrong side to be on.....who would choose evil over good?? death over life..eternal...ENSLAVEMENT OF NO FREE WILL TO FREEDOM TO BE FREE TO THINK EVEN PRIVATE THOUGHTS AND NOT EVEN WISH TO DO OR THINK EVIL EVER MORE...AS ITS BEEN REMOVED...AND WE KNOW THE BETTER CHOICES..AS WE HAVE LEARNED OUR HISTORY LESSONS...OVER HUMAN HISTORY...TOO WELL.....
And we know when the FAKE CHRIST SHOWS UP ITS NOT truth....and will follow the REAL TRUTH WHEN IT CALLS TO COME ... and shows us where to be safe.....
The whole battle plan to take out evil is not given us...at least not yet....as like any war.....the enemy would get it....and this is wisdom of all knowing....and pray we get right with the divine...and with each other and may one among us be lost to evil...as we share what we know...so each can have their personal faith and relationship also.... The miracle is that our ancestors... did teach us a lot....much of what to believe and some things not to do as they did that caused a lot of suffering in humanity.....not to be fooled by leaders who have forgotten they are called to be servants of all when in leadership....and care for each others and or human rights...and be fair and just as each of us are called to be also... And the sorrow of many among us do not know right from wrong...as evil got prayer out of school so he could go on...and get ALL ETHICS AND MORAL BASIS FOR LAWS out also....And so we have some recently seen on our screens causing havoc and hell in some cities...here and other places of he world....who have no idea...of TRUTH...and that laws are there for an orderly society....so none among us are harmed..and we have legal systems to fairly decide what to do with those few who have not learned to do illegal things like steal...murder....harm and perjure....and we have had a few get into power....who did not know what those mean either....and that is on us...for not paying attention and being the rulers of this world....each one....And never in human history we know have we come to a time when nearly every adult is not a ruler and has a say in what is done at the BALLOT BOXES OF THE WORLD....and why we must not let this election be ruined by some who wish to usurp the process..... We do not elect gods....only those willing to serve us he best they can....and when we do not have a mandate or majority of all of us voting...then a few can over come us...when we are to exert our people power so its know the will of the people.....and we are also called to be priests or ministers of each other all...also...so that whatever the majority wishes....does not harm even one among..us... all worthy...all have rights...and INJUSTICE TO ONE DOES BRING INJUSTICE BACK ON ALL OF US.. in one way or another...
In the name of Yahusha...whom many call Christ or Jesus...as taught to use...by some centuries ago.... but we know Your name now....and my prayers to You to help us find our way to heaven on earth You are bringing and may it be sooner rather than later.... help us make things right in our own souls...and we pass this on to others to have the same... Prayers for all those suffering from wild fires...hurricanes...tornadoes...and floods and famine we have to prepare to all have food in some way and not all starve before You come and make things well in this world....we are to take care of...
keep my loved ones safe...in my immediate family and extended family all over the world....and may not one of them be lost...to evil.....for eternity.... And may the whole human family each of us belongs..to find their way to You...TRUTH...LIFE AND WAY TO ETERNITY...FOR EVERMORE...
In Your Holy Name Yahusha...Amen!
And some are still unraveling the Bible codes.. as some do believe its a prism or multidimensional ...to fully read....and that has some said to be working on that....and some other writings like the book of Enoch...all read back in first century...and before... and some others.....As those who study these things have discovered that inspired writings do have these hidden meanings...but other writings...only have part words or anomalies...and do not match with scriptures..to explain what they mean in more depth....answers to riddles.. affirming the meaning of the words we read in our faith book.....the Bible for me as a Christian...but its still not complete and all know it....So when a date or year is decoded....we should not make conclusions...that may be wrong...but we have signs and warnings....and understandings...to be ready...and prepared when the full meaning is revealed....when we are ready to know...and need to know... for our own survival of what is coming... Now that we the lost sheep have found we are not lost...we have been here all along...and just lost our history... due to our own sin and those our ancestors got duped into....yet they never lost all ...and kept it and passed it on to us...so we could know and be saved...as they will be judged for not knowing yet...doing the best they could...and those who did not....they will be judged for it...one way or another by the Divine...judge of all ....who is merciful and loving...but does not wish anymore harm done....the final chances made....and the choice is made by each one... repent and be saved and change to a new being...or be lost and that is sad..for anyone not to wish the good....
Linda Joy Adams...8/27/20
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