
Saturday, October 1, 2016


Lord Monckton on Obama's Birth Certificate - May 30, 2012 - PART 4/4 - YouTube  SEE my comment that has little to do with the birth certificate..... created miraculously in 2012 that never existed is just one more manifestation of the real underlying issue that people lived and were murdered and society tried to erase the memory of them from their lives and from the memory of society .. The victims of lynching live, had family and friends and interacted in society  and most were basically good and decent human beings much like the rest of us..  ITS THE BIGGEST HOT POTATO OF OUR POLITICS AND ITS TIME TO DEAL WITH IT SO WE CAN OVERCOME THE EVILS OF THE PAST AND NEVER AGAIN AS A SOCIETY ALLOW EVIL TO OVER COME US......BUT RIGHT NOW CONGRESS IS IN DENIAL THAT THEY VOTED FOR AN INTERNATIONAL CABAL THAT HAS DONE AND IS DOING GREAT EVIL TO US TO BE IN CONTROL....

    So the birth certificate is just a manifestation of the denial...President Obama was born in the USA... and the avoidance of any one wishing to get the real records out of Topeka, ks is having to face the lynching case of the last century of the dad of a president and the attempted lynching of the president himself unborn and his mother.... with 2 others dead who came to try to stop it.... THAT IS THE DENIAL AND WHY THIS BIRTHER ISSUE WILL NEVER GO AWAY UNTIL WE FACE THE EVIL THAT OCCURRED AND RECOGNIZE THE LIVES LOST SO WE CAN OVER COME AND SOCIETY NEVER ALLOW SUCH TO EVER OCCUR AGAIN..

    WE ARE DEALING WITH  OTHER GROUPS DOING EVIL, FOR THE SAME REASON... AS A SOCIETY WE DID ALLOWED THESE FEW TO BE OVER COME BY EVIL AND DID NOT SAY TO IT AS FATHER JACQUES HAMIL DID..'   cast out evil.''   instead  our trying to ignore it, has allowed it to grown and fester and has entrapped us in its snare... and after  few more trillions are spent bombing this one group out of existence by doing wrong to get rid of wrong .... evil will manifest itself in some other area and with others being overcome with evil as society stays in denial that we have together the  ways and means to never let it begin.... TIME TO BIND UP EVIL FOREVER...AND CHOOSE A PATH OF GOOD INSTEAD.

    Genesis 4:10  says that the blood of the innocent cries out from the grounds....and its much like how families and society try to erase a human being from the world in which the persons lived as the horror of what was done and that as a society we allowed it to happen did happen.

     Its more than bringing those to justice who committed murder, as often a hooded mob, is rarely every going to have this be done from an era before we had DNA or forensics.. The justice system and investigations is one big way society recognizes the life was lived and had worth as each one of us does..  When there is none as lynchings rarely every were investigated as too often the authorities were either directly involved or were 'in on it' meaning we as a society condoned it,,,

    But having a victim of this as the President of the USA has given us the ultimate chance to over come our past..... and we have those close who are in denial.... just as I did not wish to deal with the past either.... until absolute evil occurred in my life against me and I faced it as evil that is still on going and know, as shared here, it has overthrown our government that is now in denial of the evil that has been done and they need to face it and put  a portion of the money already appropriated to be spent for the oversight to know what is going on and to stop criminal acts.... we are being robbed of life and nations assets and monies and our elected officials are under the curse of the blood of innocents that cry out and are being ignored from the past, and the denial of the COUP OF 2002 is in effect until simple things are done to end it....put the money back to allow the real government to be the real government again.... and if a few among the ranks of that; break the law, then we have a legal system to deal with them. Evil does not go away on its own. Our 'state of denial ;only encourages its growth as its being allowed to exist..  The Bible, calls us in the 'end times' to become OVER COMERS.  and one does not have to be  'Bible believer' to understand the common wisdom of this..

     In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus came and  showed us how to over come this kind of curse... by celebrating the life of every person as they are part of the memory of our existence.. May the healing of a nation, and humanity occur so that evil will never again be allowed to over come us....Amen!

Linda Joy Adams 10/2/16

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