
Monday, September 12, 2016


779-205-0122 / 7792050122 see link. I do find these sites very helpful and at times do comment.

 Just one more attempts to call me to sell me car insurance because I tried to get a comparisons on line to see if we could do better. I think we are doing about as well as possible on price as most seem to be about the same due to state laws, etc. Agents do not bother! The current policy road service was used and matter resolved. so at this point no issue. Those insurers who have that set up to be easy to get help is a big selling point. as often one does not wish to be stranded and not be able to get help fast.  One can be vulnerable on a deserted road trying to change  a tire, etc. The sense of extra security is worth the price of that additional service to ones auto policy to me.

    Instead of taking the car, make and model and running a comparison , every separate company and agency seems to be calling now.  I have got to not answering the phone if I do not recognize the name and let it go to e mail. If its legit they will leave a message. Some do if not, anyway.

Linda Joy Adams 9/13/16

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