
Friday, September 23, 2016


Drunken Muslim Mob Storms Homes Of Random Christians And Severely Beats Them With Metal Rods While Cursing Jesus Christ | Walid Shoebat   see my comment to the article.. and the headline tells it all. "drunken Muslim"
Faithful Muslims do not drink alcohol..... The worse among the ones doing such evil today are those who profess they are of a faith , yet do things their faith says they are not to do. .  I am a Christian and there are some things in Islam I definitely do not agree with ... but even most Muslims are saying that what is being done in the name of their faith is not ISLAM . .

    Islam seems to be a faith that has many strict rules to be in it. And maybe for a good reason as it seems to spawn a few that would do such wrong if they do not keep the rules of their faith.

HYPOCRITICAL THAT ONE WOULD CALL BLASPHEMY BY SOME . and that is what human history has had to deal with even at times in Christianity also, but in any group that can be led astray....and some preach a hatred that is not part of what it means to be human abusing power to case chaos and evil to maintain the power .and too often wealth that comes with such absolute power . Same in all. when evil takes ones faith and convinces some to pervert it.
Keep on the path of TRUTH AS CHRIST LEADS US ALONG THE WAY.  and pray that those of other faiths are not perverted into horrific wrong actions.

Linda Joy Adams 9/24/16

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