
Thursday, July 12, 2018


CNN Lobbies Facebook to Shut Down Infowars  See my comment to the linked article.. And Alex Jones missed getting the truth about Obama born in Topeka KS many were trying to tell who knew early on.. and censored at the highest levels of the puppet masters of the cabal in control back in 2008 .. But he has been right on a lot or has some info to add. to matters.  P,S. report is circulating  that Zuckerberg?  is selling off his stock in Facebook. What does he know? Is this truth?


                                            PICTURE BIBLE IN THE HEAVENS

   Today's solar eclipse is said to only be seen in a part of Australia  so pictures are all most of us will see.  and is occur as the STAR OF DAVID TRINES OCCUR UP ABOVE IN ANOTHER MORE RARE EVENT.  the experts who know about astronomy say this is a solar eclipse that starts a new series. of them .... World leaders are meeting and greeting  each other  all over now and pray  we have  a good and more peaceful out come for all the world.  The Jupiter of we the people and world leadership in the swamp of the beast of the multi headed hydra  now call Scorpio since the time of the Tower of Bale and terms and meaning from the ancient got jumbles into the meaning of the FERTILITY GODDESS RELIGION  OF MYSTERY BABYLON  and we do not even know the day and hour of time. but we know the  END OF THE AGE IS NOW HERE AS the star map of Revelation 12 even Christ referred to watch for has occurred on 9/23/17 and we seem to be seeing events unfold.. but still not exact dates..  Remember  in Hebrew with no past tense;  signs and stories/parables  can have multiple meanings so if one says its this and  another that  REMEMBER WHAT WAS AND IS  AND IS AGAIN AND IS NOW AND WILL BE  CAN RESULT IN THE SAME  SIGNS HAVING DIFFERING MEANINGS FOR THE SYMBOLS FOR EACH SET OF TIMES AND CIRCUMSTANCES. Most may be correct in interpretations, etc.  so keep on sharing your thoughts and its a lot of good to consider out there being shared now.. .. Persevere and do what we are asked to do and  BE PART OF THE SOLUTION  as the sign we now call Virgo seems to be   WE THE PEOPLE ,THE BRIDE OF CHRIST IN THE LAST STEP OF THE HARVEST OF SOULS ..  AND MAY ALL OF US BE COUNTED AMONG HER.  FOR OUR ETERNAL LIVES.

 I know not all reading this are Christian but consider  the common wisdom of the teachings of this.. to follow the good and resist the evil 

   This is not astrology and few of them are even following this ...  I appreciate the ones who are and Judi Thomases was the one who wrote about the star of David sign now about us. two trines with what she refers to a spine   which is rare but does occur.. UNLIKE THE STAR MAP  OF 9/23/17 THAT WAS A ONE TIME HISTORICAL EVENT UP ABOVE  US AND ONLY ONCE BEFORE WAS IT THERE WITH ONE CHANGE  AT THE DATE SOME SAY WAS WHEN CHRIST WAS BORN..

( go to the end of this post for the rest of the Biblical regular entries.)


                               TO DAYS EVENTS IN THE SECULAR WORLD

   We have heard a lot about 'bias; today and I HAVE NEVER MET A PERSON THAT WAS NOT BIASED IN SOME WAY.. But when it urns into illegal and unethical behavior towards others and  the nation etc.. then we have to pay attention and not let illegal behaviors go on and our legal system is to act..

    When our attention should have been on serious meetings of world leaders today  we were watching a congressional hearing of matters  FEW DO NOT GET THAT SOME HILLARY LOVERS , DID NOT WISH TRUMP OT BE PRESIDENT AND DID THINGS NOT LEGAL AND CERTAINLY UNETHICAL  to try and  stop it.. Every nation in this world is concerned about the outcome of a USA election as we have become so involved, in all .... some good and some very bad  that must be changed for better and we hope and pray that Pres. Trump is able to lead us through the maze with the support and input of congress to find a better way through the mess from the past.. by our leaders, and those of others nations. have us in.

    Little has been said at all over the last 2 years about RUSSIA GATE OR HILLARY'S and every ones else's now  E- MAILS  that  too much of delays to finalize to a conclusion and/ or arrests if warranted  HAS BEEN  the obstruction is by the cabal of contractors that controls access to the nations data and files from our personal ones like tax and medical records' e- mails and phone calls and where our car was today. to the more sensitive top secret matters only a few are to have access to..  when too often cover up attempts  first step is to make it 'classified..

   Congress will not say it as they have a gag order rule to hide that they are not in charge anymore as that was given up by law in 2002 to this cabal of contractors that soon became one entities shell companies and partnerships since no real govt was allowed to make sure that we had a free market fairness of competition.. to get all these access to the public treasury and now find it looted into depression once and near so again, even in times when we have full employment with more taxes collected (even a lower rate)  as the billion dollars a day being stolen from mediocre since 10/6/16 (inside reports verified by the latest trustees report but not how its been spent and no verifiable audits allowed since 2002 as that cabal auditing itself as they steal is NOT A LEGAL? ONE. and none allowed to stop it by our laws.   is not causing rationed care and we could only have the money that is collected currently . to us.. and that is only one major program they have been given total unsupervised control of the USA and most of the world and UN now..

   The meeting this week of world leaders? They are not in charge , are they . WHAT DOES THE CABAL HAVE US DOING ? 


   This cabal can bring this nation to a halt in a few minutes and they can start WW III  as they got into defense companies as stock holders using shell companies etc. and then got in their managers and in 2016 when it became obvious  that Trump was going to win.. and that was months before.. It was clear to me as soon as the Democratic and Independents of OK voted for Bernie Sanders over Hillary whom they just did not trust.. over Sen Sanders.  And this is a Red state and he opposite of some of Bernie's view on things..

   All that was missing was a couple of months for Trump to close in and win the nomination and the only surprise I had is he did not win by 70%. and that is from my unbiased observations , even though I did vote for him as who else was there who seemed to have the courage to stand up to this cabal bunch doing so much harm to all ..  He is not perfect, but maybe its time for all to understand  CHRIST HAS NEVER BEEN ON A USA BALLOT  and we elect imperfect humans from among us for elective office and its up to us, and our other elected representative's and officials to make sure that what is done by one is what should be done.. and take actions to alter, amend or stop any act that should not occur.

    Our leader is not a god, and we are not to worship one as if they are an infallible one and our founders gave us a marvelous governing document to put checks and balances on those who get authority and abuse its. And it also has checks against  'mob mentality' if a majority forgets to protect the least among us..  

    A recent study I linked recently showed that LESS THAN 50% DO NOT EVEN VOTE  and that is the first step to being a free nation.  SHAME ON US THAT OUR FREEDOMS AND RIGHTS MEAN SO LITTLE .. 

    Back in 2008, I recall that AARP began to share something that was not good.. As if one had not done research on all the candidates they had no ability to be able to vote.  Even our pet dogs know who is a good person and who is not.. and the condition of a candidates heart  may be the first thing to know about..  This followed 9/11/01 and the propaganda went out for us to ignore it as the cabal took over and laws got passed that did us in. and we took off to wars hat still are ongoing with losses of money and lives and health and we are no where near at peace, then we were before then  in face we are now under a  beast system  THE PEOPLE HAVE NO RIGHTS UNDER  and going through some really  horrific  times  and one comes along who seems to have a good heart and  is willing to say what most of us have thought and talked about for years. and no leaders would say anything or even stand up and try to correct the bad paths we have taken and wants to drain the corruption and those in it  do not want to give up their power and ill gotten wealth stolen from us.. and resist.. 

   WE also had our leaders telling us to ignore 9/11/01 and go about things as if nothing happening as hey hid our dead soldiers coming home in flag draped coffins... and others coming home broken in body and mind.. and spirit.   WE ARE INVOLVED WHEN AT WAR AS ITS FROM US THE BLOOD IS SHED BY THOSE WE SEND .  WE are to be part of the solution as each one of us is already involved ... and we are to have some input... in the outcomes. and how its all done. 

  Its time for all branches of govt to get active .. and support what is good and what is not get some alternatives that work passed and laws enforced for a change that much has not been for decades even when it was still illegal to do so ..


  I just gave all a modern day paraphrase of the part of the 10 commandments that have caused some to think they should be removed from our public buildings as they no longer understand the original meaning of 10 simple rules that changed the whole world forever as more and more adopted it and the RULERSHIP OF THE PEOPLE WAS UNDERSTOOD TO BE THE PEOPLE THEMSELVES.

  THE 10 COMMANDMENTS IS THE DOCUMENT THAT SEPARATES CHURCH AND STATE. and we have it backwards.  the people of the ancient world fully understood it. and the leaders of Israel from Moses to their kings.  were NEVER WORSHIPPED AS GODS   and its only the last few hundred years when most of the world is not touched by even monarchies still considering their lineage as DIVINE  'gods/'    We still have a few left who consider themselves of divine origin..( MY BIBLE SAYS ALL OF US ARE.) and often they are the ones we are concerned bout getting nukes and may use them as they think they are gods who can decides the outcome of creation?

      This is more then one being a dictator who must serve the people and national as the ancient kings of Israel did and knew they were accountable to the Divine or even an atheist leaders would know they are accountable to others and history .   IN ancient times even in Rome part of the control of he minds of the people to allow them to be in charge  was secular rulership tied to religions belief that they were one and the same and their eternal life could be affected if they did not obey the human leader they were led to believe was DIVINE.   TAKING DOWN HE 10 COMMANDMENTS MEANS YOU WANT YOUR LEADER TO BE A GOD~   and most think its means the opposite.  Read history which is rarely taught  anymore as it mostly about religion and what people do because of it. and their beliefs  .. AND YOU LEARN THAT ISRAEL SINCE MOSES CHANGED THE WHOLE CONCEPT OF HUMAN LEADERSHIP IN THE WORLD....and  Israel was very different than the whole world at the time from then on..


                         PHARAOH IS NOT A 'GOD' .  and we do not have to be his slaves anymore. We have the right to overturn a leader that abuse his or her power. and the Hebrew meaning of the word cover it  ABUSE OF POWER BY ONE IN AUTHORITY AND THAT MIGHT BE   ones household,  at job or school  community and leader of a nation..  

     Most  OF THE WORLD NOW HAS PEACEFUL MEANS TO CHANGE LEADERSHIP THAT  BECOME ABUSIVE. Its called the BALLET BOX  and when we have less than 50% voting in all elections  WE ARE ASKING FOR BAD THINGS TO OCCUR..   as most be OK but they need to know we are behind them against the bad ones among the rest.. and its not one party or another.. 

   So do not think you are unworthy to decided who is the best candidate to vote for..  Say a little prayer for help , if you are one of faith.. and make a choice..  With the internet one CAN LOOK THEN UP AND READ WHAT THEY SAY ON THEIR OWN SITES..  and that  reveals a lot.

      Your hunch may be the right or better choice.. As this voter has often done a lot of research and MADE A BAD CHOICE I only found out after they were in office.  Humans can change when hey get power  and we can only pray that we elected one who does not fall to the temptation of power or are just a puppet of a cabal of puppet masers. Its whey they do not get elected for life.. WE HAVE A CHANCE IN  A FEW YEARS TO  CHOOSE ANOTHER..  and share our opinions to all about what we think .. and who is better to vote for.. etc. We cannot use our own authority in an official position to coerce or abuse that power to sway an election to one or another candidate..

      We need 95% voting and it may take a decade to really change our course in history  before all get it that WE THE PEOPLE ARE THE BOSS AND YOU ARE HIRED TO SERVE US AND OUR NATION AND IF YOU DO NOT  WE WILL VOTE FOR SOMEONE ELSE   And step one is amend each and every  one of all of  those bills to put the oversight of the real govt back or you do not work for us and the laws you pass are meaningless when they do not have to be obeyed and our public monies stolen. along with our rights. of even life. .

                                    I have some personal info to share about plastic money. which is all most of us have t use most of the time.  There is more security on our credit cards than debit cards and one might wish to think about using your debit card only to get money our of an ATM at your own bank.. I am finding out a lot that is down right scary on a lot of what is going on ad too much is being stolen and big data banks stolen of our info and ..... then a pre check done to see if good then later sold and used right at the time when most get their incomes depositing to their accounts..

     We did not get monies stolen . AS I CHECK AT LEAST TWICE A DAY ... AND CAUGHT HE PRE COME THROUGH AD CANCELLED MY CARD . but I have a lot or research and found that major  retail companies have given  over management and systems to this cabal to take care of  AND NONE KNOW WHOM TO CONTACT TO EVEN REPORT IT WHEN IT APPEARS  THE COMPANY NOW WHERE THE NUMBER WAS USED FOR ONLINE PURCHASES  AND THEIR DATA BANK BREACHED..    

                               GET A HARD COPY OR PICTURE OF ANYTHING THAT IS NOT 'RIGHT' OR ACCURATE ON YOUR ONLINE BANK INFO AS THE PRECHECK WILL DISAPPEAR  and you may see transaction codes change and even a few cents changed etc. over the course of a few days.. .   AND THEN WHEN YOU GET ROBBED NONE WILL HAVE A CLUE WHERE TO GO AFTER THE CROOK AND THE GOVT WILL NOT UNLESS ITS $5000. and rare is the person when such that large amount is involved. 

     The industry is subtly trying to get us to use our credit cards and have deals with 3% back etc. for good reason  as thefts end up costing all of us as laws in place make it up when our card number is stolen.. I HAVE FOUND THAT THE CREDIT CARD INDUSTRY HAS A LOT OF SECURITY PEOPLE WATCHING FOR  AND KNOW MUCH OF WHAT IS GOING ON .. UNLIKE THE BANKING INDUSTRY  WHICH IS LITTLE TO NONE 


   Now the big secret is when one makes a credit  card purchase.. ADD THAT AMOUNT TO WHAT YOU PAY THE CREDIT CARD COMPANY  ON YOUR NEXT PAYMENT..  or send it sooner to have the available amount to use. ..  that way the more secure card may be the safer way  even if it has a higher   interest rate.

   Another thing I learned over the last few years and caught it on the pre authorization attempt and cancelled the card  and had been followed around a store too closely but not to report ... and it is likely when it get scammed and  seemed to occur as I opened that case to get the card  I was going to us he was way too close and very odd.. But how does one prove it?

       That RFID protection  card case is to protect against being scanned to steal your numbers does not work when you open it up.. I NOW  take out the card I am going to use before going in the store and put it in a separate case.. Is that why they sell 2 for 1? and not telling us why? 

be cautious as a lot of desperate people are out there now.. and one cannot always tell who is the good guy/gal  and who is not.


                                           REVELATION CHAPTER 12FF

VERSE BY VERSE THOUGHTS ON MEANING FOR OUR TIMES.. and share yours out there too.

as we try to figure out the warning for us to know and be prepared for these times. we live in  and how long I do not know..

    REVELATION: CHAPTER 14- VERSE 7. "saying with a loud voice, Fear God  and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come; and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea an springs of water."

  ( Divine entities now giving the warning of what we are to do .. as the time of judgment comes. Its the same request we have had all along from Christ.  But now its imperative WE MUST PAY ATTENTION. like the last harvest of souls is here.  We are to give glory to the one who created all ... not to any other.  We may have some leaders whom we give a lot of credit and thanks to for deals made and peace kept but he or she is also to GIVE GOD THE GLORY  AND MAYBE THIS IS A MESSAGE MORE FOR THOSE MEETING AND GREETING EACH OTHER NOW THEN FOR ALL THE REST OF US. .most meeting profess to follow the Creator. and may it be His glory all follow.  The other guy who does evil cannot create but only imitate.   Christ is part of this three part Divine and thought Him  We were   made .. every one. a precious being and soul. He loves..  )


                                           SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY

JOHN:CHAPTER 2 -VERSE 25. "And needed not that any should testify of man; for he knew what was in man."

    Give the GLORY TO THE DIVINE..  as events unfold that are of good things and promise of good.   Our leaders in this world are not all so bad. and many are basically good people .... beware the few that seem not to be..  But if they find solutions to stop wars and famines and all the others issues we are faced with in our nations and peoples and the world itself..  we are not to make gods or idols out of them WE THANK THEM FOR THEIR GOOD EFFORTS  and then do what we can to help make those efforts work and last.. for all good for all.  The hand of the Divine plays a part in all and we need to honor Him ., with our worship even as we name streets and buildings after those we honor among us for their service to us and humanity.. as humans who accepted the call to serve and did it well . for Him and for us.. and the people. )


                     In the name of Yahusha whom many call Christ Jesus. may  all know that You are with us always as the one to honor as our leaders meet each other  all over the world and deals are made and roads to peace and good are attempted to be found.   May Your will be done and lasting peace be achieved that helps each and all in the world to be free and without basic needs. 

May those stealing from all of us find it in them to stop and return the monies and never do harm to others again.. Your soul is precious too , and may it also be counted among the Bride of Christ in the end as you accept the good and resist the evil   Lay down your addictions and become the good you were meant to be... so that we do not have to carry two  RFID cases to keep our precious few dollars of money and or credit intact on our  plastic cards.

  As some things seem to be getting better we sill have so many without health care and food etc. and You told us we had to take care of each others needs for this or hell is the path we have chosen for all of us to walk   

  Thanks for increased strength and the cooling rain today ..  and for a neighbor who is finding life's journey  difficult now and not good for those affected among all of us, either as some things are beyond the average person to know what to do but pray for healing and any needed  help be available.      . May Your healing be on this one of physical and spiritual of the mind..    MAY YOU BE GLORIFIED!  Amen!

Linda Joy Adams 7/13/18




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