
Friday, July 31, 2020


Hosea 12 KJV - Ephraim feedeth on wind, and followeth - Bible Gateway

        We've been taught, those of us who held faiths based on scriptures....that Yahusha..., whom many call Christ and the last few hundred years, Jesus...came to save all of humanity.....

  And history, too often withheld from us and our ancestors...for control of the masses by a few who had sold out to evil's the real power of all is with the good side, known as the one of life and love and John called LOVE....DIVINE LOVE.... of which Christ came as part He said He would even encrypted even in Bible codes... in Genesis. right through to Revelation...for us to know with computers of the fuller meanings. for those who seek truth to know. and the game plan to over come evil...not revealed to us...until we were ready to overcome evil and have the knowledge ready to be part of the good the faithful could unravel and know when the times of the end of evil having any influence ever again.....would be the entity we battle and we wake up and know its always been it....with a few who have sold out for great wealth and power....that is only like the today...gone tomorrow....

      Until the next one or few....sells out their soul..and 'covets' abuses powers grabbed and the people asleep follow as too afraid of evil....losing faith that the ALL POWERFUL  is the good side...who is and always has been on those He loves each one....the family of humanity.....OFTEN called EPHRAIM  for this one of the Northern tribes....that has been lost....but not to our Loving creator  knows who we are and where each one is....

     Named for the two children of Joseph, whom Jacob adopted to have no issue of those being only part Hebrew as their mother was not....would be counted as equal among his sons.....and would rise to great power and influence in the later the people of the GREAT COVENANT....(Britain) which the sun never sat on some part under their control at one time....and still wields great influence on the world.   and the other sin....MANASSEH....whom represents the USA....the gathering of every people and tribe from the whole here....and its been a magnet that is some kind of  spiritual one for centuries....and even before...when only some made their way the dispersion....from thousands of years..ago...WE KEPT ON SINNING...BUT ALSO CARRIED THE GOOD WITH US...THAT would surface and over come it at times...and more and more...for freedom and human rights of each....and free will and self worth...and we are so evil is wanting more than ever to take us down....and we have to not let this...

   LOSSES  from sins....of the people losing all even freedom into real slavery.........and who are we all anyway...DO THE MATH.....the people of the world....are descended from those few million wo walked out of Egypt with MOSES less than 4000 years ago....into the desert...and lived   40 years of daily miracles..... We may have lost our factual history and dates....but its in us...the knowing...that we are not lost....we have just not been taught for a long time who we all are...

   Only Judah...and a few others....are still over in what is now called Israel....And this is Israel was the NORTHERN KINGDOM....and Judah the Southern  with capital at Jerusalem.... and more sins.. causes the split of the people   and we are specking of sins....of the other religion of the world....of human sacrifice...and public indecency.....which is now illegal in every nation of the world....

    We the nations of the world....have not quite forgot the bad things done.....and when new nations...and even new religions were formed....there is a common thread of value of life and love for one another.....and human rights and innate sense of be able to use our  FREE WILL...and make good choices....and learn what is not good over time....

       We the real mess ups, have finally almost won the battle vs evil....and we fell into the sin of apathy....and going along to get along.. and now we have nearly every nation and our UN with no control of their own all contracted out to one a beast system...accountable to none...and we are suffering at the mercy of govt gave up authority over it.... as the USA  did by law in 2002....but for the US dept of defense....and this one piece of wisdom...has allowed the way to fight back  what was taken from our public treasury  and misused for wrong kind of research over in Wuhan china...who is also fallen to the we now have the entire world at war with the beast system....and not the nations..are one vs it....

   And its past time for all to wake up   and be shaken up...and  face what we all let happen as some among all groveled for power and great wealth...selling out to evil...on the climb up...and to heck with any good we should have known...of equality....and human rights of each....and  the formula to gain all the world and lose ones soul...IS TRASHING THOSE 10 BASIC RULES OF LIVING AND GOVERNMENT BY, OF AND FOR THE PEOPLE   Moses came down from the mountain with...and changed the thinking of the world forever.... 

   Those pesky 10 rules have to come down from places of public they begin with announcement that no gods are seated there...and we the people are not to worship or idolize them...and if they abuse power we have the full right not to live under such.....and the rest give us a CONSTITUTIONAL BASIS of all our laws and systems of laws...of fairness, justice and some mercy when needed....

   Thankfully, most nations of the world have now followed this and have peaceful means of changing leadership  at the BALLOT BOXES OF THE WORLD...

      THIS ELECTION IN NOVEMBER IN USA...could get unpleasant....and  thank You President Trump for clarifying that mail in ballots is NOT ABSENTEE BALLOTS.....which most have a good process to use....and TIME IS  check and follow the rules....and order one for the election if one wishes to avoid...what may happen in November....and this bunch  being some real evil. has no concern about rights of each of us...of any side....of politics....

     This was a peaceful protest...and good basic issues being discussed to heal the hurts of the past........that got some who does not wish us to BE BEST of what our DIVINE CREATOR....made us each to be....ALL PRIESTS AND KINGS....and ALL MEANS  all genders in the kingdom of all are equal...its also in those scriptures...we call the Bible... and we now have that more than any itme in human history...So close to heaven on earth....that SATAN AND HIS COHORTS...ARE ON THEIR LAST RAMPAGE....and if it takes chemicals  and mind control experts and any other kind of real horrific trickery.of even human made get chaos and death and destruction in the streets of nations of this world....they just about have us nearly under their control..

and govts that have become fallen into evil's ways,, black mail...coercion's...and we now have doctors  ot even able to save they know how to only a few years ago.....they could go to an agency judges..and get permission to use...some meds for off label science knows that some can treat a whole family of viruses and bacteria...etc.....and our good doctors....have been at the bottom of the pecking order for  almost two decades... now  as they have to be the beast system entity....and most who work n those companies..often have no idea what they are part of....and are hired as 'nice' people and woe if they wake up....and think with common sense.... and how can a managed by one who never went to medical school??  Used to be peer supervision...ruled....and agency judges..listened and approvals not a big political movement needed in the halls of from change...when its just off label use...of what is known to be used with little bad for decades....COMMON SENSE....Our ancestors...knew what anti virals...were and would make sure...the natural...was on hand...before winter set in....and seasons of viruses....came....and all we had was the natural...for thousands of years.... before humans....become mad scientists...playing around with the human genome...which never should have been signed into the public domain..without some Pres we now live with uses that kill and not treat should have been used..for...And we have no idea....what the public monies...were  used congress and president Bush 43 signed the law that removed oversight to know and even prosecute theft and crimes by contractors.....THAT IS POWER OVERTHROWN...TO AN ENTITY THAT SOON BECAME ONE WORLD WIDE AND A BEAST THAT NONE CAN TOUCH...UNTIL WE ELECT THOSE WHO WILL TAKE IT BACK.....

  And the covid...plague being under a defense law....puts it back under govt oversight...allowed...and has led to a civil war....of the govt....vs the beast....and we the people  caught with having to make sure we elect those who remain our OUR SIDE...AND NOT THE BEAST'S AS TOO MANY HAVE MONEY AND FAMILY TIES TO IT....and their family is not just answering the phone at all their generic call centers saying they are the govt....or company and are not....

   The civil war...had begun...last year....and I reported this no longer could one call a govt phone number and their generic call center ask questions...and get you to the right place in take care of issues...beyond general info...THE NICE PEOPLE HIRED...AND THEIR NICE FRONT LINE SUPERVISORS.... had had the real govt list of phone numbers and names....REMOVED FROM BEING them...

    This blog was started 12/08,, to tack the overthrow of the USA and this beast system..and gather info into one even our govt has no idea how big it is...and who the companies who put in bids for contracts are even owned all kinds of guidelines are impossible to know...and the DEEP STATE is those facilitators....and the big head is  DALLAS....NOT DC...folks.... and when my civil rights complaint got sent direct to this entity....instead of the civil rights office....all hell broke loose vs the whole govt  at SEEMED TO NOT KNOW...that a bad actors contractors....had finally not been renewed of contract....and then let his brother..set up a shell company and get it back...and thing are worse than ever....???/ Why is it those on the inside of govt...know less than those struggling to even stay alive vs it....find out as we have the will to live...and who is trying to remove that from us...??   Its an entrenched few a couple of steps up from the rank and place for their 30 years...who give out false info in their orders....and keep the whole going...and that is over come....when CONGRESS HAS A LAW THAT FORBIDS EVEN EXISTING BUDGET TO BE USED TO AUDIT A CONTRACTORS OR PROSECUTE ONE... and no one in the turn states evidence against the one  who knew the facts that got the contacts that illegally to be set up conflicts. of interest...etc...that did not meet  the rules...that some seem to have forgotten exist...and they do....

  and its more expensive to contract our...when big monies go missing ...etc..and no way to stop it....and once upon a time...Veterans came back from war....and with all the proper background checks...done...had preference for all those govt jobs  now contracted...out... and we created another social problem...etc...that never should have been as human misery  and our missing trillions of dollars....and systems set up of NO GOVT IN CHARGE.....and we the people forgot to even make sure...its understood WE ARE THE RULERS....AND WE ELECT THOSE WHO SERVE US... and we can send you home if you do not serve us well...

   when things govt is to do...seem to be a horror...LOOK FOR THE MISSING MONEY....AND WHO IS IN CONTROL THAT GOT IT....and we cannot move to stop the horror....FLINT MICHIGAN..under LYNN BLODGETT..* (Named by many and in letters to me from govt as the one who is in charge as the real govt is not).ONE OF THE MAIN RULERS OF THE WORLD.....accountable to none...and is their name even Blodgett??? with so many corporate names...even the  SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE HAS NO IDEA...AS OUR GOVT IS NOT ALLOWED TO SPEND ONE PENNY TO UNRAVEL what US Attorney call biggest ricco or organized crime ring in USA..history...and its the biggest as it beats ancient Rome who went the same way...and the most innocent got crucified....when they got in the way of it....

      We are 'the lost tribes of Israel" and we have gotten into some real spiritual lostness...even as we profess to be saved...we have let all go to hell around we thought we were saved....and it was not true..when....our belief...never made sure..we did as asked...and made sure...what we are to do for done....  even by those we elected to spend our monies..for this or that....and the good laws got past...but none made sure...they were not gone missing and laws in the trashcan...  The closer we got spiritually...the more we ignored the dangers lurking to take all from endanger the goodness we wished to be done...and then we found ourselves...ignoring...all even to not even voting...

   WE GET OUR BALLOTS EACH YEAR BY FILING ONE PIECE OF PAPER BY MAIL...find our your process...and any way one can legally use the absentee ballot system,if you have concerns.......and if there is a mass mailing of insecure.ballots that seems...ridiculous anyplace even tried this..but the people were not all part of the process.and we have to get so we we re called to be...

...It will be exposed...when yours is there done legally and the real one to count..... AND DO MAIL IT we get ours as soon as the ballot is certified...and printed and then mailed...often weeks ahead of is the time...when three is less rush.... Concern it getting in...certify it....and track its progress to the election Many more rural areas may see no issues but have lived in cities where things did happen in the past......and it could get nasty in some places waiting in long lines...6 feet apart of each this bunch led by real evil and not those who had a political concern with need for laws and policies to be changed and were getting addressed and SATAN  could not stand that the past wrongs were being listened to....and EVIL HIJACKED IT.....and laws proposed to help heal the ignored...SATAN IS WINNING...and those with hurts to heal on all sides of

    95% + voting by all who legally the real power...and SATAN KNOWS it...and does not wish us to show a real mandate or majority...and still not forget to make sure that the least amount us...even one is harmed by what the most of us wish done...

      In the name of Yahusha...whom many call Jesus....may we find our be what You called us to be rulers and minsters of each other....and we have each of share the load....and You are thanked for putting up with us..when we really make a mess of things... 

    May we all help in whatever way we can...even if it seems so small its all part of the bigger help and solution...and the power of real when we keep on the good path....You taught us to know and follow.....In Your Holy Name...Yahusha....Amen...


 CAUTION on all the date setters for end time events....we have differing calendars used even today...and a whole lot of confusion in the past....Biblical prophecy is real....but be prepared in your soul first....and aware of what is around....and ask for some divine make it the hopes and lights are rising...of   WE ARE ALL UNDER THE PROMISE... Moses came down the mountain...and one another is the great commandment...the over riding HE loves He made us...and we know this in our souls....and HE IS REAL AND WISHES ONLY THE BEST FOR ETERNITY FOR EACH ONE OF US....may we not choose the wrong side of life and history...and follow the death..destruction and the void of its not a good my thinking  as we are told...and it seems real truth...also...

        Linda Joy Adams  7/31/20


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