
Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Daily Recap 8/20/18-8/23/18 E=VERIFY NOT UNDER GOVT CONTROL!

UPDATE: STOLEN ID – Turns out the Illegal charged with killing Mollie Tibbitts passed E-VERIFY – The Right Scoop  see my comment to linked article....and a decade  trying to get  truth out  of what  Congress did back in 2002 and still will not allow even existing budget be used for internal audits or criminal investigations and/or prosecutions  of govt  contractors. 

Trillions missing of our public monies  and too many dead and harmed by illegal  acts  of international cabal now ruling much of world and UN...ASK your member of Congress and or candidate why no amendment to each bill that will put back oversight language  to  protect people and nation,

States and  local govts  cannot do this  alone with  federally  funded  matters!  And  the poorest among us robbed....from  help we have paid  for....

    This is shortened post  as not feeling  too  well.. Pray  for voters  to elect a Congress   that will do their jobs  for us  and  not this cabal....WE  need  laws  sufficient that no one  is  harmed... Not many needed but  we  have to  have  a govt as long as  a few do illegal and evil things. And losing control of records of a nation which is  our personal ones  is  unconstitutional.

Linda Joy Adams   8/23/18

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