
Thursday, May 24, 2018


Obama Staged His Own 9/11 and Nobody Ever Suspected | Terrorism see my comment to the article attached,  And Sec of Interior is descended from Knights Templar who came to USA with Coronado...

   I have no direct proof that this was an intentional act of the BP spill...BUT OBVIOUS INTENTIONAL NEGLIGENCE AT LEAST OCCURRED.. and we still practice human sacrifice in some few circles in our era...  Just done without incantations and long black robes in public places as once occurred ages ago.. the disregard for human life went on and on with no protective gear for clean up workers  TO COVER UP THE TOXIC SEVERITY AND HUMANS who ended up, like me and worse  with no medications for 20 million of us now is the total..  Hope they find this site  and my list of meds  back on 4/3/18 and take it to their doctors to get some extension of life for those still alive ..  the numbers of dead are far more from this than the initial explosion..


     The low dose of glucosamine chondroitin is not being made from that list. so will get a higher one and take half a capsule daily...the lady at the company said they are facing shortages of some ingredients also and  she was not aware that they had gotten some of these chemical gels and mixtures into some of their products and I already had to find another company for some.. LIES ON LIES AND OUR VERY HEALTH AND LIFE IS AFFECTED.. I am one this reversed bone death on my knee and prevented a knee replacement I could never have tolerated anyway.

    THE EARLY STUDIES WERE ACCURATE FOR ME AND OTHERS.. AND SAID IT WOULD WORK  FOR 50% and if your doctor says you can wait 60 days as mine did to see if it will work. DO IT. AS IT SAVED ME ..

      I took the maximum possible  of nearly 2000 mg a day   and it began to get better as my knee  was nearly gone..   now for the last nearly 20 years if I take all but the lowest dose that I could kind my knee would 'freeze up as too much.. but without it health reverses itself..  now none seem to be making that low dose of 350 mg total.. and best I could do as too many of them add ingredients I cannot tolerate.. is the largest capsule and take 1/2 a day.

   Personally much done for Obama, little directed by him? I tried to make contact and did not get past his handlers and resorted to posting publicly the truth as eyewitness to what I knew ...but very rare contact after his birth at Forbes Air Force base hospital and they left Topeka soon after wards so she could finish high school in Washington.  "everyone knew" no one talked and in 2008, the main media had the truth and censored themselves as ABC NEWS staff admitted to me a few years ago,,

    In 2008, I voted for the other ticket with a relative of Obama's and mine on that ticket and my cousin in law heading.. In 2012 I had began sharing and still advocating for the three who died in 3/61with no justice to this day when his dad, Jim T Parks who never denied he was his and attempted lynching of his mother and he unborn..  Jim fought back , Ann sad and she got away and ran for help and three died that day at the hands of a hooded death squad that KS says the KKK did not exist either since 1925 after they stopped reporting lynching's in 1922.

   So I never shared whom I voted for, but another in law headed up the opposition ticket.. and connection to Kate Middleton??

   ITS ALL IN THE FAMILY and usually is for thousands of years. People used to know more by word of mouth without a censored media....and 24/7 reporting of what is allowed by the censors.

 Lisa Haven who published the linked article has reported she in one now being censored as most of my posts at Face Book have been since 9/23/17  when I began my series, based on my own personal opinion, prayer and study.. on The PICTURE BIBLE IN THE HEAVENS OF THE STAR MAP IN REVELATION CHAPTER 12..

   And it seems that those who opposed the "high places of Baal" the Astarte gates of the fertility goddess religion being put up around the world in public places  a few years ago where in ancient times human sacrifices and publicly temple prostitution took place...have  now found ourselves on a censored list.. I WAS JUST ASKING FOR EQUAL SPACE FOR CHRIST AND SUCH FOR ALL OTHERS..  NO group who has fought all the legal fights for publicly displaced symbols of faith every December acted.. WE WERE READY TO ACCEPT THE ONE WORLD RELIGION OF THIS GODDESS ONE WHICH any can be part of , as long as illegal acts the symbol was for..  was not done..

FREEDOM OF RELIGION has limits of human rights reflected in the few laws of things we cannot do, even as part of a religious rite.


                                   PICTURE BIBLE IN THE HEAVENS

    The STAR OF DAVID OF THREE PERFECT TRINES OF OUR OWN SOLAR SYSTEM PLANETS AND ASTEROIDS NAMED  is beginning to line up for 7/18 as peace talks break down with the 'home' of the 'den of unicorns. ( horse with a laser coming out its head as ancients described it. )North Korea..   And the red planet of Mars, the war god of Babylonian interpretation. is said to be getting more red due to placement we can observe. such..

Bullinger's of the "Gospel in the stars" written a hundred years ago . AND THE STAR MAP OF REV. 12 IS NOT MENTIONED.. BEEN A LONG TIME SINCE I READ IT and began to scam today..  So far some meanings we now say was the original or even the later perversion of the fertility goddess religion... at Babylon is different. and that is why its not easy to know what was meant by things a hundred years ago or thousands of years ago... as its a jumble of what is in our common daily languages and many are sharing and trying to figure things out and I link many and say an opinion as only the Almighty knows for sure when the day and hour is... But Christ told us to look up and the sign of Rev 12 of a one time historical event is meant I feel very strongly about this that it is to  let it be known  ITS NEAR.. but how near?  We are now in it and the signs and symbols are those things around us now! whether it be 7 weeks or 70 years, but do not think its years as all these weapons in so many of the cabal's control world wide now plus nation sites too?? Disaster is waiting to occur. and none seem to be laying down any 'swords' and taking up 'plow shares' to grow food as droughts and shortages rise..  W cannot survive on those fake food chemical gels and gums and plant fibers made of chemicals we pay more and more for from Dow/Dupont and other chemical companies hen wonder why we do not feel so good.. as their cabal pushes opioids to mask thee pain of hunger and squash the free will of humanity into addictions.. THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE AND LEAD TO SAFER AND HEALTHIER ALTERNATIVES..    .

     Be prepared for disasters of any kind , even economic. and live ones life the best one can is all we can do .. and share what you think as the free flow of info on the information highway of the heavens on the Internet is not wanted by the few who think they are to be over us and can control us from having our free will and free thought .... AND VOTE AND COMMENT TO OFFICIAL OFFERS TO SHARE FROM GOVT COMMITTEES AS THESE ARE LISTENED TO AT TIMES.. EVEN IF WE STILL DO NOT HAVE A CONGRESS WHO WILL ALLOWS ANY PRESIDENT SINCE 2002 ABILITY TO USE THE EXISTING BUDGET TO HAVE OVERSIGHT OF GOVT CONTRACTORS.


                                        REVELATION CHAPTER 12FF

                                      (verse by verse sharing of opinions)..

REVELATION CHAPTER 13-VERSE 9: "If anyone has an ear, let him hear."

( If one is not open to the truth , then it would not matter how something is shared. it will not be listened to ... even warnings that are right in front of one to know directly to beware of ..following or doing that which is going to harm to self or other or world in general.. Do not be too quick to judge as too often all of us are... as we think we know something or some fact. and may be we have not been told the truth in ways that we believe we have.. When the Devil has his last hurrah among us. to change and does not ... then we have to be aware of the truth among all the lies out there being shared and too often its the main news now.. as online.. we usually know its mostly opinion about some facts... We  are being tested to know the truth among the false.  Without His Holy Spirit its not easy .. to do this.. and we learn too often the hard way through life..    )


                                      SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY  (from 5/21/18 the one for today came up as I Samuel 28, and I am not ready and willing to discuss a spirit who made Samuel appear from the grave and what really went on and what occurred. never having had such an experience I have no opinion at this time. My first thought is he got into some natural LSD and went on a 'trip.' having never gone on one of those either, I have no input. Saul was losing all he had gained  and abused his power and this was his last ditch effort to predict his future and his actions were the  predictions....we do not need a soothsayer to tell us  if we just real the words of Christ as to what the consequences of our actions can get us into or lose.. Now to get us out of our sins starts with repentance not a fortune teller telling us what we innately already know  )

AMOS:  CHAPTER 7; VERSE 14: "Then answered Amos, and said to Amarziah, I was no prophet, neither was I a prophet's son; but I was an herdsman, and a gatherer of sycamore fruit."

   ( Any one can be called into action for some purpose by the Divine.. and when one is asked, one may accept the call or reject it.. BUT TO REJECT  is to reject ones chances to be  a positive influence on the whole of future of all of us..   Most are not called to be famous or run for high office,, but some are.. and others of us are asked to just blog what they know and are led to share with others who wished to read or hear.. and then pass on the good and add their own sharing to it. Some are saying that the new EU rules for the Internet  will help make the Internet less censored.. and pray that is true.. Its complicated language to understand what is really being put in place as the whole world accepts what one nation group has done..... ).


                                   In the name of Yahusha, our salvation; whom many call Christ Jesus may we keep Your spirit in us to know the truth and reject the lies.. of the wicked one.. May the world decide to be at peace among its human family and make war nor more as we reject listening from those few who care nothing about creation or themselves  having worth and care not if all are annihilated.. Pray this does not happen and all find ways to peacefully co exist in this world with respect and freedoms for each and all. Amen!

Linda Joy Adams 5/25/18


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