
Monday, May 28, 2018


Does Planet Nine exist? Astronomers point to new evidence | Space | EarthSky   see the link to and excellent  discussion  of the existence or not of Planet Nine.. from  SCIENCE .

    Personally, I have never seen any such planet. but I am not a regular star gazer.  What I am aware of is skies are rarely blue as they once were.. and strange sky cloud patterns that look like straight lines and a grid and makes me think that there is something to chem trails as we have had them here and we are not in any regular flight path of major air lines.

      A couple of years ago I did see something strange when I looked up from my front porch  and My instinct  was it was some kind of drone or small  flight object that was  SURROUNDED WITH AN unnatural type  CLOUD THAT WAS TOO CLOSE TO EARTH TO BE A CLOUD.. And really low in the sky...and had to be some kind of human made object hidden behind some kind of artificially contrived 'cloud.'  Maybe we are being surveilled now more than we realize with such ..
     Watch if you have nothing better to do as this 73 year old goes about her daily life.. if you here some words to bring you to Christ then  so be it. We are near some railroad tracks and there seems to be more surveillance of those than there was before 9/11/01 and all made afraid of who??  There have always been those few who do bad things and someone from another land who wishes us harm  is just adding to  what we already have not death  with very well as a society .. .

   It was not anything like I had ever known and felt as if it was some kind of surveillance... And I am not one who goes around thinking everyone is watching me at all.

    I just hope and pray that those who need some of the info I share to help them in their own circumstances  do find this blog and are able to use the info to help them figure out what they need to do or be doing   for themselves, loved ones  communities  nation and world.

      We have a few in this world that are obsessed with snooping on every one as if some terrorist exists under  every rock and roof  and the real terror seems to be the cabal that has gotten this control and misusing it for horrific and illegal deeds. that harm every one and theft of our public monies on top of that which Congress will not allow agencies to stop as of their law of 2002.

   If the govt was snooping or doing chem trails or anything else then we , the people have some things we can do to complain or offer our input about... BUT WHEN ITS ALL CONTRACTED OUT WE HAVE NO SAY,  NO RIGHTS AND IF ABUSES OF POWER ARE DONE AND HAVE BECOME RAMPANT  over the last few decades. we have to have some way each one can have input when its detrimental to us or anyone.   and RIGHT TO PETITION OUR GOVT .. about such. .

   I should not have to be taking every pill of my main medication, theophylline;  that even synthesizes my liquid oxygen in to the DNA level and titrating a violent inflamer  and dehydrator for millions of us   of what most pills are now  bonded  with to make them time release just so we do not have to remember to take them more often as we once did of a variety of alcoholic substances..

     IT WORSE THAN THE SAME PUT IN MUCH OF OUR FOODS NOW  as that industry does seem to try to neutralize them better..  But in pills, they seem to be designed to cross the  cell directly into the DNA level   and one tinny pill can be life threatening for one like me with it in there.

   Some pills have multiples of this chemical gums, gels cellulose's that never saw a plant fiber. or so far removed from it ; its not it anymore. .often   for 24 hour pills or longer ...

   If you can tolerate such.. fine. but millions of us cannot and we have been excluded form any clinical trials since the early 1990's  and the only good (horrific) reason is to get our of paying the first gulf war veterans and massive law suits against chemical companies  who sent product over seas to be used that , as reported then ; would not have been allowed to be sold on any store shelf in the USA.


 and there is no reason anything our own nation did should have caused injury that should have been injured by acts of us not watching our for their safety and security from our own actions..  that could have been well prevented.  THE EXCUSE AT THE TIME WAS SPIDERS AND BUGS IN THE DESERT.. and  more were harmed than  bug bites which safer products available ....and how many claims filed in other wars from bug bites? A few  maybe, but we have bugs everywhere in this world  and we watch and attack. hopefully only the bad ones ....

                     Then they came home and we allowed a massive cover up to go on .. And about 6 of us with prior toxic injures became ones to BE GOTTEN RID OF or they would have been paid as we were for some kind of benefit. such as workers comp , VA etc.,   But if there is a third party that could be legally liable , then there are laws that require a law suit..   his pits the average person or soldier up against a Goliath when its a massive chemical company or  major corporation. 

    I am now convinced that it was known for decades that there was an organ , now identified as the interstitial or LYMPHATIC OR IMMUNE SYSTEM    in the body that is now considered an ORGAN LIE OUR HEART, KIDNEYS. ETC.   and the mucous membrane is the top layer..  which my doctors said was burned off on 1/10/89 at work in a cover up of major corruption and terrorist in the stairwell..

       (GO TO DAILY RECAP ADDED 9/11/16  for info that shows how deep state and others covering up all kinds of corruption that came to light plus the biggest breach of security on the SSA DATA BASE EVER UNTIL IT BECAME TOTALLY UNDER THE CONTROL OF THIS CABAL A FEW YEARS AGO ..  and Congress did nothing all along to stop it.. EVEN STOPPING THE FEW IN CONGRESS WHO TRIED.. 

       Its why I call the 9/11 commission the NJ WHITE WASH  as it was headed by a couple in office at the time..   I WAS ANOTHER ONE WHO TRIED FOR TWO YEARS TO STOP 9/11/01 and never doubted who he  it.. but who he worked for or did he turn on the USA and leaders by what he learned while in the USA   that is an unknown BUT THE 9/11 COMMISSION SPENT 40 MILLION AND DID NOT GO BACK BEFORE 1995 AND MISSED ENTIRELY THE REASON  IT OCCURRED AND IT GOES TO ALL THE DEEP STATE AND CORRUPTION THAT GOT WORSE AND WORSE SINCE A MEETING IN 1983 IN WHICH THE FEW IN CONTROL AND THE NEW INFO TECH PEOPLE   PLOTTED A INTENTIONAL OVERTHROW OF OUR RIGHTS AS INDIVIDUALS AND RIGHTS OF NATIONS TO BE  INDEPENDENT . By stealing the FREE LABOR OF  MACHINES OF THE NEW GENERATIONS OF SYSTEMS   where control of all of us can be done be a few servers now. . .. ....... I have been witness to a lot that is covered up and am under no gag order as Congress is to not share what I know..  People of the world have been robbed of our wealth, health and freedoms to be self governing and independent who care and share as we choose to do ...

     So on this Memorial Day as we honor those who gave their life , I am saddened that too often WE ALLOWED IT TO HAPPEN  to us by not paying attention to those we elect and sending home those who do not serve us well.. TOO MANY DO NOT EVEN VOTE  and its crucial that all perspectives of matters be part of the solution and whom we elect to office;  95% voting in all elections for 10 years and see if we cannot end up with a HEAVEN ON EARTH instead of the hell we are heading into if the people of this planet do not show we have had enough of a few leading us astray and follow good choices and resist those things that are destroying peace, freedom and the planet.


                                      PICTURE BIBLE IN THE HEAVENS

My personal opinions of the meaning of the one time celestial event of 9/23/17 star map  from Revelation 12 given us by our Creator to be a sign to know when the time is near for prophesied end time  events to unfold.

   This means that symbols used and I do believe its a lot form this signs from above... and meanings before the Tower of Babel when things got perverted into the fertility goddess religion of Mystery Babylon..  and we now have a jumble of terms from both real ancient and less ancient terms in our common language and have issues trying to put all together to now the day or hour with the changes in calendars over time.

    Many are out there now sharing their takes on what it all means and most are worthy of consideration.. AND REMEMBER THAT NO PAST TENSE IN HEBREW so we have multiple meanings of what symbols up there mean.. FOR ITS AS IT WAS BACK THEN , AND LATER WAS AND IS NOW AND WHAT WILL BE   and  there can be multiple meaning of what the woman from Revelation 12 is symbolic for..   and most may well be right about it depending on the context.. of the sharing.   And I have shared several here  since I began this series back on 9/23/ try to follow the time line up above us.. and how it may fit the events on earth right now..

        We now have the nearly Full Moon going  to shine its full light into the  heart of the beast , the red star of Antares in the  swamp , or multi headed hydra which became known as Scorpio  where Jupiter has been shaking up the hidden truths that have fest red in it way too long.. and now being exposed and some prosecuted for some illegal acts.. but a long way to go through  this yet to clean up what wee have let go on in our govts and contractors and even our personal lives  and communities..   while Saturn the task master of our past deeds to be dealt with  and Mars gets redder by day now..  acorns the sky... 

         The bad is not going to give up easily as we strive to clean up our acts, both personal and in our governments of, by and for the people as we always have been. and rarely  accepted the responsibility to be it.. AS WE MUST NOW AS WITHOUT US WE HAVE A BEAST SYSTEM IN CONTROL.  AS OUR ELECTED LEADERS ARE NOT gods and cannot do it all on there own as they serve us.. and need our support and when needed our constructive criticism of how better something should or could be done.  WE HAVE FREE WILL SINCE WE EXISTED. AND ITS UP TO US TO BE INDIVIDUALS WHO FIND WAYS TO DO THINGS THAT HELP EACH ONE FOR A BETTER TOMORROW FOR EACH .


                                             REVELATION CHAPTER 12FF

 Revelation Chapter 13: Verse 11. "Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon.."

   Is this the one world religion that will take our last free will of what to believe and make us all THOUGHT ZOMBIES. to follow the lead of Satan himself to control all the world and also our very souls? Will a sign be up above as it takes hold of us... as it already is.. and it seems to be a merging into the FERTILITY GODDESS RELIGION OF ANCIENT BABYLON OF HUMAN SACRIFICE AND Public prostitution and all manors of perversions of the natural  of having families  who loved each other. and mates whom we love in more personal ways for that purpose... A complete disregard is being shown for human life. and we saw this begin back with Roe V Wade and now are being told we cannot maintain a population of even what we have for the future.   Life is not a convenience to be discarded  and those who said its a right . most never saw that it would be a substitute for birth control  when it was not used or did not work.. 

    I knew years ago when it became too common to disregard the lives of he unborn that the end result would be euthanasia of the old and younger with infirmities    We are going to be judged by how we treat those among us that need a little extra help .. THEY HAVE BECOME OUR CONSCIENCE AND ITS PRETTY TATTERED RIGHT NOW AS HUMAN FAMILY.  ..   Is not always money that is needed.. and we do not even care enough to make sure what is allocated by our govt is not stolen by the contractors. hired to dole it out.

    Its one reason I believe  that every one should  automatically be given the minimal for basic survival in this world  of food, energy, housing credits to own even a tiny house or efficiency  condo.  and none should ever be without health care as we need to turn that into some other kind of tax structure as it should never be a for profit one... many be something more like a semi non profit etc.  so that oversight would stop any price gouging that has gone into massive deaths too often before one should leave this life   and do away with anyone having to ask.. 

     Yes wealthy get it also  and if they wish to donate  some of their credits   that is their choice.

Satan's system would continue having each one having to beg his cabal for a slice of bread and a blanket to keep out the cold. then get into squabbles when its not enough for basic survival .

     Satan wants to be worshipped not just be the govt leader as he is trying to be god, Christ and spirit.. all in one.. and he is none of those.. for good.. as he has been offered salivation and seems to have  resisted it from the beginning...-


                                                 SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY

I CORINTHIANS: CHAPTER 5- VERSE  13. "But them that are without God judgeth.  Therefore out away from among yourselves that wicked person."

( This is a shocking thing to say we should do when most of the time we are called to share and care etc.  But there are times that those who will not accept and only come in and deceive and cause real harm have to be told we cannot be part of this at all. and you leave or I will.  We have had some come into our places of worship  and we ignore things they are doing to others inside as well a actions outside also...  We are all sinners and those wishing to be made right in the souls  and lives. is why we have places and groups where like minded can help each other.    

      This is a verse that the Catholic church  and some others  and its members should have listened to for many years and not let the most innocent among them be horrifically and illegally treated and now lawsuits for the damages caused to lives. from acts that should not have been condoned by the people..

   Often our places of faith have one extreme or another  It is either sat up so controlled that the people do not have say as to what needs to be done when something goes on  Or its so wide open that few even know who is attending  or personally know the leaders..   WE must never let ourselves be deceived by some guilt trip of losing our salvation is we bring something to the attention that needs to be dealt with.. and its not about what color to paint the nursery or Sanctuary  although some colors are not the best for either. is my personal opinion....

        The danger we can fall into is GOSSIP and if action needs o be taken to ask one to leave or invite someone in.. we have to be open but cautious as we always should be.. AND WHEN ITS A NATION... WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO INVITE WHOM WE WISH TO COME AND HAVE OTHERS LEAVE WHO HAVE DONE US GRIEVOUS HARM.. AS WE HAVE ENOUGH OF OUR OWN WE RAISED TO BE SUCH PROBLEMS TO TAKE CARE US WE DID NOT RAISE TO NOT HARM AND THIS ALL COMES BACK ON US NOT BEING THE GOVT OF, BY AN FOR THE PEOPLE AS WE ALWAYS SHOULD HAVE BEEN.  And its the same in our places of worship too. Its a constant tension between doing good and stopping evil  and we are judged by the Almighty for how we handle things there  or our homes and or communities and nation and world. 

       The early church was begun by those who knew each other already .in smaller groups .and in communities where all knew each other too.  .and today we often do not now everyone even in our own know if we wish to be closer to them or not.   .  

      In places of faith we too often have speaking our as going against our right to eternal life and Christ never condemned those who sincerely asked questions.. He did chastise those in leadership who were doing great harm. by not paying attention to the greater issues of love and caring for others.  .And with the young, the old and others with issues themselves to deal with .. its not an easy  path to follow to share Christ with all... Its not easy in any part of our lives. now.. .  and we do need to watch our for whom we become part of whom we hang out with.. as not all are a good influence for us or our more vulnerable family members. 

    Not easy for most of us who wish to love everyone and all care also. and some few  JUST HAVE NOT REACHED THAT LEVEL AND DO NOT WISH TO.. AND THAT IS THE ISSUE.. THEY DO NOT WISH TO CARE..AND BECOME WOLVES LED BY SATAN AMONG THE CARING SOULS.

        A sad state of things for those few who are like that who  enter our lives and those around us that may look to us for leadership of what to do..... WE offer the love of Christ and salvation , but some are not there for any part of it so what are they there for ??   Or any part of our lives or families?

Never be bound by peer pressure to do anything our souls say should not be done!! If we do not leave or they are  not asked to then we are giving them approval for their actions  which in this era can be something highly illegal at best.   And we could be in legal trouble for such.. "


           IN the name of Yahusha, our salvation whom many call Christ Jesus may we keep aware of  Your spirit to guide us when we have to say "no "  to protect ourselves from influences we mush not let be around us and those we love. . May one day all evil be bound up and none ever fall so deeply into troubles that we cannot reach for You.   May they find You in  some way on their own  or in some event we cannot be the ones .. for help to succeed.  Pray for those in need today and for our leaders who are having to deal with others around the world who do not wish  to be a part of a community of nations that peacefully co exist.  May we remember those who stood for good and justice today and not just those whom we sent off to wars. and paid the price for our not listening to You and having peace on earth yet.  And may we not forget those who become injured in mind and body from our ignoring Your teachings and doing what is needed for each and all to be loved and love as You taught us to do and be even if it sometimes is NO that is the answer . May we not forget we have our own souls, home and place of faith to protect even when we are trying to be open and good to all.    Amen!

Linda Joy Adams 5/28/18 

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