
Wednesday, January 2, 2019


‘I have no doubts now,’ Kobach says of Obama’s birthplace | The Wichita Eagle   as  he had it back in Topeka KS and then did not tell the whole truth in court in 9/12 after I filed affidavit with him which is linked here on line on 9/14/12 ..  see my comment I just added a comment to .. but it may not post but one can go back her to the later half of 2012. and you will understand what many in Kansas knows but is silent and why 5 former governors of both parties backed the democrat vs. Kris Kobach..  and many advised Pres Trump not to back  him vs Gov. Colyer who seemed to be a decent sort and had served the state as Lt Gov.. and some mysterious ballots surfaced that cost him the primary vs Kobach... made we wonder if fair elections had evaded KS also. in some areas..  He now has another chance to make things right and better serving in the legislature he was just appointed to replace another..  May it happen...!

   As for Pres Trump getting Obama's birth record. He should already have it. as Senator Lankford's aide told me that as soon as Candidate trump got the nomination he got security clearance and could access the military hospital birth records an get it.. and all I know it that not long after that back in 2016, he said that Obama was USA born... and we know it was not Hawaii as they never certified his grandmother's forgery back in 8/61..


        The Equal Justice Initiative in Alabama , I believe is right .. as they are getting memorial to  the forgotten victim and healing of the families who carry this with them for generations and should not as  its not a shame.. of theirs.  ITS THE SHAME THAT A SOCIETY AND NATION LET IT GO ON.. and our repentance is making things right in some way.. and that is not just money .. its deeper than that.. and the denial of the immediate family is often the biggest hurdle to overcome..  AND THAT IS WHY OBAMA;S FAMILY IS MORE TYPICAL  than we wish to admit.. AND  I left Topeka at age 18 over the horrors I had to face..   knowing the parties  and but for short times and visits avoided my home town...I grew up in.. 

    Much of this journey for truth I entered into in late 2012, was facing my own past and truths and the mystery   and secrecy of who we were back a hundred years and others knew more than I and wanted the whole truth wherever it led..   and I had much of it.. but not the whole until the early 1990;s when others who knew me. when I did not know myself.. and they knew and I was not fully told but for brief lapses of moments shared and then silence not broken...

    As a Christian, I know my way to heaven is on me and my faith and my heart.. and not what an ancestor did or did not do...or was........ Fortunately, the ones I knew had STRONG faith  and that is the richest kind of wealth when ones  ETERNAL SOUL   IS THE  ONE WEALTH ONE NEEDS FOR ETERNAL LIFE... and never involved in any kind of occult evils.. as is said. some more distant relatives have had reported were./are and hard to know what is truth until a court of law decides..  and all the supposition of military tribunals. in Gitmo  for those currently who have held high positions...???   WE NEED PUBLIC TRIALS..  or gossip and rumor will never cease   and  some innocent get seared in the mix,,,,

     Those mysterious envelopes at the Bush 41 funeral ?? that I witnessed shaking up those who got them.  .and online is going into every scenario.. WILL SOMEONE PUBLISH WHAT IT WAS??

The only one spared seems to be President Carter.... Of course some there were and are persons of interest in the missing trillions as this cabal of contractors. did not one day end up with all these contractors and a law passed to give them free reign with no govt over what they did or how they did it. and whey I am in facing annihilation for unraveling it and trying to stay alive.. when genocide is the weapon they use to take what is not their just pay for work they did not do  but shuffled data around needlessly to scam all of us...

         Each one needs to do their own job the best they can and then find out who is not doing theirs legally and take the action needed for just conclusions by our laws and systems. of govt allowed to act with fairness and mercy when it should be applies..   

 Just as much the same kind of horrors exist now in parts of the world when respect for others dies not exist and some few stir up the masses to show hatred for their own personal and too often greedy outcomes.. and learning not to be tricked into hate. and wars is part of the TOTAL OVERCOMING OF EVIL FOR EVER ..

                              FAITHFUL PRAY FOR OUR LEADERS  TO SUCCEED FOR US..

   But its going to get messy when some politicians now and former are found out to have their hands dirty in the corruption and  we have decades to clean up and time to do so and create that HEAVEN ON EARTH WE CHRISTIANS WERE TAUGHT TO PRAY WE COULD HAVE.  and make with all the brains to make it so,, if we just made good choices that help mot hart anyone...

    And none among is harmed.. by others is permitted.. and taking good care of this planet while we live here  so that the next generations can move on out to space and be good stewards of their new homes...

     Do the jobs we elected you to do .. and we will reward you next election day...  But the same types as have existed in human history who wish to grab and hold power even with criminal acts and thievery.. are not going to be happy about this and have trillions of our missing money to block attempts to do what is good for each and all.... Christ shares this with John who passed them onto us in the Book of Revelation in the Bible. in the seven churches..  watch out for these types who surface in human history and follow the good some others share.. teaching that are common wisdom and common sense. that have value to any one of any belief system or faith..  as it all comes down to love for one another.  and when at the end of ones earthly life one meets  DIVINE LOVE   will you reject it or will one recognize it and go on over to the better side. if that is what some describe happens to each one of us.. We can lose sight , in this era  of who has a good heart and who does not..  when jabs and tweets take over... Christ called some  clergy  a few  choice words  for their actions of ignoring the plight of the people and acting as if they were righteous and none else were.

  This is mot about small govt or big. as we only need enough govt so that non one among us is harmed and that there is a govt to act when things get so illegally wrong and harms are done...

   There are ,many things we,. as individuals have to do as a group as its impossible to do al by each one.. Roads , education.. health care which in this era is right to life.. should not be a profit making motive on the misery and suffering being the wealth outcome..

   NEW WAYS OF THINKING ABOUT HOW  IS NEEDED WHERE  freedom still exists and we get rid of some of the abuses of power this cabal of contractors has waged in deadly masses against our health care system used like a slush fund for themselves..

     Have you seem the data shuffling our good doctors have to deal with   that make no medical sense to answer and test for when the diagnoses is the answer.. but those making up all of this seems to have never been inside a medical school at all ...  I AM NOT A DOCTORS. BUT COMMON SENSE GOES OUT THE WINDOW ...and we patients get left with millions of us with no medication  made as once there was 30- 40 years ago and worked well... then and would now for little cost........

life cannot be profit margin.. We need some kind of tax structure between reasonable profit and those with non profit groups who  too often act like profit makers also now..

    The only ones crushed under the weight of greed and criminality of the international cabal now in control is the doctors crushed even under we patients cowering that if something goes wrong. we can still sue and some attorney will make a few bucks off of our misery


      Congress did nothing but run after a stained blue dress. and stopped the serious work that Congressman Dan Burton was doing as chair of Govt reform that was getting closer and closer to the depths of the  DC SWAMP AND SOME HIGH LEVEL POLITICIANS IN BOTH PARTIES.

      Cong Burton had an ancient past dug up and smeared and it was nothing compared to  the inaction's  pr actions that were going on all over the Clinton administration that Congress could have stopped.. and did not.. and WHY NOT??  WHO ARE EACH ONE OF YOU WORKING FOR ??


                                       OLD GLORY

        Its past time for the USA to fast a horror of the past and face it, not cover it up anymore... and  REMEMBER THIS HAS BEEN GONG ON FOR ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY  that one group or another has done horrific things to others. and the root of the evil always seems to be grounded in wealth and the power that wealth can be misused to hold power and control over others..

    Its why when I look at the Flag of the USA , I see us, the stars that shine at the top after all the stripes of struggles we have overcome to get to the shining  place of goodness and light..  

  And please stop attributing  THOUSAND POINTS OF LIGHT WITH ANY NEW WORLD ORDER.   as that was my quote from a Reader's digest article about me and others. back in the early 50's and is part of the same conversation when I began my life long unpaid side career of lobbying Congress.   back in the summer of 1948..

   when my family's home was a lobbying  point to get alternative service  of Brethren Volunteer Service passed by congress to count as ones military service  when drafted.. ..

    And the full quote I gave to then congressman, Everett Dirksen. later US Senator. was   ' a thousand young people would be like a thousand points of light. to help others help themselves and  in the same conversation as he asked me by phone what my letter meant that had gotten to him among all the others..  began that  WE NEEDED A PEACE CORP  

  although  within about a year the law to count BVS for military service passed into law... and other groups like it based on the ,model the {Peace Corps was based on.......It was more than a decade before the PEACE CORP WAS PASSED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE LYNCHING AND ALL THAT WAS OCCURRING AROUND  THE BIRTH OF  a future president of the USA. ..

   And the horrendous back lash by faith groups that one should only help others help themselves if it was done in the name of Christ....  If that had stood then we would not have non profits at all .. only faith groups.


      My parents did not promote me getting involved. and  WE DID NOT GET THE FULL PEACE CORP PLAN PASSED  and we need to do so .. as with the military build up around this world we could end up in another draft and we need to keep the govt out of the places of faith trying to figure out what this or that doctrine even is... WHEN FAITH IS PERSONAL AND EVEN AN ATHEIST COULD BE A CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTOR.. 

    So we went though another period of civil upheaval through a war where few could see an enemy to even fight.. when the original concept is choice.  and one serves in one way for the present fight or servers in another to prevent ever having to have to go to war again in human history ..

    Still need to update medications for an medical visit. and share what I have leaned about some things. .. and  PRAY THAT SOME PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY WILL MAKE THE PIRBUTERAL MEDICATION THAT IS OUT OF PATENT    the US PATENT OFFICE TOLD ME.. and was used to treat LEFT VENTRICLE HEART  FAILURE AS A PILL  years before it was put in an inhaler called Maxair and now not make as it used CFC's that hurt the ozone layer.. its water soluble ad water vapor might work as it has for other of my inhalers when mixed in the humidifier cup attached to my  liquid oxygen   Distilled water is still allowed in the USA to be inhaled or drank?? .. and  I HAD INFO FOR  30 YEARS THAT  told  was for small air way disease  and when ones lungs swell up almost 75% ones blood cannot get thought the lungs to the left ventricle and this medicine is far better than nitroglycerin tabs when its the pressure that has to be reduced to get the blood flowing again...

         I AM ANGRY AT THE GRAVE LOSS OF HUMAN LIFE AND HEALTH IN SO MANY AREAS WHERE   treatments and cures have been known for a long time and greed and control and pure genocide has taken over   and big money made  off of human suffering that could be lessened  greatly at less cost.. BUT HEALTH IS A PROFIT MAKING OPERATION    and  treatments that work around for decades are not worth making anymore.. even when they work well..

  I do not  LIKE BEING UNINFORMED WHEN TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHAT TO DO TO STAY ALIVE IN THIS..   There is a group of over 20 million patients in my group and  no  billions to have to be spent for.clinical trials needed to make the medication at all... as used for decades and any side effects are long ago determined. too...

     HOW ABOUT A NON PROFIT ENTITY SET UP TO MAKE MEDICATIONS THAT ARE NOW IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN AND NO ROYALTIES HAVE TO BE PAID TO ANYONE.. just the cost of missing it up in a clean place and right here in the USA also..

      IF THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY DOES NOT WISH TO MAKE WHAT WE NEED FOR LIFE  without added life threatening substances not even regulated... let us save ourselves...

       BEWARE as some of the  herb and supplement company have sold and merged and adding some of this bad things to their products also.. and I had to change companies...

    WHATEVER ONES DOES. MAKE SURE YOUR DOCTOR IS AWARE AND CAN MONITOR YOUR HEALTH   even if the cabal managers they  are crushed under now will not allow direct help...  no wonder so much is being censored on line now as its a lot of info that we all need to know and then check out with our health care providers.. and pray that their managers does not have them tied to a pharmaceutical company  that  makes some of the products that  have added  harmful  things to it for you....   Natural is always better. and good food is best.. but our food supply is laced with bad things also and when shipped for weeks around the world to get to us.. has lost much of the nutritional value...

        REMEMBER WHEN THE FORMER FIRST LADY MICHELLE OBAMA  was chastised for her garden  and I applauded her for the effort when some would find no good at all in anything the other side did...  online..  9orks both ways and one must give praise when its due.. also as well as criticism... to be fair..

AND WHO HAD THE MOST TO LOSE FROM GOOD HEALTH AND  I am not about the school menus that we know is not going to work for kids when the food served is not the good food one gets fresh form the garden.. is it.??  

   There is a lot that went on over the last several decades at the white house level and some was horrendous we now know about..  and  CONGRESS DID NOT ACT AND HAD THE RIGHT TO FIND OUT AND DID NOT IF THEY DID NOT ALREADY KNOW AND COMPLICIT...  without  stopping it..

     In our system of govt. we have checks and balances on abuses of power. and if one branch falters. than the blame is all around...  and we still only have 1/2 a govt as that is all that voted  and when we get to 95% in all elections.. I do not think that big money will ever rule us again. unless we choose to let it.. and why would we??

Prayers for success for our govt and get all the secrets out of deeds done as  its getting bizarre out in the world wide info highway... and the next you tube may have those letters  be an invite to meet  the leaders from the planet Nibiru which I have never seen at all.. and they may not be  GOOD  souls  BUT THE FALLEN ... is the warning of my faith book.. And many say many are missing from any contact now so maybe they took a spaceship to the other side of the Sun??   That is how bizarre this is getting but most of us who watched  the funeral in DC,, saw a part and I saw Jeb Bush visibly shaken by something but not the rest  which many have the various angles put together now..

Amen and Blessings to all and may my own survival occur and some company make the meds we millions need for once. in a safe form.. so that life may be sustained as long as medical science and nature allows    May the USA overcome our past and face it and heal for a better future for one and all...where no evils surface again ever  towards others... Where we do not have to like each other or agree with each other to care  and co exist in peace as we choose the better path to goodness for each unique wondrous person/ our  Divine Creator loves  even when we mess up ..   Help me be the best I can  to find the way though a valley  that has too much heedless death already. when it cannot be  done by one alone  when there is so much I have no expertise to know about.... and nothing wrong with humanity respectfully , working together for a common good ,about this or that.. is it??

I do not think so . and  hope most agree...for the good of one and all ..

Linda Joy Adams 1/2/19








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