
Saturday, September 24, 2016


Wikileaks Bombshells - Bush Stole Election, Obama Illegal Too! | Alternative  

This linked article has no p;ace for comments. But one has to be very careful when sharing info like  this as one wrong fact interspersed out of zealousness for the over all can end up making the whole be discredited.

      I read through the article and do not see anywhere in it where it is making the false allegation that Pres Obama is foreign born. Topeka Ks were he was born is still  in the USA.

     He did have two adoptive step father that gave him two different dual citizenships. One USA through his mother and his real dad,  but Kenya through his first adoptive father and Indonesian through his second adoptive step father. State department file numbers should exist on these.

    At this point no one has said there was a revocation of citizenship on the Kansas birth record under Soetoro .  Unless laws have changed since the 1960's one did have to choose.  and do it formally.

Often some do not  And Sen Cruz was one that ended up running for President and had to go get his paper work in order to choose USA when he just assumed he did not have to do anything formally'

    The rest of the convoluted Clinton Foundation is more as some of it has been reported on here in this blog as where the money came from for Lynn Blodgett to buy out Deason who was original owner of Affiliated computer services one of the original companies of (front,shell??) of Xerox back in 1983-1988.. From there more and more occurred and its all linked in to the international cabal that is a murky beast.
    There was a take over of a take over? before the COUP OF 2002 WHEN Congress defunded civil and criminal oversight of government contractors and then whole sale contracting out began with our data and records of the nation and entities and people's records held in trust by the government our  now in this cabal's control. Lynn Blodgett is in control of the USA, but someone seems tobe higher than he on the international level although his security firm is international. and secret deal partnerships and controlling interests are in Lockheed martin and more than I can ferret out... ITS WHY THE DEFUNING OF THE SEC has made it impossible to track and know who really owns what ...and the conflicts of interest have shoved out any chance of FAIR MARKET COMPETITION FOR CONTRACTS. Plus private industry now has to hire his management firms to deal with his less than honest or ethical contractors and there the SEC has acted with some fines and investigations. But its too big when the real investigation is forbidden by Congress in the government area at all levels even down to those traffic cams in ones town 

I will go reread this......but if WikiLeaks is saying some official source is saying he was not born here than it puts all of WikiLeaks in question and so far no one has alleged it is. But if its just some one's e-mail of gossip then we know much of those 3 mails are gossip and not official records or orders of what needs to be done or happened.

      When one begins a journey for truth and justice, you may not end up where you think... You cannot have such a dislike for someone that you allow yourself to be sidetracked by some one thing

 There is no doubt of his birth in Topeka Ks as my mom' Chevy did not sprout wings and fly. Mom  drove out to Forbes Air Force Base hospital with   my second cousin in the back seat where she  gave birth to now, President Obama.

That is a fact as my eyewitness account as well as  many others... and sources. if any one wishes to know the truth of things.  This issue of the Clinton Foundation is a very serious matter that affects the foundation of our nation as it is beginning to be unraveled.  To drag in a personal bias of dislike for President Obama into it with a false allegation,,, negates all the good efforts. 
    I try to not do this. and its easy to let all know what is fact and what is at least partly not known yet with a question mark. That means here that I have some information, but more is needed.  In no way do I just make something up  as that  blocks the search for truth and justice of three who dies in 3/61 in Topeka that left Pres. Obama without a natural dad. THAT IS TOPEKA KANSAS USA, IN CASE SOMEONE FORGOT THEIR STATE CAPITALS FROM GEORGRAPHY CLASS

Linda Joy Adams 9/24/16 

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