
Sunday, December 8, 2019


1 Peter Chapter 4 Summary, Audio & Text (KJV) (a link to another's site)

          Been searching for a site that has the Bible posted with  one of the sharing apps with it as a list compiled in my post and repost of FREEDOM SHARING AWARDS as next year we are losing Windows 7 and  my custom design that incorporates part of that on Windows 10 may be gone also and its not that easy to link articles from other sites without it...One of the many out there is posted here...( I messed up and it got posted 3 times) granted its a sharing of info online about us....but everything is now and we rely on sites to have some kind of ethics even if its used to sell us what we might be interested in buying...

                      The I AM WHO I AM which we commonly refer to as YHWH or Yahweh  but the words is what were spoken to Moses from the bush that burned but never burned up when he asked what is Your Name....And John says in his gospel  that " God is Love"   and why this site sometimes refers to the Divine as he DIVINE LOVE from which three parts exist of Christ as the part  of Right Hand from which all creation was formed...and that is well as the Holy Spirit of Christ also...left in this world for us to accept as free gift..

     And since the fall of humanity for gaining all knowledge before they were spiritually ready to handle it well as since we were created with  FREE WILL we can destroy ourselves if we are not mature enough in our spiritual being to know best choices that will resist those fallen 1/3 of angels who fell in defiance of the Divine...along with Lucifer who was first created to take care of this world and he fell into a sin...that seems will never get himself out of....

              Along comes humanity and freedom and free will and a concept of each one as an individual and rulership of this world and nation and selves becomes an individual matters with each one with rights and we are to care about each other as part of our innate being and through that caring we agree to cooperate and form govts and nations and communities and then cooperate from our respect for each find best solutions to get things done we cannot do along...

          ITS THE OPPOSITE of one controlling all in this world...ITS NOT A ONE WORLD GOVT OR ONE WORLD RELIGION that too many are trying to make happen....and forgetting that with that goes all personal freedoms of any personal beliefs and thoughts...We are not all alike and never will be as part of the Divine Plan....and its because of each of us having unique perspective on things we can find the answers to everything we need to know how to do and get it done the best way possible..and NONE AMONG US BE HARMED BY THE METHOD etc....

      The rights of one is crucial....even when a majority decides to choose to do this or that.....but never forget the one and all of us needing rights ….of even life and livelihood. of personal rights of ownership of even our personal thoughts...Which we are in a time when science can even stop us from using the part of our brains to pray to the Divine….the ultimate deception is to cut us off from each one having direct access to the Divine...outside time and space and the reach of any human and fallen angels or Satan to never be able to cur each one of us off from our salvation...

    But, in this fallen world we can be physically harmed and die....and all of us face death at some point n time  since we  have not restored and made this heaven on earth yet, where life is eternal....but we do have it in another place but not as the plan is to be when we finally get no evil among us....and  even the fallen angels and Satan are given every opportunity to repent and be saved and be good and resist evil as once they were without evil....and latched onto it as the way for them to be...

              That means we are in a real battle for who is to be the victor in this world we get so close to a time when we are the rulers and nearly the whole world is at the BALLOT BOX and more nations being added to those with the people officially as the rulers of the  land and those elected serve the people....not the people serving the rulers...even in a land with monarchs and dictators....there is still the acceptance and always was true that the people hold the power....but we just never understood it....and when we complain about the govt did or did not do something....THAT IS WE DID IT TO OURSELVES....and about time 95%+ of all those who can vote do so in all elections...

  or criticize ones self...when things did not go well...and our responsibility does not end on election day…..but we are to be vigilant about matters and share our praise when merited and when things could be better offer our constructive criticism with ideas of how better something could be done..

        BUT SINCE 2002, OUR REAL GOVT IN THE USA AND MANY OTHER NATIONS...HAVE GIVEN UP BEING SERVANTS OF US....AND TURNED US OVER TO GOVT CONTRACTORS...TO DO AS THEY PLEASE WITH US AND TO US...(ethical ones are in a real struggle)..and we have massive suffering and harms being done...and public monies missing to be used for us and problems solved for one an all..and a massive cover up going on to not tell us NO GOVT IN CHARGE and in the USA where the presidents are to carry out the laws of the land....THEY CANNOT DO SO WITHOUT SPENDING BUDGET TO OVERSEE it done and done legally  AND SINCE THE LAW OF 2002 none can be spent to over see the contractors now doing much of the work and VIRTUAL CONTROL OF ALL OF OUR NATIONAL AND GOVT RECORDS AND MUCH OF THOSE ARE OUR PERSONAL ONES WE ENTRUST WITH OUR GOVT TO PROTECT AND THEY ARE NOT...even under govt control ..

         Only the military and US Dept of defense contractors are under the president....and even they are not always overseen as they should be and allowed to get in and get control of domestic programs and funds where they are NOT ALLOWED TO BE OVERSEEN by any govt...

         And it only takes a few among the real govt to facilitate this one entity now of near total control under a 1000+ ?corporate names to be ruling us  AS OUR VOTES REALLY DO NOT COUNT...WHEN THE ONES WE ELECTED HAVE TURNED US OVER TO ONES ACCOUNTABLE TO NONE... and we do suffer for many ways...

               In health care its a deadly horror....and our doctors have no govt to get it stopped as they are at the bottom of a vicious pecking order that has little ethics for best health and lives sustained..

 And with our national data bases on all of us messed medical its endangering lives of research is skewed and even we nor our doctors can access what happens on that from our own doctors inputs....No way to get access or correct it....and then prosecute intentional alterations which is how 25 million just in the USA ended up with no meds made for us  and others not safe for us and NO WARNING LABELS AS WE DO NOT EXIST.....and monies being gotten from the TOBACCO SETTLEMENT  to monitor patients the cabal turned into COPD  patients when that was not our diagnoses and many, like me had no injuries or diseases even related to how accurate is that medical research?? A SCAM AND LIE...

               Few understand this as most govt phone numbers and even addresses and forms...say the name of some govt agency BUT NONE FROM THE REAL GOVT ARE THERE OR GET THE INFO....and when rights are needed....we have none when things do not turn our well or fairly for us...

            Recently, its getting worse as 'customer service has now seemed to eliminate the word service and those who work for these companies...say a prayer for those caught in a real horror for them...needing their jobs for livelihood....and now inside a place they thought was one to help people and now...?  Much of private industry has had little choice but to hire this cabal and too often in govt and private one has no idea if the co worker works for which entity as the contractors is ordered to NOT TELL and for govt THAT IS ILLEGAL  and one can know pretty quick who is who by asking whom they are employed by and feds know its public info….and even our leave records are public...just most are asked to put it into a freedom of info request of why needed...etc..

but the cabal workers will say they work for the agency....and say they are not allowed to tell..... and one may get the info when transferred to a supervisor who used to know they had to tell...

             So when Peter says we have love and salvation in Christ....we also bear the sufferings and horrors He did as we are still in a world where Satan and his cohorts are taking a last ditch effort now to keep control as they will not accept the good and become good and join the good as offered but continue a void of hell and removal soon from being able to bother us....

         Last battle and they will do any trick or deception to get as many of us as possible to fall into their trap and join them instead….even if it means drugs to alter minds or poisoning or messing up medical care so we lose our physical health and lives....and we have a real horror of a few years to get through before the  return of Christ and those who choose the good are over comers with Him

     The promise of a rapture is real....and a mystery of how that will be or when....but we have our mission given...for helping everyone accept the good and resist the evil....and we are called to be OVER COMERS AND NOT COVER UPPERS  as that only allows evil to fester and grow. TRUTH EXPOSES EVIL and it does not do well in the sunshine of light of exposure....we do understand when its shared with us in ways we cannot but understand....better...

    The good times are coming of a world at peace and love and plenty for one and all....but its not here yet with evil still around to trick us into ways that are not leading to that....


                    In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus may we never forget to keep on the path of good...and resist the tricks of evil to entrap us into its horrific ways and hell.....May we do what we each can to help and care for one another and forgive me when it gets rough and impatient for Your return and make things good for all.. And thanks for the pomegranate that a doctor said should use....and found that a few days not using it had blood pressure it does help with lung pressures in some way to keep swelling down or something only doctors know....but are all getting this training to know formally and may our good doctors be allowed to be in charge of health care science of what You have provided is allowed to be used for best health for one and all of us.... I get organic concentrate and add to distilled or purified water....and drink jut a glass a day.....and everything You gave us in this world..that You made for some one in some way for good.....and may we never forget to give You the praise for it being here for us to use and 'BE BEST' and pray for our leaders and the Trump family going through so much now....when forces are around that most of us have not been allowed to know all the details of what or who is doing what and causing so much havoc in this world....and it all has to be the fallen away around from the beginning of creation...that wish would get saved ..and none ever have to be removed from harming others or creation.... Forgive me my own sins and shortcomings as its not easy...and You said it would not be....but may it be shortened for one and all of us sooner than later.....IN YOUR HOLY NAME AMEN!

    One might watch the latest Perry Stone Manifest Segment on what is in the three heavens...seems very plausible interpretation as we are all trying to figure out meanings of things...

                                VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION


                         (click on prior month and scroll down side for)

                  FREEDOM SHARING AWARDS

                  MEDICAL REGIMEN in 5 parts over sections of 9 Daily Recaps

                           PLEASE do not try any medical treatments without doctor and some need prescripts

                 VIOLATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS PAGE 62FF-85  some 70's not used yet

        Linda Joy Adams 12/8/19





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