
Tuesday, July 24, 2018


WHAT? Barack Obama Says He's 'First American President From Kenya' In Foreign Speech - Big League Politics see my comments to the linked article as the campaign for UN Sec General s goes forward and the need for the fake Kenya birth is needed for votes from Africa and Muslim nations....
Does this sound 'out of this world.?"  You have to understand an extended family who have planned things decades in advance.. But my immediate family did not wish to be part of..  In Christ any one can be saved and one has to consider each one as an individual. 
So much fake info is being intentionally spewed out more and more now as those who have gotten control do not want  the people and our leaders we elect who serve us to succeed and bring this cabal to our legal systems..  In the USA our own congress let this happen to us as in 2002 no oversight of contractors is allowed by law (cannot use existing budget) and in many nations this cabal now has control of the nations records and access to the public treasury ....Plus the UN which has now been made more powerful than it was ever intended to be  with  lack of oversight of the member nations and pushing agendas on the world's people few agree or want.    Instead of dealing with major issues it was set up to deal with as a community of sovereign nations...
  The refugees fleeing from wars and some neutral area to go to..  WE DO NOT HAVE A WORLD GOVT  OF BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE AND THAT IS WHAT MAKES THIS WORSE FOR AN ENTITY WHERE THE CABAL HAS GAINED ACCESS AND CONTROL ...   JUST AS NO GOVT IN CHARGE IN THE USA  AND EVERY law must have the oversight language n it or the law will not be obeyed and monies for use for it can disappear through the cabal contractors now running things and much of those records are our personal records that the govt is to keep secure for us.
    Strange things are popping up on how medical bills are coded now in those programs that are to have govt oversight and that is all.....
    I had one come from  Part D Medicare plan that indicated that heart tests not covered and no where in the many pages did they ever tell me or the billing service for thousands of dollars of tests that I was not insured through this insurer for medical and hospital coverage as if I had this companies insurance and would not cover the charges 
   In the past , it would simply make it clear WRONG COMPANY GOT THE CLAIM.. as the billing people  , under this cabal direction and the processing for the insurers all done by the cabal and he next thing would be me in collections and trying to convince them to send it to the right place. which for me is Federal workers comp under Lynn and Bill Blodgett etc, which will not even post my file nor process anything as  THEY HAVE EVERY ONES WORKERS COMP NOW IN THE USA AND MOST APPROVED MEDICAL BILLS NOW ILLEGALLY DUMPED ONTO MEDICARE AND
   Congress is to blame for no oversight.. NOT ALL OS HE GOVT IS DEEP STATE. and most do wish to do their jobs for us and protect our rights and public treasury  BUT THE RESTRAINER OF LAW WAS REMOVED BY AN EARMARK TO A 6000 PAGE BILL back in 2002 and signed into law.   and no govt in charge.
     The bigger FAKE NEWS is all the rhetoric on socialized med vs free market AND WE HAVE NEITHER SINCE 2002.. All we have is a New World Order of NO ACCOUNTABILITY BUT TO ITS OWNER S OF HE CABAL ROBBING US AND STEALING OUR VERY LIVES  when its health care and .. it most of our lives 24/7 now with no govt to turn to when things get really deadly crooked..    
   Another party had their insurer send them a denial of payment for seeing their family doctor and saying THEY HAD NO LIABILITY FOR THE CARE and one item denied was an office visit.. And this person sees that doctor for several medical issues etc.  No malpractice insurance??
So this doctor and clinic are seeing patients  with out coverage and billing insurances and  THIS IS MADE UP to cause issues is  the contention. I am aware that this clinic is associated with a local hospital and the hospital has none?? and they are part of a major chain of hospitals in the USA and none of them have malpractice coverage now??  SO ALL THE PATIENT WILL GET A NOTICE THEY ARE NOT COVERED AND WILL HAVE TO PAY A  FEW MILLION DOLLARS NATIONWIDE BY ALL THEIR PATIENTS?  I am checking with the state on this as do not think a doctor can be denied payment if they have no malpractice insurance..  And do not think this is true by a fake answer to get out of bilking the primary insurer an be paid first.  as has not been going of since 2002. Someone is making up words for a denial reason to not pay  as neither of these is the ones from an approved software program at all....... this cabal is fighting  back  what the Trump administration has already curtailed and they are now managing  all parts of health care from your private insurer to the govt programs and NO PRESIDENT CAN GOVERN  CONSTITUTIONALLY  WHEN CONGRESS WILL NOT ALLOW MONIES TO BE SPENT FROM EVEN THE CURRENT BUDGET.  to protect our rights and public monies and our very lives themselves under this cabal of real evil   that is not just a shrewd business practice.
    And easy to fool all when they  illegally impersonate they are a govt phone number, address or employee and are not.. Even our good neighbors who go to work for them and trained with misinformation to give out  ARE TOLD THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SAY THEIR CORPORATE NAME WHICH IS ILLEGAL AS  its public monies they are spending. even for their salaries. 
     With no govt to referee fairness of the bidding process (if any is even done) for contracts  , we HAVE NO FREE AND FAIR MARKET SYSTEM EITHER..OF COMPETITION.
  They DOD contractors  kept their oversight but most are stock market companies and with several companies to buy stock,, and no proper oversight to know all are shells of the original or controlling interest now.. they have gotten control of our major defense contractors who make our major weapons. And the missile codes to the NUKE FOOTBALL IN FALL OF 2016 AND CONGRESS LET THIS SLIP BY THEM.    as the scare tactics went out is Trump should not be president and he would have them..  and vote for Hillary..
   WE have a constitution and methods and processes  to deal with a president that is out of control BUT WE HAVE NOTHING IN PLACE TO DEAL WITH A CONTRACTORS WHO DECIDE TO START WW III and have been given control of our own weapons of mass destruction and we wonder why the nations of the world are concerned about what is going on in the USA?
Is this a blatant conflict of interest that should not be allowed? YES but all hidden under a multitude of shell companies with many names etc.  in one area o our lives from local traffic cams to our privacy removed by all kinds of surveillance under this cabal's control to county  CPS and ADS and rights over major population and lack of rights even a prisoner has more of  to our states who have been scammed and still are for all kinds of federally funded programs they are not equipped to stop crimes and fraud waste and abuse without federal help they used to rely on for that help prior to 2002 and many do not realize there is NO FEDERAL HELP ALLOWED BY CONGRESS SINCE THEN..  and it took years for them to find out why NO HELP CAME.. as congress put a gag order rule on themselves and that is unconstitutional for such a rule to hide a law hat overthrew the USA as they cannot mention, contact or have a contractors testify  and that makes any meaningful help from ones member of Congress impossible as most issues are dealing with what the contractors did and the real govt has no access to the data, files and what is going on and should NOT BE LYING  AND COVERING UP THAT THEY ARE ONLY REPEATING WHAT THE CONTRACTORS VERBALLY SAID TO CONGRESS WHEN  its not from records they can no longer legally access. on one a their own agency's contractors..they are to be overseeing  .
    Those smoking gun e mails fro the FBI love birds was came when Michael Horowitz went to the Military as those contractors are still under the laws of the lands and got them for him for his IG report or we would still be in the dark of the most blatant attempt by one candidate to sabotage another as this cabal knew that Pres..  Trump would not continue doing the bidding of them as Hillary had done for decades  and Sen Bernie Sanders was out by more illegal acts. .  Remember he was one of the first Hacked   and he is one who got the oversight in bills hat came our of his committee when he had some power for a couple of years. 
      We the people got scammed from a real honest debate on political philosophies in 2016 and all this skullduggery allowed to come out if the debates had been Sanders vs Trump .. I still think Trump would have won but we will never know what a fair election would have been and only the smart voters of a few states who demanded a paper ballot may have got us with Pres. Trump  and the only surprise for me is he did not win by 70%....   The two this cabal feared most and more of Trump then Sanders is my opinion and the PEOPLE SAID WE NEED A NEW DIRECTION. as the one of the last 30 years is not what we want ..
    Those kids from south of the border?? Tom Blodgett went to South America after running  Europe a few years ago and things got stirred up ?? and here they came.. as if the promise of safety  was here.. and our monies are being used to care for them in a humane way now that is delivering monies from other needed sources.  Budgets come from Congress   The president of the USA cannot do what this cabal has been allowed to do since 2002, just write endless checks right out of the public treasury    Pray for our world leaders  as they are up against this cabal for the sovereignty of their own individual nations..      
    VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION is the first duty of being a citizen.. and we have less hen 50% voting and we need the statistical 100% of 95% and in all elections and for a decade  as we may have to send some we elect back home next election day..  as we find our they are a puppet of the puppet master s and not there to serve us  AND THIS IS BOTH PARTIES OR NONE. ON THIS 
    No wonder it took so long for Flint Michigan to figure out  NO HELP ALLOWED TO MAKE THEIR WATER SAFE WHEN LYNN BLODGETT'S MANAGEMENT COMPANY DECIDED TO SCAM A FEW DOLLARS AND PUBLIC HEALTH WAS NOT A  CONCERN  for what they could get. and what is all this money for??? a campaign chest for final world domination under the beast system that is NOT A GOVT OF, BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE AT ALL and the USA continue to print money to finance it by all the scams set up to be able to steal from us.. and he need to have those elected that would go along with it or be able o be blackmailed into doing so as remember this cabal is he snoopers of all of us with all our private info and anything gathered  to be used to black mail is theirs to do with as they please... Unlike a real govt employee who could be prosecuted severely for such illegal actions including hiding 30,000 e mails of Hillary 's  that might mention those matters I have addressed in more specific detail by one involved ????     
      Back to those misleading denials of medical care that are showing up now  that are gong to cause all real trouble until  its sorted our as blatantly unclear and misleading as rare would these have been when the wrong plan got the bill. ... and makes no sense and intended to be garbage  and sounds like more scams by their cabal managers  to steal  more money for shuffling more papers  and data to scam the public treasury.. Our health insurers are under them now and . are our good doctors etc. now not covered if it has to do with adverse reactions that are not allergies. and much of diseases can be linked  in some way to such??  hat means we are back to where we once were when one like me and my good doctors have to have a lot of mutual trust when trying something out  that might not work. and if doesn't may have little to do with the doctor but more to do with too much hidden that is stuck into medications and foods now.  And the FDA cannot verify any data or facts from their contractors either , can they???
    The Bible tells us that near the end of the age when Satan has his last hurrah before being bound up away from bothering us..  there will be lawlessness as its the only way he can survive.. is when we, he people do not have legal systems in place to stop the evils he gets his minions to do ..  The RESTRAINER OF LAW WAS REMOVED IN 2002 IN THE USA  but much already in place ready for whole scale loss since then... and Satan's price for all  is not Alaska, but Jerusalem   and only online news is covering what is going on there in a real war zone of daily attacks.. against Israel as we only hear he cabal under Satan telling of how bad the other side is.. being treated .WAR IS DEADLY AND PEOPLE DIE IN WARS EVEN CHILDREN  and the UN was set up  to help stop wars not engage in world wide domination into a one world order ...  at least most of us thought it was for good peace..
    WHY HASN'T THE UN INVESTIGATED WHERE ALL THE BILLIONS AND TRILLIONS SENT FOR THE PALESTINIANS TO HAVE TO USE FOR THEIR GOOD WENT TO  AND DISAPPEARED OVER THE LAST 70 YEARS  Why haven't nations , like he USA allowed these monies to be stolen from the uses intended for the people...?? WE all helped create real hatreds! that is about to erupt into death and destruction world wide..
  FOLLOW THE MONEY AND WHEN ITS OUR PUBLIC FUNDS.. our govt is responsible to make sure its used for the purpose the laws says and not stolen from that and from us.
                                    PICTURE BIBLE IN THE HEAVENS
as the ancients knew how to read and we lost much of the original meanings/names of constellations  at the time of the Tower of Babel into the fertility goddess religion that became the new order and we now have a real jumble of meaning s in our common language and the star map of Revelation chapter 12 is he sign to know that we are on the last unfolding of predicted events cause by our sins and bad acts.. and maybe the only delays is our attempted to make things right and slow it down.. but Satan has been loosed for his chance for salvation and so far does not seem wish to have it..
   Many are sharing their opinions of meanings and much is well worth watching and reading as we try and figure out the warnings for our own salvation. Hebrew has no beginning  and no end and some signs can have multiple meanings for he symbols for the time and place of separate events.  So all may be accurate for such.
      WE have the STAR OF DAVID RARE EVENT UP ABOVE US NOW created by the wandering stars which he ancients called  the planets and asteroid now we can see  .. and the world leaders are meeting and trying to deal for good and lasting peace... .  but at the heart of world peace is  JERUSALEM .. Beautiful Jerusalem the joy of the world  BUT YET A CUP OF TROUBLE built in an earthquake zone and a major boulder on the western wall fell  a few days ago. and according to Josephus and other ancient sources  what is in that Vatican hidden from us Constantine's mother gathered up when all were to have one doctrine and all think alike and being a baptized member of one church was ones right of citizenship.. not he place they first took a breath.
     The wailing wall is still on sacred ground for most and their prayers go up to the Divine is not to be scoffed at by any one.    But it well may be , as I agree so far; that its  part of the retaining wall of the fill dirt King Herod created when the Romans wanted to have their garrison fort and  be a little higher than the Temple .and the highest point to see all in the area  . which I do think and agree with some experts is the Temple  area of nothing now  since 70AD when Rome destroyed the temple to 'not one stone left'   and filled in the pools of clear running water at it. for cleansing.. 
   Already the minions of Satan are blaming Israel for tying to bomb it as  shaking occurs. But the natural disaster is in place  for King Herod's fill dirt the Mosque is built on? to all come down.. King David , 3000 years ago bought two partials of land and got deeds for his heirs and they had been stable areas for thousands of years already and where are the deeds now??
 One big earthquake and the scientific reasons will be hidden as ALL HELL AND BLAME ERUPTS AND REASON  IS FORGOTTEN    I PRAY FOR STABILITY OF THE GROUND ITSELF.   even if the structure present now is not the one of my faith.. Most have not read the history that is available. or have it verified by our archaeologists  for us.  And some say that the excavations under the mosque may be destabilizing the area from some foundation work installed 2000 years ago.
              WE HAVE A BLOOD MOON ITS SAID CAN BE SEEN IN ISRAEL COMING ON 7/27/18 ALONG WITH A LUNAR Eclipse  THAT WILL Be SEEN IN THE AREAS OF THE EAST   A major event that is between two solar eclipses within a few weeks.
  I linked some articles  recently of others saying the 7 YEAR PEACE TREATY THAT WILL NOT LAST will be made... now..  I study and wait to see..   But one of the trines that make the rare Star of David up above now includes Neptune of the god of the underworld and deceiver and we could find an agreement made that will not soother real hatreds .
   WE NEED TO FIND WHAT HAPPENED OT THE MONIES SENT TO HELP THE PALESTINIANS FOR 70 YEARS AND MAYBE WE CAN HAVE SOME PEACE AS WE HAVE SHOWN REAL DISDAIN FOR THAT HELP BEING STOLEN  and no wonder real hatreds have been allowed to fester and fostered by some of their own leaders who are implicated in taking some major amounts of it  for their own personal bank accounts in Switzerland. TRUTH IS NEEDED AND SINCE THE ONE TIME HISTORICAL CELESTIAL  EVENT OF 9/23/17 TRUTH IS BEING BIRTHED AND COMES FROM WE THE PEOPLE, THE BRIDE OF CHRIST.. and The DIVINE FATHER WHOM THROUGH CHRIST ALL CREATION WAS MADE. and we have His Holy Spirit present to help guide us through to know what actions will help promote peace as long as possible for all to be saved. for eternity ..
SHOW THE PALESTINIANS WE THE PEOPLE DO CARE AND FIND THE MISSING MONEY AND USE IF FOR THE INTENDED PEACEFUL PURPOSES .. THEN HATREDS CAN BE SOOTHED BY LOVE THAT SEEMS TO REALLY CARE FOR EACH MEMBER OF THE HUMAN FAMILY. And we may all have to face that some of our own leaders in nations were part of some illegal kick backs etc.  People are no born to hate but to love and we need to understand why hate is grown and it is not something that come naturally but through acts done that the soul says is not right and just and JUSTICE DENIED ONE DENIES IT TO ALL OF US 
                                                      REVELATION CHAPTER 12FF
REVELATION: CHAPTER 14- VERSE 11. "And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever received the mark of his name. "
(I am still of the opinion that this is not just a number of a stamp etc. but some nanotechnology we now have to control our very thoughts and behaviors WE will no be allowed o have any free and independent thought  ,EVEN IN OUR DREAMS  where much of what we know is put together in our sub conscious to problem solve for each of us.  as we sleep..  Often we are given info from the Divine in this way or through what He has given us to use , with His Holy Spirit..
    What might happen if we decide to revolt against an implant that can zap us  WE CAN BE PHYSICALLY INCINERATED BY THE  ELECTRICITY GENERATED  if we try to resist. 
   We already have this for our dogs,,  with a chip and electric boundaries that are invisible but not to the chip in the pet who may try to cross and leave our yard and gets zapped ...And will it soon be prescribed for controlling a hyperactive child who is just a potential creative genius revolting against an educational system that does not foster innovation and or free thinking much anymore ....??? and the elderly with loss of mind and or memory used to keep them in their rooms at the nursing facilities that we will not have the public monies , being stolen  to care for without nano technology so they do not wander off. SOME KINDS OF CHIPS IS ALREADY BEING USED .. IS SAID  and companies  are using this also  AND IS THERE A MICROPHONE TO KNOW WHEN TRADE SECRETS ARE STOLEN ALSO??/and just not location??  of one suspected??
Prisons replaced by behavior modification chips to zap us and forget innocent until guilty as we will be so brainwashed by more than ever since 2002 o go along when the puppet master of evil says we are guilty with no trial or jury of our peers to sort out truth from is manufactured evidence more realistic then the FAKE RUSSIAN DOSSIER WE ARE ALREADY TIRED OF HEARING ABOUT AND NONE GO TO JAIL OVER IT. YET. 
  I stand for the flag as its our ideals of us, the stars; we must stand to overcome the stripes of the past.. and VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION TO LET THOSE STARS OVERCOME ALL THE STRIPES OF THE WHIPS OF THE PAST.  WE LET HAPPEN.
 We, the Bride of Christ, the people: have always held the real power and allowed the trickster to fool us into  not realizing it. as he cannot control us infused with the Holy Spirit of Christ as he can possess one or a few leaders to do his bidding..  Pray for leaders of all nations. and for our own first !
                                   SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY
MARK: CHAPTER 6 -VERSE 40. " And they sat down in ranks, by hundreds and by fifties. "   ( he miracle of how thousands were fed from a few loaves and fishes by Christ  as the power of His word to be  was passed on from the smaller groups. 
In my opinions we are to form these smaller groups for study and worship  even as we sometimes meet in bigger crowds for celebration.. Its in these smaller groups we can learn and help each others more than in a larger one..  Even some of our mega churches have learned to have these  cell groups usually by geographic area   etc. for meeting and knowing and helping.. and we all have opinions and ideas if not implanted? to be zapped yet.. but its in these smaller groups we find out if what we think is outside the norm or consensus of all.. And be free to discuss and respect others having ideas that may not be what the accepted consensus really has been.. AND IN FAITHS WHERE ITS ALREADY BEEN DECIDED FOR US HUNDREDS OF YEARS WHAT WE ARE TO THINK this freedom is not really here is it.. WE SHOULD STUDY WHAT HAS BEEN WRITTEN BY OTHER OVER TIME FROM HEIR TAKE ON SCRIPTURE. BUT WE RE IN AN ERA NOW WHEN THE LANGUAGE OF THE BIBLE ETC. IS NOW BEING REVEALED OF FULLER MEANING AS IT DESCRIBED TECHNOLOGY NOT YET EVEN DREAMT OF EXISTING. thousands of years ago since Noah's family may have been the last to know .. but maybe we had such before the Great Flood and been lost to all but a few. and much of that hidden by those who have used it for control of all. and that is not of the good..
   Then we have to pray and decided if we are the ones with the spirit filled idea or if we have been even partially fooled by the puppet master of the evil one..
And we have the promise that total destruction will not occur this time as Christ will stop it. as we watch and pray and hope for the best. for each and all. and NOT BE DECEIVED  in an era when DECEPTION IS A PERFECTED SCIENCE.
    Is why we may not be able to turn the tide to a better path in one election or even two.. but a decade of full participation.. and if you are among those few who do not vote by reason of conscience PLEASE PRAY FOR THE REST OF US.. as we sort through who is he ones who will serve the people , the nation and the DIVINE OF LOVE ITSELF. we Christians call the Holy Trinity  of Father , son and Holy Spirit  A THREE IN ONE WE DO NOT FULLY UNDERSTAND AS HUMANS YET.  BUT MAY SOON.
   The Rapture is not expected yet, as here are other events that have not yet happened that are said in scripture that will first. Our job is SAVING SOULS AND STRIVING FOR THE IDEALS OF FREEDOM AND GOODNESS AND HOW TO HEAL HATREDS Taught. Christ gave us our marching orders as he sat the thousands down in ranks  to receive physical and spiritual food. so we are prepared for what comes to keeps us down and not up to be what the ideals of the stars of the  USA flag of freedom stands for.. US, THE STARS OF THIS NATION..
                                   In the name of Yahusha, our salvation  we Christians call Christ Jesus, may we keep our hearts on You and follow Your directive so that the Bride of Christ is complete for each and every one to be part of.  May we find the ways to peace that heals the hatreds of the past. for what too many of us have sinned and let our indifference to caring  May we all be allowed to keep on sharing online and among us o help each other know what we need to know to help the process of lasting peace and have the HEAVEN ON EARTH you have promised we will have some day after we get through these last birth pangs of resistance to evil and HELP US  we need it ! Pray for our President and family as hey are under attack by those who do no understand hatred does not over come have but love does and FREEDOM AND WE PRAY FOR  YOUR DIVINE INTERVENTION  FOR THE SOUL OF THE BABY THAT  TOO  MANY FORGOT, since 3/61....including me who knew and did not act until the last few the whole  truth could have helped. ......     FORMER PRESIDENT OBAMA   as he is offered power and wealth that his soul not be the ultimate price.. and help us to remember  to pray for those whom the evil wishes to control more than most of us. that have no such  great fame but together hold Your Holy Spirit in and among us as Your free gift of Your love for us.. ..Forgive us our sins! and help us not to be misled to sin again.....  .  Amen!
Linda Joy Adams 7/24/18

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